HAKENO Multifunctional Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar/Chin Up

HAKENO Multifunctional Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar/Chin Up bar,Dip Station for Indoor Home Gym Workout,Power Tower Se

Dimensions: | 83 x 38 x 17 cm; 14.5 Kilograms |
Brand: | HAKENO |
Colour: | Black |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | HAKENO |
Age: | Adult |
Dimensions: | 83 x 38 x 17 cm; 14.5 Kilograms |
Reference: | ADE12 |
I recently added the Multifunctional Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar/Chin Up Bar and Dip Station to my home gym, and I couldn’t be happier with this purchase. It’s truly a game changer!
The wall-mounted design is a space-saving marvel. It’s allowed me to utilize every inch of my workout space efficiently. Installation was straightforward, and the sturdy construction gives me complete confidence in its safety. I’ve been using it for a few months now, and it hasn’t budged an inch.
The range of exercises I can do with this Power Tower Set is impressive. Whether it’s pull-ups, chin-ups, dips, or leg raises, it has me covered. Plus, it’s an excellent addition for anyone wanting to strengthen their core and upper body.
I appreciate the quality of the materials used in its construction. It feels solid, and the grips are comfortable. This equipment has become a pivotal part of my daily fitness routine, and it has significantly improved my strength and overall fitness.
If you’re looking to elevate your home gym, I can’t recommend this Multifunctional Wall Mounted Pull Up Bar/Chin Up Bar and Dip Station enough. It’s a fantastic investment for fitness enthusiasts at any level. Say goodbye to crowded gyms and hello to convenience and quality workouts in the comfort of your own home!
I’ll be back again soon for more equipment.
Diese Klimmzugstange erfllt beide Anforderungen auf beeindruckende Weise. Die Wandmontage spart wertvollen Bodenplatz, whrend sie dennoch eine breite Palette von bungen ermglicht. Von Klimmzgen ber Dips bis hin zu Beinheben – die Vielseitigkeit beeindruckt mich jedes Mal aufs Neue.
Die robuste Konstruktion und hochwertige Verarbeitung vermitteln Vertrauen in die Sicherheit whrend des Trainings. Die Stange hlt mein Gewicht mhelos und gibt mir ein Gefhl der Stabilitt, das entscheidend ist.
Die Schaumstoffgriffe sind angenehm und bieten einen hervorragenden Halt. Die Mglichkeit, verschiedene Griffpositionen zu nutzen, macht das Training uerst abwechslungsreich und effektiv.
Die Montage war unkompliziert, und alle erforderlichen Befestigungselemente waren im Lieferumfang enthalten, was den Aufbau erleichterte.
Insgesamt bin ich von dieser multifunktionalen Klimmzugstange und Dip Station begeistert. Sie hat meinen Fitnessraum aufgewertet und ermglicht ein effektives Training selbst in begrenztem Raum. Deshalb gibt es von mir verdiente 5 Sterne!
This is a really useful piece of equipment that we’ve added to our community gym. It’s reasonably simple to put togeth and needs to be wall mounted using substantial fixings die to the weight of the people using it as well as the weight of this substantial equipment.
One up it’s really good and can be used for numerous excercise and can even be flipped upside down to make it into a different type of excercise machine. For the money it’s stunning value!
Nachdem ich diese Multifunktionelle Klimmzugstange fr die Wandmontage gekauft habe, bin ich wirklich zufrieden, da sie mir ermglicht, meine Fitnessbungen auf die nchste Stufe zu bringen und zu Hause zu trainieren, was mir den Gang ins Fitnessstudio aufgrund von Zeitmangel erspart. Dank ihrer kompakten Bauweise bentigt sie nicht viel Platz, was perfekt fr meine begrenzten Rumlichkeiten ist .
Meine erste Erfahrung mit der Klimmzugstange war sehr positiv. Die Montage verlief reibungslos, und obwohl die mitgelieferten Schrauben nicht die beste Qualitt hatten, habe ich mir hochwertigere ersetzt, um eine sichere Befestigung an der Wand zu gewhrleisten. Das Gert ist robust und stabil, was mir ein gutes Gefhl der Sicherheit beim Training gibt. Die verschiedenen Griffmglichkeiten bieten eine breite Palette an bungen fr den Oberkrper, und die zustzlichen Halterungen ermglichen mir, einen Boxsack und andere Fitnessgerte zu befestigen .
Vorteile :
– Die Klimmzugstange ermglicht eine Vielzahl von bungen wie Klimmzge, Dips, Liegesttze und Bauchmuskelbungen, was ein effektives Ganzkrpertraining ermglicht .
– Die hochbelastbare Stahlkonstruktion bietet hervorragende Stabilitt und Sicherheit whrend des Trainings .
– Die Klimmzugstange bietet verschiedene Hheneinstellungen und kann an verschiedenen Orten im Haus montiert werden, um den individuellen Trainingsbedrfnissen gerecht zu werden .
– Durch die Wandmontage nimmt die Klimmzugstange wenig Platz ein und ist ideal fr Wohnungen oder Huser mit begrenztem Raum geeignet .
– Die Klimmzugstange wird mit einer Halterung fr Fahrwerkstrainer und Boxsack geliefert, wodurch das Training abwechslungsreicher wird, ohne zustzliche Gerte kaufen zu mssen .
– Die Mglichkeit, zustzliche Gerte wie einen Boxsack, Pull-up Fitnessbnder oder Schlingentrainer zu befestigen, erweitert die Trainingsmglichkeiten .
– Die Multifunktionale Klimmzugstange kann teure Trainingsgerte ersetzen und spart somit Platz und Geld .
– Die Anleitung war verstndlich, und mit ein paar Werkzeugen war die Montage kein Problem .
– Das ansprechende Design fgt sich gut in mein Wohnambiente ein .
Nachteile :
– Die Schraubenkpfe der Wandhalterungen knnten gegen die Wand drcken und Spuren hinterlassen, daher ist eine stabile Wand und gegebenenfalls zustzliche Schutzmanahmen empfehlenswert .
– Die mitgelieferten Schrauben knnten von minderer Qualitt sein, daher empfiehlt es sich, hochwertigere Schrauben und Dbel fr die Montage zu verwenden, besonders bei zustzlicher Belastung .
– Die Griffe knnten whrend des Trainings lsen und drehen, was etwas strend sein kann. Eine regelmige berprfung und Nachjustierung der Griffe knnte erforderlich sein .
– Bei der Wandmontage gibt es weniger Bewegungsfreiheit als bei freistehenden Klimmzugstangen oder Power-Tower-Stationen .
Ich bin mit dieser multifunktionalen Klimmzugstange insgesamt zufrieden. Sie hat meine Erwartungen erfllt und bietet ein effektives und abwechslungsreiches Heimtraining. Besonders beeindruckt bin ich von der Stabilitt und Vielseitigkeit des Gerts. Es ist eine kostengnstige und platzsparende Alternative zum Fitnessstudio, die sich gut in mein Zuhause einfgt. Trotz kleinerer Mngel ist die Qualitt insgesamt sehr gut und die Funktionalitt berzeugt mich. Ich empfehle dieses Produkt gerne anderen Fitnessbegeisterten, die nach einer praktischen Lsung fr das Heimtraining suchen .
Konnte alles gut zusammen bauen, aber achtet direkt drauf die richtige Reihenfolge einzuhalten. Schrauben und Dbel sind top, hlt an der Aussenhauswand. Wie lange er im Freien / leicht geschtzt durch Vordach durchhlt werde ich berichten ..
I was optimistic but sceptical about this as Iv had pull bars before which were just not good quality.
I’m 6’4″ & 100kg so needed some thing STRONG, and this is it!!
Choose how high you put it, easy to install, and even when you switch it to the dip station it’s perfect height for those too.
Very strong fixings provided which gives me tremendous faith in the security of it on my garage wall.
Can’t fault this product. Will definitely buy from this manufacturer in the future.
Die Konstruktion der Klimmzugstange ist robust und langlebig. Ich habe keine Bedenken, dass sie beim Training nachgibt oder sich lst. Die Schaumstoffgriffe sind bequem und rutschfest, was ein sicheres Training ermglicht.
Das Training an der Klimmzugstange ist sehr effektiv und kann fr verschiedene bungen genutzt werden, wie z.B. Klimmzge, Kniebeugen oder Dips. Ich nutze diese Klimmzugstange regelmig, um meine oberen Krperpartien und meine Rumpfmuskulatur zu strken.
Ich empfehle dieses Produkt jedem, der ein effektives Training fr zu Hause sucht, ohne viel Platzbedarf zu haben. Die einfache Installation, die robuste Konstruktion und die verstellbare Breite machen diese Klimmzugstange zu einem groartigen Fitness-Tool.
Product arrived quickly. The build quality is very solid and sturdy. It’s a great multifunctional pull up bar. I really enjoy the way it is, designed. Grips are comfortable in your hands and I like the fact you can use extra attachments such as TRX /punching bag. The build instructions are not very informative but it is a symmetrical tubular construction and fairly straight forward.
Overall I am very happy with the purchase and the customer service provided by the seller.
– Schnell Montiert mit zweiter Person
– Alleine Montage mglich aber knifflig
– Guter halt
– Angenehmer Griff
– Vorsicht bei Montage, es bau so viel Druck auf das es auch Lcher in die Wnde Drcken knnte wenn man es zu weit aufdreht. (Spricht im grunde fr das Produkt)
– Gute Verarbeitung
The one negative is the instructions were a little sparse and the bottom bolts can kind of get in the way of racking the pin. But with a little patience during setup, that’s not a big deal.
If I put it up again, this is what I would have done differently during setup:
1.) Use 2×4’s along the wall (both where you connect the pullup bar and beneath it where it touches the wall–it just feels more stable that way) Don’t use 1×4’s–I did that because it’s what I had, but it’s not ideal for those large screws to only have 3/4 inch to bite into.
2.) To level the pullup bar, get someone to help. Put one screw loosely in the connector plate, put the bar up, and then put a level on the bar at the top to get it level. When it’s level, then you can finish screwing in the connector plate.
3.) Don’t tighten the bolts all the way until the bar is on the wall. It’s easy to get it slightly out of alignment while it’s on the floor, and that makes it hard to get it on and off the wall. So, tightening them on the wall makes sure it fits right off the bat.
Overall, it’s a good price and I’m happy with it.
This is not the same as a chin up bar you stretch in between your doorway, what this is, is a robust piece of equipment that is designed to cope with repeated use with a lot of weight hanging off it.
Even though i am a heavier than normal person, i am still able to add on weights to pull up while using it, which really shows off the strength in the design.
It does come in quite a few pieces but it’s relatively easy to put together and in doing so you can easily understand how the build quality makes this a really strong unit.
The way that it works, is that it is a wall mounted bracket with 3 positions on it, this acts as a place to hook on the main lifting part allowing you to position it at various heights and positions to get different exercises. Each hook placement is a pin in hole setup so it holds it’s position perfectly without any slipping.
The HAKENO wall mounted pull up bar is a really strong and sturdy piece of gym equipment that is built to a very high quality and is very strong and sturdy.
The device is simple and easy to assemble with clear and easy to follow instructions. The design is great and so is the functionality. It is worth stating you really do need to ensure this pull up station is fixed straight into the studs as the combined weight of it and the user along with movement is guaranteed to damage the plasterboard is not properly secured.
Overall though as long as it’s properly secured this is a really tough, resilient piece of equipment that will stand the test of time.
I built a home gym in my garage that primarily focuses on using resistance bands and wanted to add a pull-up bar into the mix. I researched many different pull-up bars and muti-function bars before settling on the Hakeno.
I like being able to use the Hakeno for several different exercises. There is similar equipment being sold, but I chose the Hakeno for one key difference—the sturdiness of the mounting design. I didn’t want to take any chances with the equipment moving or potentially slipping off of its mounting brackets. Other competitors have simpler designs for mounting that basically has the bar sitting on a type of J-hook. Surely those designs are easier to install but that just didn’t seem secure enough for me when you have your entire body weight moving on it. I didn’t feel comfortable with that J-hook design.
There’s more work involved in setting up the Hakeno’s mounting bracket, but it’s definitely worth it to me. It is mounted solidly on the wall, and I can use it for many other types of exercises such as using TRX straps and resistance bands. I never have to worry about it carrying a heavy load.
The multi-function bar came in a plain cardboard box that was pretty beaten up because of the weight. Everything inside was good though. I liked how the nuts and bolts and accessories were nicely packaged. Assembly instructions could have been better, but I took my time putting it together. Looking at the picture, it’s fairly easy to see where all the parts go. The challenging part was putting up some ledger boards on my garage wall for mounting. I’m sure I ‘over-killed’ this part, but I wanted to use the boards to mount resistance band wall hooks as well.
—Extremely sturdy wall mount design—I don’t worry about it moving while using it
—Solid construction and nice black glossy finish
—Can use for many different exercises
—Requires a bit more setup to mount if you’re attaching it to studs
—Arm rest pads could be longer. The picture on Amazon is misleading as to the length of the armrests. I’m just under 6 feet tall and my elbows are off the pads. I attached some foam to fill in the gap.
—Assembly instructions could be better
Overall, this gets 5 stars from me. I use this equipment for every workout and am surprised that I’m using it for more exercises than I initially anticipated. Take your time putting it together and mounting it, and you won’t be disappointed.
The Hakeno wall-mounted pull-up bar is a high-quality piece of exercise equipment that is well-constructed and designed for use in a variety of bodyweight exercises. The bar is made of heavy-duty steel that can support up to 440 pounds, making it a great option for both novice and experienced athletes. One of the most significant advantages of this pull-up bar is its adjustable design. It can be mounted at different heights to accommodate various exercises and users. This feature makes it a versatile piece of equipment that can be used for a range of upper body exercises like pull-ups, chin-ups, hanging leg raises, and many more. Great for my home gym!
Build Quality is good very sturdy, the reason I purchased this model was because of the wall mounting frame which I judged would be better than the small hooks most other models have, the small niggles I had were: 1 missing washer, one of the larger sponge grips seems too large and slips off too easily, the instructions were prety poor although it wasn’t too hard to work out what to do.
Ho comprato questa barra per mio figlio ed risultata molto valida per i suoi esercizi. Facile da montare ed regolabile quindi facile trovargli un posto in casa. Le protezioni sono valide e proteggono bene le mani.
Llevo varios meses utilizndolo y me gusta mucho. Lo puse en un pasillo entre dos pareces. Es fcil de instalar. Cada dos meses o algo lo aprieto un poco, porque a veces las paredes se mueven un poco etc. Me gusta que es suficiente ancho para hacer los movimientos correctamente.