MAONO Gaming Microphone, USB Condenser Mic with Noise

MAONO Gaming Microphone, USB Condenser Mic with Noise Cancellation, RGB Lights, Mute, Gain, Monitoring for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, PC Desktop Computer Mic for PS5, GamerWave(DGM20)
From the brand

Dimensions: | 11.2 x 9.5 x 20.01 cm; 460 Grams |
Model: | DGM20 |
Manufacture: | MAONO |
Dimensions: | 11.2 x 9.5 x 20.01 cm; 460 Grams |
Origin: | China |
Das Mikrogon an sich, obwohl es sehr sensibel ist fr diesen Preis, einer der, falls nicht sogar das beste Mikrofon. Mein grtes Problem liegt an der Software, da nicht fr Linux verfgbar ist, und leider nicht wirklich hilfreich ist, da das Noise cancelling, quasi nicht hhrbar ist. Da das aber nicht wirklich mit der Qualitt des Mikrofons zusammenhngt und sich in Zukunft durch Software Updates ndern kann, bleibt das Mikro fr mich immer noch das beste in dem Preisbereich.
After lots of research on affordable microphone products, I ordered this one it is easy to use with plug-and-play options, noise noise-canceling, mute buttons, and led multi-color light options. It is very sturdy and the mic is adjustable. If you are looking for a decent mic with many affordable options, this is it.
Obwohl ich kein Gamer bin, hat sich das MAONO USB Mikrofon als eine ntzliche Ergnzung zu meinem Home-Office Setup erwiesen. Bereits beim Auspacken fiel mir das geringe Gewicht des Mikrofons auf, was sowohl Vor- als auch Nachteile hat. Auf der einen Seite ist es leicht zu handhaben und zu transportieren, auf der anderen Seite fehlt ihm dadurch die ntige Stabilitt auf dem Schreibtisch – zumal das mitgelieferte Stativ leider nicht berzeugen konnte.
Trotz dieser kleinen Hrden im Handling war die Einrichtung des Mikrofons unkompliziert und die RGB-Beleuchtung, die fr einige sicher ein attraktives Extra ist, konnte ich fr meinen Gebrauch problemlos deaktivieren.
Die Geruschunterdrckungsfunktion erwies sich als besonders ntzlich in meinen Videokonferenzen, obwohl sie gelegentlich Worte, die mit “S” beginnen, ein wenig abschneidet. Im Hinblick auf den Klang bietet das Mikrofon fr seinen Preis von 45,99 eine solide Qualitt.
Ein paar Verbesserungsvorschlge htte ich allerdings: Der Gain-Regler scheint berflssig und das Fehlen einer Stativschraube ist schade. Auerdem knnte das Mikrofon etwas lauter sein. Trotz dieser Punkte ist das MAONO USB Gaming Mikrofon ein praktisches Tool fr meine tglichen Aufgaben und Videokonferenzen.
The mic is very easy to set up and use, with a built in headphone port so you can hear your voice whilst using it, good for use in online games and discord but something more may be needed for professional audio recording.
The RGB is a nice touch for your setup and can be changed between different colour modes easily on the top of the mic without any software. Next to that is a mute mic button which was handy to quickly and easily mute the microphone if needed.
The built in gain slider is also useful to adjust on the fly.
The mic did not come with any other attachments so will not be able to be attached to a microphone arm without looking for compatible attachments. Because of this you may need to place the microphone in front of your keyboard if you aren’t audible from placingitbehind.
Thank you for reading my review, I hope you found it helpful.
Brilliant, not only for gaming as I have been using it for meeting and vlogging, working nicely and to my great satisfaction. It was a wise upgrade.
It’s lightweight and comes with a lovely stand, very useful in my opinion as I do not need to hold it and it’s convenient to move around. We have many clip-on microphones but MAONO Gaming Microphone has its value in particular for gaming. At least for me, it’s a lovely addition to my PC desktop!
lighting is a bonus for me but could be more to gaming and it’s all about what you expect. the button control is handy and useful.
The sound quality of recoding is beyond my expectation. The noise cancellation is impressive and the mic picks up my voice clearly- i’m happy.
Overall a decent mic to recommend.
Als begeisterter Gamer und aufstrebender Content-Ersteller habe ich krzlich das USB-Gaming-Mikrofon mit RGB-Beleuchtung in die Hnde bekommen, und es hat mein Gaming- und Streaming-Setup wirklich auf die nchste Stufe gehoben.
Zunchst einmal fllt das Design dieses Mikrofons sofort ins Auge. Die RGB-Lichter verleihen meinem Setup eine coole, dynamische Atmosphre und knnen an meine Stimmung oder mein Spielthema angepasst werden. Es ist eine kleine Geste, die meinem Streaming-Setup viel Persnlichkeit verleiht.
Das Einrichten des Mikrofons war ein Kinderspiel. Da es sich um ein Plug-and-Play-Gert handelt, musste ich keine kostbare Spielzeit mit der Behebung technischer Probleme verschwenden. Ich habe es einfach an meinen PC angeschlossen und schon konnte es losgehen. Die geruschunterdrckende Kondensatortechnologie kommt wirklich zur Geltung — meine Stimme ist kristallklar und Hintergrundgerusche werden effektiv minimiert. Das hat sich bei meinen Live-Streams und Aufnahmen grundlegend gendert.
Die Stummschalttaste des Mikrofons ist unglaublich praktisch. Mit einem Tastendruck kann ich meinen Ton sofort stummschalten, wenn ich auerhalb des Bildschirms chatten oder einen Schluck Wasser trinken muss, ohne es an mein Publikum zu bertragen. Die LED-Anzeige an der Stummschalttaste ist eine durchdachte Ergnzung, die dafr sorgt, dass ich immer ber den Status meines Mikrofons informiert bin.
Die Verstrkungsregelung ist ein weiteres herausragendes Merkmal. Ich schtze die Mglichkeit, die Empfindlichkeit des Mikrofons anzupassen, sodass ich meine Audioeinstellungen an verschiedene Situationen anpassen kann. Egal, ob ich streame, einen Podcast aufnehme oder einfach nur einen lockeren Discord-Chat fhre, das Mikrofon passt sich perfekt an.
Was die Leistung betrifft, liefert dieses Mikrofon eine auergewhnliche Audioqualitt. Meine Stimme klingt satt und klar, was fr die Erstellung ansprechender Inhalte unerlsslich ist. Ich habe von Zuschauern und Mitspielern zahlreiche Komplimente fr die Verbesserung meiner Audioqualitt erhalten, seitdem ich dieses Mikrofon verwende.
Auch die Kompatibilitt verlief reibungslos. Ich habe dieses Mikrofon mit meinem PC, meiner PS5 und meiner PS4 verwendet und es hat auf allen Plattformen einwandfrei funktioniert. Diese Vielseitigkeit ist ein groer Pluspunkt fr alle, die ein Mikrofon suchen, das fr verschiedene Gaming-Setups verwendet werden kann.
Zusammenfassend lsst sich sagen, dass das USB-Gaming-Mikrofon mit RGB-Beleuchtung eine hervorragende Ergnzung fr das Toolkit jedes Gamers oder Content-Erstellers ist. Es kombiniert fantastische Audioqualitt mit einem ansprechenden Design und praktischen Funktionen wie RGB-Beleuchtung, Stummschaltung und Verstrkungsregelung. Wenn Sie Ihr Streaming-, Aufnahme- oder Chat-Erlebnis ernsthaft verbessern mchten, ist dieses Mikrofon auf jeden Fall eine berlegung wert. Es ist eine Investition, die sich enorm auszahlt, wenn es darum geht, die Gesamtqualitt Ihrer Inhalte zu verbessern.
This mic picks up my voice clearly without all the background noise. Setup was a breeze, just plug in and start playing. It’s sturdy and well-made, doesn’t feel cheap at all.
This Budget Microphone is one of the best I’ve ever tried for such a low price. I have a 200 headset that claims to have “Blue” technology in the mic and this budget mic blows it out the water. As standard is provides a lot more warmth to the voice as standard and doesn’t sound at all tinny. You have a variety of lighting options to choose from and have several on-device controls for changing the gain, muting etc.
Overall really quite impressed with this, I was expecting awful quality considering the price but this one definitely deserves to be mentioned in a list of great budget microphones. Perfect for anyone who chats frequently or a beginner content creator! 5/5
I’ve found this microphone to be excellent. Everything is intuitive. Just touch the buttons on top to mute the mic or change the colour. An LED near the top of the microphone shows the mute status changing from red to green.
It couldn’t be more obvious how to alter the microphone gain or where you can plug head or earphones in.
My only criticism is that the base of the microphone could probably have done with being slightly heavier, depending on the USB cable you plug in the back, it can tend to push the microphone about. The USB cable supplied with the microphone is a decent length and good quality, with the ability to change from USB-A to USB-C at one end.
So far, I am happy to own it. The built quality is good. It looks and feels premium. Lightweight and small in size. It operated flawlessly and the sound quality was impressive. Worked fast without any observable latency.
Better suited for professional use such as blogging and recording videos. It provides a crisp clear sound.
Arrived well-packaged. The price is slightly expensive in my opinion.
Overall, a great microphone and will recommend.
If you’re looking for a microphone that is a good upgrade from your headset one then this is worth a look in.
The microphone is lightweight and comes with a small stand. This makes it compact enough to fit on any desk without the need for a arm attachment. It does however have the needed adaptations to be attached to a microphone arm if wanted. The compact size also allows for easy transportation so it is a good mic for on the go.
It is mostly made of a strong plastic so care is needed if you are taking it on your travels, but if you’re just keeping it at home on your desk then this isn’t an issue.
The controls are easy enough to pick up after some playing around with what you want it set to. So far I’ve had no issues with it being picked up and connected to recording software such as OBS.
You’re not going to get studio quality sound from this but that isn’t what this mic is designed for. As a good first microphone for gaming this one is of decent enough quality to pass most tests
I’ve been told by others that this mix gives a very clear and upfront sound when they are listening. Used for a PC gaming set-up and works very well and easy to get up and running too. Not tried it on my PS5 as I’ve no need for it as I use a dedicated headphone with built in mics. But I’m a desktop situation this is great. Good build quality also.
Sturdy and robust when in place.
Overall pleased with the microphone.
Lights are a useful and pleasant addition too!
The Maono gaming microphone is excellent not just for gaming but also for general calls to family friends and work colleagues. The mic comes with built-in RGB lights, mic gain controls and noise cancellation features.
The build quality is good but It’s extremely lightweight. It’s also plug-and-play, hence easy to set up without the need for any additional steps. In the box, you get the mic fitted with a removable pop filter as well as a long cable. The audio quality of the mic is very clear and the RGB lights are very bright and vibrant which can bring your desk set up to life.
Personally, I’ve been using the mic with my PS5 during gaming with friends and it’s worked a treat.
Styled after some of the significantly more expensive gear in shape and lighting, this is actually a reasonably competent USB mic.
It’s compact and light, small enough including the stand that you could easily travel with it (maybe some sort of soft case would have been a nice inclusion). It’s generally plastic and it shows, you can feel it, but to be honest it gets the job done.
Controls on top for lighting and mute are fine enough, might take you a few tries to get used to the feel, and the gain control is rotating section at the bottom that turns smoothly if feeling a little light.
The shock mount styling I’m sure does a good enough job, not industry leading but fine enough for basic use, and I can’t speak to the real effectiveness of the pop shield but the inclusion is agreeable even if it is more style than substance.
Lighting options are about what you’d expect if that’s what you’re in to but you shouldn’t consider it the main attraction.
And it’s nice that the included cable is C to C with an attached A conversion at one end for pretty wide compatibility.
Overall sound quality tested just in basic calls and recordings was good, I mean arguably slightly better than the headset I’ve been using recently, but quite quiet. It’s a mic that even at high gain benefits from being quite close so you might want to use it on an arm rather than on your desk.
If that sounds like it suits your needs then by all means, though I can’t say for sure there might not be very similar offerings available in the price range.
One stop shop for upgrading your voice recording or streaming capability, and at a bargain price. This delivers superior sound quality to most mics I have used, and is close enough to the high priced competition that it’s hard to really recommend spending more, especially given the accessories included.
Really happy with it, and would highly recommend it.
Harnessing the power of clarity, this USB microphone has taken my streaming sessions up a notch. The noise cancellation is pivotal in focusing on my voice, filtering out unwanted noise. The LED indicator, a simple yet essential feature, was indeed helpful during mute functions. The gain control option ensured precision and flexibility, capturing every decibel perfectly. Instant connectivity was another perk, making it effortless to kickstart my streaming sessions.
At the time of writing this review, the price for this microphone is 39.99.
The CLARITY COMES NATURALLY VOICE USB Gaming Microphone offers several features that aim to enhance the gaming and streaming experience. Let’s evaluate its strengths and weaknesses.
One-Key Noise Cancellation: The microphone’s one-key noise cancellation function effectively suppresses background noises, ensuring that the user’s voice comes through loud and clear during gaming, streaming, podcasting, and online chatting. This feature can greatly improve the overall audio quality and communication experience.
Cardioid Polar Pattern: The USB microphone’s cardioid polar pattern is designed to focus on sound coming directly from the front of the mic while filtering out unwanted background noises. This directional pickup pattern is ideal for isolating the user’s voice and reducing ambient noise, making it a suitable choice for gaming and streaming.
Stunning RGB Lighting: The inclusion of stunning RGB lighting with dynamic multicolour, breathing light, or static solid colours modes adds an extra layer of visual appeal to the gaming setup. The customizable RGB lighting options allow users to set the tone for gameplay and create an exciting atmosphere, enhancing the overall gaming experience.
One-Click Mute with LED Indicator: The microphone’s one-click mute function provides easy control over gaming audio. Users can instantly mute the PC mic with just one click, indicated by the green LED light when the mute function is active and the red light when it’s off. This feature ensures quick and convenient muting during gameplay or private conversations.
Mic Gain Control and Monitoring: The gain control feature allows users to adjust the microphone’s sensitivity to pick up sounds from different distances and volumes. This flexibility ensures that users can capture clear and precise audio regardless of their environment. The real-time monitoring capability with the PC mic jack enables users to monitor their sound and adjust settings accordingly.
Plug and Play: The microphone’s easy setup with plug-and-play functionality allows users to connect it to various devices, including PCs, computers, laptops, desktops, Macs, and Android phones, using the included USB-C to USB/USB-C 2 in 1 cable. This hassle-free installation ensures users can start gaming, streaming, podcasting, or online chatting quickly.
Limited Compatibility: While the microphone appears to be compatible with PCs, computers, laptops, desktops, Macs, and Android phones, potential users should check the specific compatibility requirements to ensure it works with their devices.
Sound Quality: While the microphone offers noise cancellation and gain control features, the overall sound quality might not match higher-end dedicated studio microphones. Users seeking professional-grade audio may need to consider higher-tier microphones.
Overall, the CLARITY COMES NATURALLY VOICE USB Gaming Microphone seems to be a feature-rich and visually appealing option for gamers and content creators. The noise cancellation, cardioid polar pattern, RGB lighting, and convenient mute function enhance the user experience, while the easy plug-and-play setup adds to its accessibility. For gamers looking to improve their audio quality without investing in professional-grade equipment, this USB gaming microphone could be a worthwhile choice.
Made by Maono we have this gaming microphone suitable for computers, Mac’s and the PS4 and 5 which utilises noise cancelling for clearer sound and also features built-in RGB lighting in the main body of the mic. This also uses a pop filter to give better quality.
The build quality is very good with a stable stand and decent looking mic which is held into place with 4 x rubber bands and an adjustable screw nut to angle the mic. An headphone socket and type C to USB A port and cable allows instant plug and play capability so you shouldn’t have any issues plugging this in and using straight away with any issues generally down to the computer settings or console settings.
The mic comes nicely packaged with a foam protection insert so you’re assured that this will arrive in pristine condition.
The RGB colour changing is particularly cool especially if you already have RGB lighting in or around your gaming area.
This is a decently priced microphone which offers a lot for the money, currently priced at 49.99 at time of review but with a nice discount at the moment of 20 off. The mic is well worth the money in my opinion and is a great starter microphone with good output for the price.
This is a perfectly good and handy USB plug in microphone that will work with most PC’s and laptops.
I’ve tested this out a handful of times and the ease in which it is to setup is really good.
This is a simple plug in and play microphone – pop the USB into your PC and it’ll be installed and ready to go within seconds, no issues.
Once on the LED’s can be changed and turned off using the button on top of the microphone itself and you can cycle through the various LED colour changing settings without issue.
Next to that button is the button to mute as well as noise cancellation on/off – all very simple to use without any complications.
On the microphone is a twist style button which increases and decreases the microphone gain – I have played with this a little and from my experience – just leave this turned up to full – otherwise I tend to find it quite quiet.
This is a vocal – generally good for game comms as well as online conversations and meetings. This is its real purpose and it does it well and without issue – voice comes out as clean and clear with no issues with distortion of break ups.
For the price and the way it looks and how it can be setup – it is a super handy and useful microphone that I have no issues in recommending to anyone.
Dedicated desktop microphones are all the rage in the gaming now. With that more and more manufactures are offering USB based mics designed for voice coms and streaming. This mic from Maono looks an attractive package with its smart design and colourful LEDs.
The box is nicely illustrated and not the plain white or brown packaging that you sometimes get. Inside the mic is packaged in foam with the accessories boxed separately. The mic is attached to its stand with the pop shield in place. On the base there is a gain control and on the top a mute button and LED control. There is also a headphone socket on the front. In the accessory box you have a USB C cable and a small guide. Connecting it up to my PC and it recognises the microphone instantly. Annoyingly windows has a habit of defaulting the to the microphones headphone jack for sound. So you may need to change your setting after installation. Testing the mic I found it gave a good clear natural sound. I found it a little under gained even with it turned upto max. The noise reduction appears to be decent. None of the background noise from computer could be picked up in the recordings.
A nice little desktop mic that sounds pretty good. My only concern is the all plastic construction. It would be nice if some alloys where used. Especially when you consider the price point.
This microphone is perfect for gaming and looks amazing.
It comes all very neatly packaged and when you take it out I was really impressed with the quality and design of it. The main microphone has a cool little stand so it doesn’t take up lots of desk space and it has adjust-ability through the mounting arm at the back plus its held in the cradle with rubber shock absorbers to help with any unwanted vibrations. Its powered and connected via a USB-C port at the back and the provided cable can then go through the hole in the stand neatly out the back.
The mic can glow all sorts of colours and is controlled via a turn-able bottom disc that you can slide round very easy with just a finger. I found the noise cancelling very good while gaming and friends the other end could hear me really clearly even during bits of the game that were a bit louder or when we were trying to talk over each other.
Overall, for 49.99 I have been really impressed with this mic and it’s been a great addition to my gaming set up. Well built, nice features and easy to use means to me its good value for money.
MAONO Gaming Microphone, USB Condenser Mic with Noise Cancellation, RGB Lights, Mute, Gain, Monitoring for Streaming, Podcast, Twitch, YouTube, PC Desktop Computer Mic for PS5, GamerWave(DGM20). PLUG AND PLAY. STUNNING RGB LIGHTING. The colour change is superb. Sounds awesome.
49.99 at time of review. 5*.
First impressions are of a well made good looking microphone set up.
The microphone works via a USB C connection, it also has an adaptor for a standard USB.
The microphone feels very well made, has a real nice feel to it, and as I mention a very good weight.
Setting up is straight forward, no issues.
Quality is impressive, the recording was clear, much better than a standard condenser microphone, I have better stage microphones which cost a lot more, but this is still impressive
The performance is impressive as is the build quality, I like this a lot, for the price you’re getting a quality bit of kit, the set up is excellent, impressive stuff.
This is a good microphone, which works well, it’s very good value, a sturdy well made mic etc.
Auf der Suche nach einem neuen Mikrofon bin ich auf das DGM20 von MAONO gestoen. Besonders die integrierte Noise Cancelling Funktion hat meine Aufmerksamkeit erregt. Wie gut sich das Mikrofon schlgt, werde ich in dieser Bewertung beantworten.
Erster Eindruck
Das Mikrofon kommt in einem sehr stylischen Karton. Hier hat sich MAONO echt Mhe gegeben, ein hochwertiges Erscheinungsbild zu kreieren. Im Inneren ist ein Schuber aus dickem Polster, sodass das Mikrofon gut behtet ankommt. Hier htte es gerne etwas weniger Kunststoff sein drfen. Beim Auspacken ist mir allerdings direkt das relativ geringe Gewicht des Mikrofons aufgefallen – das wird sich spter noch als ungnstig herausstellen. Das Mikrofon selbst macht einen recht soliden bis wertigen Eindruck, ist jedoch zu groen Teilen aus Kunststoff gefertigt. Die Halterung macht hingegen einen etwas weniger hochwertigen Eindruck (vor allem am Hals).
1x Mikrofon mit Stnder
1x USB-Kabel (USB-C auf USB-C mit USB-A Adapter)
1x Schraub-Adapter fr Mikrofon Stnder
1x Anleitung (mehrsprachig; auch in Deutsch)
Angeschlossen an USB, wird das Mikrofon sofort erkannt und leuchtet hbsch in wechselnden Farben. Ich htte mir etwas mehr Leuchtkraft gewnscht, aber so strt es schon mal nicht in etwaigen Aufnahmen. Ich habe es testweise an einen Mikrofon-Arm geschraubt und musste diesen des fteren nachjustieren, da das Mikrofon einfach zu leicht war.
Farben / LED / Stummschaltung:
Ein kurzer und leichter Druck auf die Oberseite des Mikrofon (links) wechselt die Farben durch. Sehr gut: die Farbe wird gespeichert und nach dem Start des PC wird direkt wieder diese Farbe gewhlt. An der Front sitzt noch eine weitere LED, die den Betriebszustand anzeigt – grn (normal), blau (Noise-Canceling) oder rot (Stumm). Drckt man auf der Oberseite rechts, kann man das Mikrofon stumm schalten. Das klappt wunderbar und man muss nicht fest drcken.
An der Unterseite befindet sich ein Drehregler, der das Mikrofon lauter oder leiser schaltet. Das erfolgt direkt im Gert. Etwas verwirrend ist allerdings die Anzeige von groen auf kleine Kugeln, da die Regelung im Grunde genau andersherum funktioniert: wenn man das Rad nach rechts dreht, wird das Mikrofon lauter aufgenommen – nach links leiser.
Noise Cancelling:
Das Filtern von Strgeruschen funktioniert erstaunlich gut. Tastatur-Tippen und Mausklicks werden (wenn man nicht spricht) bei aktiviertem Cancelling sehr gut herausgefiltert. Allerdings kann es vorkommen, dass Stze, die mit “S” beginnen ein klein wenig abgeschnitten werden. Das ist leider der Preis, den man bei Noise Cancelling hier bezahlen muss.
Die Aufnahmen sind tatschlich gut zu gebrauchen. Ehrlicherweise muss ich aber auch sagen, dass man fr den Preis von unter 33 Euro nicht sehr viel erwarten sollte. Die Qualitt ist vergleichbar mit einem T-Bone SC 420 USB, wobei das MAONO weniger “Krper” besitzt und mehr Fokus auf die Hhen legt. Es ist zwar schwebend in der Halterung gelagert, aber die Gummis knnen nicht wirklich Fremdgerusche (z.B. wenn man an den Tisch stt) vermeiden.
Bewertung & Fazit
Fr Anfnger ist es definitiv ein solides Mikrofon – besonders die praktische Noise Cancelling Funktion, welche einfach per Tastendruck aktiviert werden kann, spart Anfngern die mhsame Konfiguration mittels Software.
Die Qualitt der Aufnahmen ist durchaus zu gebrauchen, wenn auch nicht mit teureren Mikrofonen zu vergleichen. Wer allerdings z.B. bis jetzt mit einem Headset-Mikrofon aufgenommen hat, der wird mit diesem Mikrofon sicherlich eine Qualittssteigerung feststellen. Die LED-Funktionen sind ebenfalls recht gut umgesetzt und machen durchaus Freude.
Letztendlich hat das gute Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis mich zu der Bewertung von 5 Sternen bewogen. Man erhlt ein solides Gesamtpaket zu einem sehr fairen Preis.