SwitchBot Smart Motion Door Sensor – Wireless Home Security

SwitchBot Smart Motion Door Sensor – Wireless Home Security System, PIR Motion Detector Alert, Add SwitchBot Hub Mini to be Compatible with Alexa
From the brand

Weight: | 110 g |
Dimensions: | 10 x 5 x 3 cm; 109.71 Grams |
Model: | W1101500 |
Part: | W1101500 |
Colour: | White |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | Yes |
Batteries Included: | Yes |
Manufacture: | SwitchBot |
Dimensions: | 10 x 5 x 3 cm; 109.71 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
Ich habe den Bewegungsmelder in Verbindung mit dem SwitchBot Smart Switch Toggle” gekauft.
Der Grundgedanke war, den Knopf vom Boiler bei Bewegung automatisch zu aktivieren.
Die Einrichtung ist wirklich sehr benutzerfreundlich und leicht verstndlich.
Nach der Erstellung eines kostenfreien Kontos, konnte man auch direkt das Gert verbinden und innerhalb von 10min war alles startklar.
Bei nherer Recherche konnte ich einen Zeitplan erstellen und die letzten Bewegungen einsehen.
Mittlerweile funktioniert es schon seit einem halben Jahr einwandfrei, ich kann es wirklich nur jedem empfehlen (der hnliche Probleme lsen mchte).
Good quality build, unfortunately need to return.
Response for movement was to slow like for me, maybe because it needed to be connected to cloud and it slowd down response
Eccellente, tutto il necessario a portata di mano. Oltre al device, troviamo un piccolo ma ben scritto manuale di istruzioni, la base che pu essere incastrata sia sul fondo che sul retro del device, 2 batterie AAA ed uno sticker. Davvero tutto ci che dovrebbe esserci, anche in un packaging contenutissimo. Eccellente.
Come per tutti i prodotti switchbot, molto moderna: Semplice, curata, squadrata e minimale. Il colore Bianco si adatta allo stile di ormai tantissimi appartamenti. Le dimensioni sono davvero minime. Qualit costruttiva impeccabile: l’aggancio in 2 punti differenti non solo dimostra questo aspetto ma anche la grande ingegnerizzazione che c’ dietro un piccolo device come questo. Tra l’altro, sempre in termini di ingegnerizzazione e semplicit di utilizzo per l’utente, importante il magnete alla base, che consente di utilizzare il sensore su oggetti magnetici senza dove forare muri. Massima approvazione.
Partiamo dalla prima installazione, banalissima e molto rapida: login su app switchbot, click su “+” per aggiunta device, click su “Motion Sensor”, seguire il wizard. Durata 1 minuto ed avrete il device configurato.
Per quanto concerne, invece, il funzionamento come sensore c’ poco da dire se non che funziona alla perfezione. Preciso, puntuale e senza sbavature. Il detection range di max 9 metri frontalmente e 4metri con una angolazione laterale (o sopra/sotto in base a come si installa) di 55, quindi 110 di angolo di visuale. Una feature interessante il sensore di luminosit, grazie al quale il device capisce se l’ambiente illuminato o meno riuscendo, pertanto, a scatenare una serie di routine che solo la fantasia pu limitare. Impeccabile!
[ PREZZO ] : 5/5
Rapporto qualit/prezzo impareggiabile. A parit di qualit, dotazione e dettagli non si trova di meglio.
Using the SwitchBot Smart Door Sensor is a bit of a novelty to automatically trigger switching lamps on when entering the spare room and then off again when no movement is detected after a period of 5 minutes.
Its achieved using a combination of IFTTT, SwitchBot Sensor and smart plugs connected to two lamps. I plan to expand this light fantastic to the hallway using Philips Hue bulbs and second Sensor.
I have the Hub Mini and 2 Motion Sensors.
I initially bought the hub and 2 sensors on a deal. To start with, I didn’t have any issue setting up the hub or one of the sensors, but the second one turned out to be faulty. I established this with great help from Customer Support. I got a replacement which worked without any problem.
I use one sensor to turn on a hallway light, on a schedule, during the night. The other one has different schedules enabled to turn on lights in our living room late at night, turn on the light and my PC first thing in the morning and also turn on my PC when I get home from work in the afternoon (all via Alexa routines)!
The sensors are very well made and the range they cover is at least 30-40 feet.
Battery life is really good – almost a year so far, even though they are in highly active areas, and the app even tells you how much battery life is remaining.
These really are impressive little devices and Switchbot provide great service.
Any new device that I get to try from switch bot doesn’t fail to amaze me. Each device seems like it has been made very thoughtfully. In addition for them to just work, they are very relevant to the surroundings.
The motion sensor for example has more than one way to mount. It also includes magnet which helps us not to drill or stick anything on the walls if we prefer. Their ifttt integration is the best I’ve seen so far, with so many daily use options to select from.
Keep doing the good work folks!
I really liked how straightforward this was to set up with a SwitchBot bulb and Google Home – now I have it to switch a light on whenever I enter my windowless study. The only downside is it takes about 3 seconds to react, so I’ve had to position the motion sensor accordingly to account for the delay. Still, good little gadget!
I know it’s been mentioned more than once on the reviews but please make sure you buy the hub if you purchase this motion sensor. I purchased the sensor with the plan to link in with Home Assistant. The product arrived and took no time at all to link with their app but it was basically useless as I didn’t have the hub so couldn’t link with other smart items in my house.
Not a problem I thought, I’ll add it to Home Assistant and all will work. No such luck. Still cannot access anything locally so cannot make use of the device.
Despite this I can see how quick motion detection easy and the app is really easy to use. The hub is arriving any day now which will give me full access to Alexa and all my devices around the house. Hopefully this will allow Home Assistant to work as well so I can make the sensor available locally.
Overall can’t complain as the price is excellent for such a quick performing sensor and the sensor itself is very discreet (nobody noticed it was installed until I mentioned it).
I Have tried many smart motion sensors , and all have had issues with routines failing or short battery life , I thought I’d give swithbot sensors ago as i previously have purchased switchbot switches and have been very pleased with there functionality and battery life . The motion sensor dose not fall short of that same experience and i am very happy with battery life ,and the fact the sensors also have a light sensor to trigger day night routines based of light is awsome. Overall I’m very happy with switchbot products and have had no issues and would gladly
I have quite a few of the switchbot products and i have been really happy with them all.I use a switchbot bot to turn on the AC inverter on my Jackery power pack and it has worked flawlessly.I have really surprised at the battery life and have only just had to replace it.The motion sensor is set to turn on a security light and,again,performs well although it hasn’t been installed very long,I am confident it will be as reliable as my other switchbot products.
Aprovech que tengo un hub de swicht para adquirir este sensor para conectarlo con una bombilla inteligente desde una rutina co Alexa.
Va genial. Puedes regular la sensibilidad y responde rpido.
I currently own four motion sensors, for a period between three to four months. I have found all of them to be very reliable. With a response time on average of 3 seconds. This appears to still be true regardless of the time day or night. I really can’t tell any difference in the sensors response times.
It did take me a little time to set up each motion sensor. But with a little bit of patience they are not to difficult to set up. It is also possible to connect the sensors to work in conjunction with Alexa, IFTTT, & TP Link bulbs. I managed to do it, & I am no technical wizard that is for sure.
Je l’apprcie mme plus que mes dtecteurs Philips Hue. Et oui ! Avec Philips, mme au minimum, les dtecteurs sont trop sensibles. Je passe devant la porte au loin et la lumire s’enclenche, je dois bientt frler les murs 🙂 Avec switchbot a s’allume quand je rentre.
Aussi, avec Philips, 10 secondes avant la fin du timer la lumire se baisse et il faut bouger avant que a ne s’teigne. Avec Switchbot, quand un mouvement est dtect, le timer de rinitialise. Au bout d’une minute d’inactivit il considre qu’il n’y a pas de mouvement. Je peux bouger tout moment et a repart pour une minute. C’est beaucoup plus pratique quand on veut clairer une pice quand/tant qu’il y a de la prsence. Pas la peine de bouger comme un imbcile au dernier moment pour que la lumire reste allume.
Grce l’API je l’utilise avec Home Assistant et je le fait fonctionner avec mes lumires Philips HUE. Le webhook est enclench quand un mouvement est dtermin et quand il n’y a plus d’activit.
Il est aussi possible d’avoir des infos sur la luminosit ambiante.
Je ne sais toujours pas si je prfre cet artivle ou le contact de porte de la mme marque qui gre aussi le mouvement. A la fin je crois que son avantage c’est de pouvoir le positionner o on veut. Alors que finalement, le contact de porte est cens aller sur une porte du coup pas toujours adapt ce qu’on veut faire.
There are two limitations. The first is an Alexa routine limitation which does not allow for more sophisticated combinations of trigger. e.g. I can’t say only detect motion if after sunset but before sunrise. I can however put in time limitations.
The 2nd limitation is that the thermal sensor is not particularly sensitive even on its most sensitive setting. I have a moderately long landing and it does not detect movement at the far end. I would say it is fairly reliable up to 5m or so but not beyond. There are quite a few factors that effect this so I can’t give a specific distance.
The app itself is good and allows for more sophisticated routines than Alexa, however will only allow you to control other Switchbot products and not for example Smartlife compatible switches hence why you may well resort to Alexa (or Google) routines.
Great addition, now my lights turn on and off when I enter and leave the room. It’s cool that you can also set this to turn off the tv if it detects no motion for a while. Pleased with purchase
Motion Sensor Review
Tested with Switchbot, Alexa and IFTTT and works well. Note that Alexa routines don’t have the option of triggering on both Motion and Dim/Bright ambient light but the Switchbot system and IFTTT does. Alexa allows you to set a trigger between time ranges. Very easy to set up an Alexa routine to trigger the lights and switch on the radio on motion.
The base does require a firm push to fix it to the sensor.
De bewegingssensor werkt snel en is makkelijk te installeren. Uitleg en instructies voor plaatsen is ook uitgebreid. Ik gebruik de sensor om een lamp in en uit te schakelen. Firmware updates kunnen uitgerold worden. De bewegingssensor is weer een mooie toevoeging in de Switchbot producten.
Or, when used with the Switchbot curtain, it can be set to open when motion detected and close when no motion is detected for a certain duration.
Additionally, it works very well with Alexa and can be used as a trigger for lights or other devices. Notifications through Alexa work also.
The motion sensor works well and when coupled with an Alexa routine gives me exactly what I want in terms of notifications and smart light/plug actions. Best to turn off the switchbot’s own notifications unless you want to be alerted every time you or family walk into the room. Alexa routines give the ability to choose alerts only at certain times of day/night, or when the house should be empty.