JS Bach: The Complete Cantatas

JS Bach: The Complete Cantatas

JS Bach: The Complete Cantatas

The excellent labelOpus ClassicEcho Classic

2 Opus Classic

13 Grammy nominations

18 Echo Classic

“Only a label with a clear profile, with a clear recognition effect still has a chance today”. The producer and label chef Günter Hänssler are convinced of this. Its products impress with their originality, innovation and sound quality. For this purpose, the label has already been awarded several times: 18 x with the Echo Classic, 2 x with the Opus Classic (formerly Echo Classic), Label of the Year (Cannes Classical Award), countless times with the ICMA (International Music Award) and even with 13 Grammy nominations, the label was considered.

Leading international artists, such as Christian Thielemann, Julia Fischer, Frank-Peter Zimmermann, can be found in the program as well as successful newcomers of the classic scene. The repertoire is complemented by selected, digitally elaborately restored historical recordings and interpretations of legendary reputation (including Günter Wand, Karl Richter, Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau) in new, unfamiliar digital sound quality. With the Semperoper edition or the Mrawinsky edition, profile strikes a bridge from the past into the present and thus sees itself as a keeper of musical traditions.

Experience incomparable musical hours with the total recording of the work Johann Sebastian Bachs, cantatas that accompany through the church year, with CD world premieres, but also with classic melodies for weddings, Christmas or just for relaxation. In the catalogue of over 1000 titles, all listeners will find the right sound experience for every occasion.

Dimensions: 17.5 x 23.29 x 13.21 cm; 1.58 Kilograms
Manufacture: Hanssler Classics
Dimensions: 17.5 x 23.29 x 13.21 cm; 1.58 Kilograms
Origin: Germany

17 Responses

  1. GolfSpy_Zinger says:

     United Kingdom

    For just over 55 you receive a complete set of Bach’s cantatas (71 CDs). These are masterfully sung and an additional CD has all the libretti as well. One of the best music purchases that I have ever made.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very enjoyable set, full of quality if not starry names My only concern might be that the music goes through in order with BMV 1,2 & 3 on disc 1, etc rather than simply reproducing the original recordings which mixed things up – Hyperion did the same with their complete Schubert Song box set..

  3. Anonymous says:


    German neatness means each disc was SEALED in its own envelope! WARNING: If you order this for delivery in Canada, you can expect to pay C$27 in import duty when you pick up your parcel – a bit of a shock.

  4. The Hearst Network says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 14 From Our UsersAny excuse to hear the wonderful Arleen Auger is fine by me, and there is certainly ample scope on this set of the complete Bach cantatas. A reviewer elsewhere has commented with great disfavour on the the sound produced by the counter-tenors. Having recently bought the Suzuki set of Bach cantatas and listened to a great many of them, I found just how much I agreed with him. No need to endure that in the Rilling set. Women’s voices are employed rather than those insufferable counter-tenors (and I naturally apologize to those who do like listening to them, or who perhaps feel that they ought to like listening to them), and the result is pure bliss. I haven’t listened as yet to the entire set (it is not to be rushed), but I find, as I expected, that Rilling offers a thoroughly satisfying and thoughtful interpretation. There is a tendency with other more modern recordings to rush the music. We are left thinking how wonderfully clever and technically accomplished are the performers, but the detail of Bach’s music is lost and what we get is little more than a hectic jumble of sound. None of that with Rilling. Speed is not of the essence, and we appreciate the music all the more. I am pleased with the quality of the sound, and really the only disappointment I have is with the box. In itself it is just fine, but oh what a drab and dismal brown pervades the entirety! Could a more unappealing colour possibly have been found? Still, I will learn to live with that, and it will not stop me recommending the set to other prospective purchasers.

  5. bronwyn williams says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWhat a fantasic set, just open the box take a disc at random and enjoy, they wonderful and at 1 a CD what more could anybody ask for.
    A great bargain of beautiful music. 76 hours of bliss

  6. SondraYyhhjnl says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersThe very occasional lapse in sound quality apart (a somewhat flattened acoustic in a couple of the earlier recordings, if that makes sense), this is a marvellous bargain – less than a quid a disc! One can nit-pick about tempos, soloists and interpretations until the choristers come home; personally, I don’t find these versions in any way inferior to those of the Bach Collegium Japan or Monteverdi Choir. Great, warm music, beautifully presented, a real labour of love.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersThis set is extraordinary value for the price: recorded before the full ‘enlightenment’ of early performance practice, the performances are nonetheless a fully authentic Bach experience, sincere, joyful and shaped by superb musicianship. The solo singing is of the highest quality as is the instrumental playing. The orchestral textures are sometimes a bit rich for modern tastes and there are probably too many voices in the chorus, but what comes across in cantata after glorious cantata is the performers’ commitment to the music and the spiritual insights it contains, often deeply emotional ones. The lack of text and commentary in the box set can be remedied by using Alfred Durr’s authoritative ‘The Cantatas of JS Bach’ (OUP 2006) which follows the liturgical year so you can listen to the cantatas, and engage with Bach’s word setting and spiritual reflections, at the appropriate times.

  8. AnnettaBrack says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 12 From Our UsersComplete cantatas with very fine soloists and exceptional all German speaking chorus. If you want a complete set of all the cantatas played on traditional instruments by a conductor who is also very familiar with HIP practices this is the set to have. The Susuki complete set played on authenic instruments on BIS, is a second alternative but would cost more than 3 times the price of this one, and the performances there are uneven, and also sometimes sterile and cold and too intellectual and analytical. Better to select the best performances from Susuki to complement this set with them. All the Herreweghe recordings on Harmonia Mundi are reference standard recordings on original instruments, and are, I think therefore, also necessary to supplement this set. In this set the quality of soloists, choir and orchestra is even throughout all the performances, at a very high level. All texts and discussion of each cantata is provided on a separate CD which you can read along on the computer. Includes 2 booklets with track listings, one indexed by CD volume the other by the order of performance in Bach’s time, each Sunday and feast day, day by day. Highly recommended.

  9. [email protected] Charlotta Gronberg says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersIf you are in any doubt about this budget priced collection be reassured. Rilling’s complete cantata collection are much more about Mr Bach and much less about the conductor (no names – no pack drill). This glorious music from beginning to end.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersThis set dates from the 1970’s- 80’s and was completed for the Bach tercentenary in 1985. It has received criticism from some purists who nowadays favour period instruments , young male voices as opposed to women’s choruses etc but for me this set is a revelation and a real bargain. I was prepared for a bit of muddy and dated recorded sound but these performances are very clear with a host of excellent soloists , fine instrumental textures and good pacing from Rilling et al. The booklet and cd rom is excellent and the whole set is tremendous value.

  11. Used Furniture Review says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 13 From Our UsersRilling was not the first to record all the cantatas; Leonhardt and Harnoncourt were, and their set is available relatively cheaply these days, but it features all male singers, meaning that the arias for soprano, sung by boys, vary in quality.

    Rilling’s set is the antithesis of the HIP approach that L&H took. His is a lush orchestral sound, with a very strong choir. His soloists are often excellent, but two things make this one of the last sets I turn to. (I have 6 complete Cantata sets.) First, Rilling’s tempi can be a bit turgid at times; there’s is often too much solemnity and not enough joy. Second, the recording process is weird; there is often a soloist on one channel, an obligato instrument (such as a violin or oboe) on the other channel, and the main orchestra in the center. This is especially annoying on headphones.

    Gardiner’s “Bach cantata pilgrimage” set is far superior in so many ways: more energy, more subtlety, better soloists. Suzuki’s soon-to-be-finished-in-a-few-years set on Bis is excellent as well, but sometimes too clean. But I’d take either of them over Rilling any day. At this price, if you’re a fan of the cantatas, it’s a must-have set, but I wouldn’t want this to be the only set one has; Rilling’s approach is too limited for such astounding music.

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 21 From Our UsersThere are a few good Bach cantatas, in my opinion, and this is one of the best ones.

    The box set is simple and “budget” but very well organised. It has 60 cds with the sacred cantatas on red discs and 11 cds with
    secular cantatas on blue discs. They have a big number making it very easy to find out what you are looking for. They don’t call cd one, two etc but volume one, two…
    volume 69 is formed by cd 1 and 2 so you have 69 volumes but 70 css.

    The 72th disc is a cdrom with texts for all songs , a biography and a complete track list. Texts for songs are in German, English, French and Spanish.
    I have mac but the cd rom is for windows. Fortunately, it is not a problem because Hnssler also thought about that. All you need to do is to open the cdrom and look for a pdf for macs. You can copy it to your mac
    and you will have all texts, biography and track list. I don’t know if the cd rom has content that is accessible only for PCs but it doesn’t really matter because all the important stuff
    is available in the pdf for macs.

    There are also two booklets, one with an introduction to the set and one with a complete track list, which is reproduced in the cd rom , showing
    how more considerate Hnnsler is than bigger companies such as Deutsche Grammophone.

    The technical quality of sound and playing seemed very good to me. The performers are German so the singing is more natural and they don’t force
    guttural sounds like Gardiner’s British performers do.

    Unfortunately I made the mistake of ordering from a seller different from Amazon UK itself and my box set arrived looking like it had a previous owner
    so I returned it. I also ordered Harnoncourt and am now in doubt between those two sets and Suzuki’s. Music is not my main “thing”, let’s say, so I
    don’t think I will have more than one cantata as some reviewers have. My doubt there is just aesthetical because Suzuki is out of the equation for me as
    It is ridiculously expensive now because is out of print. But I am glad that I narrowed cantatas collections down to only three after a personal and thorough research.

    Cantatas that I tried but didn’t interest me were Koopman, the one from Brilliant Classics and Gardiner. Gardiner’s cantatas sound like a Broadway show rather than
    music “written to exalt the glory of God and to encourage Lutheran worship”.

    I am not religious but I see as a cultural dumbing down the conversion of sacred songs to secular ones played liked flashing colourful lights.

    I am still searching for other cantatas but it is likely that I will end up choosing Harnoncourt. The technical quality is inferior to other cantatas, especially Gardiner and Suzuki,
    but the singing is more convincing, it has more soul. Besides, it uses only male voices, in the way Bach imagined the cantatas. Women’s voices are more beautiful and more “complete” than boy’s voices
    but there is a much stronger contrast between women’s and male’s voices than male’s and boys’ voices. Bach, the utmost musician ( although sometimes I think it was Beethoven ), wasn’t in the business of
    “one size fits all” so if he wrote the cantatas for males and boys’ voices this is the way I prefer to listen to them.

    But Harnoncourt box set is too bare and, unlike this one, doesn’t have secular cantatas or even texts for the songs. The technical quality of sound and the playing of instruments is not as good as in this box set but, to my ears, Harnoncourt offers the
    best, more convincing Bach experience. Harnoncourt lacks in technical quality but, I think, it has more soul and emotion than any other cantata that I listened to.

    If you don’t care about who is singing (women or boys) and want a better technical quality than Harnoncourt then
    this Rilling box set is the best option. Unless you can afford to spend 700 on Suzuki’s cantatas.

    P.S. I changed my mind and will order this box set again, even if I end up with two collections of cantatas. I will do that because Hnssler showed a concern for its customers that I don’t see
    in giant recording labels such as Universal and Warner or, for that matter, smaller companies such as Harmonia Mundi. Thank you, Hnssler!

  13. Kelly Garbato says:

     United Kingdom

    I retract an earlier review that I made of this product. Amazon has (promptly) refunded me the import duty/VAT charges imposed by Royal Mail. Five stars to All Your Music who responded to a complaint of mine within a few minutes.Excellent value…less than 1.00 per CD (I had purchased one of the discs about 20 years ago for well over 10…about double that in today`s money).

  14. WhitneyKoerstz says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 44 From Our UsersNot only is this collection significantly cheaper than any other, in my view it’s way superior to its competitors. For a start you get not only the sacred cantatas but the secular ones too plus other bits and bobs. The recording quality is superb throughout, and I speak as one who began his professional life as a sound recording engineer and has worked professionally with sound recording ever since. The soloists are all first-class, which is more than can be said for various other collections I’ve tried over the years where the quality of the singing has been very variable and often downright poor. Pace the remarks of some earlier reviewers (whose reviews seem to have disappeared!), Rilling’s tempi seem absolutely spot on to me. One reviewer described them as turgid; I have no idea where they got that from. Take the aria ‘Nun Verschwinden alla Plagen’ from BWV 32 as an example. Rilling’s version is actually the fastest but it’s not too fast: his tempo is exactly right for the conveying the rhythmic locomotive power of the aria. It is everyone else’s versions that tip over into turgidity. Whichever way you look it, this is a fantastic buy, and probably the best musical purchase I will ever have made. But I notice they keep putting the price up — let’s hope Hanseller don’t get too greedy. It’s wonderful to have this collection accessible to ordinary pockets.

  15. Dan Tynan says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 30 From Our Usershis set of the complete cantatas is simply an inspirational bargain. Full warm singing and playing, with great stereo sound….. like being in the conductor’s position. Also great to have fabulous sopranos singing their hearts out. The best and greatest bargain I have ever purchased in CD audio format by a long way. As per the comments of the previous reviewer, this is astonishingly and ravishingly joyous music, disc after disc after disc. I am a fan of Gardiner’s cantatas, but this is such an affordable complete set, is very different in a big hearted way, and is certainly every bit as good if not better. Just wonderful music, so warm, so joyful, so full-hearted !

  16. Vania82Azo says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 82 From Our UsersThe Bach Cantatas unquestionably constitute the greatest single achievement by a single composer within a single genre in the history of Western music (though Haydn’s cycle of Quartets runs it a close second in my estimation). If you love classical music, sacred music, and Bach, you must not deprive yourself of the incredible privilege of getting to know this massive achievement. Perhaps even more mind-boggling than the proportion of quality to quantity in this vast output is the realization that there are probably at least a hundred more Cantatas that have not come down to us! If there is a heaven–and it’s hard to remain agnostic after a close encounter with these works–then I can only hope that it will be the privilege of blessed Bachians to hear these unknown Cantatas (and anything else the great master might have cobbled together on the slopes of Eternity).

    Returning to the present age for the moment, one notes with some dismay that the consolations of great music do not come without a cost–yes, the cost of intellectual effort, but also financial outlay. And it is on this point that Hnssler-Verlag’s reissue of Rilling’s Cantata Cycle maintains a distinct advantage, whatever it musical merits or vices. With the Secular Cantatas included, along with exhaustive scholarly notes, texts and translations downloadable (and printable) from the CD-Rom included, this is a bargain that no collector can or should resist at the current asking price. Even if you own other other Bach Cantata recordings in abundance, don’t pass this up.

    The reason is simply that this is the ONLY complete Bach Cantata cycle performed with modern instruments, ample mixed choirs (not a countertenor among them!, and soloists accomplished in traditional (one may even call it “operatic”) vocal technique. Admittedly, a series of this magnitude, directed by a single conductor, and recorded over a span of at least two decades, will sometimes fall below expectations. But the standard of accomplishment Rilling has achieved here is consistently high. Though some of the earlier recordings are lacking in rhythmic vitality and favor too much legato phrasing, Rilling’s priorities changed perceptibly during the first decade of this project, so that the bulk of these renditions are stylistically aware without being pedantic, energetic without being rushed, expressive without being romanticized. Indeed, if one compares Rilling’s “learning curve” to that of Harnoncourt and Leonhardt in *their* pioneering Bach Cantata series–factoring out, for the moment, differences in performance practice priorities–one notes a conspicuous decline in the latter’s engagement with the music, whereas one observes the opposite trend in Rilling’s cycle. In other words, Harnoncourt/Leonhardt evidently began to lose interest in the project after it was well underway, whereas Rilling’s engagement never faltered, but only became more intense over time.

    This is obviously not the place to go into a detailed analysis of Rilling’s performances. I have been familiar with them, and impressed by them, since the days of vinyl discs. Certain works, particularly the more festive ones, have rarely been surpassed for heady exuberance. One of my fellow reviewers cites BWV 129 as a salient example, and I readily concur. The opening chorus of BWV 100 provides another example of Rilling’s ability to convey rapturous joy, and one could also cite the sparkling display of musical fireworks throughout the incomplete, and rarely heard, wedding cantata BWV 195. Rilling also frequently finds the charm in Bach’s writing, particularly in those arias with obbligato winds; the delightful bass aria from BWV 123 provides a good example: the “walking bass” really really swings, with something like a detectable “back-beat,” while the flute solo enchants the ear with its florid passagework. Finally, I would note that at least one cantata–the well-known BWV 78–receives a rendition that is as close to “definitve” as any recorded Bach Cantata I know. The famous duet zips along with enormous brio, and elsewhere the drama and pathos of this multi-diminsional score are perfectly conveyed.

    There are, of course, also interpretive misfires. The monumental opening chorus of BWV 102 bogs down into something of a sodden slog, and the four great choral pillars around which BWV 21 is constructed are similarly earthbound. Occasionally, one finds Rilling insensitive to the affect of text and music, as in his brisk, mechanical treatment of the ineffable chorale setting with which BWV 105 concludes. That movement should begin in anxiety, and proceed through rejoicing to inner quietude; in Rilling’s account, it remains boisterous all the way through. I could cite further examples in this vein, but fortunately for prospective purchasers, they are not numerous.

    Overall, then, the ratio of successes to failures, both in terms of entire works, and in terms of movements within cantatas, is remarkably high. Of course, that positive outcome has as much to do with the quality of the vocal soloists (Helen Watts Arleen Auger and Phillipe Huttenlocher outstanding among them), choral singing (nice balance, good diction, sometimes too prominent vibrato) and ensemble playing (not quite in the class of Richter’s Munich Bach Orchestra,but expert), as with Rilling’s intelligent and unfussy direction.

    What of the recorded sound? Some of the earlier recordings in the series suffer from a rather shallow “soundstage” which, together with some close spotlighting of instrumental and vocal soloists, can create a cramped or harsh effect. Elsewhere, I noticed a persistent artificial-sounding resonance that might prove distracting on repetition. However, sonic imperfections scarcely detract from Rilling’s achievement–the first single conductor to have run the Bach Cantata marathon–and Hnssler’s unbelievably low price tag. As with the other reviewers I can only entreat my readers to obtain this bargain box before it becomes history.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 49 From Our UsersGrab this before the sellers change their minds about the price…

    Helmuth Rilling was the first person ever to record all the cantatas. He actually didn’t set out with this in mind, but it sort of worked out that way. The whole thing took over 20 years to do, and the later performances were more informed by the growing knowledge of and interest in period performance. Nevertheless, these are played on modern instruments with a choir with female singers and using female soloists (including Arleen Auger, who sang in many of them). This, of course, will not appeal to folk who like “authentic” performance, but the fact of the matter is that we can never have truly authentic performance, and it’s a delusion to think otherwise. In any case, I have always thought that Bach is music for eternity, to be played in the spirit in which it is written, and not confined to a musical straitjacket.

    Rilling was a great Bachian, and this set is outstandingly musical, an absolute joy. I personally regard some of these cantatas to be the best versions available anywhere – ones that come to mind are BWV129, BWV90 and BWV148. The others are also all splendid. They are different from my other sets (complete Gardiner and Leusink, and various Koopman, Suzuki, Werner and Harnoncourt), but every bit as enjoyable. And at this price they’re a bargain. If I didn’t already have them all, I’d snap this up. Go snapping.