This improved model ,has shown itself to be very constant in the amount of targets , stopped DEAD in their tracks. I even had two baby targets ,one on top of the other , frozen with peanut butter still in their mouth’s,. Definitely the most consistent, killing machine I’ve found to date, zapped with enough vts to put a fully grown mouse head first through the hole in the back plate ,I have four of these lethal weapons, battery usage is good , a must in every mousekateers arsenal
Absolutely amazing. Set it up, switched in on and left it where I knew the rats were lurking. Baited with cheap peanut butter. Didn’t catch anything the first day but guessing it was something new that made the rats suspicious. On the 2nd day I noticed the green light was flashing which meant something was inside, 1 juvenile rat. Went to work, came home, rat no 2 and rat number 3 was dispatched by the next morning. Still have 1 lurking but his/her days are numbered.
**Updated Feb 2020 – 6 rats caught now since continuing to bait with corn (the same corn we treat the chooks to)**
This trap has worked twice so far since using it. That said, I followed advice to not use it straight away but to bait and encourage the rats to feel comfortable near and around it. I also built a small chicken wire tunnel to force the rats into and near the trap along their regular pathway in my chicken coop (along a fence line). Now I’m baiting with corn, I’ve caught two rather fat rats. I’ll keep baiting but I’m fully aware that rats come with the delights of chickens. Still good to keep the population down though.
Killed one mouse with no mess at all or blood in sight. I did try a few different bates and what worked best for me was leaving it on with nothing in for a few days because apparently rats/mice won’t go near new things (the ones in my house seem really smart and wouldn’t fall for the bate when i put it straight down with food in) and then adding cheese inside. It did take about a week of when i first set it up but only 1 day after adding cheese. I had only just put all dried food in containers etc so i think they were getting food from there and wasn’t so desperate for food before then. I have put it back on again and hope to catch more asap. If i didn’t have kids i would get a couple for different rooms but i do so i just have this one under my kitchen sink cupboard.
Highy recommend Victor Electronic Rat Traps for the control of MICE.
Would be equally dismissive of all other Victor electronic traps: Victor Electronic Mousetraps are humane in the sense that almost all mice get away, Victor multi-kill are utterly useless.
Bait: peanut butter is great (don’t skimp with budget brand…even mice prefer Skippy), but it is messy to rebait; a dry animal feed pellet dropped to the back seems to work just as well (I use a ewe roll…but expect dry dog food pellet would work equally as well).
Battery life: once you switch on, it pulls a big charge from the batteries but from then on it uses very little battery to maintain, so these traps will sit armed and ready for years if no mouse activity….battery life can almost be measured in terms of mice caught.
I have not attempted to use these traps on rats (fortunately only mice dare to come into the farmhouse) but expect this may be where the negative ratings are coming from about the effectiveness of this trap.
Rats are very wary of entering anything which doesn’t already smell of rat. With a standard (poison) bait box the rat can see the exit which encourages them to dare a straight run-through on the first visit….on the next visit, noting that ratty aroma, the rat feels safe to explore what is on offer.
The victor trap is a dead-end rather than a run-through…rats are not that stupid (fortunately…mice are).
After waking to a kitchen full of rat droppings and devastation it was pretty clear we had taken on a beast of a rat.
First course of action was to try the humane trap route. It only seemed to scoff the bait leading to the trap, leaving the contents inside the trap untouched.
I decided to set up a camera to try and identify how big this beast actually was. After a night of surveillance it finally appeared, smack bang in the middle of the kitchen floor, completely ignoring the humane traps.
Me and the pregnant wife decided it was time to step up the removal measures as it had kept us awake knawing the house structure the previous night. I initially thought glue boards would be the besst solution to our unwanted visitor, but having reviewed several videos it shows that the creatures caught in the glue boards are in so much distress and die a slow death over several hours. This is when I stumbled across the Victor traps. The traps claim to be a quick kill solution and potentially the least painful of the kill-type traps.
After receiving the amazon package I set up all 6 with some peanut butter in the bait trough. 4 in the route I know the rat used and 2 in a hidden darker location. After 15 minutes we heard a snap and a loud screech, which lasted about 3 seconds.
I checked the camera and straight away saw the limp lifeless body of the fallen solider.
These traps are clearly extremely effective even on larger rats, although I feel as though the rat was in quite severe pain for a small amount it time. It looks as though the bar snaped on it’s neck and didn’t break it instantly potentially strangling the rat until it’s final breath.
Overall I would highly recommend the Power-Kill traps as a highly effective way of removing a rougue rat from your home.
5.0 out of 5 stars Highly recommended quick kill - Caught within 15 minutes of setting the traps
I have been plagued with mice in my hen house and l have been at a loss of how to deal with them. Obviously poison and traps are a no no. I decided to try these out in spite of variable reviews. I was concerned when I read in the instructions that they should not be used in this type of environment but decided to take the risk. I am glad I did. I have in one month killed off 17 mice. One has to patient as you don’t get one every day. My best day I had 4!
I don’t like killing animals but I also don’t like the thought of rodents roaming my home at night while me and my toddler are sound asleep. They wee everywhere apparently, yuk. This zappy way of killing them is the most humane in my opinion. In 3 nights I have now zapped 2 small mice. Unfortunately each time the green light did not flash to indicate a kill so I got a horrible shock each time when looking into the trap just to check. Even though it’s ‘no touch’ I’m still squeamish about getting rid of a little dead body and this morning I found the mouse was so fried it was quite stuck to the plate and took a lot of banging for it to slide out. So, on the whole I’m happy with this product but find it disappointing that the green light doesn’t flash despite putting in 4 new Duracell batteries.
I bought this having seen the 4 star average rating as I was in desperate need of catching the blighter that had chewed through a wire in my boiler. It was only when it arrived that I actually started to read the reviews. I was disappointed to see that the majority of the reviewers hadn’t actually caught any rats with the trap yet still gave it 5 stars. I decided to give it a go anyway as I had already purchased the batteries, but I really couldn’t see how 4 C batteries would be enough to kill a rat. I set the trap up as per the instructions with some tasty peanut butter and left it over night. By morning the peanut butter was still there and the box was empty. On the second night I decided to add a couple of pieces of small dog kibble at the end near the peanut butter. It worked! I came down in the morning to what looked like a sleeping rat. Both the peanut butter and kibble were gone, so it had got to have a last supper before being zapped. I’ve had the trap for less than a week and so far it’s caught 3 rats. They are all young ones and I’ve yet to catch the ‘Big Momma’ but that’s 3 less so I’m very happy.
Suspected I had mice in my garage a while back, when a bag of garden seed had been broken open, so laid bait. Was not getting any results although they were taking the bait and seemed to be enjoying it, I was not getting any bodies! So put this down about a week ago baited with peanut butter checked every day but no bodies. But bingo, just went into garage to check – got a dead mouse which is now disposed of. Put some new bait down now have a selective menu of peanut butter or a bit of a chocolate digestive biscuit. Your choice Mickey, but it ain’t going to end well!
Actually bought for a mice problem rather than rats however did the job just the same.
Its very simple to set up just attach some bait and flip a switch.
Did originally think it was a bit pricey, which I guess I still do but its been so effective I don’t really mind anymore to be honest,
I can vouch for its effectiveness!
A HINT in case it helps – we had a hole where the mice would come out of, I could have covered the hole but they would just find another way.
Instead I placed this trap at the very front of the hole so they would walk right into the trap.
One set of batteries lasts quite a while and I haven’t had to replace them yet.
If you have a problem with rats, then look no further than this product in my opinion. I’d had problems with rats in the shed in my yard for a while, seeing them occasionally, but noticing the awful mess and smell they’ve left behind in the shed.. droppings everywhere. As a result I’ve had to dispose of most of the stuff in my shed. However, I bought 2 of these traps, baited them with smoked bacon and left them in the shed. Within 24 hours both traps had worked successfully. I should mention that these traps are ‘humane’ in the sense that the mechanisms are strong enough to kill the rats immediately; both traps were found exactly where I’d placed them. However, I might add that when deploying these traps, you take into account pets, kids etc.. I’ve refrained from leaving any of these traps in the open yard area for the fear that wandering cats may have a sniff. I suspect the sheer strength of the spring (believe me!) may harm a nosey cat or 2.
However, with this in mind, the product is spot on. Highly recommended.
This thing 100% works on rats if they enter it. I read a lot of mixed reviews on this, So was a bit sceptical if it would work or worth the money. Our home has a extension built on to the back off the house used as a kicthen and we live near a railway which atracts rat. Problem is that the railway has been under construction for 2 years and last winter we be hearing alot of moving in the ceiling. Sounded like a army of mouse which turned out to be rats.
I baited the device with peanut butter on the rear wall. I then placed dry cat food and dry dog food on the peabut button, as we knew that was there food source in our home. I then placed the device between our fridge and the cooker, A area where we knew they was active. I then placed some food and bread in front of the device to bait them
First day we got nothing. 2nd day around 2pm it has killed a baby rat which i thought was a mouse at the time. But the big shock came at 11pm that same day. I came downstairs and saw the light flashing green. Has i looked down to get a better view, I saw a huge tail which must of been a good 10 inches long. I knew at this point we was dealing with rats. As i looked inside i could see that this was a very large rat which was the length of the device. Could see its fat body and feet. Wasn’t very nice to see that time of night. Thank god i didn’t have to look at it to much as this device makes it easy to get rid of them.
I just placed the device in a black bag and wraped the bag around the device to get a good seal then tipped it upside down. The weight of the rat was a bit shocking compared to when dealing with mice. It was like dropping a full can a beer into a bag.
Next day it killed another baby rat. 1day later another baby rat. It had killed 4 in total. But then nothing. Then i came face to face with a large rat in the cupboard which it has failed to kill due to it avoiding the device. Prob was smart enough to notice it had wiped out its family. Anyway we had one of them Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller devices in our living room which i placed in the kitchen. And after a week the rat has seem to have vanished for good. No signs of rats for a good month now
So this device does work if they go inside it. You just need to cut off there food supply. They are sneaky so can easy get into places you think are safe like top floor cupboards
Also if you get this device, Make sure the positive side up on the battery is making full contact when you insert the battery’s Also the device will make a buzzing sound 60 seconds after you turn it on. I read some reviews that confuse this with the device being broke and not working
One more thing. Battery’s used were Duracell Plus Power Type C Alkaline Batteries, pack of 6
Device name: Victor Electronic Rat Trap
We had a rodent lurking around the house so, being a softy, I tried for several days with a humane trap (one of those plastic rectangular ones) that I’d had success with in the past. Sadly though, although it was clear that something had been nosing around it by springing the trap, it hadn’t actually been caught in there. In desperation I therefore decide to try this electronic killing machine. It’s a lot bigger than the humane trap and is quite sturdy so will not be easily knocked around by the rodent. The batteries were very tight to get in, a real struggle, so that compartment could do with being slightly enlarged.
Anyway, I planted the trap and used a small choccy biscuit in the end of it as bait. The very next day, we had a dead mouse in there. As the product description states, you can just tip the body into a bin bag without even having to touch it.
This is a very effective product and did exactly what it was supposed to.
I spent a lot of time reading reviews on here on the various makes of these kinds of rat/mouse killers. I came to the conclusion that after cancelling out the ‘I got this product free/discounted and therefore feel obliged/feel it’s in my interests to give a good review’ reviews, this one was the one with the largest number of suspect free positive reviews.
I had a serious mouse problem, but not a rat problem, but having already tried first live traps, and then Rentokil poison boxes, and finding them equally useless to the pretty intelligent mice that were troubling me, I decided to try one of these and felt that the larger tunnel size, since it’s designed for rats too, would make the mice less suspicious on entering.
This product arrived on a Sunday afternoon, but having no batteries until the following day, I decided to place it in its first intended location, my kitchen cupboard, hoping the mice would get used to it being there and therefore fooled into a false sense of security. The next day the batteries arrived and I put it in my kitchen cupboard at 4pm, with a square of Snickers. I came back into the room about ten minutes later to find it already flashing, and found the first victim had been killed within 10 minutes of me placing it there.
Tipping the mouse out was simple and I replaced the product back into the cupboard. That first night it killed six mice, the second night another 5. I then moved it into my living room and it showed the same efficiency until within 3 days, there were no more mice, and no more signs of them destroying the things that were previously being ruined every night. I should also point out, that it did all this using the same square of Snickers I placed in it on first set up. Since no mouse had ever got far enough to touch it let alone eat it, it remained as bait throughout.
The mice always looked in perfect condition. No burned extremities, no hideous looks of pain or shock on their faces etc. In fact I find this product all the scarier for the fact that it is quite so terrifyingly efficient as the title indicates. But given the previous items I tried, I’d say this were one of the better ways to be killed off.
If you have pets or other humans around, I would highly recommend you place this trap only where they cannot get. A dog/cat/rabbit’s paws could easily reach into this product and they would be killed instantly I’m sure, and I’m sure it wouldn’t do a human much good either. But that aside, so long as you are aware of this, I find this product brilliant and would highly recommend it.
It all started 4 days ago with finding a half eaten packet of mini toasts. There were little bit of paper and crumbs left. During that evening we could hear scratching and movement in the walls which was quite disconcerting believe me !!! that was the moment we realised that we had a rodent problem. We did not know at that time whether it was mice or rats. I decided to go for this rat trap (mainly because it has the word “power” in it so must be good right ??
My god this product is fantastic !! we put the trap out with a bit of mini toast (as we knew they had a taste for them already along with some peanut butter. Early around 3 am heard a big snap, we caught our first mouse. The mouse died instantly and left no mess, just a limp, ugly looking body.
Since then we have caught 4 more. These traps are brilliant. We now only use peanut butter in the little cup as anything else and the rodents can get the bait out without setting off the trap, however, peanut butter they cant and always set the trap off.
If you think you have a mouse or a rat problem then these traps are truly brilliant. So easy to set up, empty, then bait again within minutes. After each kill we clean the trap and re fill the bait, this cleans off any scent that may have been left and doesnt put off the others coming in to try our delicious peanut butter !!
I know this is a rat trap, but I bought it with mice it mind… nothing else had worked so I thought we would go for shock and awe!
I do hate killing the little beggars, but with a little niblet of my own in tow now, I had to take serious action. The humane and snap traps had proved useless, so even though this trap is a bit pricey in comparison, I was desperate.
I am so glad I did fork out because this has totally solved our mouse problem. We tried it in a few places that we knew the mice frequented, leaving it in place for about a week each time… but nothing, Then suddenly we found a ‘sweet spot’ and caught 6 over two months! We moved it again to deal with a clever mouse, but he only fell for it when we moved it back to the sweet spot. I would say that this is a fantastic product, but you do have to be patient (no, it’s not one of my strengths either!).
We did use a little peanut butter on the back grate, but that’s long gone and it’s not been replaced. Although it now probably smells of singed mouse, it works better now than with bait!
I put batteries in on the first day and they are still going strong, so while it is costly to feed the machine lots of big batteries, they last very well.
We Live in Spain, I don’t know if our rats over here are less intelligent, but there are now fewer of them! Within hours of setting this device we had two dead rats. I know that Googling these machines gives you tips about leaving them switched off and just bait them so the rats get used to them etc etc, well, I couldn’t wait! We have had it for three days and have 7, yes thats not a mistake, 7 dead rats.
We didn’t use peanut butter just dried dog food and dog treats, I just thought that the butter option would be messy and need cleaning out regularly, so, I haven’t tried that option.
I have used the device in two separate locations and its just as good in both, although kill rate is 4/3 at the moment!!!
We live in the countryside, a farming area, so there are quite a few rats around by dint of where we live, that said, they are not massively apparent.
I wholeheartedly recommend this device, it certainly works for us, and it is so easy to dispose of the deceased, in fact we are going to buy another one to cover another area of the land. Be aware though, theses are not for outdoor use. If it’s going to get wet, don’t leave it outside, here in Spain it’s a bit easier as the weather is less changeable than say the UK.
And no, I am a genuine happy customer not an employee of the manufacturer.
oh f*ing excellent! Patience is a virtue. We all know rats are clever animals so it may take a few weeks. I live in town so no countryside stuff. Rat infestation is in my extension roof. They enter through a gap in the cavity wall which i can’t access so therefore brutal slaughtering is the only way to stop it. I baited the trap as per the instructions with peanut butter. 2 weeks and nothing. I decided to change tact and bait in the trap and just outside it. Within 2 days, a kill. I cannot tell you how much of a satisfying feeling it is to catch the rascal that’s terrorised our house for years. The noises hopefully will stop now. The only thing i’d say is that the light wasn’t flashing to indicate a catch. I saw the tail hanging out of the trap and that’s how i knew. 40 well spent in my eyes!
Bought this with the ultrasonic rodent repellent plug ins. They all work fantastic together. Put this in my attic last night at 7.00 by 11.00 it caught a mouse. I used peanut butter as the bait. Will be resetting trap tonight. Excellent device for a quick solution More humane than other traps and poisons kills in seconds. Was a little reluctant when I saw the price but I am so glad now that I took the chance and bought this device. If you have a rat or mouse problem this is what you want along with the ultrasonic plugs to flush them out and move them to one place so the trap can then be set. I have also bought essential peppermint oil to put where the holes are and where you think it will deter them in the future. Spiders hate this oil too. The plug ins also move other bugs which is great and once they congregate into one place you can eradicate them too. Your house will eventually be squeaky clean! Lol. Buy one today well worth it.
My husband was sceptical; I wanted to move away from the poisoning approach. We tried a cage to trap the rats – no luck – even after 6 months in the same place with really inviting bait (and even then you’d have to ‘finish-it-off’). I purchased one of these just before Christmas and in a day it had killed 6 mice. It did need to be reset after each kill. Batteries are not supplied with the unit. 3 days after being in situ, it terminated the biggest rat – hubs was delighted. I’ll load a pic. Since, there has been another three rats killed, which, to me, is a great result. By accident, we did find that if you bait the box but leave it switched off, the bait will be taken, and the culprit(s) will be confident and return, as they do. When the the bait is taken, re-bait and switch the unit on, place the unit in the same location and you should nail the culprit within 24 hours. This approach would also give a good indication as to whether your unit is working or not, as, if the bait has not been taken, the unit cannot be blamed for poor or no results. We were so impressed, we bought another one. This unit isn’t cheap, so I’m disappointed that other investors giving this a low rating haven’t experienced positive results, but, for us, it’s proving to be worth every penny. We baited with peanut butter with whole peanuts pushed into the peanut butter. Be very aware though, that this could kill a small cat. GOOD LUCK!
After hearing scratching noises in our attic, I decided to lay some Big Nipper rat traps and baited with peanut butter. Left them in situ for several weeks and the rats didn’t go near them! Roland and his chums are clearly smarter than I thought! I didn’t want to use poison either as I don’t want them to die in the cavity or under the floors and cause a stink + flies, so this trap looked ideal.
It arrived and a fresh set of Duracells were inserted. A dab of peanut butter on the end and then some mixed seeds and oats/wheat used as a bait trail along the inside of the tunnel and the floor just outside. After almost a week and no sign action, we had our first Roland! Very dead and the trap had a flashing green LED to indicate it had a kill.
All we had to do was switch off the trap, tip our furry friend into a bin bag, re-bait the trap and switch back on. Exactly a week later and we have caught our second Roland Rat! This thing really works! They seem to like seeds and grain and after several mouthfulls they pluck up the courage to go in for more.
Apart from the fact that it works – there is no blood or brains splattered, you never actually have to touch Mr Roland to empty the trap. It’s ace. One tip for others – if you’re at all worried about getting a shock off this trap, switch off before handling and bait it using a wooden spoon.
Ok, I think the reviews of this rat trap are a bit unfair.
We started off with the victor mouse trap in our garage outside, after about a month of being disheartened and forgetting about it, we had two in the chamber.
Living on a farm, we have recently had some rat issues in our garage. Due to the success of the mouse trap, we decided to go with Victor again (despite having read the previous reviews)
I have given it a month before reviewing this trap as I wanted to give it a fair crack at the whip. I haven’t found it makes a buzzing noise at all. The thing with rats is they are intelligent pests, and are very curious about new things. Our residents had a taste for our chicken feed, so that was what we baited it with. We waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing, not a thing! I was again disheartened, as we new the blighter s were still in the garage. Kinda forgetting about the trap, three weeks later we caught one! Very excited, as I was considering forcing my husband to put his hand in to see if it was working! So we then rebaited and waited a further week, and I’m pleased to say, we have caught three in the last 24hrs!!! THIS TRAP WORKS – PATIENCE IS KEY. Please give the trap a try, I’m even considering purchasing another
This improved model ,has shown itself to be very constant in the amount of targets , stopped DEAD in their tracks. I even had two baby targets ,one on top of the other , frozen with peanut butter still in their mouth’s,. Definitely the most consistent, killing machine I’ve found to date, zapped with enough vts to put a fully grown mouse head first through the hole in the back plate ,I have four of these lethal weapons, battery usage is good , a must in every mousekateers arsenal
Absolutely amazing. Set it up, switched in on and left it where I knew the rats were lurking. Baited with cheap peanut butter. Didn’t catch anything the first day but guessing it was something new that made the rats suspicious. On the 2nd day I noticed the green light was flashing which meant something was inside, 1 juvenile rat. Went to work, came home, rat no 2 and rat number 3 was dispatched by the next morning. Still have 1 lurking but his/her days are numbered.
**Updated Feb 2020 – 6 rats caught now since continuing to bait with corn (the same corn we treat the chooks to)**
This trap has worked twice so far since using it. That said, I followed advice to not use it straight away but to bait and encourage the rats to feel comfortable near and around it. I also built a small chicken wire tunnel to force the rats into and near the trap along their regular pathway in my chicken coop (along a fence line). Now I’m baiting with corn, I’ve caught two rather fat rats. I’ll keep baiting but I’m fully aware that rats come with the delights of chickens. Still good to keep the population down though.
Killed one mouse with no mess at all or blood in sight. I did try a few different bates and what worked best for me was leaving it on with nothing in for a few days because apparently rats/mice won’t go near new things (the ones in my house seem really smart and wouldn’t fall for the bate when i put it straight down with food in) and then adding cheese inside. It did take about a week of when i first set it up but only 1 day after adding cheese. I had only just put all dried food in containers etc so i think they were getting food from there and wasn’t so desperate for food before then. I have put it back on again and hope to catch more asap. If i didn’t have kids i would get a couple for different rooms but i do so i just have this one under my kitchen sink cupboard.
Highy recommend Victor Electronic Rat Traps for the control of MICE.
Would be equally dismissive of all other Victor electronic traps: Victor Electronic Mousetraps are humane in the sense that almost all mice get away, Victor multi-kill are utterly useless.
Bait: peanut butter is great (don’t skimp with budget brand…even mice prefer Skippy), but it is messy to rebait; a dry animal feed pellet dropped to the back seems to work just as well (I use a ewe roll…but expect dry dog food pellet would work equally as well).
Battery life: once you switch on, it pulls a big charge from the batteries but from then on it uses very little battery to maintain, so these traps will sit armed and ready for years if no mouse activity….battery life can almost be measured in terms of mice caught.
I have not attempted to use these traps on rats (fortunately only mice dare to come into the farmhouse) but expect this may be where the negative ratings are coming from about the effectiveness of this trap.
Rats are very wary of entering anything which doesn’t already smell of rat. With a standard (poison) bait box the rat can see the exit which encourages them to dare a straight run-through on the first visit….on the next visit, noting that ratty aroma, the rat feels safe to explore what is on offer.
The victor trap is a dead-end rather than a run-through…rats are not that stupid (fortunately…mice are).
After waking to a kitchen full of rat droppings and devastation it was pretty clear we had taken on a beast of a rat.
First course of action was to try the humane trap route. It only seemed to scoff the bait leading to the trap, leaving the contents inside the trap untouched.
I decided to set up a camera to try and identify how big this beast actually was. After a night of surveillance it finally appeared, smack bang in the middle of the kitchen floor, completely ignoring the humane traps.
Me and the pregnant wife decided it was time to step up the removal measures as it had kept us awake knawing the house structure the previous night. I initially thought glue boards would be the besst solution to our unwanted visitor, but having reviewed several videos it shows that the creatures caught in the glue boards are in so much distress and die a slow death over several hours. This is when I stumbled across the Victor traps. The traps claim to be a quick kill solution and potentially the least painful of the kill-type traps.
After receiving the amazon package I set up all 6 with some peanut butter in the bait trough. 4 in the route I know the rat used and 2 in a hidden darker location. After 15 minutes we heard a snap and a loud screech, which lasted about 3 seconds.
I checked the camera and straight away saw the limp lifeless body of the fallen solider.
These traps are clearly extremely effective even on larger rats, although I feel as though the rat was in quite severe pain for a small amount it time. It looks as though the bar snaped on it’s neck and didn’t break it instantly potentially strangling the rat until it’s final breath.
Overall I would highly recommend the Power-Kill traps as a highly effective way of removing a rougue rat from your home.
I have been plagued with mice in my hen house and l have been at a loss of how to deal with them. Obviously poison and traps are a no no. I decided to try these out in spite of variable reviews. I was concerned when I read in the instructions that they should not be used in this type of environment but decided to take the risk. I am glad I did. I have in one month killed off 17 mice. One has to patient as you don’t get one every day. My best day I had 4!
Its very simple to set up just attach some bait and flip a switch.
Did originally think it was a bit pricey, which I guess I still do but its been so effective I don’t really mind anymore to be honest,
I can vouch for its effectiveness!
A HINT in case it helps – we had a hole where the mice would come out of, I could have covered the hole but they would just find another way.
Instead I placed this trap at the very front of the hole so they would walk right into the trap.
One set of batteries lasts quite a while and I haven’t had to replace them yet.
However, with this in mind, the product is spot on. Highly recommended.
I baited the device with peanut butter on the rear wall. I then placed dry cat food and dry dog food on the peabut button, as we knew that was there food source in our home. I then placed the device between our fridge and the cooker, A area where we knew they was active. I then placed some food and bread in front of the device to bait them
First day we got nothing. 2nd day around 2pm it has killed a baby rat which i thought was a mouse at the time. But the big shock came at 11pm that same day. I came downstairs and saw the light flashing green. Has i looked down to get a better view, I saw a huge tail which must of been a good 10 inches long. I knew at this point we was dealing with rats. As i looked inside i could see that this was a very large rat which was the length of the device. Could see its fat body and feet. Wasn’t very nice to see that time of night. Thank god i didn’t have to look at it to much as this device makes it easy to get rid of them.
I just placed the device in a black bag and wraped the bag around the device to get a good seal then tipped it upside down. The weight of the rat was a bit shocking compared to when dealing with mice. It was like dropping a full can a beer into a bag.
Next day it killed another baby rat. 1day later another baby rat. It had killed 4 in total. But then nothing. Then i came face to face with a large rat in the cupboard which it has failed to kill due to it avoiding the device. Prob was smart enough to notice it had wiped out its family. Anyway we had one of them Ultrasonic Rodent Repeller devices in our living room which i placed in the kitchen. And after a week the rat has seem to have vanished for good. No signs of rats for a good month now
So this device does work if they go inside it. You just need to cut off there food supply. They are sneaky so can easy get into places you think are safe like top floor cupboards
Also if you get this device, Make sure the positive side up on the battery is making full contact when you insert the battery’s Also the device will make a buzzing sound 60 seconds after you turn it on. I read some reviews that confuse this with the device being broke and not working
One more thing. Battery’s used were Duracell Plus Power Type C Alkaline Batteries, pack of 6
Device name: Victor Electronic Rat Trap
Anyway, I planted the trap and used a small choccy biscuit in the end of it as bait. The very next day, we had a dead mouse in there. As the product description states, you can just tip the body into a bin bag without even having to touch it.
This is a very effective product and did exactly what it was supposed to.
I had a serious mouse problem, but not a rat problem, but having already tried first live traps, and then Rentokil poison boxes, and finding them equally useless to the pretty intelligent mice that were troubling me, I decided to try one of these and felt that the larger tunnel size, since it’s designed for rats too, would make the mice less suspicious on entering.
This product arrived on a Sunday afternoon, but having no batteries until the following day, I decided to place it in its first intended location, my kitchen cupboard, hoping the mice would get used to it being there and therefore fooled into a false sense of security. The next day the batteries arrived and I put it in my kitchen cupboard at 4pm, with a square of Snickers. I came back into the room about ten minutes later to find it already flashing, and found the first victim had been killed within 10 minutes of me placing it there.
Tipping the mouse out was simple and I replaced the product back into the cupboard. That first night it killed six mice, the second night another 5. I then moved it into my living room and it showed the same efficiency until within 3 days, there were no more mice, and no more signs of them destroying the things that were previously being ruined every night. I should also point out, that it did all this using the same square of Snickers I placed in it on first set up. Since no mouse had ever got far enough to touch it let alone eat it, it remained as bait throughout.
The mice always looked in perfect condition. No burned extremities, no hideous looks of pain or shock on their faces etc. In fact I find this product all the scarier for the fact that it is quite so terrifyingly efficient as the title indicates. But given the previous items I tried, I’d say this were one of the better ways to be killed off.
If you have pets or other humans around, I would highly recommend you place this trap only where they cannot get. A dog/cat/rabbit’s paws could easily reach into this product and they would be killed instantly I’m sure, and I’m sure it wouldn’t do a human much good either. But that aside, so long as you are aware of this, I find this product brilliant and would highly recommend it.
My god this product is fantastic !! we put the trap out with a bit of mini toast (as we knew they had a taste for them already along with some peanut butter. Early around 3 am heard a big snap, we caught our first mouse. The mouse died instantly and left no mess, just a limp, ugly looking body.
Since then we have caught 4 more. These traps are brilliant. We now only use peanut butter in the little cup as anything else and the rodents can get the bait out without setting off the trap, however, peanut butter they cant and always set the trap off.
If you think you have a mouse or a rat problem then these traps are truly brilliant. So easy to set up, empty, then bait again within minutes. After each kill we clean the trap and re fill the bait, this cleans off any scent that may have been left and doesnt put off the others coming in to try our delicious peanut butter !!
Very happy with the results.
I know this is a rat trap, but I bought it with mice it mind… nothing else had worked so I thought we would go for shock and awe!
I do hate killing the little beggars, but with a little niblet of my own in tow now, I had to take serious action. The humane and snap traps had proved useless, so even though this trap is a bit pricey in comparison, I was desperate.
I am so glad I did fork out because this has totally solved our mouse problem. We tried it in a few places that we knew the mice frequented, leaving it in place for about a week each time… but nothing, Then suddenly we found a ‘sweet spot’ and caught 6 over two months! We moved it again to deal with a clever mouse, but he only fell for it when we moved it back to the sweet spot. I would say that this is a fantastic product, but you do have to be patient (no, it’s not one of my strengths either!).
We did use a little peanut butter on the back grate, but that’s long gone and it’s not been replaced. Although it now probably smells of singed mouse, it works better now than with bait!
I put batteries in on the first day and they are still going strong, so while it is costly to feed the machine lots of big batteries, they last very well.
We Live in Spain, I don’t know if our rats over here are less intelligent, but there are now fewer of them! Within hours of setting this device we had two dead rats. I know that Googling these machines gives you tips about leaving them switched off and just bait them so the rats get used to them etc etc, well, I couldn’t wait! We have had it for three days and have 7, yes thats not a mistake, 7 dead rats.
We didn’t use peanut butter just dried dog food and dog treats, I just thought that the butter option would be messy and need cleaning out regularly, so, I haven’t tried that option.
I have used the device in two separate locations and its just as good in both, although kill rate is 4/3 at the moment!!!
We live in the countryside, a farming area, so there are quite a few rats around by dint of where we live, that said, they are not massively apparent.
I wholeheartedly recommend this device, it certainly works for us, and it is so easy to dispose of the deceased, in fact we are going to buy another one to cover another area of the land. Be aware though, theses are not for outdoor use. If it’s going to get wet, don’t leave it outside, here in Spain it’s a bit easier as the weather is less changeable than say the UK.
And no, I am a genuine happy customer not an employee of the manufacturer.
It arrived and a fresh set of Duracells were inserted. A dab of peanut butter on the end and then some mixed seeds and oats/wheat used as a bait trail along the inside of the tunnel and the floor just outside. After almost a week and no sign action, we had our first Roland! Very dead and the trap had a flashing green LED to indicate it had a kill.
All we had to do was switch off the trap, tip our furry friend into a bin bag, re-bait the trap and switch back on. Exactly a week later and we have caught our second Roland Rat! This thing really works! They seem to like seeds and grain and after several mouthfulls they pluck up the courage to go in for more.
Apart from the fact that it works – there is no blood or brains splattered, you never actually have to touch Mr Roland to empty the trap. It’s ace. One tip for others – if you’re at all worried about getting a shock off this trap, switch off before handling and bait it using a wooden spoon.
We started off with the victor mouse trap in our garage outside, after about a month of being disheartened and forgetting about it, we had two in the chamber.
Living on a farm, we have recently had some rat issues in our garage. Due to the success of the mouse trap, we decided to go with Victor again (despite having read the previous reviews)
I have given it a month before reviewing this trap as I wanted to give it a fair crack at the whip. I haven’t found it makes a buzzing noise at all. The thing with rats is they are intelligent pests, and are very curious about new things. Our residents had a taste for our chicken feed, so that was what we baited it with. We waited, and waited, and waited. Nothing, not a thing! I was again disheartened, as we new the blighter s were still in the garage. Kinda forgetting about the trap, three weeks later we caught one! Very excited, as I was considering forcing my husband to put his hand in to see if it was working! So we then rebaited and waited a further week, and I’m pleased to say, we have caught three in the last 24hrs!!! THIS TRAP WORKS – PATIENCE IS KEY. Please give the trap a try, I’m even considering purchasing another