AMROOLOO Heads up Display for Cars, HUD, Can be Mounted

AMROOLOO Heads up Display for Cars, HUD, Can be Mounted on the Windshield, Head up Display for Car Windshield, GPS speedometer, Displaying speed, suitable for all cars
From the brand

Intuitive car speedometer and GPS system receive signals to display your travel information and make your journey more secure.
Why promote the brand in Europe?
AMROOLOO, from the beginning of the establishment of the brand, has specialized in the research and design of simple and functional car head up display. European friends are friendly and elegant, and will choose products with relatively simple and fresh pictures in product selection, which is consistent with our brand concept, so I think it is a very good idea to develop my brand in Europe.
How to select the appropriate car head up display?
Generally, cars after 2008 can use the OBD mode. If you find that your car can’t use the OBD mode according to your car condition, please switch to the GPS mode.
GPS system has strong compatibility. It receives signals from satellites, so there is no problem of incompatibility with cars. All models can use it.
Weight: | 54 g |
Dimensions: | 8.6 x 3.7 x 1.6 cm; 54 Grams |
Brand: | AMROOLOO |
Model: | M1 GREEN |
Manufacture: | AMROOLOO |
Dimensions: | 8.6 x 3.7 x 1.6 cm; 54 Grams |
J’ai command cet afficheur de vitesse car ma voiture ne l’affiche pas.. je suis tonnant d’un si bon fonctionnement ! Le fil est trs long, trs maniable, on peut le cacher n’importe o. Le botier est tout petit, assez pour afficher la vitesse. Je recommande ce produit malgr un prix qui peut faire fui
Einfach einstecken und losfahren. Das HUD gibt (im GPS Modus) in etwa die Geschwindigkeit des Tachos wieder und nicht die von der Navi App gemessene (geringere) Geschwindigkeit. Das passt mir.
Ich verlasse mich beim Fahren mittlerweile nur noch auf das Gert, da der Tacho des Fahrzeugs sehr ungenau ist.
Die Spiegelfolie sieht zwar an der Scheibe nicht toll aus, lsst aber die Geschwindigkeit auch mit polarisierter Sonnenbrille ablesen. Sie spiegelt in einem bestimmten Winkel leider auch direktes Sonnenlicht.
Auf jeden Fall gut fr den Preis
The speed i 5-8 km/h more then real speed. Controlled with 3 different GPS speed meters.
Adjusted review, read the manual and adjusted it, so now it works better.
Will keep it now!
I love the little thing I used the mirror patch in my car but I probably didn’t need to with how good it reflects. It uses GPS to tell you your speed and is actually svery accurate and even tells you which compass direction you are travelling. Literally just plugs in and powered by USB amd works great I love it.
After a few uses, clarity and convenience come to mind. Day or night, the clarity remains unaltered, my eyes firmly on the road, the data appearing just at the edge of my gaze. GPS speedometer – accurate, the interface – manageable even in the dusk. A convenient piece indeed. Not flawless though – positioning needs trial and error to achieve an unobstructed view, which took some time.
This works so well. It took a little while to calibrate it to my dashboard speed reading but now I no longer have to look down at my dashboard, toking my eyes off the road ahead – much safer driving. Can even read my speed on the windscreen in my sunglasses!
This works really well. Glad we gave it a trial…
– very long USB lead needs a charge/lighter adapter
– includes a sticker for the windscreen to reduce ghosting effect of reflected speed
– mine came set to MPH
– takes a minute to start to work, some delay in this on cloudy days it seems
– slight delay between car’s actual speed dial and this gadget but…
– that actually helps keep an eye on maintaining a consistent speed.
Very pleased with this little gadget!
My wife found that it was often difficult to read her speedometer in her car (having been caught for speeding twice proves that :-). I already have a similar device in my car, but forking out 90 for another identical one seemed a bit expensive. Having said that, I just fitted my own one and it just worked and needed no calibration. So after searching online a bit, we decided on this unit. I stuck a lump of blue tak on the base of the electronic unit and positioned it, then used masking tape to position the reflective panel (provided). I found that without the reflective panel it produces two reflections on the windscreen, one from the inside of the glass and one from the outside, so it was a bit fuzzy. That done, I tucked the wire (fairly) neatly between panels in the car and tried it. The reflective panel certainly gives a better image of the numbers in bright sunlight, however, I found that when doing 40 MPH the unit showed 57 MPH. I like having some margin for error, but not that much. After (very) much trial and error I managed to get the digital readout to be almost identical to the speedometer. In our case a calibration figure of 66 worked well. So the unit is fairly reasonably priced, but in our case needed quite a lot of fiddling around with, which I didn’t mind too much, as I am a bit nerdy!
Great item to use in car.
Very helpfull and easy to use it.
Displays GPS speedometer, speed, sped unit.
Very accurate.
Price for it I think is super great.
So surely I can recommend it to all.
Other than that, I’d say it’s perfect 🙂 very happy
Danach wird es extrem ungenau, teilweise bis 20kmh unterschied zum Tacho. Ein konfiguration habe ich bislang nicht durchgefhrt, weil es bis 180 perfekt passt und ich das nicht versauen will. ber Konfigurationstipps des Verkufers wrde ich mich sehr freuen.
I was caught speeding recently. Very annoying, because I’m careful to drive within the speed limit normally. But I was accelerating up a hill, and the car I drive –a Fiat Panda — has an incredibly badly designed dashboard in which the speedometer is 100% obscured by the steering wheel, so to check my speed I always have to crane my neck downwards to peer through the wheel, which is a deliberate action (I can’t just glance) and quite a distraction from driving.
I took the National Speed Awareness course, and it was the tutor on this course who made me aware that digital speedometers like these were available; it probably wouldn’t have occurred to me to look for such a thing otherwise. However, the model he recommended (which cost 55) was no longer available, so I looked at the alternatives and opted for this much cheaper one. (It cost me only pennies over 20, as there was a small discount on it when I bought it.)
I didn’t want anything over-complicated; I just wanted to be able to see my speed easily at all times. And that’s exactly what this device gives me, very easily and with minimum fuss. That’s all it does, but I want no more from it.
I tried it out for the first time today. I plugged it into the USB port on my Panda dashboard and positioned it in place. Starting up, it took just a few seconds (three or four) to find a GPS signal and start working, so there was no lengthy wait for to find a satellite; it was working very quickly.
It comes with an optional reflective panel to stick on the inside of your windscreen, but I found this unnecessary; the reflected display is perfectly clear on the glass with no additional assistance. The number appears within my normal line of sight while driving, but I don’t find it distracting. On the contrary, it’s helpful to have the number superimposed digitally on the scene I’m looking it, so I don’t have to glance away to see my speed. It’s no more distracting than any other reflection on the windscreen would be.
There are various options that can be tweaked, and you can adjust the unit if it’s inaccurate. However, for me, it worked perfectly from the outset with no intervention. I found that the speed it reported exactly matched the car’s own speedo, so it seems to be very accurate, and there was no setup to be done other than finding a good place for it and sticking it on the dashboard with a sticky pad.
Everything required was supplied. The manual’s not great (and you can download it as a PDF from the Amazon page if you want to preview the printed copy that comes in the box) — but you can make sense of it, and you probably won’t need to use any of the functions it describes in any case. I found that I just plugged the unit in and it worked perfectly with no adjustment.
You don’t even have to turn it on and off. It comes on when you turn on the ignition, and goes off of its own accord a few seconds after you’ve switched the car off. Perfect.
It’s a really nice, neat little unit. I suspect the case is 3D printed, as it has that ‘made of contour lines’ appearance in places, but it’s good quality 3D printing with a nice, smooth, textured bottom surface. All in all, it really couldn’t be better value.
Recherche des satellites trs rapide , facile installer avec une grande longueur de fil d’alimentation , s’teint et ce rallume chaque dmarrage, pas besoin du film rflchissant , trs satisfait de mon achat , seul bemol l’cran total se reflte un peu dans le pare brise.
Es fehlt mit eine Gummi/Silikon-Befestigung fr das Armaturenbrett, die Klettverschluss Klebeteile finde ich nicht so schn. Ohne Befestigung rutscht es viel rum.
Der Kabelanschlu geht leider zur Scheibe hin, das ist auch ungeschickt, weil das irgendwie strt. Wre am besten seitlich rechts.
Insgesamt bin ich aber trotzdem zufrieden.
En effet avec un compteur classique aiguilles, en temps normal il n’est pas toujours vident d’avoir un il sur la vitesse prcise au compteur tout en regardant en mme temps la route.
Avec ce compteur c’est prcisment possible car les chiffres de couleur verte , bien visibles, se refltent dans le pare brise. Du coup a fait d’une pierre deux coups. Marre d’tre des ” vaches lait” payer des amendes pour aller travailler. Bon article vraiment pratique 🙂
Easy to set up also this one doesn’t interfere with the DAB radios like a few others I have purchased on amazon.
Clear reflective panel which is included this stops the ghosting of the numbers on the screen -looks like double vision. Only down side the panel doesn’t look so great from the out side.
Cheapest and worth the money, If you just want car speed.
Best option is to plug into a cigarette lighter to prevent interference with the cars computer.
Simple to install, wire is long and easy to tuck. Connects to a USB port instead of OBD, so it works with older cars as long as there’s a cigarette lighter socket. It’s less accurate at higher speeds, out of the box it would be about 3-5 km/h off when going over 90 km/h. It is possible to calibrate it, though I don’t know how accurate you can get it.
In city driving, it’s perfect. Easier to spot pedestrians when you don’t have to take your eyes off of the road to check your speed. I found it to be clear and easy to read even in the day, I did not use the supplied film as I think it works well even without it. The supplied tape is weak though, I recommend using something stronger. I hope they’ll make an orange version in the future, that would look better in my Renault and most BMWs.
Highly recommended!
Das installieren wre etwas einfacher, wre die Bedienungsanleitung nicht nach IKEA-manier geschrieben. Man kann das wichtige aber erfassen und den Rest bekommt man auch hin. Gert funktioniert tallos nach kalibrieren der Geschwindigkeit. In der Bedienungsanleitung steht was von Umstellung auf Meilen ( nicht, da ich Meilen jemals brauchen werde). Wollte das mal probieren, habe aber keine Funktion diesbezglich gefunden. Aber wie gesagt….., das brauch ich nicht. Die Anzeige auf der Scheibe ist etwa wie sehen mit Oma’s Brille ; die Spiegelfolie brachte nur minimal Besserung. Das Signal ab 150 strt nicht wirklich, es stellt sich nach 4 oder 5 mal wieder ab und ist ausserdem relativ deze
This one was easy to fit, just needed a USB that operates from the ignition.
Within 15 seconds of startup it finds the satellites and displays your speed. Simple and uncluttered, just shows speed and direction and that’s it. Blends in with the dash quite well, not that noticeable. Looks quite OEM really, and I’m fussy about accessories, if it looks tacky, it’s going nowhere near my car!
There is a hint of ghosting, which can be eliminated with the included screen sticker, it makes it really sharp, but looks awful from outside, so I’m not using that. I can live with a slight double image.
Now I don’t have to take my eyes off the road!
Quite happy! Would recommend!