Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wood Stool And Plant Stand

Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wood Stool And Plant Stand, Dark Grey

Dimensions: | 38.99 x 38.99 x 48.01 cm; 6.3 Kilograms |
Model: | PL10007 GY |
Part: | PL10007 GY |
Manufacture: | Amazon |
Dimensions: | 38.99 x 38.99 x 48.01 cm; 6.3 Kilograms |
Great little table at a great price! I actually bought 2 more of these over the summer, after liking the first one. The tables look good and enhance the outdoor decor. These could even be used indoors for a trendy look, and yes, everyone has asked me where I got them.
I was looking for a sturdy plant stand reminiscent of a tree stump and was thrilled to find a wood one for such a great price. At this price, not fair to expect a high quality finish. Most of its blemishes work with its rustic look except for small but noticeable spots of missing or chipped away stain that give away its true pine identity and some rough/splintery spots. I lightly sanded the rough parts and made up a watered down acrylic paint mixture to stain the obviously white spots. Then wiped on a coat of tung oil which made it look much better. The major con is no way will this thing survive being left outdoors so it really should not be advertised for that. Other than that, this is a versatile piece that I expect will last a good amount of time indoors.
I feel it is a little tall and uncomfortable to use as a stool but is great as a table or plant pot holder. Good product and would recommend.
mi e’ piaciuto e’ arrivato come previsto e come si vede in foto, io l’ho comprato per disporre di un appoggio per una scacchiera. lo tengo ovviamente in un angolo della casa facilmente trasportabile avendolo messo sopra a un carrellino con ruote.
Der Hocker kommt gut geschtzt an.
Vor dem Bestellen hat man die Auswahl zwischen drei unterschiedlichen Gren sowie vier unterschiedlichen Farben.
Es sieht wie ein Holzstamm aus und in der Realitt sieht es meiner Meinung nach auch 1 zu 1 genauso aus wie auf den Bildern, zumindest die Anthrazit Variante.
Man kann mit einem Krpergewicht von bis zu 109kg auf den Hocker sitzen.
Ich wrde zwar etwas mehr zutrauen, dennoch sollte man die Angabe beachten und entsprechend auch nicht mehr wie 109kg drauf stellen.
Die Verarbeitung von meinem Exemplar war einwandfrei und frei von jeglichen Verarbeitungsfehler.
Das Material ist sehr gut und hat mich sehr berzeugt.
Alles in allem bin ich sehr zufrieden mit dem Produkt und kann Sie voll weiterempfehlen.
Absolutely love this table, it’s so different and really makes an impression in the living room. Using to display houseplants and it looks gorgeous. Unique and one of a kind
Der in Vietnam hergestellte Hocker wirkt optisch beraus ansprechend. Es handelt sich um recyceltes Holz, ein nachhaltiges Konzept, das mir sehr gefllt. Bei der Verarbeitung ist mir nur unterhalb des Hockers ein Makel aufgefallen, wobei sich abschlieend nicht beurteilen lsst, ob das Ganze bei der Herstellung oder auf dem Transportweg passiert ist. Da der Makel ansonsten auch nicht auffllt, ist er tolerabel. Bei meiner Bestellung habe ich mich fr die braune Farbvariante des Hockers entschieden. Er entspricht 1:1 den in der Artikelbeschreibung befindlichen Produktfotos, was sein Aussehen anbelangt. Auf der Unterseite sind 4 Fsschen vorhanden, fr einen guten Stand.
Ich empfinde den runden Tami-Hocker insgesamt als sehr dekorativ und nutze ihn fr eine meiner groen Grnlilien (so wie auch schon den anderen Hocker, mit dem quadratischen Design). Laut Artikelbeschreibung kommt das Amazon Aware-Produkt mit einem Gewicht von maximal 109kg problemlos zurecht, weshalb es auch als Sitzmglichkeit genutzt werden kann. Ob drinnen oder drauen, je nach eigenem Belieben, der schicke Hocker ist ein Hingucker. Bei uns steht er drinnen, neben der TV-Bank. Die Mae sind mit 48cm Hhe und einem Durchmesser von 39cm hinterlegt und weichen leicht ab. Sie betragen 47,6cm x 38,85cm. Insgesamt, auch wenn er nicht in allen Punkten perfekt ist, verdient der Hocker meine Kaufempfehlung und, mit kleinem Punktabzug, 4 Sterne!
Ce tabouret est vraiment d’une trs bonne qualit, je l’utilise dans l’entre, il nous sert quand on met ou retirons nos chaussure, trs pratique. Egalement quand des amis viennent vraiment de bonne qualit et fait son effet.
Je recommande vraiment !
J’y ai rajout une fausse peau ronde grise et le rendu est vraiment trs sympa ! Il est bien fini et semble costaud. Il me sert de console en intrieur, mais au besoin, il me servira de tabouret. J’aime beaucoup.
Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wooden Stool.
This stool is absolutely beautiful. The design is simple, yet very trendy. I love the fact it’s suitable for using indoors or out. The stool isn’t too heavy, although it is very stable. I must give credit to the way the stool was packaged. This meant it arrived in perfect condition. I would rate very highly.
Well Manufactured From Recycled Materials
This is a large sturdy outdoor stool/ table or plant stand. It could also be used as a base for a garden ornament.
It arrived fully assembled and I am really pleased with it. I’ve decided to keep it indoors as a side table.
It’s perfect as a table for putting your mug of coffee on and would look lovely with a lamp or indoor plant.
It is made from recycled wood. It is quite heavy to carry.
The instructions leaflet says that it can take a weight on top of it if up to 108kg.
Overall this is a great product and I can fully recommend it.
We recently bought a statuette which turned out so heavy (70 kgs) that none of the home furniture would have borne that weight without breaking or succumbing over time. We ordered the Amazon Aware Outdoor Recycled Wooden Stool as firstly, the dark grey color suited our interiors but also the claim that this stool could withstand weights up to 109kg.
I have to admit I was a bit skeptical when we received the stool that it could sustain the weight but I shouldn’t have worried. Its been almost a month that the statuette has sat on the stool and there is not a small hint of any stress. The stool is of the right height so can be used to sit by adults as well as kids. Its not very heavy and comes with 4 rubber coasters to move around in case.
I think this stool is an all-rounder as it can be used for so many purposes and even indoors or outdoors. However, I am not sure how much value is it for money as at around 65 mark.
Hope you found the review helpful.
It’s not the largest at 48 by 39cm, but it still feels sturdy and strong, and it’s lightweight enough to be moved easily.
It has a nice, rustic look, so it might be a little out of place in a modern garden, but it fits in nicely in mine.
Time will tell how it stands up to the elements, but so far, so good.
All in all, it’s a nice piece of garden furniture, but perhaps slightly expensive at the price of 68.60, which was the cost at time of writing.
I hope you found this review helpful.
This stool is heavy at nearly 9kgs and supplied in a sturdy brown box. This is a review of the Natural Brown sized at 38cm x 48cm as there are other options on the listing. It is made from solid recycled wood with a convincing tree bark finish and a smooth top.
I am using it inside my cabin / bar as additional seating or a foot rest but it can also be used as a plant stand or drinks table. It has rubber feet so as not to scratch the flooring and mine is stable and doesn’t wobble. The wood finish looks convincing and it feels sturdy to sit on. Priced at 68.60 it is not cheap but it is good value as something different that can be used inside or out and that feels solid and well made.
This is a really lovely stool/plant stand/occasional table that serves to do what ever you choose!
It is very heavy though, which is good in terms of stability and sturdiness, less so if you plan to move it!
My only disappointment with it is the fact that it could have been designed with storage in mind, with a removable top. That would have made it considerably more useful!
Well made, great packaging, great quality and value – highly recommended.
Viene en una caja de cartn y protegido con papel con gran cuidado. En mi caso es de color gris aviejado que casa muy bien con los colores gris claro de las paredes de mi casa. En este caso es un taburete hecho con listones de madera, unos ms estrechos para lo que es el permetro del cilindro que forma y otros ms anchos para lo que son los crculos de la base y de arriba. Todos tintados de un mismo color que aguanta muy bien sin manchar.
Est clramente hecho a mano y se nota porque no es perfecto pero esa imperfeccin es precisamente lo que le da el punto de distincin y de llamar la atencin que le caracteriza. A nuestros amigos les encantan y no paran de preguntar de dnde los hemos sacado (ste y otro modelo que hemos adquirido) y es que no paramos de visitas este verano por fn con el fin de la pandemia.
Nos encanta que sean materiales reciclados y el ayudar a sostener con pequeo aporte, un poquito ms este mundo, cosa que nos gusta y estamos intentando educar a nuestros hijos en este sentido. Estas muestras (los taburetes) son algo muy tangible que ellos pueden ver y asimilar el cmo de algo que no tiene forma y que seguramente terminara tirado en un vertedero, se puede crear algo bonito y moderno y dar un punto diferente y distinguido a nuestra casa.
Creemos que es un taburete que merece la pena por estar hecho a mano con muy buen gusto y sobretodo por lo que representa para el planeta. Totalmente recomendado por calidad-diseo y precio (79,90 euros).
Carefully and securely packaged in a very sturdy box so it arrived in perfect condition. It is so charming and really works well as a side table, extra seating or a plant stand. Well made and I really love it. I love that it can be used outdoor too but I love it inside the hoise as it complements my furniture and decor. The rubber feet also protects the floor but it’s a little bit wobbly as the bottom planks are not perfectly level. Had to turn and move it around to find a steady spot for it. No problem when placed on carpet or grass.
This wooden still is rock solid!
It came very well packaged using only recyclable materials and has been crafted very well.
It is smooth with no splinters or edges poking out, it did have a slight powdery texture at first but this may be from the sanding sonic just washed it down with a hose before we sat on it.
It looks good, doesn’t wobble and is solid.
For a natural looking stool it is great.
his is well made and sturdy love it is made of recycled wood, may need treating if being left outside, not sure how it will cope with getting wet, it has more uses than a plant stand it could be used as a side table or a stool looks fab next to my grey garden furniture, it could also be used inside as an alternative to a side table
This is decent. I like it uses recycled materials and the build and colour is good.
Handy in the garden or inside. I have mine outside as a stool and the kids love it too.
Ce support pour plantes est vraiment trs beau. Il est adapt l’extrieur mais je l’ai mis l’intrieur pour ma part. Le rendu est superbe.
Il est trs solide, et le bois recycl est de bonne qualit. Le pied est antidrapant.
Je trouve nanmoins le prix assez lev (environ 80 euros lors de l’criture de ce commentaire).
Es una pena que la tapa no se pueda abrir para usarlo tambin de almacenaje ya que es un hueco desaprovechado.
Viene un papel para que podamos tener un buen mantenimiento del taburete, tiene garanta de1 ao.
Pone que el lmite de peso es de 108kg.
Es bonito pero me parece precio elevado para la utilidad que tiene, ahora pone 79e
Absolutely love this stool/end table but it would be a shame to put it outdoors! We’re keeping it inside because it matches our living room flooring and decor anyway. It’s really sturdy to sit on and handy to use as a table for putting your cuppa on. It has lovely little non-slip feet on the bottom and is just so beautiful and rustic! Adore it and definitely recommend.
This comes very well packaged in all recyclable material, and is itself made from reclaimed wood. It’s fairly heavy and quite well made.
The stool is very solid and large adults can sit on it with ease, so plant pots and when used as a table should provide no problem. There are small feet to keep it off damp hard surfaces.
It’s been treated, but they do say you can re-apply treatment like any wood product. Also it’s best to keep covered when the weather is bad, to prolong its life. Drainage isn’t a problem if it gets wet though.
I though it was a little expensive, but having used it I’m beginning to think it’s worth 60 (at time of review). It’s stable and strong and looks rather fetching. It could do with handles if you’re going to be moving it around though. I may add some hemp rope ones either side.
Much larger than expected. The larger version makes a perfect casual drinks stand (or oversized stool). The grey looks great. It’s essentially a real wood laminated hollow construction so probably won’t do too well left outside in the rain. Recommended never the less.
An outdoor wooden stool in a dark grey wood though it is available in three other colours. It looks really good sat next to the anthracite coloured garden furniture. Feels sturdy too and I like that it has been produced from recycled wood. The manufacturer should be applauded for this. I would have given 5 stars but for the price which at the time of writing this review was 68.60, I feel this is a little expensive for what is a general purpose outdoor stool. Perhaps worse however was that the top surface was damaged revealing the true brown colour of the wood beneath which totally spoilt the effect. I am not sure how this happened? for it arrived carefully packaged which leads me to suspect the stool left the factory in this condition, which makes me doubt the Quality Assurance procedures. I note one other reviewer mentioned a foot piece was missing! Such a shame for other than this it is a fine looking garden stool. 4 stars but perhaps I am being a little generous.
It’s a good size and makes an attractive, sturdy garden table. Natural looking and won’t easily topple over. Great for summer drinks. This is a different thing to the usual and rather lovely.
Very happy with this Amazon Aware recycled wood stool. Really nice looking and solid. Not only does it make a nice stool but also a plant stand and with a pillow would be a perfect ottoman.
I got this intending it to be used as a plant stand, something I am always in need of, but once I opened it, I realized it was far more than that. It’s a heavy, substantial, very nice looking
This looks great on my patio and blends in great with my furniture. Well made and solid. Perfect for me.
it’s so easy to hose off while watering my plants, and unlike some outdoor furniture, it’s heavy enough not to blow around in the wind. It really would make a nice plant stand, too, if that’s what you chose to use it for!