Moleskine Weekly Planner 2023-2024, 18-Months Agenda

Moleskine Weekly Planner 2023-2024, 18-Months Agenda, Academic Diary, Weekly Diary with Soft Cover, Large Size 13 x 21 cm, Colour Sapphire Blue

An 18-month planner starts in July and runs until December, making it ideal for students, teachers, academics, and anyone who thinks that 12 months is simply not enough. Choose your favourite layout and style, and start planning.
Over time, it grows into a handwritten record of everything you’ve done, the places you’ve been and the experiences you’ve had.
Choose an 18-month diary to organise and plan the next year and a half. Discover a huge variety of daily, monthly or week-to-view 18-Month diaries for 2023-24.
Weight: | 270 g |
Size: | Large 13×21 |
Dimensions: | 13.34 x 1.65 x 20.96 cm; 269.89 Grams |
Brand: | Moleskine |
Model: | 8056598856934 |
Colour: | Sapphire Blue |
Manufacture: | MOLESKINE |
Dimensions: | 13.34 x 1.65 x 20.96 cm; 269.89 Grams |
Size: | Large 13×21 |
Moleskine, da sempre, si contraddistingue per l’ottima fattura dei suoi prodotti e da una sapiente scelta della carta.
Il formato compatto (15×9 cm) sta in (quasi) tutte le borse da donna ed questo uno dei motivi per cui l’ho regalata a mia moglie, con la copertina nera che “sta bene su tutto”…
Sobria e minimal la grafica utilizzata per le pagine con date e orari.
Poco importa se dei 18 mesi (parte dal luglio 2023) ne utilizzer solo 12, ho azzeccato la scelta e lei ne pi che soddisfatta.
Es una herramienta genial que disfruto cada da; me permite agendar y llevar semana a semana mis proyectos y el da a da; me encanta su diseo y materiales. Felicidades!!
**Moleskine Weekly Planner 2023-2024, Agenda 18-Mesi: un’agenda di alta qualit e versatile**
Sto utilizzando l’agenda Moleskine Weekly Planner 2023-2024 da circa un mese e sono molto soddisfatto delle sue prestazioni. L’agenda realizzata con materiali di alta qualit e ha un design elegante e moderno.
L’agenda impaginata in formato settimanale, con ogni settimana su due pagine. Questo layout molto comodo per tenere traccia degli appuntamenti e delle attivit da svolgere.
L’agenda inoltre dotata di una serie di funzioni utili, tra cui:
* Una pagina di riepilogo mensile per pianificare le attivit a lungo termine
* Un calendario annuale per tenere traccia degli eventi importanti
* Una sezione per le note e gli appunti
L’agenda disponibile in una variet di colori e formati, in modo da poter scegliere quello pi adatto alle proprie esigenze.
* Materiali di alta qualit
* Design elegante e moderno
* Impaginazione settimanale
* Funzioni utili
* Varie opzioni di colore e formato
* Nessuno
La Moleskine Weekly Planner 2023-2024 un’ottima scelta per chi cerca un’agenda di alta qualit e versatile. L’agenda realizzata con materiali di alta qualit, ha un design elegante e moderno e offre una serie di funzioni utili.
Ecco alcuni esempi specifici di come ho utilizzato l’agenda:
* Ho utilizzato la sezione di riepilogo mensile per pianificare le vacanze estive.
* Ho utilizzato il calendario annuale per tenere traccia degli appuntamenti importanti, come il compleanno della mia famiglia e degli amici.
* Ho utilizzato la sezione per le note e gli appunti per tenere traccia delle idee e dei pensieri.
In tutte queste situazioni, l’agenda mi ha fornito un valido aiuto per organizzare la mia vita e mantenere le mie attivit in ordine.
The weekly format and the hardcover is great, I also like the thickness – the planner is quite slim and easy to hold. I remember buying a softcover daily moleskine planner before, but I found that I didn’t write in it every day. I like the weekly format of this planner a lot more, plus the space for extra notes on the right hand side is such a lovely idea for expanding on your day, extra thoughts, mini goals, etc. Also in comparison to my old planner the hardcover format is also a MUST for me from now on – I’ll be getting hardcover planners every year from now on if possible. My only criticism of the planner is that the paper is quite thin and if you write with a marker or pen you can see the handwriting on the other side, especially if you write on both sides. I understand it will make the planner heavier and thicker on the other hand though. Overall a great purchase, moleskine is always a winner in my book.
I’ve been using Moleskine for nearly 10 years now and this is my first time using an 18 month daily planner with hardcover.
Although it’s a little thick, I would recommend this for table use (not really carrying around unless you have to!).
It has always been a pleasure to write on Moleskine diaries however over the years I have found that the paper isn’t as thick as it used to be years ago. However, still enjoyable to use as always.
Hace aos que empleo las agendas de Moleskin. Todo como toca menos la calidad e anchura del elstico. Se nota en seguida y espero que me aguante. De lado positivo, por haber comprado la agenda 23/24 en noviembre, me ha costado casi la mitad de una agenda de 12 meses.
Je me suis offert le Moleskine dans ce format car je peux l’emmener de partout avec moi y compris dans mes petits sacs du quotidien. Il est solide. Pratique avec sa page semainier et la page vierge en face pour les to do list
Je renouvellerai cet achat.
This is an excellent diary and planner. It has a 7 day diary on one side and a full page for notes on the other side. I find this the most useful as I can see what my schedule is at a glance and can add extra detail or to do’s opposite. I find thst many diary/planners force you into filling boxes or sections which either don’t have enough room or are not relevant to the way I work or plan. There are also lots of extras such as year planners, travel planners, timetable schedulers and extra blank pages at the back. Moleskin products are not the cheapest but they are of high quality and do what the are designed for better than most, therefore worth the money.
I’ve tried many different planners. Different sizes, layouts, etc. While much of my schedule is in my online calendar, quick notes and reminders, shopping lists, expiry dates etc, need to be written down on paper…for me anyway. This pocket sized weekly format is the best. Slip it into your pocket or bag, enough room to write notes and lists, and a convenient calender to check on dates.
Moleskine products are the best in term of quality of the stationery. I have been using paper diaries for ages now and I always go for this type (and brand!). It has neat layout and lovely feel to the paper.
As a football fan, I like to have a diary that shows the whole season’s fixtures and this totally fits the bill. I buy one every year. Great having the days/dates on the left with lined pages on the right for any notes etc.
I was looking everywhere for a soft cover diary. Finally found this – marked up wrongly as hard cover. I find soft cover much better as it can be shut with pen inside and it lies flat.
I hope it’s easier to find next year!