Bambaw Single Wall Stainless Steel Water Bottle | 750ml

Bambaw Single Wall Stainless Steel Water Bottle | 750ml Water Bottle | Steel Water Bottle | Non Insulated Water Bottle | 750 ml Metal Water Bottle | Unisex Water Bottle | Metal Water Bottles
Bambaw Single Wall Stainless Steel Water Bottle | 750ml Water Bottle | Steel Water Bottle | Non Insulated Water Bottle | 750 ml Metal Water Bottle | Unisex Water Bottle | Metal Water Bottles
Great bottle for avoiding plastic waste. Easy to clean and drink from due to the wide neck. Doesn’t leak. Fits the car drinks holder. Only negative is that the lid doesn’t have a rubber or soft thread, so although it doesn’t leak (great), it is quite noisy to open and close it in a meeting.
I ordered this as I drink a lot of water and most of the water bottles are 500ml or 750ml – this keeps exactly 1l=1000ml.
Only thing I notice it doesn’t keep the water that cold for long if the weather is quite hot (30ish degree).
Easy to clean.
Very robust. No nonsense laquer which is supposed to look like annodising and just ends up flaking off and causing annoyance. Very easy to clean. Only downside is it does not keep cold water cold.
Good quality lightweight drinking bottle made from stainless steel.
Perfect for days out, camping and such things.
It’s leak proof.
I have tried a lot of drinking bottles and I am impressed at the quality and finish of this one, for the price, its very good quality.
Nice bottle, only one I’ve found anywhere single liked in stainless steel. Very light weight and not easily dented or scratched. Nice design.
Two minor points – due to the unusually wide neck I keep over tipping it too far and splashing water down myself. Second, despite me washing with washing up liquid before use, water tasted metallic for a week or so until white splashes appeared on the bottle inside and out and it appeared some factory chemicals wore off. After that it was fine. Someone in comments suggested to wash with bicarb before use. Might have helped. Also, worried the factory chemicals were bad for me?! Needs better guidance on washing before use.
Cant fault this bottle!
I was sick of breaking bottles so metal was the only option for me.
I bought the middle sized bottle of the three as I wanted it to fit in a cup holder in my car, which it does.
It’s still a large bottle and with the carrying handle on the top its perfect for all occasions.
This is the second one of these we’ve purchased. I’ve had one for a good 6 months now and I’m really happy with it still. My wife has asked me to get her one now as well. It’s a great and simple bottle that does the job really well. With the wide neck, it does get a little tricky to drink out of when you’re getting to the end but I don’t see this as an issue.
It’s very easy to clean and doesn’t need to be cleaned often if you’re just using it for water.
If you drop it will dent but that’s what I expect from stainless steel. It’s a single solid piece of stainless steel so, unlike other stainless steel bottles I’ve had, there’s no seems that can crack if you drop it, just a dent. The lid is still doing very well after six months so it seems very durable and of good quality to me.
I’ve had this water bottle for nearly two years, it comes to work with me evey single day and being a construction worker it doesn’t get an easy time. I take it to the gym and on road trips as it fits in almost every decent sized cup holders, Its not had an easy life, been thrown around and dropped more times than I care to imagine. Yeah it’s got a few dents but who cares, it’s never leaked and I think when I do eventually manage to break it I’ll just get another one.
It a decent and affordable stainless steel water bottle. The only complaints I have are that it often makes a squeaky noise when opened or closed, which is a bit annoying. And also it quickly starts to stink a bit after a day or so, if the water is not replaced. Though that can be avoided by cleaning sealing ring after every use.
I ordered a 1litre bottle and my order says it is 1 litre. However, silly me only realised that it was 500 ml after i ordered another bottle from a different company and compared them. It was one day after my 30 day expiry return. My advice is to check your bottle size when it arrives. That aside, it is a sturdy bottle but it does dent easily if dropped. At least it doesn’t crack like plastic bottles.
All round great and highly recommend and seems daft spending more on anything else.
I have also dropped it a couple, well quite a few times and it is still fine. I manged to cause a small dent when I dropped it full onto a stone floor but was honestly very surprised and happy that it didn’t damage it anymore, really really impressed.
This bottle is excellent for the purposes I bought it. It’s not double walled so becomes extremely hot to handle – but that’s why I bought it. After a few cold nights in a sleeping bag I decided I needed some form of practical hot water bottle, but due to space and weight considerations, the solution would have to be versatile and useful in other ways. I use this as a water bottle for my hikes, but at night while my dinner is cooking in my pathfinder cup, I place this bottle full of water in or next to my camp fire (top must NOT be on!), and before bed, I pop the lid on tight, stuff it inside a sock being careful not to burn my hands, and pop it in my sleeping bag. Toes are nice and toasty and I have water to drink or cook with in the morning. I made myself a wire handle which I can slip over the nice out turned rim of the bottle neck so I can lift it in or out of the fire, or even hang it above the fire. Similarly, a fish mouth opener would work just as well.
The bottle itself does get a bit sooty and discoloured from being in the fire (another reason to stuff it inside a sock before putting in my sleeping bag), but camping isn’t about being clean. There are ways to avoid that if you are really concerned though. You can also place this bottle on a gas stove or alcohol burner to heat water too, but again remember not to put the lid on unless you want it to explode and/or melt the rubber seel.
As it’s not double walled, it’s not ideal for carrying hot liquids with the intention of keeping them hot for long periods of time, or cold liquids for that matter – it’s not insulated.
As for taste – I didn’t notice any at all. There’s no coating or anything on the inside, which again makes it safer for heating water in.
I’m more than happy with this product and would recommend.
I’ve tried both plastic and glass before and had issues with both. Plastic gets bacteria growth and the longer you have the bottle for the more often you need to clean it. After a few months it needs replacing.
Glass is a little better but most of the bottles aren’t dishwasher safe and I’ve had issues with water getting inside the lids and smelling bad: most glass bottles seem to have a hollow lid made in two pieces, with the seal near the bottle mouth. After a few months the glue goes and the lid either breaks of starts taking on water.
This bottle is by far the best! I’ve had it for two months now. A few things:
It stays clean for a long time, the body is dishwasher proof but I’ve found washing it with hot water and washing up liquid under the tap is fine. Ir does get very hot when you wash it though so be careful.
It’s a good size, and while it’s not a vacuum flask, I have found even on hot days, if you fill it cold it stays cold for hours.
The lid is very well designed, it’s one piece of moulded sheet metal with the wood sealing up the hole from the top. Water can’t get inside the lid. It closes tight and there is a rubber band round to prevent leaks. I haven’t found it to leak once.
I haven’t found it noisy to open or metallic tasting, though I believe water and vinegar/bicarb will solve metalic tasting issues if you have them.
Finally, having plain metal rather than one with a plastic coloured print design on will mean the bottle looks new for longer. In the past I have had colourful ones and the colour scratches off quickly and looks scruffy.
I haven’t had any issues with the bottle cracking or the handle breaking, it seems well made and durable.
I expect this to last for at least 12 months of continuous use and will be able to recycle after.