Amazon Basics AB-LB101 Key Lock Box

Amazon Basics AB-LB101 Key Lock Box

Sleek, Rugged Strength
The indoor/outdoor AmazonBasics key storage lock box provides durable plastic and metal construction for reliable strength and long-lasting performance. Its attractive appearance combines a grey finish with a smooth black trim.
Weight: | 481 g |
Dimensions: | 7.49 x 7.59 x 14 cm; 480.81 Grams |
Model: | AB-LB101 |
Part: | AB-LB101 |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Amazon Basics |
Dimensions: | 7.49 x 7.59 x 14 cm; 480.81 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Can’t go wrong if you want a sturdy, well made key safe. Can easily change the 4 number combination, and easy to install.
Would probably prefer now to have Amazon branding on something sitting outside front door, but for the price I can’t grumble!
A Caja de Seguridad para Llaves oferece uma soluo robusta e confivel para guardar suas chaves. O design seguro, combinado com uma construo durvel, assegura que suas chaves estaro seguras e acessveis quando voc precisar. Uma necessidade para a tranquilidade diria.
I bought a couple of different makes to put at properties, this is the best one.
Shame only they limit how many you can buy from it on the discounted price.
au poids la rception, on se doute dj que cette bote devrait en dissuader plus d’un d’essayer de l’ouvrir sans le code.
ce concept est assez astucieux pour laisser des cls en scurit avec accs seulement aux personnes qui auraient le code.
reste bien fixer cette bote pour ne pas que les personnes mal intentionnes repartent avec.
This is a very strong, well made key safe, it has a 4 number combination lock and you can fit a bunch of keys inside. I have installed it on the back of my house, and it has already proved itself useful when my Daughter phoned me to say she could not get in as she had forgotten her key. I simply gave her the combination and she was safe inside the house and I didn’t need to rush home. Perfect!
Easy to install and set up. My only concern would be how easy this might be to break open, but if hidden away – it is a great place for storing spare keys. Recommended.
This lock box requires a drill to attach it to the wall. You will need to drill 4 holes. I like that you need 4 screws to attach it to a wall – I feel that makes it super safe and hard to remove.
The product itself is very solid and quite heavy.
There is a rain protection sliding door to cover the code dials. It will fit 5 keys comfortably.
We got it as our son will soon ride a bus to school away from home, and we thought it’s great to have spare key hidden around in secure spot in case of emergency. I do not suggest placing it in an obvious place near entrance. We will conceal it a little behind the tree.
It can also be used for rental properties or estate agents.
The lock box arrives in a yellow envelope.
I would recomend as it’s a solid product.
So, what can I say. This is a “basic” Amazon lockbox but for me, it does the job it needs to and seems extremely safe and secure. Easy to mount where you want and using a four digit code, easy to set and reset (just need to make sure you remember the code!). All in all, pretty smart looking, quite weighty and feels quite tough and durable. Perfect for storing extra keys and doesn’t look too obvious or stand out when placed in a secure location. Only downside, and it’s the same for most lockbox so more of a general nitpick, I’d like to have a hook inside to hang keys rather than simply place in space but I solved this by using simple sticky hook inside!
The AmazonBasics AB-LB101 Key Lock Box is a surprisingly robust yet compact secure cache in which to safely stow several keys; the advertising claims a five key capacity (Yale-style barrel lock keys) but I have found that it can comfortably hold more, and may store varied keys including deadlock keys (as shown in one of my uploaded images).
Made from very strong metal and some plastic, the unit is very chunky and weighs in at just a touch under 500g.
The operation of the safe is simplicity itself; a tamper-proof dial similar to those on a bicycle combination lock offers 9,999 unique combinations, and can be reset at any time.
Dial in the number, press the button and a spring latch pops the cover open to reveal the 6.2cm x 2.3cm x 8.8cm chamber, secure from the elements. Do of course always remember to shuffle the dials randomly after you’ve closed it up!
It will require a crosshead screwdriver and a drill & masonry bits to install, but the requisite screws and rawlplugs are included. The screws are of course inaccessible when the safe is installed and locked, making it secure from any attempts to prise it loose.
An A4 sized leaflet in multiple languages gives all the necessary information on use and installation in a clear and precise manner.
For carers of the elderly of infirm who may need emergency access; for children home from school before parents have come home, or just for the security of knowing you will never be locked out of the house, this
keysafe is the perfect solution.
I would advise installing it out of sight from the street if at all possible, certainly in less populated areas, but the amount of physical effort, tools utilised and noise required to crack this sturdy little unit makes it highly unlikely anyone would even try in any exposed setting.
I can’t speak as to value for money since there is no price currently stated, but this is a very secure and solid, safe keysafe that I would not hesitate to recommend.
Right off the bat, this wall-mounted lock box felt much more sturdy, weighty and ultimately secure than similarly-priced items, which is great. AmazonBasics might put you off from the name – but basic in this case is by no means unreliable. The combination of metal and plastic makes a reassuringly heavy and thick piece; but smooth and ergonomic, for ease of installing. There’s no chance you’ll be damaged by it or become snagged, and the code operation itself works perfectly.
The little switch isn’t tough to move, though the protective slider that covers it can feel a bit loose at times. There’s a good amount of space inside, and the whole lock box is easy to install onto the side of any home wall or surface. There’s even the appropriate screws and wall-plugs inside to help you.
Resetting the code is simple and easy; though be warned, the lever to do so can prove a bit tiring at times with the strength needed to move it.
Overall, however, for the price, you do get something secure and worthwhile for your valuable. You can’t fit loads in, but definitely your keys; as well as coinage, bank notes, slips of paper, etc.
Le fond du botier mtal 4 pr-trous pour pouvoir le fixer au mur (sur une surface bien plane).
Je pense qu’il est difficile dcouper avec une scie et qu’il scurise bien les clefs. Attention quand mme ne pas tenter le diable et ne pas le fixer ct de la porte d’entre de faon apparente. Il est suffisamment grand pour y insrer un trousseau de clef. Pour ma part, je vais l’utiliser pour y cacher une clef de la porte d’entre, car quand l’ un de nous a oubli ses clefs a peu dpanner.
460g wiegt dieser kleine Schlsselsafe. Er wird mit 4 Schrauben und Dbeln geliefert.
Innen bleibt wenig Raum (5,5x 4cm) fr einen flachen oder mehrere Schlsssel.
Gegen braschiale Gewalt wird er kaum ausreichend schtzen, ich wrde ihn daher nicht offen sichtbar anbringen und auch nicht sorgenfrei meinen Wohnungs- oder Autoschlssel darin deponieren.
Doch in Firmen, Praxen, Garten wo ein Zugang ermglicht werden soll ust er sicher eine praktische Lsung.
Vier Zahlenrder oder eine Brechstange drften Einbrecher einige Zeit kosten und sie voielleicht vom Eindringen abhalten.
Man kann die Box gut versteckt anbringen und darin einen Ersatzschlssel deponieren, ich wrde sogar auf mehrere solcher Boxen setzen. In der ersten ist nur der Code fr die zweite Box und diese wrde ich noch besser verbergen und erst darin einen Schlssel unter bringen.
Vielleicht ist die Box von Amazon aber einfach auch dazu gedacht, den Paketboden einen Zugang zur Garage oder einem Vorraum zu gewhren, damit dort Pakete abgestellt werden knnen.
Der Code ist leicht im Inneren zu ndern, eine mehrsprachige Beschreibung klrt auf wie das geht.
Insgesamt ein gutes, solides Produkt zum fairen Preis, das keine Rtsel aufgibt.
Attention! Si vous dcidez de fixer cette boite par vis et boulons il faut que le surface support soit trs plane. Sinon une dformation lgre de l’encadrement peut se produire et on ne peut plus fermer et/ou ouvrir.
Merci de cliquer si utile 🙂
Der Schlsseltresor ist aus Metall und macht einen sehr robusten, schweren Eindruck. Die Verarbeitung ist gut. Der Schriftzug “AmazonBasics” lsst sich sehr leicht durch kratzen entfernen, strt mich nicht. Das Zahlenschloss mach teinen ebenso robusten und langlebigen Eindruck. Das Verndern der Kombination gelingt in geffnetem Zustand spielend leicht – auch ohne Anleitung. Es stehen 0000 – 9999 zur Verfgung.
Einziger Kritikpunkt den ich habe und wirklich bld finde: Es gibt keine Haken fr Schlssel! Auch keine Vorbereitung oder Option. Mein Tipp daher: Klebehaken verwenden.
Le boitier est lger et costaud, en mtal. La seule pice en plastique que j’ai remarqu est la trappe qui sert masquer les roulettes codes.
Livr avec 4 vis et ses chevilles pour matriau plein.
Trs simple utiliser, le changement de code ( 4 chiffres) est d’une facilit surprenante (expliqu dans la notice).
Le boitier permet de protger dans sa partie basse quelques cls ou passes lectroniques, idal pour la famille.
This solid, no-frills key locker is just what I needed to keep that extra house key in. FOUR screws make it very difficult to remove from a sturdy wall, and it would take heavy cutting tools to get in the box afterwards. Frankly, it would be easier for a thief to break down the doors…
The combination is super easy to change, after you’ve needed to let a guest in temporarily. You will want to mount it under weather cover, though.
Price seems good for such a nicely done unit.
Wird aber trotzdem beim Duell mit einer Brechstange den Krzeren ziehen.
Die Kernfrage ist vielmehr wo der Schlsseltresor angebracht werden soll.
Direkt neben der Haustr ist definitiv nicht die schlauste Wahl.
An verborgener Stelle, gut versteckt montiert macht dieser Schlsseltresor durchaus Sinn.
Die Kombination zu knacken drfte nmlich ebenso wie die mutwillige Zerstrung einige Zeit dauern, und die haben Diebe meist nicht. Auerdem drfte der Einsatz einer Brechstange nicht geruschlos vonstatten gehen, was fr Langfinger ebenfalls ein kritischer Faktor ist.
Wird der Ort fr die Anbringung gut durchdacht, lsst sich durchaus ein Ersatzschlssel in der Box deponieren ohne frchten zu mssen, dass Einbrechern die Arbeit erleichtert wird.
Mehrere dieser Boxen drften zum Alptraum fr Langfinger werden:
In der ersten befindet sich der Schlssel fr die Gartenlaube, dort befindet sich dann eine weitere, sorgfltig versteckte Box mit dem Schlssel fr das Haus.
I’ve used these lockboxes before, beginning when a teenager frequently forgot or lost his key. Having a lockbox was much simpler, we simply gave the teens the code and we no longer had to worry if anyone lost their key. Years later they’re grown up, I’ve moved and we realized we miss the convenience, especially when we accidentally became locked out. Thankfully we’d hidden a key but we all no that isn’t secure. My husband asked me to get one for our outdoor building too, he was tired of having to trek back to get the key. Also particularly useful for weekend getaways, whether it’s a camper or a cabin, never worry about having the keys get lost!
As for this particular lockbox – it’s easy to set or change the code. It’s as well constructed as the name brand lockboxes I’ve used previously – which means it’s very secure. It ships with code 0000 – you’ll need this to access the mounting screws and holes inside. Be sure to reset the box with a new 4 digit code. Highly recommend!
This one is nice! I use it to store my spare shop keys & Register keys in so if I ever need a spare I’ll have them. It’s a very heavy solid good quality feeling and looking set that works great. Nobody without the code is getting in this box.
This item is good quality and it is very much worth the purchase. It arrived in good condition and I have found no flaws with the product and I fully recommend it. Great purchase! 4 stars.
*Thank you for taking the time to read my review and if it helped you make an informed decision either way about this product please let me know by taking a quick moment of your time to vote it Helpful so I can keep track of my most helpful reviews. I hope you have a wonderful shopping experience!*
My good friend and I have keys to each other’s homes. This is a perfect solution for us. I installed it in an inconspicuous place and it houses each of our house keys and a key to my classic Jeep that still uses an old-fashioned key. It was easy to install and set up.
Another advantage is for letting trusted workers into the house without giving them a key of their own. Next week the plumber will be working at the house for 2 days… I will give him the code and once the work is complete I will change the code.