SUNACE Inflatable Unicorn Pool Float – Giant Inflatable

SUNACE Inflatable Unicorn Pool Float – Giant Inflatable Unicorn Pool Toy Unicorn Inflatable Pool Float Beach Swimming Inflatable Pool Floats Summer Pool Party Toys for Kids & Adults

Material: | 0.3mm High Quality Vinyl |
Size: | 200*90*120cm (after inflation) |
Applicable Age: | 3+ and above |
Carrying Capacity: | 100KG |
Package Dimensions | 29.3 x 21.4 x 10.9 cm |
Weight: | 1.87 KG |
Size: | 200*120*90cm |
Dimensions: | 200 x 120 x 90 cm; 1.54 Kilograms |
Brand: | SUNACE |
Colour: | White, Blue |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | SUNACE |
Age: | Adult |
Dimensions: | 200 x 120 x 90 cm; 1.54 Kilograms |
Size: | 200*120*90cm |
Flotador en forma de Unicornio esta genial para piscina, playa. Hemos disfrutado muchsimo. Es grande pero facil de utilizar tiene 3 vlvulas para inflar y desinflar.
Se ve bastante resistente. Tiene 2 asas para que puedas montar fcilmente. Ha sido un regalo fantastico. Recomiendo 100%
El Unicornio Flotador de SUNACE es la eleccin perfecta para disfrutar de das de diversin en la piscina o en la playa. Este gigante hinchable se ha convertido en un elemento icnico de las vacaciones de verano y, despus de probarlo, puedo decir que cumple todas las expectativas y ms.
Lo primero que notars al recibir este flotador es su calidad. Est hecho de material resistente de PVC, lo que garantiza que sea duradero y capaz de soportar horas de juego en el agua. Las costuras son fuertes y confiables, y las vlvulas son rpidas y fciles de inflar. En cuestin de minutos, tendrs un unicornio majestuoso listo para llevar a la piscina.
El diseo del unicornio es simplemente adorable. Los colores vibrantes y los detalles bien definidos le dan un aspecto mgico y encantador. La atencin al detalle es evidente en cada parte del flotador, desde la crin y la cola hasta el cuerno en espiral. Es un unicornio que seguramente capturar la imaginacin de nios y adultos por igual.
En trminos de tamao, este flotador es verdaderamente gigante. Puede acomodar cmodamente a adultos y nios, lo que lo convierte en una opcin verstil para toda la familia. Puedes relajarte en l, tomar el sol o incluso jugar juegos divertidos en la piscina. Es lo suficientemente grande como para que todos puedan disfrutar juntos.
La estabilidad del Unicornio Flotador de SUNACE es impresionante. Gracias a su diseo equilibrado, se mantiene en posicin vertical en el agua sin problemas. Incluso si te subes al lomo del unicornio, no tendrs que preocuparte por volcar. Esto agrega un nivel de seguridad y comodidad que aprecio enormemente.
En general, el Unicornio Flotador de SUNACE es una adicin imprescindible para cualquier da de verano. La calidad, el diseo y la diversin que ofrece son inigualables. Ya sea que ests pasando tiempo en la piscina, en la playa o en un lago, este flotador har que tus das sean an ms especiales. Preprate para crear recuerdos inolvidables mientras te deslizas suavemente sobre las olas montado en este unicornio mgico!
el producto es acorde para un adulto o para un nio acompaado del adulto si te metes dentro del agua y el nio no sabe nadar.
Las dimensiones son correctas, aunque si lo que buscas es tumbarte y tomar el sol, puede que no sea la mejor opci
Muy Bonito y recomendable es mucho mas grande de lo que esperaba, de buena calidad no tienen remates que te pueden cortar, es resistente y soporta mucho peso, en el agua es muy estable, perfecto tanto para los adultos como para los nios. Sin duda esta compra ha sido un gran acierto
Non ero molto convinto di fare questo tipo di acquisto , ma poi mi sono affidato alle recensioni ed ho fatto molto bene perch l ‘ articolo si rivelato molto bello esteticamente , poich piaciuto moltissimo ai bambini . Ma soprattutto eccezionale dal punto di vista della robustezza e della fattura . Consiglio moltissimo l’ acquisto, credo che passeremo una estate molto divertente con questo Unicorno . I bambini sono entusiasti !!!
Prodotto bellissimo molto colorato, resistente anche per il peso di due adulti insieme. Con questo unicorno il divertimento assicurato per grandi e piccoli!! E come vedete in foto anche per i nostri amici a 4 zampe che non amano stare in acqua voto 10!!
Bob the unicorn was everything we needed for a relaxing paddle. His magnificent tail flowing in the breeze and his proud horn pointing the way he got us all home safely and in truly epic style.
took a while to inflate but we had a good laugh doing it. Such a big inflatable and just as big as we had hoped for . Really good quality and deflates and stores well as long as dry before you fold etc. Not bad value at all
Most kids will love this large colourful inflatable. So will quite a lot of grown-ups.
The unicorn inflated easily using a detonator-style pump. The manufacturer claims that it can also be inflated using a hairdryer – I’m not sure how that would work and I’m not going to try it.
The unicorn has some really attractive features: rainbow mohawk and tail, big smile, long eyelashes, gold-coloured horn.
Inflatables are best used in the sea or lochs. If it’s put into a swimming pool, it shouldn’t be jumped onto from the poolside. I’ve seen horrific head injuries happen in pools when children have jumped onto inflatables and fallen backwards, bashing their heads on the edge of the pool. In pools care should be taken to make sure the unicorn doesn’t go close to the edge with someone is on its back. That avoids potential injuries.
Disegnato bene robusto si gonfia in due punti diversi e per sgonfiarlo bisogna stringere la pipetta cos se per sbaglio si apre non si rischia di sgonfiarlo dalle foto sembra pi grande ma x una bambina di 5 anni va bene, unico neo in mare dove ci sono le onde rischia di rovesciarsi
Das Einhorn hat eine sehr schne Gre. Die Nhte sind alle gut verarbeitet, es sind keine zu Schlaf oder zu spitz. Das Einhorn hat drei Kammern, einmal die liegeflche, der Hals mit Kopf und die Mhne. Das Loch ist gro genug fr verschiedene aufpump Methoden. Stopfen passt perfekt drauf und lsst keine Luft raus. Es gibt noch mal ein separates Loch im Stopfen fr eine Spitzere Nadel, womit man noch mal den Rest aufpumpen kann. Das Einhorn verliert keine Luft und man kann es auch sehr leicht wieder abbauen und die Luft lsst sich auch wieder Gut raus holen.
This inflatable will definitely make an impression when you take it to the pool.
It’s pretty big but the image used to advertise it is a bit deceiving with it being a bit smaller than it looks. The head also makes it a bit front heavy which is fine for an adult but it kept tipping over with my six year old on it.
It’s easy enough to inflate although I would definitely recommend using a pump or compressed unless you have iron lungs.
Once inflated it seems very robust and we had very little air escape over a weeks worth of use.
It’s pretty well priced as most others we seen on holiday were actually more expensive due to the “tourist tax”
Kein Sommer ohne Schwimmtiere – das ist doch ganz klar, oder?
Bei uns darf jedes Jahr ein neues “Tier” einziehen und dieses Einhorn wird uns in den Dnemark-urlaub begleiten 😉
Klein verpackt wird das Schwimmtier, inklusive Flicken geliefert.
So kann man es super mit in den Urlaub nehmen.
Zum aufblasen kann man natrlich seine eigene Kraft nutzen oder aber eine entsprechende Pumpe.
Das Einhorn hat aufgeblasen eine Gre von 100 x 80 x 185cm – hier haben sogar Erwachsene Platz.
Die Sitzflche bietet Platz fr locker 2 Personen. Das Einhorn hat am Hals zwei Griffe, hier kann man sich super festhalten.
Nach dem Badespa kann man das Einhorn entlften, das Ventil kann vollstndig geffnet werden, so das die Lft zgig entweichen kann.
Das farbenfrohe Einhorn sorgt fr viel Spa auf dem Wasser und zieht alle Blicke auf sich 😉
Une boue licorne :
Grande taille
Peut accueillir jusqu’ 2 personnes
3 valves de gonflages
Poignes de maintien sur le cou
Accompagne d’un kit de rparation
Utiliser de prfrence un compresseur pour le gonflage qui prend du temps
Une fois gonfle, elle prend de la place…
Imposante, elle permet de se positionner correctement dessus . Les enfants aiment bien la chevaucher, heureusement que les poignes sont prsentes. Esprons que les coutures soient rsistantes!
MERCI pour votre soutien grce vos clics “utiles” !
Belle licorne de grande dimension ! Elle peut tenir jusqu’ 100kg ! Elle
Je ne l’ai pas encore utilis car je n’ai pas de piscine ni la mer ct mais cette t la plage, elle fera fureur !!! Au toucher en effet la qualit semble tre l (plus pais). Il faut de prfrence utiliser un compresseur pour la gonfler sinon a risque de prendre la journe.
Une fois replie correctement elle rentre dans son petit carton donc facilit de rangement +++ (bon faut retrouver comment la plier tout de mme). Un petit papier nous explique qu’on peut la gonfler de plusieurs faons dont la technique du sche-cheveux que je ne connaissais pas.
Un petit patch rparation en cas de point de ponction sur la licorne.
Le prix lui est de 29,98 mais vu la taille de la bte, je trouve a dans les prix habituels.
In erster Linie besticht dieses witzige Einhorn durch seine Gre und die Optik. Dieses Riesending fllt natrlich bei jedem Strandurlaub sofort ins Auge Man merkt aber auch beim ersten Mal Aufblasen sofort die gute Qualitt. Das Vinyl wirkt sehr robust und strapazierfhig, die bergnge sind gut verarbeitet.
Besonders toll finde ich die Luftventile. Diese haben eine 3 in 1 Funktion. Wenn man sie vollstndig ffnet, kann die Luft sehr rasch wieder rausstrmen. Ein Vollstndiges Entleeren dauert keine 3 Minuten!
Wenn man das Einhorn aber aufblst, sollte man das mittlere Ventil schlieen, so dass keine Luft entweichen kann whrend dieses Vorgangs. Dies funktioniert einwandfrei. Wir haben brigens das Tier zu zweit mit dem Mund in weniger als 10 Minuten aufgeblasen. Also fr alle, die ber ausreichend Lungenvolumen verfgen, sollte das kein Problem darstellen.
Den Preis von 30 Euro (Stand 05/22) fr die gute Qualitt finde ich vollkommen in Ordnung. Man bekommt beim Discounter zwar hnliche Schwimmtiere in der gleichen Gre und Optik, die Freude whrt aber meist nicht lange, weil die Qualitt nicht annhernd dieselbe ist. Von daher von uns eine berzeugte Kaufempfehlung!
So its very big, cute and stylish, easy to inflate and use. Perfect for pool or river, very good quality – Little one played for atleast two weeks not in the pool and it still in perfect condition!
A massive and bold inflatable unicorn.
Inflates easily, either manual or with a mini inflator like I used.
Stays inflated for hours, only saw slight change in inflation but i think that was because it was a warm day.
The handles are very secure.
Worth the money!
This Inflatable Unicorn is really big and comfortable.
I have an inflator machine at home and I use it and was great and easy but is fantastic that you can use a simple hairdryer to inflate too.
It is going to be great for this summer, the quality is good and is well made, I recommend it.
I would not recommend trying to blow this up my mouth as it would take ages. I used a wireless air pump and it still took about 10 minutes to blow up.
The unicorn is huge! My kids think it is the best thing ever. Although we don’t have a pool set up yet my children enjoyed playing on this in the garden, it is big enough for three children to sit on and feels extremely good quality. We cannot wait to use this more in the summer not only that it was easy to deflate as well and was easily stored away in our garage
A massive Inflatable unicorn pool float.
If your thinking of getting on I recommend a pump.
It floats well in ths pool ans has handles to hold onto.
This can be used for children or adults.
The plastic is really think so I think it will last well.
This is one weighty inflatable unicorn. It is very big, my kids can easily get two on at the same time. It looks great inflated.
If you plan on buying and taking on holiday in with you unless you have a lot of spare weight allowance I would consider something else!
This has already been to a pool party.
The review from the user is that it is a lot of fun, but difficult to climb onto.
I think this is a design staple to inflatables.
Beside this detail the inflation valves were an in between size – so you “inflator” may not fit directly.
There are three valves, so three zones to inflate.
A mechanical pump of some kind is a necessity.
However this was an absolute hit with the kids.
We’re off on holiday soon and have our own pool at our accommodation. Saw this large unicorn float pop up and knew I needed to have it. It just instantly puts a smile on my face when I see it. The colours are great and the size is even better.
Really great and fun way to relax at the pool or in the sea even and will make any holiday better. The quality of this is much better of others I’ve seen and am really happy with it.
This is a great pool floatie, be warned though it really is as big as the pictures, perfect for both kids and adults, takes my 90kg weight too, seems well made and does take a bit of blowing up as you would image, all in all, a great giant unicorn float.
This unicorn is great fun! My kids have loved using this in the pool. It is a good size and both my 3 and 5 year old can fit on it at the same time. The plastic feels nice and thick and I don’t think it will puncture easily. It does come with a repair patch just in case. We used a battery blower to blow it up and took just a few minutes.
This LARGE inflatable unicorn is so much fun. Only got it out once so far and the grandkids loved it.
It is made from stronger material, much stronger than the usual plastic and as it has three inflation points, it tends to be very stable too. This is where I have to tell you that it takes a while to inflate – we used a specialised pump and whilst it still took several minutes to completely inflate from all three valves, it would have been a lot of hard work with a hand pump – or even using, as they suggest!! a hair dryer.
The printing of the face raises a smile too – it was so popular that we didn’t actually deflate it and put it in the garage as it was. However, I think it will be let down as it takes up far too much room.
This is a quality item that will give several summers worth of fun.
This inflatable unicorn is huge! I would suggest using an electric pump to inflate or you may be there for some time. Really decent quality which you would expect for the price. The colours are nice and bright and the edges are smooth. The 3 in 1 valve confused me a little to start with but soon got the hang of it. Not so suited to smaller paddling pools as it does take up the entire pool but great for holidays or larger pools. Would recommend.