CORSAIR iCUE LINK QX120 RGB 120mm Magnetic Dome RGB Fans

CORSAIR iCUE LINK QX120 RGB 120mm Magnetic Dome RGB Fans – Triple Fan Starter Kit with iCUE LINK System Hub – White

Weight: | 644 g |
Dimensions: | 12 x 12 x 0.25 cm; 644.1 Grams |
Brand: | Corsair |
Model: | CO-9051006-WW |
Colour: | White |
Manufacture: | Corsair |
Dimensions: | 12 x 12 x 0.25 cm; 644.1 Grams |
So like the title states, Nice to have if you can afford them, Typically they are on sale for $140 or off sale at $170 for the starter kit. These are expensive fans. However, you can save up like I did when I bought my new case. I purchased two sets of these to replace my old LL fans. These Fans not only are super easy to connect, with but are also beautiful. These are technically First-generation fans like this from Corsair so we should see new ones in the future. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, the RX fans come in RGB/Non-RGB and White/Black. Performance they do a great job, at full speed they are quiet for me, and keep my 3080ti cooled. I would but more for future builds.
Ventole da gaming definitive? beh, molto probabilmente si. Sono le ventole corsair qx con il nuovo ecosistema icue link per la gestione semplice e veloce di tantissimi dispositivi compatibili e controllabili in maniera completa e autonoma tramite icue. Al tatto sono ventole con materiali eccellenti, hanno dei magneti che consentono di collegarle tra di loro “all infinito”. la chiusura fatta molto bene, difficile (ma non troppo) staccare le ventole una volta che sono collegate, poi basta collegare un cavo fino all hub in dotazioen e il gioco fatto! massima compatibilit con il 99% dei case, massima facilit di installazione e minimo ingombro da parte di cavi e accessori vari. Le ventole in s sono bellissime, hanno un illuminazione senza parola e si configurano e controllano con una facilit disarmante. Hanno anche un sensore di temperatura integrato, fanno un eccellente flusso degne di essere al top (purtroppo sempre uno step in meno rispetto alle noctua in termini di prestazioni e silenziosit). un prodotto eccellente, vale la spesa (50 a ventola non poco ma la spesa vale la resa), spedizione veloce e pratica e packaging ben curato
Les ventilateurs de chez Corsair sont vraiment au top.
D’une part , grce a link, maintenant fini les nombreux cbles dans le botier. Il y a le strict minimum en cble et cela fait vraiment plaisir .
De plus , icue est toujours aussi top et la grce a ces nouveaux ventilateurs, on peut vraiment personnaliser comme on le souhaite .
Corsair una certezza e con questo kit rgb di tre ventole ha fatto un capolavoro, sono gi collegate nella confezione, ma staccarle e rimontarle e un attimo per il nuovo aggancio magnetico.
Nella confezione troviamo la centralina per il controllo delle luci da collegare alla schedaadre e due cavi di collegamento.
Un ottimo prodotto.
Le nouveau systme de fixation grce au connecteur est vraiment pratique et tellement plus beau !
Ce nouveau systme nous facilite tellement la tche pour le montage, nous n’avons plus une dizaines de cbles en perdre la tte ! Mais seulement 1 qui relie tout !
Seul bmol vient du logiciel iCUE qui plante tres trs souvent et mets des erreurs de suralimentation alors que tout est parfaitement brancher en respectant le maximum de ventilateurs brancher.
Currently running 11 fans in my case and all those only require two wires running to the back to a tiny little controller; thanks for iCue Link!
You can’t talk about these fans without talking about the new Corsair iCue Link system. This is a one cable, system that seriously cleans up all your wires! You get RGB, Fan Control, Temperature and Daisy Chain! This is easily the best system out right now if you are looking to simplify your rig!
The “killer feature” is probably the exclusive “Time Warp” lighting that can make your fans look like they aren’t moving, or moving slowly. It’s truly an awesome feature and it looks amazing!
Noise is well controlled through 1200RPM, lower noise profile is more pleasing to my ears, and reminds me most of Noctua NF-A12s which is saying a lot.
These are extremely expensive compared to other solutions, but I think it’s the best one.
Biggest let down is the lack of Link cables. Corsair really needs to step up and provide at least a couple cables with these fans for the price. PLEASE CORSAIR AT LEAST GIVE US ONE 90 Degree cable!
Great RGB fan. The Corsair link system is a great change for cable management if that is a concern for you. But the extension fans do not come with a cable.
Qualitativ hochwertiger Lfter mit hoher Leistung und extrem leise. Zudem hat nun endlich auch Corsair eine von Lfter-zu-Lfter gehende Steckverbindung und man spart sich den Kabelsalat, dass bei jedem Lfter zwei Kabel weggehen. Somit kann man alle drei Lfter zusammenstecken und es geht nur ein Kabel zum Controller. Lian Li hat dies schon lange im Programm.
Apropos Controller: Der Controller bzw. die Software drfte noch nicht ganz ausgereift sein, da er die Einstellungen z.B. Regenbogenfarben vergisst und immer auf rot-blinkend umschaltet. Lsst sich aktuell auch nicht mehr ndern. 🙁
Preis extrem unverschmt (war aber bekannt und fliet somit nicht in die Wertung ein), ein Punkt Abzug wegen der Software
Easy setup and install. Looks awesome. New icue link software works flawlessly with old icue fan software. All shows up on icue as it should. Replaced the old fans on my cappellix AIO with these ones and not a hiccup.
Rear fan is the new fan. Awesome, but issue being Corsair didn’t send a link cable in the box. Not happy about it. And couldn’t order the link cable to Canada. Had to email Corsair and they sent one so I could at least get this setup going. Icue link software works flawlessly with older icue fans and software. I have 3 LL120s up top and 1 in bottom. And new fans are the cooler fans and rear fan. Pretty satisfied besides the no link cable in box.
This is my first time using the iCue Link system and so far am extremely impressed. They were easy to install in the case and connect. The only thing I found different is that the hub requires a PCIe connection on your powersupply. Other hubs I have or have used work from SATA. The cable they provide is short and is an extension cable and you will need to supply the primary PCIe cable. I have a Corsair power supply with plenty of ports and the cable needed. As others have pointed out, the fan connectors included are a short and a long cord. Nothing with a 90 degree turn which you have to purchase from Corsair’s web site at present. I went from a Corsair 4000d to a 5000d and had plenty of space to connect my fans in the front faceplate and cable. The management software for RGB is very good. I have used ASUS Armory Crate(trash) and SignalRGB but prefer the Corsair version. The only problem is you have to commit to Corsair fans since it doesn’t detect my BeQuiet fans. The fans are whisper quiet and have plenty of RGB options. The only thing I found a bit off is no instructions in the box. So download the manual from their support web site.
These fans are “fan”tastic. So easy to install with much less wire clutter. Makes for a clean and enjoyable build. The only down side is that they are quite expensive but definitely a great improvement from previous fan wiring and setup.
This is worth it if you have the money to spend. It is pretty much plug n play. I did have an issue where the fans wouldn’t sync or read anything. They were flashing and not connecting to the icue app.(in above video) The fix to it was swapping out the actual hub. I had a second one from a starter pack of fans.
Das ICue Link System gefllt mir echt gut. Wesentlich weniger Kabelsalat da mehrere Devices verkettet werden knnen. Ich habe 6 Lfter und einen AIO Radiator ber einen Controller verbunden. Funktioniert wunderbar.
Die Steuerungssoftware ist leider nicht ganz so toll. Komplexere Farbverlufe sind schwierig einzustellen. Dazu ist es ntig ein Video zu hinterlegen aus welchem die Farben abgeleitet werden. Auf den Bildern sieht es so aus als knne man die einzelnen LEDs der Lfter einstellen. Das scheint aber nicht der Fall zu sein. Stattdessen zieht man die Lfter auf eine “Leinwand” in der App und die LEDs leiten ihre Farbe daraus ab. Die Mglichkeit das “Low-Level” steuern zu knnen htte ich besser gefunden.
Das grere Problem an der Software ist aber deren Stabilitt, oder Besser deren Abwesenheit. Hufige Crashes unter Windows 11. Die App scheint sich mit anderen Applikationen zu stren welche Sensoren auslesen (z.B. 3D Mark) was ebenfalls zu Abstrzen fhrt. Die Software erkennt den Speicher nicht mehr wenn dieser bertaktet wird.
Ich kann die Lfter trotzdem empfehlen. Die Software muss eben fter neu gestartet werden, was rgerlich ist aber auch kein Deal-Breaker fr mich.
I decided to upgrade the 3 front fans on my Corsair 4000X case. I installed the QX fans and boy do they look good. After seeing just how much nicer they looked along with being able to move more air when needed…I decided upgrade my other 3 fans.
No this wasn’t cheap and I now have an extra iCue Link, but I think it was well worth it.
For a quick test I entered my “extreme” iCue profile and played some Remnant 2…before I was seeing 59c max on the 3080….with the new fans on extreme it doesn’t drop below 55c. Of course I don’t plan to play with the fans that loud, but it’s good to know they move more air around if needed.
I will point out that on quiet and even balanced settings the fans are dead silent.
Soy usuario de unos ventiladores Corsair QL120mm y 140mm. A pesar de que tengan la misma cantidad de leds, el rendimiento es muchsimo superior a los QL. Me sorprendieron lo silenciosos que son, puedo estar prcticamente a un metro del gabinete y no se escucha absolutamente nada. En cuanto a la gestin de cables (que es la novedad de estos ventiladores), sin duda logr reducir una cantidad muy considerable de cableado detrs del gabinete, es una de las mejores soluciones que he visto y logr ahorrarme 5 conectores SATA que antes ocupaba por los controladores propietarios de la marca (Commander Pro, Lightin Node Core, etc). Es una solucin muy buena, lo nico malo (en este momento), es la disponibilidad de cables, por lo visto estn agotados en todas partes y he ledo a muchsimas personas quejndose de este problema. Inclusive hasta yo he tenido cierto “problema” con el cableado, debido a que necesito cables de 90 grados y no hay disponibles en este momento (al menos en Mxico). Por otro lado la refrigeracin es muy superior a otros ventiladores que he tenido de la marca, an me queda probarlos con refrigeraciones liquidas, pero por flujo de aire no puedo quejarme, algo muy positivo a destacar son los sensores de temperatura que incluye cada ventilador, son muy tiles para monitorear la temperatura del aire en ciertas zonas del gabinete, en mi caso me ayudan muchsimo para refrigerar los HDD, creando una curva de RPM en los ventiladores situados en esa zona, y que dichos ventiladores aumenten sus RPM cuando detecten cierto aumento de temperatura.
Por ltimo lo fcil que son de instalar, tanto en hardware como en software, el simple hecho de que sean magnticos ya me ahorran tiempo en el proceso de montaje y de limpieza del gabinete, y por parte del software, si ya tienes instalado el software de Corsair ICUE, solo bastar con abrirlo y buscar actualizaciones, automticamente detecta el LINK SYSTEM HUB, lo actualizas y automticamente aparecern los ventiladores que tengas instalados. Un proceso de instalacin muy fcil y rpido que pareciera plug and play.