PARKVISION Reversing Camera,Super Wide Viewing Angle

PARKVISION Reversing Camera,Super Wide Viewing Angle with Excellent Night Vision Metal Housing Reverse Camera,Parking Line Optional Parking Camera,Color White[SW-115SW]

Product Accessories
1 × SW-115SW Camera (1M/3.2ft)
1 × RCA Video Cable (6.5M/21.3ft)
1 × DC Power Cable (3.4M/11.1ft)
1 × Packing Box
2 × Gaskets
1 × User Manual
Dimensions: | 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm; 240 Grams |
Manufacture: | PARKVISION |
Dimensions: | 3.5 x 3.5 x 3.2 cm; 240 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Reference: | SW115S |
J’ai achet cette camra pour remplac mon ancienne camra d’une qualit dplorable. Je l’ai install sur une autoradio JVC kw-m565dbt je n’ai pas eu besoin de couper le fil bleu ou blanc , la camra tais rgl correctement directement. L’image de jour et de nuit est trs satisfaisante pour moi. Rapport qualit prix ! J’en suis trs satisfai
La camra est de bonne facture dans un boitier solide. La qualit de l’image est trs bonne de jour comme de nuit. L’installation est facile ,et le remplacement aussi grce au connecteur rapide qui permet de changer la camra sans avoir recabler jusqu’ l’intrieur du vhicule. Elle est utilise sur un 4X4 qui roule en permanence conditions difficiles (Pistes, boue, traverse de rivires, grand nord, dsert etc, 50’000 km/an ) – son installation en partie basse du vhicule la soumet aussi des contraintes plus importantes que pour une installation vers le support de plaque minralogique. . Ltanchit n’est pas parfaite sur le dessus malgr le joint caoutchouc fourni. La prmire camra a t HS au bout de 5 mois d’utilisation.. Lors du remplacement, j’ai amlior l’tanchit en noyant le dessus du boitier dans du silicone. La dure de vie de la camra a t augmente atteignant 14 mois. J’en commande tout de mme une nouvelle….
Ich habe diese Rckfahrkamera gekauft damit ich mit meinem Vw Bus sehe was hinter mir los ist. Man braucht fr die Kamera ein Radio welcher die Funktion auch untersttzt. Der Einbau war fr mich als Kfz-ler sehr leicht, die Kabellnge war auch ausreichend. Man sieht bei Tag und bei Nacht ausreichend auf der Kamera.
Buona qualit al giorno, un po’ scarsa al notte. Con le luci di retromarcia cmq si pu parkeggiare tranquillo. Montaggio complicato medio, nel mio caso perso pi tempo per passare i fili dentro tubo gommato della porta del cofano. L’angolo di montaggio ho dovuto fare piu grande, le strisce colorati sono un po’ basso e non si pu regolare. Limite rosso passa sulla targa! Conessione andato in automatico, senza tagliare i fili. Ffiesta mk6, la radio Junsun. Consiglio, vale i suoi soldi!
Bought this rear camera to replace a faulty unit on my Proace campervan. The camera that was faulty had no connector to rewire so I had to cut the wires. The faulty unit had four inner wires and this new one had 6. I overcame this issue and all is ok. Hope it lasts if not I will amend this review.
Appena installata da 2 giorni. Avevo un’altra retrocamera di altra marca e pagata la met che si “spenta” dopo 6 mesi.
Montata su NISSAN NOTE E12 del 2014.
PRO: Questa retrocamera migliore per qualit immagine (sia di giorno sia di notte) – e l’ angolo di visione molto pi ampio .
CONTRO : il cavetto della retrocamera E’ TROPPO CORTO !!!! La visione sullo specchietto retrovisore NCTS minore rispetto all’altra retrocamera che avevo.
Qualcuno ha scritto nelle recensioni che la qualit dei cavi ottima … la “quantit” NO !!
Se non si rompe come l’altra sicuramente un ottimo acquisto.
Appena riesco metter anche le foto.
Ho aggiunto una foto qualit visione notturna. Spero di aggiugerne altre versione giorno.
–>>> Aggiornamento Maggio 2023 – La telecamera si spenta e non vedo pi nulla sul display dello specchietto – ho controllato tutti i cavi. poi ho contattato il customer service spiegando il tutto. Devo dire che il c.s. di Parkvision oltre ad essere gentilissimi e disponibilissimi sono stati rapidissimi e cosi mi hanno inviato una nuova retrocamera. supporto 100% super . 5 stelle
Aggiornamento 8/6/2023 : 1/6/2023 montata nuova retrocamera e nuovo specchietto con grande display. una meraviglia. solo che ci deve essere un problema del cavo della telecamenra (allego foto) che si guasta sulla mia auto. infatti oggi 8/6/2023 non si vede nulla. non so come risolvere. ho chiesto al venditore un aiuto.
Habe die Kamera an ein VWGolf mit Androidradio angeschlossen, bin mit dem 1.Eindruck zufrieden, echt weitwinklig. Klar dauert der Einbau einige Stunden, aber es lohnt sich. Der Kamerastecker ist schn dnn, einen Filter habe ich zustzlich verbaut, damit das Bussystem/ Motor nicht das Bild strt. Wrde die Kamera wieder kaufen.
I installed it on MB C-class w204 via the CarPlay box.
The seller sent me five cameras, and only one works as it should.
I received my first brand-new camera, but it has a blurry image problem (second picture). After two weeks, I received another brand-new camera, but it was with the same blurry image problem.
After about one month, I received three returned cameras (not brand new). Two of them were dead with the black screen, and finally, the last one was without any problems. So, it took about three months to receive and install the working product.
But after that, now everything works perfectly.
The most complicated part of the installation was a vertical adjustment. I added three pads to avoid the license plate in the image.
Habe die Kamera nun 2 Monate verbaut und bin sehr zufrieden! Die Bildqualitt ist super auch in der Nacht bringt sie wirklich viel Licht und leuchtet gut aus. Der Weitwinkel ist ebenfalls sehr gut und passt. Das man die Linien und den Winkel per Kabel trennen einstellen kann ist perfekt. Der Einbau ist halt mit einem Loch bohren in die Heckklappe verbunden, wenn noch keins vorhanden ist. Aber es lohnt sich. Wrde diese genauso nochmal verbauen.
Nach dem Einbau, die Kamera gleich getestet, PAL/NTSC Funktion verfgbar, und muss mit mikrostecker verndert werden. Bildqualitt ist halt eine Kamera im gnstigsten preissegment, wer mehr mchte, muss auch tiefer in die Tasche greifen.
Langzeittest wird sich noch zeigen was diese so aushlt.
Bevor ich mich an die aufwndige Installation gemacht habe die Kamera schnell mal an 12V angehngt und den Videoeingang auf einen Monitor gehngt.
Kaum zu glauben, aber das Bild war sowohl im PAL wie im NTSC mode vllig unbrauchbar. Unscharf, verwaschen, einfach nur schlecht. Schade. Hatte mich echt gefreut.
Innerhalb von Stunden war das Ding wieder auf dem Rckweg zu Amazon.
Dann hat sich der Kundenservice von Parkvision bei mir gemeldet, sehr freundlich, sehr kompetent. berzeugt vom eigenen Produkt. Nach einigem hin und her habe ich bei Amazon die Cam nochmals bestellt und siehe da: EINWANDFREI!
Bildqualitt ist natrlich nicht wie beim iPhone, aber fr die angedachten Zwecke vllig ausreichend.
Was mich wirklich erstaunt hat, war der exzellente Service, den Parkvision bietet. Selten so erlebt.
Wichtig scheint wirklich zu sein, die Cam vor Einbau auszuprobieren. Den 5. Stern gibts nur deswegen nicht, weil mich das ganze hin und her Zeit und Nerven gekostet hat.
Ansonsten: echt empfehlenswert und wenn sie funktioniert macht sie einen soliden Eindruck.
Excellent Quality product. I did fit some other cameras recently and must say they were not really bad as a retrofit options. But this one exceeded my expectations.
Really good quality cables, camera feels solid and well build with its metal body. Two “angle change” washers great to have too.
Most importantly the picture quality is brilliant. As you can see on my video – crisp Sharp picture, no pixels no blur.
Super happy with it and ordered another one for next customer.
Good value for your money. Well boxed and easy to fit with additional spacers not like other cameras. Good picture and wide angle. Been using now for a few weeks with no problems.
This is my 3rd reverse camera, the other 2 were different makes and boasted of having a wide angle leans, looking at this one I can confirm they didn’t.
Clarity of the picture is excellent, the pictures attached are taken in the day and night, not really too dissimilar, however I do have led reverse lights which may aid the picture. All in all I 100% recommend this camera.
At first I was really surprised by how good the quality was compared to the price, but things started to go down hill after about 4 weeks. Camera didn’t work when the temperature dropped below -5 C, and it seems that something has been damaged by the “low” temperatures.
A shame with a camera that seemed to be good.
Great quality camera. Works perfectly and sits nice and flush above my number plate, without obscuring it at all. Nice that it’s fully metal as well. My only complaint is that the guide lines don’t seem to be adjustable, so I’ll probably re connect the wires to get rid of the lines. My only other complaint (NOT THE CAMERAS FAULT) is that I upgraded to LED number plate lights, meaning that the light is too bright at night for night vision to trigger. Before I installed these, though, the night vision was perfect.
Only dislike is it could do with being supplied with more angle wedges to allow more adjustment – I fitted it to a 2012 Seat Ibiza and had to fashion an extra wedge to get the correct viewing angle.
Easy to fit and great picture, you get what you pay for in quality..this camera is worth paying the price as the tech is far superior than the cheaper me I have tried a few.
Very good quality camera with good quality image day and night. The camera is actually in a full metal case and the wire connections are waterproof, which makes the installation easier. The very responsive seller and fast delivery, was an added bonus for me. I recommend this camera, as direct O.E replacement, or any other type of installation. The 180 view is very practical (Especially coming out from supermarket parking’s).
Anyway read the review on this camera and it all seemed positive so I bought one. The quality out of the box is promising, heavy metal unit, glass lens, built in fuse and all the wiring, even has angled spacers to get accurate viewing angle. Removed to Ebay plastic rubbish one and connected the Parkvision unit , the difference is very impressive, clear colour picture and wide viewing angle it also has optional parking guides.
Well worth the money and works a treat on my 2015 Merc E250 soft top, lord knows how much a proper factory Merc one would cost but this is big saving no doubt.