Faith In Nature Natural Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner Set

Faith In Nature Natural Coconut Shampoo and Conditioner Set, Hydrating, Vegan and Cruelty Free, No SLS or Parabens, For Normal to Dry Hair, 2 x 400 ml
From the brand

‘Hey, what would Nature say?’
Questions about what’s best for yourself and the
planet can be big and confusing – it’s difficult for us too. But over the years we’ve found that a simple question helps guide us: ’What would Nature say?’
Because when you ask yourself, ’What would Nature say?’, you tune into the truths you already know – and make greener decisions, naturally.
Weight: | 0.81 Kilograms |
Dimensions: | 6 x 12 x 20 cm; 810 Grams |
Brand: | Faith In Nature |
Model: | 0400010510701B |
Colour: | clear |
Manufacture: | Faith in Nature |
Dimensions: | 6 x 12 x 20 cm; 810 Grams |
Volume: | 800 Millilitres |
Imballaggio ottimo e consegna velocissima. Prodotti come da descrizione. Non fanno eccessiva schiuma e lasciano i capelli morbidi e setosi. Aiutando a districare i nodi e nutrono i capelli sfibrati e secchi. Consigliatissimi
Mu faviourate shampoo and conditioner. Leaves my hair so soft and smelling amazing. This is my second time buying it and will continue to use it tin the future. Only shampoo and Condintor I’ve found to do the job I want it to.
Now that’s out of the way…. I have a HUGE issue with Amazon: You make a point about your boxes and bags etc being cardboard which can be recycled and your packing material makes great wrapping paper. I appreciate you identifying products as ‘Climate Conscious’ (Although I’d love to have more details on your criteria for this). I have done my own research on Faith in Nature and know it to be an excellent brand for trying to be a sustainable and low impact as possible.
However, despite all this, Amazon sends its Climate Conscious, low impact branded item in a non-recyclable plastic bag!! Where is the logic? What is the reason? Just STOP IT. You defeat the entire purpose by doing so!
Ok. Rant over. Thanks for my luscious locks Faith in Nature, you rule.
Es la segunda vez que lo uso, me lo regalaron en Navidad y me encanta como me deja el pelo. Tanto el champ como el suavizante van genial y si te gustan los citricos el aroma es maravilloso.
Aprs avoir cherch pendant des annes un produit parfait pour mes longs cheveux fins, Eureka!!!
Le secret est qu’il n’y a pas de silicone qui peut rendre les cheveux fins secs et ingrables. Parfum plesant et raisonnablement bon march. Je suis coll !
I think this review is going to be a bit long… First of all, I have been slowly switching all of my products to ones with cleaner ingredients. If you’ve been doing the same, you’ll have noticed that most can be really EXPENSIVE. I love how great the price is for this set. I would just get cheap ones from the store or even more expensive ones but the ingredients were terrible- not worth it. The set I had from the store before purchasing these lasted me around 6 months because it lathered really nicely and I only needed a pea size amount for my shoulder length hair which I washed every other day or two days. That being said, these don’t foam or lather very much because I’m guessing those ingredients aren’t actually “clean”. I just try to still use a small amount and use a head massager in the shower to make sure the product cleans my scalp. It’s just so nice! My hair feels really clean afterwards and shiny, not stripped of its natural oils (in a good way). I noticed other people mentioned this in their reviews and have to say they’re not exaggerating. I have the orange and grapefruit ones as it says it’s for normal to oily hair- the scent is really nice and subtle, what you would expect essential oils to smell like. I will say that the scent hasn’t lingered in my hair after the shower, but I’m okay with that as my previous shampoos and conditioners would give me a headache with how strong the scent was even when my hair was dry. I think that’s about it! All in all great price, makes my hair and scalp feel clean and soft, and nice subtle scent. I would definitely recommend.
These smell fantastic and feels great knowing it’s all natural too. The conditioner is quite lightweight compared to other popular brands but still leaves hair feeling soft and smooth. For reference, I have quite thick hair which is prone to frizz and I would definitely recommend 🙂
Firstly the coconut smells gorgeous, just like a real coconut and not too sickly sweet so that was a big bonus for me.
I have thin/fine hair and since having children have suffered from some patchy hair loss right at the front of my hair (worst place ever!). This product is not marketed for hair loss of course but in reading the impact of Parabens and SLS on hair and how it can trigger hair loss, I definitely think moving to a more natural shampoo has helped my baby hair to grow fuller and longer. With previous shampoos I found it grew but snapped pretty quickly, this is the first time in about 4 years where I haven’t felt so self conscious about my hair!
For those saying it doesn’t foam, it’s not going to foam as well precisely because of the more natural ingredients! The foaming agent in regular shampoos is exactly what you shouldn’t be putting on your hair as studies have shown it can be damaging. I personally get a sufficient foam from the shampoo to still feel like I’m properly cleaning it and the conditioner makes my hair so silky soft and works quickly. Also I’m finding my hair doesn’t get as greasy so quickly, so I can spread time out between washes!
I personally will be getting refills when mine run out! This has dramatically changed my hair quality and I highly recommend it.
Love, love love this product. Smell is a amazing, a little goes a long way and my hair feels great afterwards. For the quality of this product I’m surprised it doesn’t cost a lot more. My whole family now used including the kids.
Que pena no haberlo descubierto antes, el champ cuando te lo aplicas parece que te ests poniendo tierra, pero al menos a mi, me va genial, tena problemas de picor de cuero cabelludo y se me ha quitado. Al ser orgnico no hace espuma en el primer champ, porque es as como tiene que ser, te est limpiando y no tiene que hacerlo, si te das un segundo champ, como el pelo ya est limpio entonces si que saldr espuma. En cuanto al acondicionador, si que es verdad que es muy acuoso y necesitas ms que cantidad de lo habitual que con otras marcas y parece que desenredar cuesta algo ms, pero el pelo se queda muy suave, hacia tiempo que no tena el pelo tan suave. Para mi ya son imprescindibles.
La mia recensione un consiglio sull’utilizzo. Mi stavo trovando malissimo con lo shampoo, tanto da volerlo lasciare a met e cercarne un altro.
Poi ho riletto altre recensioni e ho provato ad usare meno prodotto. Il risultato cambiato dalle stalle alle stelle!
Non aspettatevi la solita nuvola di schiuma! Poca quantit ben diluita e avrete capelli morbidi e leggeri.
La profumazione effettivamente forte, ma sui capelli asciutti leggera e piacevole, sa’ di pulito.
ho acquistato questo prodotto esclusivamente per fare una vacanza in barca e necessitavo di un prodotto naturale.
non mi sono trovata male, l’aroma non mi faceva impazzire ma nemmeno sgradevole, l’ho preso per l’aloe, ma probabilmente altre profumazioni potrebbero essere migliori.
nel complesso, usato lavando i capelli in acqua di mare mi ha permesso di lavare e districare i capelli in maniera discreta. ho comunque provato altri tipi di balsamo che mi lasciavano i capelli pi morbidi rispetto a quello di questa marca.
Un’ultima cosa (notata anche con la versione al tea tree): i capelli restano puliti pi a lungo.
Ho deciso di dare 4 stelle perch nonostante sia buono, personalmente credo che gli ingredienti all’interno siano veramente troppo astringenti. Addirittura c’ scritto che adatto a capelli “dry” ovvero secchi..
Beh, uno shampoo che secca cos, sui capelli secchi sarebbe un suicidio!
Persino io, che ho capelli grassi – che devo per forza lavare ogni due giorni – credo lasci i capelli troppo secchi.
Io rivedrei gli ingredienti e metterei anche un minimo di idratazione.
Per fortuna la secchezza viene in qualche modo risolta dal conditioner che al suo interno ha molti ingredienti purificanti come l’aloe e – purtroppo – il tea tree.
Infatti ho scelto questo shampoo (e non quello al tea tree) pensando non ci fosse al suo interno, ed invece il conditioner, del cui odore rimane sui capelli, ha proprio questo ingrediente dall’odore forte al suo interno!
Lascio una foto degli ingredienti per chi volesse controllarli prima dell’acquisto!
Non lo boccio perch credo abbia del potenziale, e perch nonostante io non sia fan delodore del tea tree, a qualcuno potrebbe anche piacere.
Sono molto soddisfatta dell’acquisto, che comprende lo shampoo ed il balsamo, ognuno da 400ml, alla profumazione di arancia e pompelmo.
Il profumo inebriante e accompagna anche per l’intera giornata del lavaggio.
Di shampoo ne basta davvero poco perch fa molta schiuma e sgrassa a dovere; io lo applico, massaggio il cuoio capelluto e lascio in posa per qualche minuto, per poi risciacquare od eventualmente ri-applicarlo se magari i capelli sono particolarmente sporchi (anche se devo dire che generalmente ne basta una passata, senn si rischia di disidratarli troppo ).
In seguito applico il balsamo sul cuoio capelluto poich non troppo “nutriente” e quindi non rischio di appesantirlo; invece per le punte, che sono un po’ secche, penso ci voglia qualcosa di pi idratante, solitamente applico comunque il balsamo, risciacquo tutto con acqua tiepida /fredda (cos le squame dei capelli si richiudono) e prima di asciugare i capelli applico un po’ di olio per capelli, prima riscaldandolo tra le mani.
Si sente subito la qualit dei prodotti, si vedono i capelli pi forti e luminosi nei giorni seguenti, e si vede anche dal prezzo, un po’ alto ma ne vale la pena.
Ho gi notato che vendono anche la versione da 5l dello shampoo, molto pi conveniente e che sicuramente sar uno dei miei prossimi acquisti.
I’d been using a well-known High St salon shampoo-conditioner duo, which gave good results yet over time I noticed my scalp & neck becoming itchy. Suspecting chemical additives (sulphates?) I researched a natural product.
I was aware of Faith in Nature, but unsure their products could match the beauty brands. After forensically researching reviews, I came across this citrus combo for my short-midlength mature, fine hair. I wasn’t sure the products could deliver what I need, especially at such a low price point, but thought I’d give them a try.
The packaging is bright and funky, it’s not to my taste exactly but it’s fun. There’s a lot of product for the money. The scent is basically an aromatherapy treatment, very strongly citrus and in a natural way. The conditioner in particular carries the grapefruit. The shampoo is not rich but lathers surprisingly well, one application was sufficient. It rinsed to to ‘squeaky clean.’ The conditioner seemed a little thin in texture and I used a more generous amount and only left in on my hair for a couple of mins. Easy rinse with no residue. There was some tangle combing my hair when wet.
The test is the drying/styling. I gave a light blow-dry without product and was very pleased with the result: my style had volume, movement and most importantly shine. I am very very pleased with this early result and hope that over time these products will continue to perform as it is win-win from the point of view budget, hair care and reducing the toxic load for myself and the planet.