MANCHESTER MOTHMEN Moth Killer | 5 Professional Clothes Moth

MANCHESTER MOTHMEN Moth Killer | 5 Professional Clothes Moth Trap | Moth Repellent For Wardrobes | Carpet Moth Treatment | Anti Moth Product | Paper Pheromone Traps For Wardrobe | Carpet Beetle Kille
We’re here to chew bubblegum and kill clothes moths… and we’re all out of bubblegum.

How Do The Manchester Mothmen Traps Work?
Our pheromone traps use a solution that mimics the female moth’s pheromones. What looks like a handsomely designed paper trap to you, is perceived by male moths as a nightclub teeming with possibilities. They make their grand entrance, ready to woo the ladies, but before they can bust out some questionable dance moves… they realise their feet are stuck. The glue has trapped them completely, and they expire in short order. With no male moths around, the female moths lose interest in your home and set out for more fertile pastures.
Are Other Solutions Any Good?
Pheromone Moth Traps VS Alternatives There are a lot of moth killing products on the market, and it can get pretty confusing to know which one is the best.
Before we look at the true alternatives, let’s talk about moth killer sprays. These are not technically an alternative to moth traps, because they fulfil a different purpose. The spray will kill larvae, whereas pheromone traps will kill adult male moths. If you’re just being pro-active and seeking to prevent an infestation, then you don’t need moth killer spray.
So how do other products function? Well, let’s strike out mothballs right now, unless you want a time warp to the Victorian era. If you buy anything at all, make sure it’s not mothballs. They’re downright harmful for you, your children, and especially your pets.
The main alternatives to pheromone moth traps are cedarwood and lavender. These get rid of moths in the opposite fashion: through repelling rather than attracting. However, repelling moths gives them the chance to come back later, whereas attracting them makes sure you remove the problem permanently. They’re also more volatile than pheromone solutions, and therefore don’t last as long. Our traps are good to go for 3 months after the date you open them. Remember, repellent and attractants should not be mixed. Please remove the repellents before you use pheromone moth traps.
And that’s all folks! There’s a lot more to say, but we already have an eBook that does that, and we don’t want to turn this description into Great Expectations. After all, the only Great Expectations you should have is how great you expect our moth traps to be! No? Not even a smile? OK, we’ll send that joke back to the Victorian-era, along with the moth balls.
Dimensions: | 14.6 x 12.2 x 2 cm; 100 Grams |
Manufacture: | Manchester Mothmen |
Dimensions: | 14.6 x 12.2 x 2 cm; 100 Grams |
The pheromones (which humans can’t smell) attract the small clothes moths and they get stuck on the extra sticky surface on the trap. As a bonus, big fat flies and tiny little flies also get caught.
They really do work x
We’ve been infested by carpet moths. Poor dog got the blame of scratching the carpet. These traps deliver the goods catching newly hatched moths which prevents the spread. Unfortunately they’ll be down for months as I can find nothing which kills the wee larvae
Carpet moths had feasted on huge sections of our woollen carpet . We used lots of different sprays – inferior moth traps but nothing really helped . We would see these little blighters cruising around our living room every evening .
Decided to buy Mothmen products after reading positive reviews- so glad we did . The sticky traps are so easy to use – and they work! Within hours we started seeing them stuck to the traps . I now keep traps in the wardrobes / in fact everywhere where there’s wool . It’s a good preventative way to control the pests .
We loved Mothmen’s sense of humour but best of all loved their product . Simply the bes
They can be a bit sticky when assembling but from the first day they have been working really well. I move them around in the rooms and check them for new ones caught.
I gave a really rubbish review last summer and Zain got in touch and not only arranged for a refund but he asked me to send photos of the moths I was having problems with. It turns out I bought the wrong traps. I had bought traps for pantry moths and my moths were clothes/carpet moths. So you need to know what kind of moths you have! Zain gave me a load of advice which I really appreciated as I was going nuts with the number of moths popping up! So I ordered the right traps and these arrived; again with instructions (which are very humorous to take the edge off this irritating infestation) and these sticky traps have caught the boys well in a month I would say. The traps are not enough to get rid of your infestation; you really need to take additional measures which they have listed in the instructions which come with the packet. Really impressed that a company cares enough to take these extra steps to help! Highly recommend these guys and these traps! Good luck!
The product is simply to install and, in my case, captured plenty of moths. I now use it do understand where the moths are. In my case there were plenty in the office while I was expecting them in the changing room
Suspected we had moth but only ever saw one or two. There were a good deal more moth in hiding and it was so satisfying to see them caught and eradicated. The traps worked really well. Thoroughly recommend.
Ah! I have to say that I am very impressed with the results! I have used other brands before and didn’t get anywhere near as successful! I really didn’t think I had so many evil flying creatures in my flat! They really have the killer recipe!
Mothman traps are the only product that have properly sorted my moth issue. I had tried a few other moth control products (sprays, scent pouches, wasps) but none of them seemed to get rid of the moths permanently. It’s been six months since I put down the Mothman traps and I haven’t seen a live moth, plenty of dead ones in the traps though. Wouldn’t hesitate to recommend.
I’ve had moth problem for a while, so thought I’d give these a go. They’re easy to set up, and just taking off the protective layer resulted in a flurry of moths taking to the air and meeting their end in the traps. The traps work really well – I’d highly recommend them. Just need something now to take out the female moths…
I used the Mothmen products in my wardrobes and have captured a number of the little critters. I’m hoping that I have now seen the end of them. Fingers crossed.
We purchased this product with slight trepidation, how wrong we were, after setting the first trap we had caught 3 moths in around five minutes, although we have still got the traps in place we have not seen any other moths in the house, we will keep on following the instructions but so far we are very impressed!!
What an amazing product. We’ve had a moth problem for quite some time and have tried all sorts to get rid of them. Within an hour of putting this down we had already started to collect the little blighters. The new one I put down a week ago has nothing on it so they are well and truly gone. I am v impressed
These traps are easy to use and they really work. Kept seeing moths and wondered if we had a problem. Investigated and found quite a few in one wardrobe. Cleaned everything out then found these traps on Amazon. They arrived next day. I shall continue to use them to monitor the situation as the thought of moths munching your clothes is troubling.
I was starting to see small holes in my clothes, but hadn’t seen any moths. I Put one of these traps in each wardrobe, and in a week had to change them as they had caught so many moths. They last three months so I just leave a set in place as they have no smell, and they still catch the odd one. Highly recommended.
Weve had a moth problem for years. Ive had so many woollen jumpers eaten that Ive given up buying new ones. This product is so much more effective than any other product I have bought before. Quick and easy to use. No horrible smell. May even buy a new woollen jumper again!
I am a fan. Had one or two moths appearing each day – no idea where from – popped one of these in a non obvious place and lo and behold moths are caught. I love that they involve no chemicals. When the time comes to throw away easy to do without getting all stuck up myself. Plus the customer service is great.
This is a GREAT product!
We’ve been batting moths on and off for a few years now. Super easy to use and the traps started catching moths on day 1 or very soon after.
I bought them as a trial, but have now grabbed some more as super impressed at how quickly they work.
Here’s to a moth free home!
Having bought a house with a moth infestation in the carpets, they have been really problematic to get rid of. Have tried other strategies but they haven’t completely eradicated the problem. Placed these around the house and they’ve trapped up to 20 moths within days so sun very hopeful. Very sticky and effective. Highly recommended.
The best pheromone moth traps I’ve tried.
Easy to set up, unobtrusive, fast results. Each moth trap lasts for 3 months once opened so excellent value for money.
The Manchester Mothmen are very helpful, answer questions promptly, fast delivery and are top vendors.
Highly recommended by a former entomologist.
Holes in clothes told me I had a moth problem. Tried these, hoping they would help a bit. In fact, the cards filled up in no time. The larvae already hatching are going to appear soon enough so I’m definitely going to continue using these, to break the cycle. Have recommended these to anyone I hear talking about clothes moths!
Really simple to use — excellent (and humorous) instructions. Some friends bought a similar (but cheaper) product which only caught 3 moths. In 30 days one of my five traps caught over 50! See picture. A second trap nabbed 31 of the little darlings!
They last three months, which should catch any new infestations as the moths live about 15-30 days.
Your carpets and clothes aren’t cheap — get a pack of these today, I’m glad I did!
Want to catch moths in your home with minimum fuss – then this product is for you. No smelly chemicals. Can be put somewhere unobtrusive/ out of the way of pets or children. A great idea!
Tried sprays, cedar blocks, bay leaves, … you name it, I tried it to get rid of a clothes moth infestation. Nothing worked until I bought a pack of Manchester Mothmen Moth Killers. The photo of two of the Moth Killers taken after a month or so in place speaks for itself. The impregnated card is easily made into a triangular shape that can be hung or placed in rooms. I was horrified that so many moths were trapped but relieved that at last I had a solution that actually works.
I set a couple of these traps and within a few minutes the male moths were on the wing and looking for the scent. After 3-4 hours the trap had caught several. I’m still seeing the odd moth about, which I assume are females, but hopefully these traps have helped break the cycle.
Great product and service . I knew I had a few moths, but these traps have caught loads! As other reviews say, best to leave it 3 days, before you really see results. Only problem is , I don’t think it says how long they last .
This year I saw loads more in the living room and when I went into an understairs cupboard to retrieve a rug yeeeuugh!! loads of em had made a home in there.
War was declared!
I researched loads of products to get rid of them.didn’t want anything chemical and decided a pheromone trap would be a good option to try. Saw the Manchester Mothmen clothes moth traps and ordered some.
Was very impressed when they arrivedquality packaging and instructions together with a hilarious guide on how to recognise and obliterate the little blighters!
I set one up straight away and, no kidding .. as soon I placed it in the dreaded cupboard, several moths started fluttering about and within one hour there were four or five captured.
5 days later I had stopped counting, there were loads in there ugh! Placed a few more traps around the house and caught a few upstairs but it was obvious where the source of the infestation was.
Since then, said cupboard has been stripped of carpet, cleaned and painted, clothing washed so hopefully we’ve started to win the battle. as the traps attract the males and stop the breeding cycle, hopefully it’s just the odd female we’ll see fluttering around until they finally give up hope of finding a mate and die off. Gonna continue with the traps now to keep tabs on the situ.
I also emailed the mothmen for some advice on what cleaning methods & products to use to get rid of all traces and Zain was really helpful
Highly recommend.MM obviously know their stuff and also made me giggle whilst in the throws of war!
I’ve suffered with clothes moths for years and years, with each year and breeding season a new crop. I never thought there might be a solution other than burning my flat down, but recently a friend mentioned effective sticky moth traps, so I went searching online. I found these ones online on Amazon and based on the encouraging reviews took the plunge. I was NOT disappointed very easy and quick to assemble, and then literally whilst positioning the first one by the edge of my moth eaten rug, they started flying around, drawn like a erm moths to a flame quite uncanny. Within about two minutes, two were trapped and then a consistent harvest since then. Photo is after about 8 days, and this just one of five traps (admittedly most prolific one). The packaging and graphics and message is clear, aesthetically appealing and funny!! Overall would highly recommend.
Found an infestation of clothes moths !! first time ever no idea where they came from, the loft being the source – Chose this product based on reviews – arrived next day put out 4 traps – loft , 2 beds and landing – After 2 months there are very few visible, practically gone, very satisfying to see the number ‘trapped’ increasing daily.
Each trap is active for up to 3 months once opened, will continue with traps into the autumn to make sure.
We’d noticed one or two small moths flying around so chose to buy these traps to try and find out how big our problem was. So glad we did. The photo shows the number caught over a 3-4 week period. Both traps placed were equally as effective at opposite ends of the room. As advised within the package, we uploaded a photo to the mothmen and have received a free pack of traps. (Not sure how long this offer will keep going for).
Update. A further 2 fresh traps replaced the initial ones and are still catching moths although at a much reduced rate.
A picture tells a thousand words. We had an infestation of clothes moths (unknowingly brought home in a rug by our son from university). We tried all the usual methods – lavender and cedar, but still they came. So I thought I’d try this moth trap, somewhat sceptical at first. I put it away and forgot to check it for a few weeks. When I did, what a surprise. The proof of the pudding is in the eating – dozens of the little beasts caught, so I put the rest up around the house. For some time now I haven’t seen one. I can heartily recommend this product.
Bit ‘Terminator’, this concept – kill the parent and the moth larvae which destroy your clothes, carpets and furnishings can never exist. Cue Arnie music.
We bought a wool doorstop from a visit to the Melin Tregwynt mill which unfortunately became bed and board for visibly wriggling moth larvae (euwww). With natural-fibre carpets, furnishings and clothes throughout to protect we ditched the doorstop 80( bought some Mothmen traps and sachets of larvae-preying nano-wasps. Being nano-sized we can’t see the wasps at work – just the absence of further holes.
But the Mothmen traps have definitely all caught several male moths in each room they were in. We’ve still seen the odd (female, presumably) moth around, but have since had no repeat of the problem. We’ll remain on our guard. In the meantime the Mothmen traps are simple to assemble, have a hanging loop if needed, and are odourless (to us at least. If you’re a male moth, presumably they smell great).
Hasta la vista, (moth) baby. Recommended.
I started noticing small moths in my house and would squash them on sight, but I kept seeing at least 1 or 2 every evening. Google told me they were clothes moths and I needed to fumigate, something I’m especially reluctant to do being pregnant at the moment. I kept searching and came across the Manchester Mothmen moth traps.
The traps work by sending out pheremones that entice male moths, the stickiness meaning they can’t get out again. The traps will do nothing for female moths so you’ll likely remain on squishing duty for them, but in theory the female moths will die out without getting the chance to mate and therefore not get to produce exponentially more moths, thus thinning the heard (quick game of Would You Rather: die a sticky death youngish or live long but die alone).
There was clear evidence of the traps starting to work within a few days, becoming a veritable graveyard within a few weeks. While we still spot the occasional moth (probably female), the problem seems to have been largely resolved with virtually no effort on our part. Can’t complain!
The customer service from this company is also impeccable; the staff are friendly with a great sense of humour and rightfully pride themselves on their excellent product and ensuring customers are happy.
Highly recommended.
Absolutely the most effective moth traps available for trapping and monitoring your CLOTHES MOTH infestation. Manchester Mothmen traps are the only ones which will attract the other 2 main species of clothes moth besides the common clothes moth.
Do not waste your money on cheaper inferior products as you will not know the extent of your moth issue unless it targets all 3 moth types.
They are odourless and simple to put together to form a hanging trap which you place somewhere dark and undisturbed. Leave for a couple of weeks then check your captured moths against the identification photo insert provided with the traps. Replace every 3 months to ensure you keep well informed about any potential infestation. Which you can then treat accordingly. If you go to the Manchester Mothmen website there you will find a wealth of information in all moth related issues which I found extremely helpful.
Please note these traps are not produced to trap food/pantry moths only the pesky and infamous clothes moths!
Having had a problem with clothes moths for a while and after using various products that didn’t eliminate the issue we gave Manchester Mothmen traps a try.
Although we have not yet discovered the source, the traps have certainly attracted a large majority of the the young and adult moths.
I contacted them for some advice and to see if I could return one pack of two that I ordered of Pantry moth traps by mistake. I did open one pack and distributed them around the house but of course as I have none of these species the traps remained empty! I assumed wrongly that both types of traps would be the same!
Zain was happy to do that and also after our series of emails I was given sound advice on how to go forward.
I cannot praise MM enough. Thanks for your care and attention.
We had noticed a couple of tiny fluttery moth-type creatures in our basement living room and it was in fact a visitor who suggested they might be clothes moths and that they may well be feasting on the wool carpet under the sofa. I ordered a set of these traps , put two down and40 minutes later both traps had already caught the little beasties you see in the photos..I was horrified! It’s a couple of weeks on now and they’ve filled up extensively, I’ve also placed traps in other parts of the house and picked up one or two, but “ground zero” definitely seems to be the basement. I contacted Mothmen with my pictures and they were fantastically responsive, expanding on the already very useful advice that they send with their traps, and they also sent me a free extra set as a thank you. The traps are very simple to construct, extremely effective (note, the pheromone is specifically designed to catch this type of moth only; if you’re not catching anything with them, then clothes moths are not your issue!). They are neatly packed with a rather witty accompanying leaflet and I’ve been really impressed with them overall. I feel our infestation is well on the way to being over, but will probably set traps every three months afterwards just to make sure they don’t return. Highly recommend this product!