Taf Toys Mini Moon Baby Pram Mobile for Cot, Crib, Pram

Taf Toys Mini Moon Baby Pram Mobile for Cot, Crib, Pram, Stroller & Car Seat. Sensory Textures & Soothing Sounds. Suitable for Newborn Infant Boys & Girls from Birth. 0 months +.

Who are Taf Toys?
Founded in 1991, Taf Toys’ primary focus is to create a uniquely memorable line of developmental toys for babies that incorporate tons of love and excitement. Taf Toys are more than just for babies, they are a direct channel of communication from our hearts to you and your baby.
We understand that choosing the right developmental toy for your child is a serious decision. Taf Toys’ wide range of products provides you with developmental toys that correspond to your baby’s age and that are challenging, fun and inspire the imagination. All of our toys are created with the intention to promote your baby’s emotional, cognitive, and physical development during their first two years of growth. Our goal is to help your baby establish a foundation for a healthy and happy developmental path.
Weight: | 150 g |
Dimensions: | 16.5 x 43 x 16 cm; 150.25 Grams |
Model: | 12095 |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Composition: | Polyester + ABS + PP |
Dimensions: | 16.5 x 43 x 16 cm; 150.25 Grams |
Quantity: | 1 |
I haven’t actually tried this product but like the material and the sounds. Looking forward for the baby to try it out during our next long car trip. I bought this based on a friend’s recommendation who’s advice was it worked like magic to keep her baby calm and busy.
Our carrycot didn’t really allow you to attach any toys or anything to it, like thy curly pram toy things, and although baby wasn’t big enough for his seat part of the buggy, he was becoming more alert and i was worried a bit bored.
This is so lovely, we get lots of compliments.
It also helps when we’re out and about and he’s at that tired drifting stage, keeps him occupied in his pram while the tiredness takes him off to sleep
Bought this mobile to clip onto various items we have – the carrycot on the pram for when we’re out and about, and his bouncer. Baby loves looking at it and trying to hit it. I like that it has rattle sounds and a bell to keep him interested.
ottimo materiale colori vivaci formine molto carine e il suono dei sonagli piacevoli all’udito.
la giostrina formata da un sonaglio centrale e da una nuvola una stella e una luna che hanno dentro 3 sonagli diversi. grazie alla pinza si pu appendere praticamente ovunque, non molto grande e leggera oltre che a casa si pu considerare una giostrina da viaggio. al mio bimbo piace tantissimo
consiglio questo prodotto
Es muy bonito y los colores son muy dulces. En mi carro de inglesina le queda un poco alto para que mi beb pueda cogerlo pero le sirve para distraerse en los paseos y juega con l en otros lugares gracias a la pinza.
Lo compr para entretener a mi beb de 2 meses en el cochecito. Todo un acierto, le encant, le entretiene mucho por lo que los paseos ahora pueden ser ms largos que antes.
Es bastante mono
Ottimo giochino per i bimbi pi piccoli, muovendolo vengono prodotti dei suoni sono davvero gradevoli e al mio bimbo di 2 mesi piace tantissimo ed essendo abbastanza lungo lo stimola a provare ad afferrare i sonagli.
Ottimo da attaccare alla cappotta della carrozzina, ovetto e passeggino
Es suave y colores muy bonitos, menos estridentes que otros motivos. En el carro no le convence mucho, pero se lo hemos colocado colgando para la silla del coche, y como suena, le encanta darle con el pie, cogerlo, morderlo…
Bon rapport qualit prix, trs pratique avec sa pince on peut l’accrocher partout. Ma fille est attire par les couleurs et aime entendre le carillon.
Il est indiqu que l’article ne passe pas en machine laver mais je l’ai mis quand mme (impensable de laisser mon enfant au contact d’un jouet non lav) et aucun problme ! L’article est toujours en excellent tat.
Fue el primer juguete que le compr a mi hijo y dira es uno de sus favoritos. A pesar de los seis meses que han pasado, juega con el todos los das, le encanta. Lo he utilizado en mil sitios gracias a la pinza. Adems es sper bonito, lo volvera a comprar sin ninguna duda.