VASFFG Wine Opener Set – Corkscrew,Wine Accessories Areator

VASFFG Wine Opener Set – Corkscrew,Wine Accessories Areator Wine Opener Kit Gift Set with Wood Case
VASFFG Wine Opener Set

Package contains
Rabbit Opener: 1pc
Spare helix: 2pc
Wine pourer: 2pc
Aerator: 1 pc
Wine stopper: 1pc
Drip ring: 1pc
Foil cutter: 1pc
Weight: | 1.39 kg |
Dimensions: | 28.2 x 24.4 x 8.4 cm; 1.39 Kilograms |
Brand: | VASFFG |
Colour: | Silver, Black |
Dimensions: | 28.2 x 24.4 x 8.4 cm; 1.39 Kilograms |
Gut, ein “normaler” Korkenzieher ist viel billiger, aber auch nicht so komfortabel zu handhaben wie dieser und natrlich auch nicht so schickimicki zum Angeben. Das Holzkstchen sieht aus der Nhe auch so gut aus wie auf dem Bild, also optimal als Geschenk fr den Gelegenheitssufer in der Bekanntschaft.
Von der Qualitt her scheint er mir sehr ordentlich, vergleichbar mit dem, den ich schon seit vielen Jahren verwende (und selber geschenkt bekommen habe). Wozu es 2 Ersatzspiralen gibt, wei ich nicht. Ich seh keine Mglichkeit, die kaputtzukriegen. Die restlichen Gadgets (Ausgiehilfen) hab ich noch nicht ausprobiert, sehen aber ntzlich aus.
Was dieser leider nicht hat, ist ein Stativ (das andere identisch geformte Modelle haben). Man hat ihn also irgendwo rumliegen oder tut ihn jedes Mal in die Holzschatulle zurck, die dann aber auch recht viel Platz braucht, den nicht jeder in der Kche hat.
Achtung: Es gibt hier auf Amazon zwar billigere Modelle in dieser Bauweise, die haben aber Plastikgriffe und sind berhaupt nicht zu empfehlen wegen Verletzungsgefahr.
La livraison a eu lieu en temps et en heure, dommage que le coffret contenant le tire bouchons soit un peu abim dan un coin alors qu’il est destin tre offe
Bello bello! Comprato per un regalo e devo dire che ha fatto la sua bella figura. La scatola in legno non pesantissima ma comunque robusta e molto bella. Gli attrezzi all’interno sono fatti bene e resistenti
La scatola elegante e ci che racchiude molto utile per chi ama offrire un buon bicchiere di vino ai suoi ospiti o assaporarne il contenuto lui/lei stesso/a. Io ho fatto contenti gi due coppie di sposini con questo regalo. Inusuale ma utilissimo.
Easy to use strong wine opener with wine bottle ring that stops drips around the bottle.
Cork screw attachments and pourer in a lovely gift case.
Top marks loved it great gift to myself
his made a lovely gift for a friends birthday, very nice looking set and superb quality. price seems a bit expensive but this does contain everything needed for a wine lover.
This would make a lovely gift to give or to receive – it has literally all the little bits and bobs that proper wine type people like!
A good opener is my gauge – and this one is great.
Good quality, well packaged, great value, and recommended.
Good looking set presented in a nice wooden box. Great for a gift especially for a wine lover. The individual items work well and are of good use. Highly recommended.
Bereits auf den Bildern der Artikelbeschreibung machte das Weinffner-Set einen sehr edlen Eindruck und wir wurden absolut nicht enttuscht.
Die hochwertige Holzschatulle mit Schnallenverschluss, in der sich alles an Zubehr befindet, was das Weinliebhaber Herz hher schlagen lsst, kommt sehr sicher verpackt an und sieht einfach nur edel aus.
Das Innere der Schatulle ist ausgelegt mit dunklem Hartschaumstoff. Hierin befindet sich, fest fixiert in passgenauen Ausbuchtungen, ein massiver, hochwertiger und sehr sauber verarbeiteter Flaschenffner. Dazu diverses Equipment in ebenso guter Qualitt, wie Banderollenknipser, Ausgieer, Ersatzkorkenzieher und mehr.
Mit Hilfe des scharfen Etikettenschneiders lsst sich die Banderole der Weinflasche blitzschnell und akkurat abschneiden / lsen.
Die Weinausgieer sind ansprechend designed und haben, dank ihrer nach oben hin breiter werdenden Stecker aus Hartgummi, einen festen Sitz auf allen gngigen Weinflaschen.
Die przise Hebelmechanik des Flaschenffners funktioniert einwandfrei und sehr leichtlufig, die Weinflasche ist im Nu offen. Hat man Gste, ist er dazu ein echter Hingucker.
Fr ein solch hochwertiges und umfangreiches Set, dazu in dieser edlen Holzschatulle, ist der Preis wirklich Top.
Preis, Qualitt, Verarbeitung, Handling und Design berzeugen auf voller Linie. Das Set ist auch ein tolles und wertiges Geschenk fr Weinliebhaber. Verdient volle 5 Sterne.
Hi Ihr Lieben!
Ich gebe diesem Weinffner Set
Warum ich denke, dass gerechtfertigt sind?
Wer gerne einen guten Wein trinkt und diesen auch gerne und gut prsentiert, der wird sich an dieser Box sicherlich erfreuen.
Auch ist diese Box ein wunderbares Geschenk fr Weinliebhaber. Eine gute Falsche Wein und diese Box dazu und schon hat man ein prsentables und wertiges Geschenk.
Dabei kann man auch mit der 2 Jahresgarantie punkten.
In diesem 9 teiligen Set ist soweit alles drin, was man braucht. Die Box ist hergestellt aus Rosenholz und ebenmig gut verarbeitet. Der Verschluss schaut edel und verspielt aus und kann auch mit einer Hand geffnet werden.
Innliegend im samtigen Material sind ein Flaschenffner mit Korkenziehergewinde. Diesen gibt es auch 2 x in Reserve. ein Ausgieer, ein Belfter, Folienschneider, Halsband und einen Stopper.
Da Rosenholz kein Billigholz ist und es seinen Preis hat, ist der Preis gerechtfertigt. Auch ist der Korkenffner mit seiner Einhandhebeltechnik einfach und schnell zu bedienen.
Der Preis liegt zum Rezensionszeitpunkt im Juni 2022 bei 33.99
Deshalb gibt es von mir 5 Sterne fr dieses schne und wertige Set.
Alles Liebe und good time auf Amazon wnscht Euch
Eure Amazon Vine Produkttesterin und Rezensionsschreiberin
Nice gift set for anybody, who likes a glass of wine. It comes well presented in a wooden box. There are different useful gadgets as you can see in the pictures. To be honest, I am not sure what some of them are called and what to use them for. For 29.99 quality of the set is ok but for sure it is not a premium one.
A lovely presentation box containing a range of items to enhance your wine drinking. You can see from the list the numerous contents, all of which felt robust and easy to use, and there is a nice quarantee to give you extra confidence.
Obviously perfect for sitting on the side awaiting for wine pleasure but when you have friends around it does become a talking point.
A stylish enhancement to your tipple!
Me parece un estupendo regalo para personas que les guste el vino ya que incluye todo lo necesario en su estuche correctamente colocado, el abridor se ve profesional es un sacacorchos de palanca, que incluye dos tornillos sacacorchos, adems tambin se incluyen el cortador de la chapa metlica, el tapn vertedor, el aireador, un anillo anti goteo, tapn de vino y el estuche.
Lo que ms me ha gustado es la calidad del sacacorchos, se ve robusto y funciona correctamente, el resto de accesorios son similares a otros que he encontrado en otros conjuntos de abridores, los tapones y aireadores son similares pero no se necesita ms, me ha gustado que incluya el anillo anti goteo que no es tan comn en otros sets de vino, el vertedor tambin me ha parecido destacable.
Me parece que este juego de vino tiene una muy buena relacin calidad/precio y que es una opcin muy buena de regalo ya que queda vistoso en el estuche de madera.
Muchas gracias por leerme. Si te ha ayudado mi opinin, dame un “til”, lo agradecer.
Man erhlt ein umfangreiches Set rund um das ffnen und Ausgieen von Weinflaschen. In einer tollen Holzbox befinden sich 9 Teile, die nicht nur hilfreich beim ffnen einer Weinflasche sind, sondern auch das Ausschenken sehr nobel wirken lassen.
Gestartet wird klassisch mit dem Folienschneider, der einem hilft, die Folie um den Flaschenhals sauber einzuschneiden.
Der Korkenzieher-Flaschenffner prsentiert sich mir komplett neu. Ich war es bis jetzt gewohnt, den ffner auf den Flaschenhals zu setzen, den Spiralbohrer in den Korken zu schrauben und anschlieend durch Herunterdrcken der beiden Hebel den Korken langsam aus der Flasche zu ziehen. Hier funktioniert es etwas anders, denn mit einer Hand hlt man den Korkenzieher am Flaschenhals und durch das an sich Heranziehen des langen Hebels wird der Spiralbohrer in den Korken gedreht. Anschlieend den Hebel wieder von sich wegdrcken und der Korken wird aus der Flasche gezogen. Vorm ersten Mal definitiv einmal ausprobieren und anschlieend bei den Gsten am Tisch vorfhren, denn sowas sieht man nicht jeden Tag und die Gste werden staunen.
Warum den Set 2 weitere Spiralbohrer zum Austauschen beiliegen, kann ich leider nicht beantworten. Vorher hat es bei mir auch ein Bohrer jahrelang getan. Ob man nun den Ring fr den Flaschenhals oder den Ausgieeinsatz benutzt, in beiden Fllen gelingt einem das tropffreie Servieren und beides sieht professionell aus. Abgerundet wird das Zubehr durch einen Verschluss sowie einen Belfter.
Nun habe ich anfangs von einem 9 teiligen Set geschrieben, was nun mal auch so beworben wird, doch finde ich in der Rosenholzbox nur 8 Teile. Ich gehe davon aus, das mit dem 9. Teil womglich die Box selbst gemeint ist, was fr mich etwas irrefhrend wirkt.
Da mich dieses Set durchaus begeistert, auch wenn hinsichtlich der Qualitt mit viel verwendetem Kunststoff der Weinprofi hier einen Bogen drum macht, war ich zwischen 4 und 5 Sternen am schwanken. Wenn aber die Geschenkverpackung als Teil eines mehrteiligen Sets mitgezhlt wird, bin ich als Kunde etwas verrgert und vergebe hier 4 Sterne, denn es geht auch besser.
Es sind Kleinigkeiten, die mich hier stren, was aber nicht heien soll, dass man hier einen Fehler macht. Man wird durchaus begeistert sein bzw. bringt mit dem Set immer ein tolles Geschenk mit.
What you get is a comprehensive set of wine accessories as well as a decorative case to keep them all together. In terms of quality, it’s not amazing, the case looks alright at first glance but feels a little plasticky (despite being rosewood). The items themselves again are great, they do what they are meant to but aren’t of amazing quality either.
There may well be durability issues after a few years but for the month or so I’ve been using them they’ve worked without problems or any visible wear/tear.
At 30 if you’re in the market for a wine opened set it’s a good purchase and would make for a great gift for any wine aficionados you may know. There are no instructions which wasn’t ideal as a couple of things I wasn’t too sure on, but it’s easily found online if needed.
his is a complete set of wine opener. made with high quality metal. the box of the set is nice too. easy to use and easy to clean. a perfect gift.
Perfect gift for a men’s birthday.
These is definitely one of a kind gift if you willing to pay some extra to personalise the box !
This is what I am going to do and it would be a gift to remember and keep 🙂
The box looks rather expensive ,the items inside and placed with care ,each one individually wrapped and with their own designed place.
Definitely recommended for gift purposes and not only
Amazing value fathers day present.
30 delivered to your door or well your dads door.
What a presentation box with everything having its own place.
Items are of good quality. They don’t feel cheap like some things.
I love it but pitty no one was gong to buy it for me!
Impressive wine opener set – perfect for a gift, i gave this to my father and he was very happy to receive it. Good accessories and the wooden box is so beautiful .Great value for money
This is a lovely set and suitable for gifting.
Well presented in its box there is everything required for opening and corking wine.
The pieces are well made and the wooden box is perfect for storage
This comes presented in a wonderful red wood box, nicely veneered and with a sliding metal catch to hold it shut. I have to say that the box is so good that I am already thinking of other uses for it when I start slipping the contents into a kitchen drawer!
I am sure that you are more interested in the contents of this box (even though I am obviously just as interested in the box itself), so I will move on.
The centre of the box is a pistol grip corkscrew device that is a dream to use and even I can open a bottle of wine without corking it. There are two additional corkscrew pieces to use if you need to replace the one fitted. It also includes a foil cutter, a pourer, an aerator, a collar and a very useful stopper. If I could change anything it would be to include a second stopper, as in my house we often could use an additional one. Contrary to what the amazon page says, there was no set of instructions in the box, so I had to muddle my way through, but frankly, it didn’t really impede my progress with the kit.
I think that this is much more likely to be used as a gift than for anything else. Where someone has a display of wine in their home, the idea of this handsome box to be kept visible with their wine makes a lot of sense and I can really imagine that happening.
This is a wonderful accessory kit for any wine lover and one to be displayed rather than hidden away. I love it!
I think this would make a nice presentation set, maybe as a wedding present. I don’t think it’s something for the average person to buy for normal use but is a well presented, comprehensive set of decent tools for wine connoisseurs or special occasions. I guess the main thing is the rosewood box but it’s nice to have a couple of spare screws in there as well as some things the average person would never use (an aerator, pourer and collar). There’s a foam pad inside to protect the contents and overall it’s quite nice. The only thing I wasn’t keen on was the catch holding the lid shut. It’s one of those slide-in hook types which is never secure and I much prefer a spring loaded hook-over catch.
VASFFG Wine Opener Set with Corkscrew,Several Wine Accessories inc. Aerator, Foil Cutter, Stopper, Collar and Spare Screws, Foam Lined Wood Case.
The Wine Connoisseurs gift set. Everything needed in one place, in a foam lined box.
No flashy packaging, it arrives in a plain white box with the set bubble wrapped inside. The box is listed as wood and made to look like Rosewood which of course it is not…at this price. It is stained to that appearance with the outside nicely finished but inside the edges are sharp and look cheap. The box is lined with foam with cut-outs to accommodate all the items. These cut-outs have a useful feature where there is a cut finger space to get the item out easily. (It can be quite frustrating trying to prise an item out of tightly cut foam).
All the items included are what any wine user would need. Firstly the major item — the corkscrew — a large mechanism which drives the screw straight down turning it as it goes. The left hand holds two arms around the bottle neck and the right hand pushes the long top lever down. There are two spare screws. The corkscrew did not “feel” as good as it looked but I think it will last.
The accessories include a bottle collar, a pourer, a bottle stopper, a foil cutter and an aerator which allows the wine to “breath” (exposure to air for at east 30 minutes allows the wine to release it’s aromas and soften it’s flavours).
It’s a comprehensive set that has an attractive appearance. It carries a 2 year warranty which is reassuring if anything fails to perform but most items are robust enough to last.
At 30 it represents a nice gift item that I am sure wine drinkers would be happy to receive…or nice enough to buy for themselves.
Not sure about this Wine Opener Set. It claims to come in ‘a beautiful rosewood gift box’ in the product description further down the listing. I only noticed this after I’d ordered and when I was trying to find out what the box was made from as my initial impression, it being extremely shiny, had been that it was some sort of plastic.
I’ve looked at it and examined the box numerous times since I received it – and still I’m unsure. When tapped the box has a sharp kind of sound – as does rosewood from what I’ve read. Some years ago I used to go to an antiques warehouse and onsite there was a shop that sold Chinese furniture – a lot of which appeared, like this box, to be very highly lacquered and which I assume was rosewood.
So I’m not sure. But if the box is rosewood, though it may increase the attraction for some buyers I believe rosewood importation was banned in 2017 under CITES regulations. This is rather complex legislation so I don’t intend dwelling on it – but if you’re concerned you may want to do your own research.
Looking at the items in the box – which are protectively packaged in a hard foam insert – there was nothing I couldn’t identify but a friend I showed it to said they’d prefer instructions as they weren’t sure about a couple of them.
I didn’t think the quality of the various accoutrements was top notch – but the overall asking price of the boxed set seemed reasonable. I’ve never come across two spare corkscrews being offered alongside a corkscrew as with this set though – and I can only assume the manufacturers feel the durability factor’s not there though the lever corkscrew is heavy. The other items included are okay, serviceable enough and all told the box set looks pretty good and would make an attractive gift for wine lovers.
This is an ideal gift for the wine lover. This set of accessories come in a solid wood box with a burgundy finish. Included is a very effective ‘bunny ear’ corkscrew (with two spare corkscrews), a foil cutter, a wine pourer, wine aerator, bottle collar, and bottle stopper. All are made from plastic (except for the corkscrew and bottle collar) but they are effective and nicely finished. For 30, this does make a great gift and the box makes it feel expensive. I also love bunny ear corkscrews because they are so easy to use.
Great gift for starting out wine connoisseurs.
Some of the metal items have sharp edges would of been excellent if this was rounded off other than that it’s a good set.
Items work well but do feel a little bit delicate as if some serious use may be too much for some.
Love the drip catcher everyone needs this.
[This was reviewed by my wife who knows a lot more about wine than I do (although I happily drink it!)]
This is a very nicely presented box set consisting of a lever corkscrew, a foil cutter, aerator, drip sleeve, pourer, wine saver and additional screws. The lever corkscrew is very easy to use. Use the foil cutter to expose the cork. Lower the main lever, open the handles and grip the bottleneck. Then simply raise and lower the lever to effortlessly remove the cork. The pourer comes with a stopper to keep the wine fresh.
There is a wine saver included where you pump the top to remove air from an opened bottle, but I found it didn’t easily fit the bottle. The wine sleeve prevents drips when pouring, useful if the bottle is standing on a white cloth. I’m not quite sure what the extra screws are for, maybe the one fitted to the lever corkscrew loses its sharpness quickly?
Overall, this would make a lovely gift for a wine lover, reasonably priced and beautifully presented.
Well, you get everything you need here to open and pour your bottles of wine. Each individual tool appears to be made to a very good standard. I’ve tried each accessory, and all of them do what they’re supposed to do. The quality of the rosewood finish wooden box is good too, with clean, precise joints, and accurately fitted smooth-action hinges. The bottom of the box has four rubber pads to protect your surfaces, and the front of the box features a traditional vintage-style latch, which adds a touch of class. Only time will tell if these accessories are long-lasting – so far, I’m very pleased with the quality on offer. All in all, this is a nicely put together product, which I’m happy to recommend.
This is a nice set. It’s presented well in a red wooden box. The box is made of wood but it feels a bit cheap and light to the touch. It would look nice on a counter or unit.
The set includes everything you need and works well. Similar to the box, the corkscrew looks nice but feels a little flimsy. It works as described but it just doesn’t feel very weighty or secure when being used.
It’s a decent enough set which is presented well and works as described.
Lovely wooden chase with foam inserts. Very impressed with the display and quality. Corkscrew and accessories all are of a high standard, worked perfectly opening a bottle tonight with ease! Highly recommend as a gift or for a dinner set.