wolfcraft Mobile Clamping – Corner Clamp I 3415000 I For

wolfcraft Mobile Clamping – Corner Clamp I 3415000 I For versatile and quick clamping – the “third hand” for every craftsma

Since 1949, wolfcraft has been developing products for greater speed, precision and safety in home and professional applications. With more than 3,000 products, we make it possible for users all over the world to achieve great results at the first try.
Does the clamping mobile automatically establish 90° angles?
Yes, the clamping mobile provides a reliable angular dimension of 90°. That makes it much easier for you to align your workpieces. Ideal also for installing purchased pieces of furniture.
Are the clamping jaws padded for protecting the surfaces?
Yes, the clamping jaws of the clamping mobile from wolfcraft are coated with a rubber layer that is gentle to the surface. Your workpieces thus remain undamaged.
Weight: | 1.24 kg |
Model: | 3415000 |
Part: | 3415000 |
Colour: | Multicolour |
Pack Quantity: | 1 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Wolfcraft |
Quantity: | 1 |
Son caros, pero valen muuuucho la pena, para todo corte en inglete es imprescindible. Lo pondra como compra obligada para cualquiera que le guste el bricolaje, al menos 2 unidades, y despus de probarlos seguro que se acaba comprando las 4 unidades.
Die Qualitt des Eckspanners von Wolfcraft ist schon sehr gut. Was ich aber etwas schade finde, ist das die Spannelemente, mit denen man den Kontakt zum Holz herstellt, aus Metall bestehen und es keine Schonbacken gibt. So hinterlsst man sowohl schwarze Flecken und unter Umstnden auch Druckstellen. Hier knnte man Kunststoff-Backen beilegen. Trotzdem eine Empfehlung. Frohes Schaffen!
These clamps are the best I have used. I have four for my framing and the mitres fit in perfectly at
90 degrees. I have purchased other makes in the past but were not up to the standard of Wolfcraft.
The largest profile to can fit into them is 68mm but you have to take the screw fitted plates off.
Sono rimasto talmente soddisfatto che, per poter costruire mobiletti perfetti, appena possibile ne prender altri 4 senza alcun dubbio
Questi morsetti sono davvero ben realizzati, preci e robusti oltre che tremendamente comodi e di aiuto al fine di realizzare mobili perfetti.
L’apertura massima delle morse di 6,5 cm ed davvero fenomenale perch permette di lavorare su spessori davvero importanti.
Data la mia eccellente esperienza consiglio l’acquisto di questi morsetti.
Wolfcraft Morsa Serraggio ad angolo – Voto 10 su 10 !!!
It is what it says it is. 90degree Clamp, strong and robust and large. Can be secured to a workbench if you don’t mind using a screw and washer. has quick release function (not that I bother using it) and decent grips on the handles.
I have only used this on metal at the moment as it is a great aid in welding. it has metal jaws so if using on wood I would try to pad them with some rubber personally.
Used these to hold 6″ x 2″ timber joists steady while I drilled and pinned them. Super simple and easy to use when there was no one around to help. Really robust and well made with a quick release for when you are done.
Probably the best thing I have come across in a long time. Only downside is that the plate is an odd thickness, and you will need something to support the material you are trying to clamp (unless you have several of these and on a smooth surface). But I bought one to test it out, and have to say, it was a god send, and will be definitely buying more.
Recommendation to manufacturer: Make the jaws taller to accommodate a 4 x 2 to help with twisted or somewhat out of shape timbers, and make them big enough to flat face join 4 x 2 boards. Realise this will make them a bit bulkier, but I promise it would be worth it to the perfectionists out there.
I’ve used these clamps to make a picture frame after seeing them in a framing utube post, They worked really well and provided the accuracy and flexibility I needed to do the job great product and I got them in 3 days
I used this clamp to ensure a nice right angle on a box section steel frame i was welding together for an aquarium but the clamp is suitable for a variety of different jobs and materials where this sort of join is necessary. Dealt with beavy steel and weld spatter without issue. Excellent bit of kit for the money the only slight criticism i would have is the depth of the jaws but my usage of this clamp was quite industrial for its size and this drawback can be overcome with some creative engineering!
Ideal piece of kit,I was able to hold my pieces of wood at perfect right angles whilst making some planters for our garden,should work fine on any job needing 90 degree angles,well made as well.
Die Einsatzmglichkeiten sind vielfltig. ich benutze es hauptschlich beim Regal- und Korpusbau. Kein umstndliches ausrchten mehr von Rand und Rumgewackel. Auch als Leimhilfe gut zu gebrauchen, wenn man 90 Ecken verleimen mchte aber keine passende Klemmzwinge zur Hand hat. Oder auch Bretter aufrecht hinstellen, wenn man Umleimer an Spanplatten anbringt.
Eingeschrnkt auch als Maschinenschraubstock verwendbar.
Der Preis fr die Vielfalt an Mglichkeiten ist gerechtfertigt. Das Material ist gut verarbeitet und hlt was aus. Positiv ist auch die schnelle Verstellmglichkeit fr die Spannbacken ohne erst ewig die Spindeln tausendmal drehen zu mssen.
Bought to clamp box section for welding and it works really well. The first one shipped was faulty and did not grip on one side. A quick replacement turn around by Amazon and it was sorted.
Holds the workpiece at a perfect right angle and strong enough to counteract welding contraction on thin tube and box.