DJI Air 3 Fly More Combo with DJI RC 2 (screen remote

DJI Air 3 Fly More Combo with DJI RC 2 (screen remote controller), Drone with Medium Tele & Wide-Angle Dual Primary Cameras for Adults 4K HDR, 46-Min Max Flight Time, 48MP, O4, Two Extra Batteries
From the brand










Top Accessories
Weight: | 1.09 kg |
Dimensions: | 25.88 x 32.6 x 10.58 cm; 1.09 Kilograms |
Brand: | DJI |
Model: | CP.MA.00000693.04 |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Polymer batteries required. (included) |
Manufacture: | DJI |
Dimensions: | 25.88 x 32.6 x 10.58 cm; 1.09 Kilograms |
Nachdem ich mit einer Mini 2 SE aus dem Hause DJI erste Erfahrungen im Drohnenfliegen und Videos erstellen gesammelt habe wollte ich nun mit einer greren Drohne weitermachen. Meine Wahl fiel hierzu auf die Aur 3, da sie mir von den Flugdaten her und auch mit der Doppelkamera das beste Preis Leistungsverhltnis bot. Die Drohne liegt hervorragend in der Luft, auch bei strkerem Wind. Die Aufnahmen sind sehr detailreich, auch bei schwierigen Lichtverhltnissen und die Drohne lsst sich sehr przise steuern. Die Akkulaufzeit mit 46 Minuten ist etwas zu hoch angegeben, realistisch sind, je nach Flugverhalten, zwischen 30 und 40 Minuten. Bei meiner Auswahl habe ich mich zudem fr den Controller mit Display entschieden. Dieser macht das Fliegen nochmals einfacher als mit dem Handy im Controller, da Die Bedienbarkeit besser ist. Alles in allen finde ich ist die Drohne sehr gelungen. Man bentigt aber neben der Registrierung auch den Kenntnissnachweis, da sie mit 762 Gramm unter C1 fllt. Als Upgrade zur mini 4 pro oder mini 3 pro wrde ich sie eher nicht sehen.
Estaba entre este dron y el mavic classicc prcticamente me costaban lo mismo solo que este vena con todas las bateras y en reseas de Youtube gabo en varios aspectos al otro dro
Comme je m’y attendais, c’est un excellent drone
Le bundle est complet
On profite des dernires technologies de chez dji et la commande RC2 plus performante et triple bande
Juste pour info, avec la rglementation qui s’accentue et s’acclre du ct des drones un peu partout, du fait de sa catgorie C1, a prend un permis d’exploitation pour la zone ouverte A1/A3 pour piloter le dji air 3 et l’enregistrer auprs de l’aviation civile
La machine est gniale, pratique, compacte, les temps de vol avec les nouvelles batteries fournies sont vraiment bons, on peut faire voler comme indiqu plus de 45 minutes facile
Je recommande
Drone superou minhas expectativas, sao muitas funcionalidades.
A unica coisa que nao vem com carregador e precisa de um carregador de no minimo 65w para carregar rapido, menos de 45w nem carrega.
Was ist passiert?
Der erste Eindruck war sehr positiv. Ich bin Fluganfnger und habe mich bewusst fr dieses Modell entschieden. Die Air 3 von DJI liegt im Mittelsegment von insgesamt 3 Kategorien. Eine DJI Mini kam fr mich nicht in Frage. Es fehlten fr mich einige Funktionen und insgesamt ist sie recht klein. Der Gedanke das ich mir spter doch noch eine grere mit mehr Funktionen kaufen wrde, war naheliegend. Also lieber gleich was besseres kaufen.
Das von mir gekaufte Modell war leider unvollstndig. Und ich rede jetzt nicht von der OVP. Es fehlte einer der 3 Akkus die im Bundle dabei sein sollten. Weiter fehlten der Gimbal Schutz, zwei Joysticks, das Ladekabel und noch andere Kleinigkeiten. Die vormontierten Propeller waren schon beschdigt. Aber es wurden ja noch weitere Propeller im Bundle mitgeliefert.
Ich stand daher mit dem Amazon Support in Kontakt und erklrte was alles fehle. Amazon zeigte sich ungewhnlich Kundenorientiert und half mir promt. Die Mitarbeiterin rechnete all das fehlende Equipment zusammen, hielt Rcksprache mit einem verantwortlichen Teamleiter und schwups erhielt ich die Nachricht das der Betrag X fr das fehlende Equipment meinem Amazon Konto gutgeschrieben wird. Wow, dass nenne ich mal sehr Kundenorientiertes Arbeiten.
Nachdem das nun geklrt war, ich meine Drohnen Lizenz in den Hnden hielt, ging es auch schon auf den ersten Probeflug. Mit dramazisen Ausgang.
Da die bereits montieren Propeller Beschdigungen aufwiesen, habe ich die 4 mitgelieferten Ersatzpropeller nach Herstellervorgabe montiert und los ging es. Die Drohne stieg auf ca. 10 Meter…, und strzte ab. Dolle Wurst. Sie schlug auf dem Rasen auf, ein Propellerarm war abgerissen und es roch schwer verschmort.
Gott sei Dank wird jede Flugbewegung von DJI aufgezeichnet, wodurch Bedienungsfehler ausgeschlossen werden konnten. Also kontaktierte ich den Amazon Support erneut. Mit einem nicht zu fassendem Ergebnis und unglaublichen Ausgang.
Wieder hatte ich eine sehr freundliche Mitarbeiterin die mich durch den ganzen Prozess fhrte. Ich rechnete damit das ich die Drohne an Amazon senden muss damit sie ggf. repariert wird. Weit gefehlt. Amazon hat hier wirklich Gre bewiesen und mir, nach Erhalt meiner Drohne im Retourenlager, den Kaufpreis abzgl. des bereits erstatten Betrags, erstattet. Respect Amazon. Das nenne ich mal eine sehr Dienstleistungsorientierte und sehr Kundenfreundliche Handlung. Danke dafr.
Mittlerweile habe ich eine nagelneue DJI Air 3 direkt ber den DJI Store in Frankfurt bezogen. Natrlich htte ich auch eine neue bei Amazon gekauft, aber, um ehrlich zu sein, dass Christmas Special bei DJI war zu verlockend, so das ich nur 1.199,- Euro fr die Drohne bezahlt habe.
Grundstzlich jedoch bin ich ein groer Freund der Amazon Warehouse Deals. Abgesehen von der Drohne habe ich stets TOP-Ware zu sehr guten Preisen erhalten. Ich finde, es muss auch nicht immer Nagelneu sein. Das Thema Nachhaltigkeit ist heute wichtiger den je. Zustzlich lsst sich bisweilen richtig Geld sparen, worber man sich noch mehr ber den Kauf freut.
Und zu Wissen das Amazon den Kunden im Ernstfall nicht im regen stehen lsst, ist unbezahlbar. Super gemacht Amazon. Bitte macht weiter so, dann klappt es auch bester Online Shop der Welt zu werden.
An alle die ber eine DJI Air 3, (sie ist im brigen der kleine Bruder der DJI Mavic und reicht vllig fr den Privatgebrauch aus), nachdenken, oder generell ber eine DJI Drohne, machen. Die Features und Mglichkeiten sind nahezu unbegrenzt.
Es entstehen wirklich unglaublich gute Photos und noch viel bessere Videos von Landschaften, Lost Places und und und. Das macht Spass und hlt die Neugier mehr zu entdecken aufrecht. Ich werde noch viel Freude an meiner Drohne haben.
Lleg todo completo y funcionando perfectamente, recomiendo ampliamente Amazon para compras de estos costos, el nivel de seguridad es muy bueno, me lleg en 4 das despus de mi compra gracias.
Nel mio caso sfortunato ho dovuto effettuare un reso per problemi a un motore della Gimbal che si manifestato dopo pochi giorni di utilizzo, ma pu capitare.
Ringrazio Amazon per la semplicit e la tempistica della procedura di reso e anche Dji che mi ha addirittura rimborsato la Care Refresh che avevo acquistato.
Sicuramente lo riordiner.
J’ai maintenant 2 drones, le DJI Air 3 et le DJI Air 2s.
Le DJI Air 3 est exclusivement consacr la photographie et la vido UHD. Les autres fonctionnalits (Mastershots, panoramiques, suivis de personnes etc.) ne m’intressent pas.
Au bout d’un mois d’utilisation intensive en randonne, voici les enseignements de ma toute petite exprience :
– Au rayon des qualits et sur un mme plan : les photos et vidos aussi bien avec l’un ou l’autre objectifs sont proprement fabuleuses. Cependant, les photos RAW (dng) sont un vrai problme actuellement car les traitements ne semblent pas encore au point, au moins sur les logiciels que j’ai : DXO PhotoLab 5 a sorti un traitement, mais qui ne marche pas sur mon ordinateur. Lightroom n’a pas de corrections spcifiques pour ces fichiers RAW, mais peut-tre ces modules existent-ils pour certains autres logiciels de traitement. Par contre les sorties jpg des images sont au top. Je m’en contente en version 48 Mpixels, et je trouve que ces photos (en jpg) sont de meilleure qualit que les photos en jpg issues du DJI Air 2s malgr la diffrence de taille des capteurs. Idem pour la vido : je trouve le profil D-Log du DJI Air 3 en retrait (aprs traitement) par rapport la sortie directe en mp4. Mais les vidos dont vraiment au top elles-aussi. Attention, je ne suis qu’un amateur de belles randonnes et de belles photographies, pas un professionnel.
– Toujours au rayon des qualits : l’autonomie fabuleuse des batteries. Egalement : la stabilit en vol, la douceur des commandes, le retour automatique qui indique avec prcision le trajet retour du drone
– Encore au rayon des qualits : malgr une taille assez imposante, ce drone se range facilement dans mon sac de rando prvu pour la photo (sac Lowepro Flipside 400 AW) et le total transport n’est pas plus lourd que le DJI Air 2s et ses batteries
Pour les dfauts :
– Dans sa version Fly More Combo avec la tlcommande avec cran, je trouve que le prix est sacrment lourd. Mais c’est un choix, car la qualit est bien l.
– A ne pas ngliger les frais annexes qui viendront alourdir la facture de 250 (pour moi) :
* les sacs de batterie anti-dflagrants (ignifugs) par scurit
* La protection des hlices
* Des joysticks de rechange – car vous en perdrez bien quelques- uns, ils sont tellement fins !
* Une carte mini SD rapide et fiable
* Un chargeur qui fait le job et qui existe en chargement rapide pour les 3 batteries
* Et puis aussi l’indispensable Care Refresh Service, pour se mettre l’abri des ppins – manips, casses etc.
Bien sr, il y a encore d’autres contraintes, mais le plaisir d’emmener en balade un tel compagnon est tellement grand !
Juste pour terminer : je suis retrait depuis plus de 20 ans et j’adore les nouvelles technologies. Mes utilisations ne sont donc pas celles de Monsieur Tout-le-Monde. Et chaque semaine je fais un petit montage de mes randonnes, qui inclut – bien sr – le meilleur de mes vidos tournes avec le DJI Air 3
On to the drone. Unboxed and items seem to be ok thanks to the great packaging by DJI utilizing the nice carrying bag as it’s packaging insulation.
I have everything opened up and ready, and the power bank charger cable is due to arrive in a few days. The point in starting this in real time review is that I figured I’d go ahead and plug the USB c charger into the average standard charging outlet at least so I can potentially fly before the arrival of the power bank charger however I plugged it in shortly before 11am and it’s now 9pm as of writing this and Not even the first battery is at 3 bars than it dawned on me that my MacBook Pro had a USB c power bank charger, and sure enough.. I plugged it in and the speed went from Snail to rapid and within 30 minutes it finished the first and now 3/4 the way on the 2nd battery. This is what compelled me to start the review earlier for those that want to save a few bucks and happen to have a newer MacBook Pro with the same output range charger, before doing so however double check the specs of the DJI version and your current one first for the same or similar “safe” output V/A.
This is my first DJI drone, I’ve had many, I can already tell that without even flying it yet that the build quality has surpassed all but one 10k cinema drone that’s out of my budget, so I’m eager to fly and thus far impressed with what I see from DJI.
That’s it for now, weather permitting i will check back in with updates, as the journey begins. And with fingers crossed hopefully the journey ends well too.
Happy flying!
The drone is absolutely amazing, I have been on several trips and the footage is bar none the best! I haven’t had any lag which you see in most below average drones constantly which really is what causes you to crash, so this is exceptional as you won’t be flying into a stray object unless you’re not paying attention.
The obstacle avoidance is great but keep in mind it will NOT pick up objects with little definition limbs with no leaves are a nemesis. So high alert if flying near them.
All in all I’ve been so impressed with the quality of DJI, since this purchase I went in to buy the pocket 3, the mini pro 4 fly more, the DJI dual mics, the iPhone gimbal, the ronin 3 pro gimbal and so on, I’m blessed to be able to do so. The company and products are great! And I needed a core company and product line to wrap around for my upcoming ventures.
I can see them entering the Full Frame or cinema style Camera scene soon and if so, I will take the leap, until then I’m with my Nikon for that.
I hope to see Major upgrades to the software App side however, that is one of two weakness that should be noted of DJI as whole that I’ve spotted thus far the second is important as well, and that is the “Intelligent battery” system doesn’t seem to be intelligent enough to maintain the batteries power, so do make sure you top off batteries if they have sat idle for days or weeks, as they do lose power. I was a bit disappointed with this however I purchased the 2 yr extended plans on all the devices and if they fall short I will be filing a claim on those in particular.
No other issues thus far as of this update, absolutely buy this if you’re on the fence. The quality and experience are top notch! Attached a vid and few photos, not sure of what quality they’ll display but on my end they’re on point.
See you soon for another update!
I’ve owned a couple other drones, but none of them compared to this although it’s very expensive so you have to be aware that it’s gonna cost you a lot to buy it but if you have the money this is a good optio
Che dire? Drone eccezionale per il prezzo che ha. Non gli manca niente, ottima durata delle batterie, ottimo segnale radio, rc2 che ha migliorato i difetti pi gravi dell’rc, ovvero segnale e fluidit di sistema. Le fotocamere sono fantastiche e il 3x da spazio alla propria creativit e fantasia, e permette scatti e riprese davvero singolari per un drone. Resistenza al vento al top, come al top la sua manovrabilit, anche in ripresa. Se proprio gli si vuol trovare un difetto, la borsa, non assolutamente adatta ad un drone del genere, poco maneggevole e poco protettiva, visto che rimane di fatto aperta internamente e quindi protegge poco da agenti esterni, quali polvere e similari. Peccato perch a livello di estetica e materiali sarebbe il top! Non dimenticatevi che dovete comprare il caricabatteria perch non incluso in nessuna versione. Io uso il caricabatteria dji da 65w e basta tranquillamente.
One aspect I particularly appreciate is the ease of integrating this drone into my existing workflow. With the two cameras, ND filters, and upgraded sensor, it allows me to achieve even higher production value in my footage. It’s now easier to match it with the footage from other cameras we use in production. The compatibility and versatility of the drone make it an indispensable tool for my aerial cinematography projects.
Cinematic Footage
The dual primary cameras equipped with 70 mm medium telephoto and wide-angle lenses deliver exceptional image quality. The footage is sharp, vibrant, and cinematic, truly enhancing the storytelling element of my work. Whether I’m shooting landscapes, action sequences, or establishing shots, the image quality never fails to impress.
Active Track
Air 3 offers a wide range of flight modes – Active track, focus track, QuickShots and more. I mostly use the ActiveTrack mode for smoothly tracking subjects, and the Waypoint mode for precise path planning. Overall, this provides the versatility needed to capture shots with precision and creativity.
Extended control range
Air 3 control range is up to 20 kilometers. That’s pretty impressive. I can escape the limitations of traditional equipment and plan shooting from remote locations.
In conclusion, Air 3 is a powerful tool. It is not in par with more advanced drones like Mavic 3 Pro, but still provides cinematic image quality, versatile flight modes, and longer range. If you’re a beginner filmmaker or looking to switch from older models, this drone os definitely the one to consider.
C’est mon premier drone et je suis extrmement satisfait. Alors oui j’entends dj la critique qu’on peux lui apporter comme l’objectif principal qui diminue lgrement en qualit par rapport au Air 2s.
Mais part a tout est gnial.
J’apprcie fortement le fait que l’on puisse choisir ses propres rglages dans les 3 modes proposer par la marque. Cela permet de vraiment coller chaque pilote en fonction de ses prfrences.
Les avantages :
+ plus silencieux
+ les batterie dure 40min chacune 40×3 sur Fly More
+ Radars omnidirectionnelle
+ facilit d’utilisation
+ nouvelle Manette RC2 avec plus longue porte ( Attention elle n’est utilisable que sur le Air 3 )
+ 2 Objectifs
Inconvnients :
– pas de filtre ND a l’intrieur comme sur la version du Air 2s
– Rsistance au vent qui diminue par rapport au Air2s
I’ve flown the mavic pro, mavic mini, mini 2 and mini 3 so was excited to try the latest in the DJI line.
The air 3 sits between the mini and larger ‘mavic pro’ range in terms of specs making this ideal for photography enthusiasts who don’t necessarily want the compactness and short flight time of the mini range, but don’t want to expense, weight and size of the Mavic range.
The image and video quality is fantastic, the dynamic range from the tiny gimal is exceptional.
The one big selling point the air has over the mini is it’s zoom capability from the Tele lens – really handy considering this drone is on a classification that makes flying nearvor over people and property illegal without expensive qualifications. The zoom lens can get you close without breaking the rules.
Flight time and stability is better too, it withstands gusts of wind really well and you can get almost 45 minutes from a single battery – so with this flymore kit you get over 2 hours of flight time in your bag.
The pro remote is wonderful too, great crystal clear screen that’s nice and responsive, signal is good way beyond line of sight, so you shouldn’t have any connection issues if obeying the law.
The screen also means you don’t need to use your phone anymore.
It arrived all nicely packed in its own carry bag with plenty of spare propellers and all the cables you need.
Highly recommended if you want a step above the mini range – but be aware of the potential restrictions due to it being over 249g.
I believe i need to take the CAA test before i am allowed to fly this outside (i will check if there is any other legal requirement before i get brave enough to fly outside) so i have only tested this in a large hall.
I am so impressed with this and i am hooked just from the test flights.
Very easy to control, although as i have mentioned i am only testing indoors at the moment… other reviewers say that its very stable in windy conditions.
The camera again …. another wow… I know I am an amateur but the images are crystal.
I would say that if I wasn’t into drones before … I am now … and I have been lucky as this is a vine review, if I didn’t have this opportunity to fly one of these then I may have thought its a lot of money for something that I don’t know if I would be able to fly well or if the camera wasn’t as good as I hoped…
I can honestly say if you are more than an amateur wanting to upgrade this really is a brilliant drone.
In the pack that i tested you get:-
The drone, 3 x batteries, the controller, the battery charging hub, a bag, spare propellers, usb lead and the manual.
I can see this becoming a great hobby for me and i have no hesitation in recommending this pack.
The camera can tilt a huge area, moving the camera down 90 and upwards 60.
Another way this drone stands out is all the technical features both within thr camera and the drone itself. The obsticle protection offering a full all round shield where it will either halt the drone or intelligently avoid obstacles it comes across, depending on the configuration you choose. A massive reassuring tool to help build confidence. Especially when this feature works whilst using other features like Quickshot and tracking.
The user interface within the RC is very user friendly and you don’t need to be that au fait with cameras and tech no manage to get the hang of it. I also love the the RC has access to all the video courses and guides in a DJI library that will talk and show you how to do everything.
The drone locked on to GPS incredibly quickly at around 30 seconds on average.
With regards to knowing where it is it has a very cool feature of planned waypoint missions which enables the drone to repeatedly follow flight paths set which will work well creating videos of timelapses
An amazing feature of the battery charger is that batteries can charge other batteries whilst charging takes place. So if I mount three semi used batteries in one battery will be prioritised by using power from the other batteries. It’s a much quicker process and really adds to the functionality of photography.
I’m still early days into using this drone. The weather has been pretty awful in Cornwall this summer so I’ve not had lots of time using this.
See my YouTube :
I already have couple of drones, one cheaper one up to 90 price range and second one more expensive but this one beats them two, no doubts. This is professional piece of kit and the cameras and picture quality is much better, clear and sharp. Spare batteries is a nice bonus especially when we get extra 2, not only one extra battery. Charging takes time though but I have patience with this stuff only. This drone is nicely put together, it looks expensive and indeed does fantastic job. I’m over the moon with this kit. Highly recommended
I gave this drone to my nephew and we tried it out together. It’s been a great bonding experience to take it out with him. Neither of us have owned a drone before, and so we were a little nervous, but we followed the instructions and it proved a joy to fly, much easier than I anticipated. The camera is great. The battery did take a long time to charge, and I might have to investigate other options to charge it more quickly.
Other things I absolutely like:
1. Exceptional image quality: With its dual camera setup, and the 1/1.3″ sensor, Air 3 delivers outstanding image quality. The photos are incredibly sharp and detailed, videos also look more vibrant compared to my older drone.
2. More flight time: One of the standout features of Air 3 is its impressive 46-minute flight time. I don’t even know if I will ever need to fly that long, but already pleased to be able to fly longer than before! No need to interrupt my flights for battery changes.
2. Much, much better obstacle sensing: Air 3 comes equipped with omnidirectional obstacle sensing. This feature has been incredibly valuable during my flights, giving me the confidence to fly with ease and focus solely on shooting.
Something to consider:
It’s a pricey gear. It comes with a higher price tag compared to the Mini 3 Pro. For beginners, it might be better to go with the Mini first. However, if you’re serious about taking your aerial photography to the next level, Air 3 is well worth it.
There is a learning curve: As a feature-rich drone, mastering all of Air 3 capabilities can take some time and practice. The various flight modes, camera settings, and advanced features require patience and dedication. However, this is a must for both safety reasons and the stunning results.
Overall, I have to say Air 3 has brought my creative vision to new heights. It is a remarkable piece of equipment. While it comes with a higher price tag, it’s definitely worth it.
Super impressed with the range and quality of this drone, although I would certainly recommend get a 65/100w charger as it seems to take forever to charge just one battery. I can’t pretend I’m a drone connoisseur but I can say the images are so crisp and clear, it’s straight forward to use and I’ve been having a lot of fun with it!
Ultra stable with excellent wind resistance. Battery life is great at well over half an hour. Flies very smoothly and with new controller using O4 the signal is more robust than with any other drone, always full signal level at any sensible distance.
The second (x3 optical zoom) camera sets this apart from all previous incarnations and means you’re getting almost all the functionality & capabilities of a Mavic 3 Pro at a cheaper price.
Main camera has a new technology sensor and gives good results even in low light.
I cannot pretend to be an expert on drones and I have basic technical knowledge. I have had drones in the past but in comparison to this one, they were ‘toys’. This does not look like nor feel like a toy. It isn’t a toy. It is well made and a good solid piece of equipment. I am probably a little more than a beginner but I found this easier to fly than my previous drones. It has more power and maybe a little more noise. Because of the additional power (I assume), it does not have to be a windless day. I lost one previous drone on a day with a bit of a breeze. I have tried this one on a still day and on a breezy day and it coped really well. I managed to take off, fly and land it without crashing. Battery time is decent and over 30 minutes but maybe not much more than that. Maybe up to about 40 minutes but maybe that depends on how the drone is being flown. Images produced by the cameras are first class. Nice sharp clear impressive images. in my opinion this is a good drone for beginners like me and probably more advanced drone flyers as well. It works impressively well and it is an impressive drone with an impressive controller. Great fun. This is a high quality drone. Recommended.
El seguimiento es un poco incordio, porque saltan avisos todo el tiempo de la normativa europea y mierdas varias, y se para porque no deja seguir a ms de 50m, cosa que no entiendo, porque yo en todo caso estoy supervisando el dron, pero bueno, cosas de Europa supongo.
DJI Air 3 (DJI RC-N2
What you get:
A stylish padded shoulder bag to store your drone and all the accessories.
A battery charging hub which fits 3 batteries.
6 each of the rotary blades A and B ( so 4 spares).
Handset with a built in screen.
Gimbal protector.
Unpacking and set up:
Everything fits into the shoulder bag and comes in plastic bags.
There are a few safety leaflets, but the main set up instructions come via the QR code which takes you to the DJI website which has set up tutorial videos and instructions.
The two control sticks for the remote are on the underside of the controller and need to be mounted on the front.
The two remote control arms pull upwards.
When you turn on the controller set up screens take you through initial steps.
Here you will be asked to connect to a Wi-fi.
Next create a DJI online account and continue with the tutorials.
Firmware will be downloaded which supports taking of photos and downloading them.
Use the free DJI app (via your App Store) for all the flying information and ‘how-to’ skills. This is particularly useful if you are new to drone flying.
What’s good about the Air 3?
Up to 46 minutes flying time per fully charged battery (remember there are 3 batteries in this pack).
2 cameras, both use the same sensor, but you get video, slo-mo and stills options.
Obstacle avoidance activation technology.
Low noise propellers.
Charging hub, which charges one battery at a time; it holds up to 3 batteries.
Good for beginners.
Affordable price in the DJI Air 3 range.
For a newbie like me, this was a good starting point. The set up was clear and easy to follow as was the initial flying trials. The cameras are impressive and there is a quick photo / video download option to a mobile device. Flying time with the batteries is also a plus, while the obstacle avoidance technology adds another level to a device which is already hitting the top marks. A neat piece of technology which folds away when not in use. This is just the start of the adventure
The DJI Mavic Air 3 comes with a dual-lens camera and all-around obstacle sensors. While it is slightly larger than its predecessor, the Mavic Air 2, but still compact enough to fit in your camera bag. The drone has a long battery life, with up to 46 minutes of flight time on each intelligent flight battery. This kit includes 3 batteries and an excellent charging hub, redesigned with locking charge slots (squeeze a button to release the battery) that can consolidate charge from each battery to the highest charged battery, thus maximizing flight time while on the road.
One of the standout features of the DJI Mavic Air 3 is its dual-camera system. The drone has both a wide-angle and a mid-telephoto camera, allowing you to capture sharp 4K footage with standard, flat, or HDR color profiles. The cameras are gimbal-stabilized and have a 60-degree upward tilt, which makes it easy to capture smooth and stable footage. Unlike the Mavic Pro and Cine, both sensors on this drone are the same, allowing for identical quality footage at either effective focal length (24 or 70).
In addition to its impressive camera capabilities, the DJI Mavic Air 3 also has a range of intelligent flight features. These include Hyperlapse, slow-motion, and waypoint flight features. The drone also has all-around obstacle avoidance sensors, which makes it easier to fly and reduces the risk of crashes.
One of the key features that make the DJI Air 3 drone a serious upgrade over its predecessor is the all-new DJI RC 2 remote controller that comes with a built-in screen. The device succeeds the DJI RC remote controller that ships with Mini 3 Pro and Mavic 3 Pro and simply adds to the joy of flying DJI’s latest all-rounder drone with dual primary camerasThe DJI Fly app interface is designed to be simplified and ultra-intuitive.
The RC 2 looks almost identical to the DJI RC. The sleek and lightweight device features a 5.5-inch, 19201080 built-in FHD screen capable of maintaining 700 nits of high brightness. But on the inside, the device packs in considerable enhancements. For starters, RC 2 is equipped with a better processor that ensures improved CPU and GPU performance. As a result, you get an ultra-smooth app and system operation as well as a seamless aircraft control experience with every flight — all without tying up your mobile phone while flying.
Another improvement comes in the form of additional antennas. DJI RC 2 integrates two built-in and two external antennas, thus supporting a dual-transmitter quad-receiver system. Essentially, you get double the number of both transmitter and receiver antennas compared to the previous generation RC, which means better signal strength and safer flights. Further, the external antennas allow angle adjustments for optimized video transmission signals.
Overall, I am very impressed with the DJI Mavic Air 3 Fly More Kit including the new DJI RC 2. It offers a lot of value for its price and is an excellent choice for anyone looking for a drone with advanced camera capabilities. Its long battery life, compact size, and intelligent flight features make it a joy to fly. Its control range and capabilities rival those of the Mavic 3 series. I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a high-quality drone.
+ Die Air 3 hat ein super Flugverhalten und die Drohne kommt selbst mit hohen Windgeschwindigkeit offensichtlich gut zurecht (die beigefgten Bilder sind whrend des heftigen Sturms gestern bei mir im Garten entstanden und die Drohne war selbst in der geringen Hhe heftigen Windben ausgesetzt. Trotzdem sind die Fotos gestochen scharf und gut fokussiert, insbesondere wenn man bedenkt, dass der Busch mit den Blten auch gut gewackelt hat, das war kein ruhiges Motiv).
+ Dank des neuen O4 bertragungsstandards hat die Air 3 eine wirklich geniale bertragungsreichweite selbst hinter Bumen / Mauern (da macht z. B. meine DJI Avata sofort schlapp).
+ kinderleichtes Einrichten
+ sehr ordentliche Fotoqualitt (die Beispielbilder sind 16:9 bei 48MP Einstellung im manuellen Modus (ISO 100, WB 5600k, Blende 1.7 (bzw. 2.8 bei dem ein gezoomten Busch mit Blten) und Autofokus. Die erste 3 Beispielfotos sind im RAW Format aufgenommen und mit Lightroom entwickelt (aber auch die von der Drohne direkt erzeugten JPGs sehen sehr ordentlich aus (die zweite Hlfte der Beispielfotos).
Ich kann einige Kommentare hier bzgl. des angeblichen Pixelbreis bei 48MP bei den Fotos absolut nicht nachvollziehen. Der neue Sensor macht hier finde ich gute Arbeit, kommt aber natrlich bei hheren ISO-Werte an seine Grenzen was das Rauschverhalten angeht. Von daher wrde ich einem geringen ISO-Wert die hchste Prioritt geben, wenn ihr mit der Drohne fotografieren wollt
+ Tolle Videoqualitt (Ich habe bisher nur in 4k/60 FPS im D-Log Format testen knnen und dann im Anschluss mit Final Cut Pro das Colorgrading vorgenommen. Den von einigen Usern berichteten leichten Rot-Stich im D-Log konnte ich bisher nicht besttigen, vielleicht gibt es hier tatschlich eine Serienstreuung abhngig vom Gert oder meine Lichtverhltnisse waren nicht frderlich fr den Rotstich, da das Wetter hier bei mir seit Lieferung der Air 3 ausschlielich bewlkt war.
+ Die zweite Linse mit 3-Fach Zoom (70mm) ist ebenfalls absolut super und qualitativ der 24mm Weitwinkellinse ebenbrtig und gibt den Drohnenpiloten zustzliche Freiheiten bei gleichzeitig grerer Distanz zum Motiv (toll z. B. bei Tieren, die sonst eher scheu oder ngstlich auf Drohnen reagieren).
+ Omnidirektionelle 360 Kollisionskontrolle im Cine- und Normal Modus. Im Sport Modus ist die Kollisionskontrolle inaktiv (Tipp: Wenn ihr die Drohne in die Hand landen msst, weil der Boden keine Landung zulsst bzw. sehr sandig / staubig ist, kurz auf den Sportmodus umschalten und dann auf der ausgestreckten flachen Hand landen. Das klappt super!)
+ relativ leise und ein eher angenehmer etwas tieferer Drohnensound.
+ C1 zertifiziert und damit mit dem kleinen Drohnenfhrerschein nutzbar und auch zukunftssicher nach dem 1.1.24 wenn die Zertifizierungspflicht in der EU in Kraft tritt.
+ hat eine echte Wegpunktfunktion
+ zuschaltbarer Tempomat
+ viele automatische Video- und Fotoflugmanver (Quickshots), die es insbesondere Einsteigern sehr erleichtern, tolle Aufnahmen zu erzeugen (Dronie, Helix, Rocket, Bumerang, Kreisen, Asteroid)
+ aktive Track / Follow-Me auch von der Seite
+/- ganz generell wrde ich mir ein manuelles Abblenden als zustzliche Funktion wnschen. Hier muss dann alternativ, insbesondere fr die sehr sonnigen Tage, in ND Filter investiert werden.
+/- Der Landscheinwerfer ist nicht manuell einschaltbar (aber das ist leider Teil der gesetzlichen Auflage fr das C1 Zertifikat)
Wirklich negatives ist mir – insbesondere in diesem Preissegment – bisher nicht aufgefallen.
Als Zielgruppe wrde ich die Drohne insbesondere fr Neueinsteiger, ambitionierte Hobby Filmer / Fotografen sehen sowie fr Drohnenbesitzer unterhalb der Mavic / Inspire Serien, welche mit den Gedanken spielen auf eine modernere Drohne zu wechseln. Insbesondere wer Wert auf Sicherheit, ein super Flugverhalten insbesondere auch bei strkerem Wind, groe Reichweite (Achtung im EU-Bereich und auch vielen nicht EU Lnder trotzdem immer nur auf Sicht und innerhalb der erlaubten Zonen fliegen!!!) und eine durchweg sehr gute Bildqualitt legt, der macht mit der DJI Air 3 sicherlich nichts falsch.
Il DJI Air 3 l’ultimo arrivato nella gamma di droni DJI, lanciato nell’estate del 2023 come erede del modello precedente, l’Air 2S. Questo drone rappresenta un salto significativo in avanti per la serie Air, introducendo sensori a ostacoli omnidirezionali e una doppia fotocamera, inclusa una con zoom 3x. Con un peso di poco pi di 700 grammi, richieder il patentino per volare, ma offre la certificazione di classe C1, garantendo una maggiore sicurezza nell’uso.
Il DJI RC 2 un controller di volo di nuova generazione che offre una serie di funzionalit avanzate rispetto al suo predecessore, il DJI RC2. Ha come il vecchio RC un display FHD integrato da 5,5 pollici, ma stato migliorato con un potente processore, una maggiore memoria di archiviazione da 32G, un sistema di trasmissione video di nuova generazione 04, 6 antenate, tra cui 2 esterne al radiocomando , che il precedente Rc non aveva e una ventola di raffreddamento. Offre di elaborazione e trasmissione video decisamente migliorate.
Il DJI Air 3 dotato di due fotocamere, entrambe con sensori CMOS da 1/1.3 pollici. La fotocamera inferiore ha una lunghezza focale di 24mm, mentre quella superiore offre uno zoom 3x con una lunghezza focale di 70mm. Questa combinazione consente di ottenere video di alta qualit con entrambe le telecamere. Il drone supporta la registrazione video fino a 4K 60fps HDR e riprese slow-motion a 4K 100fps, oltre a scatti da 48MP con entrambe le fotocamere.
Il DJI Air 3 offre prestazioni di volo impressionanti, con una velocit massima orizzontale di 21 m/s (19 m/s nelle regioni dell’UE) e una velocit massima di salita e discesa di 10 m/s. L’autonomia di volo dichiarata di 46 minuti, ma in condizioni reali dovrebbe attestarsi intorno ai 35-40 minuti. Il drone pu raggiungere una distanza massima di volo di 20 km in FCC MODE, in Europa 10 km dichiaratie e resistenza a venti fino a 12 m/s. L’angolo di beccheggio massimo di 35. Il drone opera in un range di temperatura da -10 a 40C, garantendo una certa flessibilit nelle condizioni ambientali.
Il DJI Air 3 dotato di sensori di rilevamento omnidirezionali, posizionati frontalmente, posteriormente, lateralmente e superiormente, per riconoscere e aggirare automaticamente gli ostacoli durante il volo. Il drone utilizza il sistema di trasmissione video O4 con frequenze operative da 2.4000 a 2.4835 GHz, 5.170 a 5.250 GHz e 5.725 a 5.850 GHz. La distanza massima di trasmissione senza ostacoli n interferenze di 20 km (FCC), 10 km (CE/SRRC/MIC), ma in presenza di interferenze e ostacoli, la distanza si riduce a 0-0,5 km.
La batteria del DJI Air 3 ha una capacit di 4241 mAh e una tensione nominale di 14,76 V, offrendo un’energia di 62,6 Wh. Il tempo di ricarica della batteria di circa 80 minuti con il caricatore portatile DJI da 65 W. DJI offre anche diverse opzioni di accessori per la ricarica, tra cui il caricabatterie da auto e la stazione di ricarica per batterie.
-Sensori a ostacoli omnidirezionali: Il DJI Air 3 dotato di un sistema di visione binoculare omnidirezionale che rileva gli ostacoli in tutte le direzioni, rendendo il volo pi sicuro e meno soggetto a collisioni.
-Camera zoom ortica 3x: Il drone dotato di due fotocamere con sensori CMOS da 1/1.3 pollici, una con lunghezza focale di 24 mm (la camera principale, nonostante abbia un sensore leggermente pi piccolo del suo predecessore Dji air 2s, dopo averlo provato, confermo che la camera del nuovo arrivato air 3 comunque migliorata) e l’altra con una focale di 70 mm e zoom ottico 3x, con una qualit assurda(questa camera 3x uguale a quella del mavic 3 pro). Questa configurazione permette di ottenere riprese di alta qualit e versatilit nel cambiare prospettiva.
-Autonomia di volo di 46 minuti: Il DJI Air 3 offre un’autonomia di volo dichiarata di 46 minuti, e dopo le mie prove, una batteria veramente infinita e notevolmente migliorata.
-Sistema di trasmissione video O4: Il drone utilizza il nuovo sistema di trasmissione video O4, che supporta la trasmissione in diretta di immagini e video ad alta definizione fino a 1080p/60fps. Questo sistema offre una connessione stabile e una qualit video ottimale durante il volo. in campagna abitata sono riuscito a farlo allontanate di oltre 1000 metri.
-Prezzo: il prezzo leggermente esagerato, almeno nelle versioni fly more combo, in quanto in confezione non incluso nessun alimentatore per la ricarica. oltre alla mancanza dei filtri nd.
Non ho trovato ulteriori Contro.
Il DJI Air 3 si posiziona come un drone “ammiraglio” per il mercato prosumer, offrendo prestazioni e funzionalit avanzate a un prezzo pi accessibile rispetto a modelli di fascia pi alta come il Mavic 3 Pro. La doppia fotocamera con zoom 3x, i sensori a ostacoli omnidirezionali e la certificazione di classe C1 lo rendono un drone molto versatile e adatto a molteplici scenari di utilizzo. Se stai cercando un drone dalle prestazioni elevate con una buona qualit video e fotografica, il DJI Air 3 merita sicuramente di essere preso in considerazione.
* Ottima qualit video e fotografica
* Doppia fotocamera con zoom ottico 3x
* Sensori a ostacoli omnidirezionali
* Certificazione di classe C1
* Design leggero e compatto
* Batteria di lunga durata
* Pilotaggio intuitivo
* Facile da usare
* Prezzo elevato
* Nessun alimentatore incluso nella confezione
* Mancanza di filtri ND
Se la mia recensione ti stata utile, clicca il tasto “Utile” qui sotto
You will really need a USB PD 65 or 100 Watt charger to charge the battery packs in a reasonable time and of course to charge the RC 2 which only works with this model due to the changes made in the communication with the drone and controller.
The drone, controller and batteries all needed a firmware update (1.5Gb or so in size) so be ready for that.
Also of course a quality Micro SD card for the drone and you may want a lower capacity quality one for the controller.
The controller screen brightness is the same as the Mini 3 Pro at 700nits and 1000 would have been better. Also after three 30 minute flights you will need to recharge the controller also before your next mission.
I assume by the label on the base the drone meets the requirements to be EU C1 Classified which makes where you can operate it a lot more restricted compared with sub 250g drones in the UK. You will want to check where operation of this drone is permitted and possibly doing the A2 Certificate of Competency course which I have.
The weight compared with my Mini 3 Pro was a shock with one battery weighing more than the Mini 3 Pro.
It flies very well, noise levels are okay and if you don’t use the zoom which alas is digital rather than optical the results in 4K on a OLED TV look really good.
So just use the 24mm and 70mm without using the digital zoom and you will get great results.
If only it had optical zoom I would have gone for five stars…