Digital Hygro-thermometer Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer

Digital Hygro-thermometer Indoor Thermometer Hygrometer, Temperature Humidity Meter, Air Monitoring for Rooms, Climate Control Monitor, Black

Weight: | 80 g |
Dimensions: | 11.7 x 5.9 x 1.9 cm; 80 Grams |
Brand: | BFOUR |
Model: | BF-8 |
Colour: | Pack of 1 Black |
Dimensions: | 11.7 x 5.9 x 1.9 cm; 80 Grams |
I can’t verify if it’s accurate, but it seems like it is.
It works great, it’s convenient and easy to read.
The min/max feature is excellent, I saw reviews saying it doesn’t work, but there’s a button on the back to switch what period it takes the average of.
So I assume the people complaining it doesn’t work just didn’t read the manual, as it works great for me!
Das Digitale Thermo-Hygrometer wurde Amazon Typisch verpackt im groen Karton. im Paket war das Thermo-Hygometer nochmal in einer Kleinen Schachtel verpackt. In der Verpackung war auer dem Produkt noch eine Batterie und ein kleiner Zettel mehr war im Produkt nicht enthalten.
Das Produkt ist an sich einfaches Plug and Play. Aufstellen Batterie einlegen und schon Funktioniert es.
Jedes Alter bekommt es auch mit 2 Linken Hnden zum laufen 🙂
Beachtet werden sollte das es fr Indoor ist , also ist es wahrscheinlich nicht vollkommen Wasserdicht.
Die Anzeige ist sehr gut lesbar. Schwarze Schrift auf relativ hellen Hintergrund.
Das Produkt hat keine Interne Beleuchtung also muss man Licht anmachen und einmal drauf schauen was aber sicherlich kein Problem darstellen sollte.
Im Allgemeinen zeigt das Display die derzeitige Temperatur, niedrigste Temperatur und die Hchste Temperatur sowie die Luftfeuchtigkeit in Derzeitig , niedrigste Luftfeuchtigkeit und hchste Luftfeuchtigkeit inan.
Fr 11,95 bekommt man wirklich ein sehr Solides Produkt was ohne Probleme Funktioniert.
Wer schnell auf dem laufenden sein mchte was die Temperatur angeht ist hier genau richtig. 🙂
Das Thermometer hat eine groe Anzeige auf der die Themperatur und die Luftfeuchtigkeit angezeigt wird.
Darunter wir in einer kleineren Anzeige die jeweiligen max. und min. Werte angezeigt.
Auf der Rckseite sind Magnete angebracht um das Thermometer an Metallischen Gegenstnden anzubringen. Leider sind diese nicht sehr stark. Sie halten zwar, aber … naja
Ansonsten eine schne groe Anzeige die gut ablesbar ist.
A good buy. The display is very nice and clear, and it seems to be quite accurate as well. Simple but does the job. Looks like some effort has been put into the design too, which is more than can be said for most things these days!
Simple easy to use indoor hygrometer. In two weeks of use I found
Pros: Large display, hardly any setup needed, fairly accurate
Cons: no backlight bit hard to see from different angles, button cell batteries instead of standard AA/AAA.
This has a better sensitivity than most others in the price range at +/- 0.3C. I like the low / high function as well, which shows the range measured, and it’s easy to reset.
very happy with these I bought another set. Good value for money, does what it says in the description. Accurate and responsive, possibly my most accurate sensor, hard to say which is right but these are very close to each other and within the range I would expect based on others I used to compare. It uses CR2450 batteries which I’d never seen before so I ordered a spare set but if you buy 2 units you get 2 spare batteries already. This can be seen very clearly from 6 meters away if you shine a torch at it (or have it under a light). So 5 stars for the display, it is just small enough to not be too bulky but big enough that the display can be shown nice and big. Has a magnetic back for hanging purposes and a stand that flips out.
Il prodotto arriva ben confezionato(guardate la prima foto). Di dimensioni piccole, lunghezza scarsi 12 cm e altezza scarsi 6 cm. Bisogna tirare la linguetta ( vedere foto 3) per farlo funzionare. Sul retro presente tasto reset e tasto cambio unit di misura. Appena acceso ha subito rilevato la temperatura e umidit della stanza. Verificato con un apparecchio gi presente. Nella parte superiore abbiamo la temperatura e umidit attuale e sotto invece la min e la max con andamento. Ha la possibilit di essere inclinato con l’apposita levetta che ci rileva anche alloggio pila. Maneggiare con molta cautela quando si apre evitando di romperla. Dotata di seconda batteria che era ferma sul resto del dispositivo che dotato di calamita. Al momento nulla da eccepire.
The case does feel a bit cheap plastic but let that put you off. The display is sharp and clear and is easy to read. Unlike other sellers it comes with a spare battery which is a plus. A great device which is light and portable.
A good quality attractibe looking thermometer which would look good in any room. Useful high/low recording features for previoustemperature and humidity and current humidity and temperature easy to read.
Clear display, only displays what I need to know and appears to be very accurate. Came with a spare battery which is nice. Might be a bit smaller than you expect but still, very easy to read, perfect on my desk.
We use this thermometer to monitor the temperature in the baby room and it is quite handy. It is really usefull to know the temp and humidity flunctuation through the day. The only thing that I don’t like is that you can’t see the readings in the night. The magnet in the back is a nice feature though.
Die gute alte Zeit???
Bisher hatte ich auf manuelle Messgerte gesetzt, hochwertig, teuer und……. Alles falsche Angaben!!!
Beim hygrometer z.B. um satte 18 Prozent am geeichten Wert vorbei….
Ganz anders bei diesen gnstigen und sehr guten Gerten. Hatte mehrere gekauft, alle arbeiten bis auf 1 Prozent genau.
Die Anzeige ist schn gro und sehr gut abzulesen.
Was will man mehr….????
Wer also klare, wahre und perfekte Messwerte mchte, sollte bei diesen Gerten zugreife
L’ho preso principalmente perch il font quello che mi sempre piaciuto, arrivato il giorno dopo l’ordine si presenta in una normalissima scatoletta bianca, contenente il termometro, un piccolo foglietto illustrativo ed una batteria aggiuntiva.
Per far funzionare il dispositivo necessario rimuovere la linguetta trasparente che si trova sulla base del termometro, esattamente sul vano batteria.. tolto questo pronto, si accende da solo, e non necessario fare altro che posizionarlo dove meglio si crede.
Ha un’ottima leggibilit, anche da lontano, si vedono bene i numeri.
A saperlo prima avrei preso il kit da 2!!
Per quanto riguarda la precisione mi riservo di aggiungere o modificare la recensione dopo qualche settimana/mese di utilizzo.
Ma per ora, per quanto riscontrato promosso!