Amazon Basics Metal & Wood Oscillating Multi-Tool Quick

Amazon Basics Metal & Wood Oscillating Multi-Tool Quick Release Saw Blades, 8-Pieces
Amazon Basics – Metal & Wood Oscillating Multi-Tool Quick-Release Saw Blades

Weight: | 210 g |
Size: | 8.8 x 3.5 cm |
Dimensions: | 15.24 x 10.67 x 5.33 cm; 210 Grams |
Model: | DS-S-8PCS |
Part: | DS-S-8PCS |
Colour: | Black |
Pack Quantity: | 8 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Manufacture: | Amazon Basics |
Dimensions: | 15.24 x 10.67 x 5.33 cm; 210 Grams |
Quantity: | 8 |
Size: | 8.8 x 3.5 cm |
Hab mir ein Multitool zugelegt. Mchte es bei Bauarbeiten am Haus nie mehr missen. Ebensowenig die Bltter von der Eigenmarken von Amazon. War mehr so ein spontaner Kauf nach dem Motto: Mal ausprobieren. Bin richtig begeistert von der Qualitt der Verarbeitung. Halten gut und Sgen sauber und sind langlebig! Bin begeisterter.
pretty good durability for the price. the wood/metal blade lasted thru maybe a couple dozen nails while tearing out walls for a remodel. the wood one is great but keep it away from concrete, cutting out bottom door sill you go thru blades quite if not careful
The kit contains all the blade styles I like, just wish the half round blades were a little larger, have not used yet but I expect them to be medium duty, great price.
Kit de hojas para multiherramienta. Vienen varias hojas distintas tal y como se aprecia en el vdeo y fotos.
La calidad es aceptable. No se especifica que tipo de acero emplean, ni vienen con manual ni con nada pero dan buen resultado. No son compatibles con Bosch “starlock” pero s con la mayora de multiherramientas de marca blanca y as.
En general el producto est bien, no destaca en nada ni para bien ni para mal
Sehr tolles Set, was bei meinem Multitool aus dem Hause Bosch problemlos gepasst hat und bei verschiedenen kleinen Anwendungen zuverlssige Dienste leistete. Im Bad konnte ich damit sehr gut eine Fliese, die kaputt war, austrennen und auch bei kleinen Anwendungen im Holzbereich war ich damit sehr zufriedne. Bisher gibt es hier keine Abnutzungserscheinung, daher bin ich sehr zufrieden damit. Leider gibt es zum Zeitpunkt meiner Rezension noch keinen preis, aber ich denke, dieser wird nicht allzuhoch sein.
First impressions of these were good, they have a decent variety of cutting tools in all shapes and sizes. All of which appear to be well made and share a prefect finish. They all fit nicely onto my branded multi tool and work as expected.
Like the branded one’s, I find these tools don’t last very long, so after 30 mins – 1 hour of solid use they tend to wear down and need replacing. However as these are Amazon brand I assume they will be priced competitively and therefore be a great alternative as they do just as good of a job. With that in mind i’d happily recommend them.
Die Sgebltter werden in einem einfachen kleinen Pappkarton geliefert. Hier drin ist jedes Sgeblatt bzw. jeder Aufsatz noch einmal in einer kleinen Tte verpackt. So reiben sie nicht aneinander und rosten oder verkleben.
Die Fassung der Sgebltter ist – wie so hufig – sehr allgemein gehalten. Dadurch passen sie aber auf vermutlich jeden “Multischneider”, da es ffnungen fr Pins an fast jeder Stelle gibt.
Von der Verarbeitung und Qualitt her, machen die Sgebltter und Aufstze einen guten Eindruck. Sie werden nicht auffllig schnell stumpf und geben ein anstndiges Schnittbild.
Aus meiner Sicht ein gutes Set, welches einen mit seiner Vielseitigkeit entsprechend viele Mglichkeiten gibt und man fr (fast) jede Situation vorbereitet ist.
Lame di qualit molto buona, sia in versione HCS sia in versione BIM.
Definizione molto buona, ottimo rivestimento e buone saldature.
Lo schema di aggancio rapido e multimarca, una salvezza.
Gli attrezzi diamantati sono di buona qualit.
Avendo HCS, BIM e diamantato nello stesso kit si ha la possibilit di lavorare un ampio spettro di materiali a varia durezza.
Amazon Basics Metal & Wood Oscillating Multi-Tool Quick Release Saw Blades, 8-Pieces.
This is a superb value set of multi tool blades. The fit is universal so I’m sure they would fit the majority of brands on the market. You are getting 8 pieces in the kit, the blades are a nice mixture of wood, plastic, and metal. I will keep the review update with the longevity of the blades.
[10 images attached]
Il set include sia lame pi ordinarie, ossia quelle da legno, sia lame pi particolari per materiali cementizi.
Le prime sono pi comuni e simili a molte altre reperibili sul mercato, seppure di ottima qualit: le distingue le dimensioni, che in questo caso sono ben assortite, pur a fronte del modesto numero.
Quelle per materiali cementizi sono a mio parere decisamente pi interessanti. La loro qualit veramente molto alta, a livello delle migliori.
Sono rivestite in carburo di tungsteno, ossia il cosidetto widia, che ha una durezza vicina a quella del diamante (pi esattamente a livello 9 nella scala di Mhos, quindi come il corindone). Questo consente di lavorare a lungo su laterizio, malta, colla per piastrelle, pietra e materiali cementizi in genere, con un’usura qusi inesistente della lama stessa.
Particolarmente interessanti e valide sono, a mio avviso, quella a mezzaluna, utile per il taglio, e quella “a goccia”, la cui punta molto efficace nella rimozione, tra l’altro, della boiacca tra le piastelle (ovviamente indurita da anni).
Il prezzo del set al momento non noto. Tuttavia, i podotti AmazonBasics sono noti per l’eccellente rapporto qualit prezzo e non c’ ragione per cui tale regola non debba valere anche in questo caso.
I get through a fair few oscillating blades which is understandable when you consider the size of the blade has to do the work of a much larger saw. These blades are a good pack of general use blades if you need a selection, but if you have a particular task in mind, you may be better opting for a set of blades for that specific job so that you have spares to hand. Not sure what entry price is yet, so I can’t comment on value for money.
Ce lot de lames pour outil oscillant est complet et se compose de l’essentiel pour travailler.
Adaptables sur ma machine, les lames sont de qualit satisfaisante et font le travail demand si elles sont employes bon escient .
Je recommande, ce genre de lot est pratique et permet d’avoir l’essentiel sous la main.
These blades produce a good clean cut using my oscillating tool. They are compatible with many makes and models of saw. I had no problem cutting a skirting board into two pieces while still attached to the wall when piping was preventing access to the screws. The clean cut allowed me to remove join the two pieces of skirting without altering the pipes. I made a practice cut on a scrap piece of wood first and this confirmed that the blades would be upto the job. Set came with grinding attachments which could be used for a less aggressive grinding job.