Mouse Trap, Humane Mouse Traps for Indoors, Rodent Trap High

Mouse Trap, Humane Mouse Traps for Indoors, Rodent Trap High Sensitive No Kill, Mousetrap Poison Substitute Friendly for Kids & Pet, Professional Mice Trap Mouse Catcher Reusable & Easy to Use (Black)

Set the mouse trap where you have seen the mouse, or near droppings you may have seen with patience.
(Put them against the wall, mice run along skirtings, they rarely venture into the middle of a room.)
Dimensions: | 23 x 8 x 7.5 cm; 198.45 Grams |
Manufacture: | Bxlive |
Dimensions: | 23 x 8 x 7.5 cm; 198.45 Grams |
I had a mouse in my kitchen that went behind my washer and dryer. I spent the last week trying to find it but nothing. I got this delivered last night and set it up with a little bit of cheese inside and finally caught it! Let it back into the woods. Brilliant product!
So much better than a nasty killing trap. Our little house guest had made himself at home and had obviously enjoyed a midnight feast. It felt mean to take him out in the cold as he seemed so contented in there.
Getting a new kitchen fitted and discovered i had a mouse or mice, not sure yet! However due to having no cupboards for food storage i discovered that they likes my ryvita, so i purchased one of these traps. Within about 4 hrs of setting it up this 1 was caught, totally humane with no injury to the mouse and then set free into woods. Hopefully that’s the last i see of him/her. Trap reset just in case there is more!
I realised it is better to let the mice go from the end the food is put into as when you lift the other side it can catch/clip the tale of the mouse. If a mouse is in there all night it does have good breathing space compared to others I’ve used. I had a green trap before and watched them on camera running in, taking the food and running out with it, entertaining, but not useful. Overall I would recommend this product. I bought another.
So I had a wee mouse stealing my wild bird food inside my summer house. Got these at the start of the week as I liked the reviews. Over the past 4 days I’ve been to the countryside and resited 7 mice. I don’t think I’m done yet. This morning one of the 2 traps had a mouse, the other was empty. I did notice some mouse poop in the still-set one. On cleaning I realise a single bit of poop had got caught under the ramp, so it just walked in, filled its wee fae and left. Both cleaned and reset, I expect more tonight. Man they love peanut butter! This is a great product. A bit of a bargain really. Maybe a bit faffy to clean but worth it. They do give you a handy wee sponge on a stick thing to help with cleaning.
These are larger than normal traps and once set up they work easily and the pvc is a little tougher than standard ones so is less easily gnawed! We had an unexpected group of small field mice trying to nest down for the winter in the garage and wanted to re home them in the woods – job done.
Worked a treat, catching the mouse twice! Was able to release the mouse off into the wild about a hundred yards down the road and it hasn’t come back since
Was bit worried about being able to see the mouse in the trap but it was sensible to see that it was in trap and had plenty of room and it was good to set it free without it being harmed
I found chewed up tissues and wipes in my cars glove box, so I brought this not totally convinced it would work but it worked brilliantly as you can see by the video so I highly recommend it, as for Mickey he was released into the woods over the road from me and hopefully doesn’t retu
Also easy enough to open the door and release away from your house, local graveyard for us.
Pictured is mouse number 3. Far too cute to spiflicate with a traditional trap I’m sure you’ll agree. Although maybe I should have marked a little number 3 on his back just to be sure it’s not the same one coming back for more peanut butter.
Only slight negative is the included gloves which are supposed to stop your scent getting on the trap. They come packed inside the trap! In any case, I haven’t found the mice remotely concerned about the fact I have handled the trap directly.
The first night we put the trap in… the mouse was inside in a few hours! We released him safely in the woods. It is also a great experience for the young children (and us adults!) to see a living animal, my Son was amazed at it! I think this is a great product, and it is true, it allows you to enjoy a happy family life – living in harmony with all our ‘neighbours’. Thanks!!!
We saw a mouse in the house, which isn’t a surprise as we’re surrounded by fields and country roads, so we decided to look for a humane mouse trap. We opted for this one and within a couple of hours we had a mouse inside it.
We took it 4 miles away to release it, and when we got back decided to put it back down just in case, and another one was in there. Repeat everything, because we have ended up with 4four mice, even though we thought we only had one. It may go up – the trap is still in lace just in case.
The good thing about this trap is that it is definitely humane and there is no panic from the mouse. One of them decided to stop to give himself a wash at one point.
The trap is really easy to set you and also to clean, as long as you clean it after releasing the mouse. We have caught 6 mice so far in our house using bird seeds, which they love to snack on.
Now we just leave the trap ready in the kitchen area to catch any that turn up until we can find out where they are coming in from.
Some so called humane traps I have owned are very small and dark causing a lot of stress to the animal. This one has a large amount of clear plastic to keep it light, has lots of airholes and is big enough for the mouse to move around freely inside. It works very well in catching them and when released they don’t seem at all stressed. Very quick service from the provider too.
Brilliant! Mouse captured within a few days. Going to release it into the fields later today. I’m hoping it was on its own but I’ll put more peanut butter in it and set it up again.
Very happy with this product.
Works great. Peanuts and choc never fail caught the mouse first night I put it out. Took it away from my house and released without ever having to come into contact.
Great humane trap. Does exactly what it says it will and very easy to set up. Good sturdy plastic too. No mice were harmed in the making of this review 🙂
The design and construction all seems excellent but we have a very smart mouse who has avoided this and stayed out of 4 cats way so can’t comment on it’s actual ability to catch mic
Considering it said it could only catch one mouse was shocked when I checked it and found two of them inside! This really does the job & bait wise I’d say either peanut butter or if that doesn’t work try dry dog biscuits, remember to wear the gloves when setting the trap it’s true they can smell our scent if we don’t use the gloves.
We were looking for a humane way to catch a mouse my cat brought in live. This was easy to use and reasonably priced product. And can use again and again. Would recommend
Very simple to use. Literally caught a mouse within an hour of being in place. Released safe and sound. One tip- released a good distance from your home or they find their way back! We only realised when we caught our 7th and he had the same deformed ear as the first one. Peanut Butter, chocolate cake and cashews were the most popular!
Caught a mouse brought in by my cat that escaped behind a fireplace. Eventually coaxed out in a couple of days with bird seed and grass. Easy to use and set up, low price , humane trap. Didn’t ask for more and did it’s job. Being perspex, can just be submerged into bucket out of bleach and water to disinfect.
I have been trying to catch a smart mouse now for nearly 2 months. Tried 1 trap, then a second trap, than a combination of the 2 traps, trap in a box to restrict movements, poison/bait to no avail.
Dropped this one and after waiting 4 days and I have my prize.
Now release far (FAR) from my house. I’ll see how it goes in the long run, it caught a smart mouse though.
Note: I knew it’s run, hunting grounds due to the eating of the bait from the other traps, so I knew exactly where to place i
Mouse was caught within 24 hours, we put peanut butter in and then released him a few miles away from our house. Quite cute so glad he didn’t get hurt but also glad he no longer lives in my house
After hearing scratching noises in the loft I purchased this and that night placed it in there with some cheese. Woke up the next day and boom! Caught the mouse first time humanly. I have since released the little creature safely into the fields.
I got this because my Cats keep bringing in field mice and they are sometimes still alive, I found one running across the room recently and one of my two cats went after it but I wasn’t sure if he caught it or not, I put this down for three days and there was no mouse and the bait hadn’t been touched so I’m presuming the cat got him – I will keep this device handy for other occasions – it’s a good little trap which doesn’t harm the mouse, easy to use and clean.
This is by far the best humane trap for anyone not wanting to kill mice. I have fieldmice coming in and they are only visiting as they don’t like living in houses..this trap gives them plenty of room to move instead of being stuck in a narrow tube..once they realise they are trapped they tend to panic and can suffocate.
Recommended as highly as possible- well done the inventor (s)- and being clear I can easily see what is peering back at me and release quickly.
I found this trap easy enough to put together (and I’m no DIY’er). I put a little peanut butter in the food slot and placed it where I had heard the early morning scrstching, in my loft. Next morning, no scratching but a strange bumping noise. To my relief I had captured the mouse (hopefully the only one) which I took to a rural spot and let out.
Make sure you wear gloves when handling trap to set as you don’t want any human smell on it, which will deter rodents.
Good luck.
good simple trap, humane way of getting rid of any pests (also handy to capture lost hamster, i lent it to a friend when the kids let the hamster out and she couldn’t catch it haha)
not a bad size bit would stuggle with large rats.
so simple to use
Seems to be quite suitable for the humane capture and release of mice. Does not appear too sturdy, hope it will not be needed often, but with two cats, who knows.
Please go with a trap like this over one that will brutally kill the mouse we used this the first night we got it and by the morning we had captured the mouse and let it go on the field hidden in some bushes about a 10 min walk away. I highly recommend this trap for anyone its super easy to set up and works effectively.
Alas the mouse I am trying to catch is so tiny it can enter the trap, eat the bate and escape without triggering the trapdoor. I’m fattening the mouse up until it’s heavy enough to trigger the trap. Otherwise the trap works as advertised.
So we had this mouse for MONTHS! We got so familiar with her that we decided to name her “Shanice Yappa Yappa” after the meme.
Well well ladies and gents Shanice has now moved out of my kitchen, and was safely released 2km away so she doesn’t find her way back.
I used one spoon of peanut butter in the trap to lure her so she couldn’t just grab bait and run. What a result! I’m over the moon, this product works and worked on the first try! We had tried different traps and sensors before, and were about to call the exterminator and spend the quoted 300. I’m so glad I gave this a try!
I’m not one to bother writing reviews but this product has brought me back peace of mind and I know I won’t be jumping and having any more mini heart attacks every time I go for a midnight snack and Shanice gives me the scare of my life when she scurries away! It’s an amazing result I could kiss the person who invented this! Bye bye Shanice!! I will set the trap for a few more weeks though to make sure none of her friends or family remain here. Thank you, what a fantastic product that truly works!
The product is easy to use, simply press back the lever next to the entry door and lift the door up and back until it sits in place. Then gently press the sides of the bait bay at the back, slide out, and put some treats in it, slide back in so it clips in place. Now place in a location and wait. Good luck!
We bought this product because we wanted to catch and release mice humanely. We chose this particular one because of it was a longer design than the one we had previously which was much smaller and sometimes trapped the mouse’s tail when the trap door snapped shut.
The bait station is good, peanut butter is a good choice or chocolate! as it allows the mouse to at least have a source of food whilst trapped until it’s release. Move the trap around if you don’t catch the mouse first time. It really works!
The only negative I had was when cleaning it with a brush I pulled the fixture where the “landing plate” is located off the trap accidentally and the trap door would not stay open so replaced the trap with another.
The traps are very easy to set. I used about a grape size of peanut butter. Having caught mice before my advice is something “sticky” they can’t pick up and run off with. Also, if they are likely going to be there for several hours it keeps them from stressing out. We got nothing during the day, but I didn’t expect it. I woke up the following morning and both traps had been set off and both had a mouse. I walked them down to a nature reserve down the road and let them loose (and they ran straight out as soon as I opened it so point it in the direction you want them to go and stand at the back of the trap or they’ll come running at you).
The traps were set and my dogs were interested because if the smell of peanut butter. They pushed the traps around a few times but didn’t set them off.
Now they worked very well but I have a couple of comments about things that could be better.
1. It’s a shame it only catches 1 mouse at a time. I think there are several there and it will take me several days to sort.
2. The gloves included are fabric and I’m my opinion useless. Nice idea, but pick it up and get mouse wee on them once and it was pointless using them. I used the disposable medical gloves when handling and cleaning.
3. They poo’ed and wee’d in the trap, which is very thin and very difficult to clean out. It got stuck in the corners of the trap at the bottom.
My advice is to have a plan on where you will take them and deal with it as soon as possible, get different gloves, buy a couple if you suspect there’s more than one and if you are reusing them to have a bucket ready you can carry the traps in to the release location and clean them out in (one you won’t use for household stuff).
I’m happy to be gone or at least two so far (will be setting them out again today) and that nobody had to get hurt in the meantime.