【Auto Focus & Keystone】Projector with Netflix-Certified

【Auto Focus & Keystone】Projector with Netflix-Certified, Artlii Amento Video Smart Projector 4K, Zoomable Home Cinema Projector with Dolby Audio,MAX 300'' Display, Bi-directional Bluetooth 5.1&5G Wifi

What else should you know about Amento?
- Except for Netflix, Youtube, and Prime video, other streaming media have not been officially authorized for the time being. You can download Disney+ and Hulu in My App, but there may be exceptions in the update, interface, and user information synchronization.
- Only supports Netflix, Youtube casting at present.
- Linux Web OS is currently not well-known on the user side. It is recommended to focus on three genuine APPs, marked as non-ATV.
- Does not support USB port to interpret documents, such as TXT, Office.
- Does not support USB port to interpret 4K video, but can play 4K video through hdmi or other wireless connection.
Weight: | 2 kg |
Dimensions: | 22.4 x 22 x 13.5 cm; 2 Kilograms |
Brand: | Artlii |
Model: | Amento |
Colour: | Black、Grey |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | Artlii |
Dimensions: | 22.4 x 22 x 13.5 cm; 2 Kilograms |
J estou a usar h 7 meses e desde o incio que fiquei surpreendida pela qualidade e pela quantidade de opes que apresenta. As aplicaes com acesso directo Netfix, Prime e Youtube eram um requisito e o acesso internet com Browser, assim como a estaes de rdio e jogos so uma mais valia. A adicionar a tudo isto tem um design bonito e moderno.
Absolument content. Ravi. Heureux.
Commentaire sincre !
Un peu lourd, pour info. Le cache lentille est un peu difficile retirer pour un jeune enfant (c’est le but de cet achat).
La qualit sonore est exceptionnelle, et mme plus qualitative que mon home cinma ! J’adore surtout le cadrage automatique de la vido.
N’hsitez plus.
J’ai pour info opt pour le modle avec les principaux fournisseurs VOD inclus. Et l’appareil fait aussi screen mirror !
Je suis trs contente de mon achat , dans une pice totalement noir l’image est trs nette , et le son est parfait , l’appareil est bruyant mais je suis dans une chambre et je pense que la plus part des rtroprojecteurs font ce prix
Je suis juste due qu’il n’y ait pas un large choix d’applications , il y a que Netflix et Amazon Prime.
Il n’y a pas Disney + ni Canal + il faut donc acheter une fire stick qui rajoute encore 35 au prix ..
Trs bien image magnifique en 4k le seul petit problme, un peu bruyant pour a une toile en moins, par contre une image norme 2,75m de base! pas de diagonale ! le projecteur 3,5m de distance de l cran
le SAV est trs ractif!!
Ho acquistato questo proiettore dopo l’esperienza sempre con Artlii col modello Energon 2.
La differenza c’, questo pi silenzioso, di buon design e migliore messa a fuoco che coinvolge tutta l’area di proiezione a differenza dell’Energon che stato un buon proiettore ma non di quel livello.
Attenzione: l’unica cosa che non android, ha una buona interfaccia ma non possibile scaricare tutti gli applicativi come Disney, Dazn ecc.
Compatibile con Prime e Netflix.
Il supporto 4k inutile in quanto non rileva alcuna fonte a 4k.
Per ora sono molto contento e consiglio l’acquisto se si vuole un buon proiettore con buona (ma non ottima) luminosit e definizione HD.
J’adore ce projecteur ! Se connecte trs facilement Netflix et Youtube, qualit de vido et de son au top ! Par contre le cable est court et aprs 2 mois je commence avoir des problemes de connectivit, le cable ne s’enclenche pas bien et ca cre des faux contacts. Du coup le projecteur s’teint tout seul. Pourriez-vous m’en envoyer un autre ? Merci !
Qualit d’image surprenante ce prix l (Noir assez profonds et pas de bavures dans les blancs).
Facile paramtrer, il vous propose de multiples rglages et des automatismes trs apprciables.
Pour ma part, je l’ai install dans ma chambre Distance focale de 2.80 pour une largeur d’image de 2.20.
C’est un projecteur LCD donc moins y’a de lumire dans la pice et mieux c’est. Le noir complet tant videment l’idal (On dira + de 70 %).
Ct son, il ne doit pas sans faire de prouesses. Il sera tout de mme intressant de le coupler en filaire ou Bluetooth avec des HP actifs.
L’ensemble ce projo + l’cran (260 de diagonale) m’a cout – de 500 Euros et je me suis vraiment plaisir !
Le seul petit Hic tait la tlcommande qui ne fonctionnait pas et que j’ai d ouvrir pour tirer une des lames ressort des contacteurs (piles /circuit imprim).
Je recommande tout de mme sans problme.
Il proiettore facilissimo da usare dotato di tutte le ultime moderne opzioni di condivisione e configurazioni rumorosit discretamente accettabile luminosit soddisfacente brillante quanto basta per il valore di spesi il dolby una ciliegina che migliora ancora di pi la scelta sull’acquisto
Das Gert funktioniert super, genau wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe. Automatische Schrfe Einstellung, Bild und Ton Qualitt, die Zoomfunktion, die USB- Schnittstellen zum abspielen meiner Videos von der Festplatte. Dieses Gert kann ich nur empfehlen. Ach ja, dafr ist der Preis auch okay.
1 imagen: totalmente a oscuras muy muy buena y proyectada en la pared, una imagen de 2,50m de ancho muy buena nitida y buen brillo, colores muy vivos, buen contraste, pero me repetire en TOTAL OSCURIDAD. Supongo que en una pantalla especfica ser mejor, comprar una y lo comentar. Que quede claro para ver optimamente en total oscuridad, he probado en el salon bajando las persianas pero mi salon no tiene puerta y entra claridad por un lado y merma mucho el brillo.
Con poca luz que tenga la habitacion, y me refiero a una pequea luz o reflejo , cmo la pelicula sea de esas con ambiente nocturno o tenue pierde muchos detalles y colores.
2 sonido:, lo que dicen los dems compradores, justo pero suficiente, para una peli en t habitacin o saln suficiente pero al tener el proyector situado detrs del espectador se nota claramente que el sonido esta detrs para, aunque te acostumbras el sonido claramente ves de donde procede.
Para encontrar calidad de audio, tendreis que conectarlos a un amplificador 5.1 y parecera que estais en el cine he ontentado conectarlo a mi equipo pero no lo he conseguido si se ha emparejado pero no he conseguido escuchar el audio mirara mejor la configuracion y ya lo comentare proximamente.
3, Plataformas: Enlace rpido tanto al WiFi, Bluetooth, y plataformas, nada de retardo y men rapido e intuitivo, s configuraste t tv, o acceso a Netflix o aazon no necesitas instrucciones para configurar el proyector. Las plataformas y YouTube se cargan al instante y son muy fluidas.
CONCLUSION. Hace aos que quera un proyector, ste por su precio para m cumple, y me convence por sus conexiones y funcionalidad, fcil manejo, y tener las plataformas que ms utilizamos en casa,calidad de imagen y me repito EN TOTAL OSCURIDAD perfecta, tenia claro para lo que lo quiero que es solo para ver peliculas, y algun partido o video casero. En un ambiente de sala de cine Pero sabiendo que con un minimo de luz que haya en la habitacion perdere muucha calidad de imagen.
Contacto con el vendedor muy rapido resolutivo y atento solucionando las dudas planteadas en el mismo momento practicamente.
Despues de 5 dias, y con una pantalla para proyector he colgado fotos y videos, la proyeccion es de 270×150, y el.proyectos situado a 250cm , se ve espectacular, muy muy contento, ahora solo espero que dure ya que pregunte al vendedor por lamparas de repuesto y dice que no hay, que tiene dos aos de garantia, rezare porque aguante ya que lo compre para las noches de verano principalmente.
L’ergonomie de la prise en main est assez simple, la telecommande reagit tres bien et prend en charge mon ampli pour le changement de volume donc ca c’est un plus aussi.
Des applications sont prcharger ,netflix, Amazon YouTube
Perso mon fire stick est direct brancher sur lampli donc pas besoin mais c’est un plus pour celui qui n’en a pas.
Pour info mon retro est a 3m50 pour un ecran de 2m40 de large, la fonction de dezoomage fonctionne tres bien et l’image est bien nette.
Lautofocus se fait assez rapidement et est assez efficace, il y a possibilite de l’ajuster mais je n’en ai meme pas ressenti le besoin, la nettete est au rdv.
la mise au point trapezoidale aussi est assez efficace donc je suis assez contente niveau reglage de l’image sur l’ecran car ca s’est fait rapidement sans avoir besoin de bidouiller le retro pour trouver la bonne position.
Les differents modes d’images (vif,cinema, standard etc) sont assez bien regler de base. Possibilit d’ajuster manuellement les teintes, luminosit, contraste, nettet et saturation.
J’ai test avec un bluray 4k et l’image est vraiment nette et ragis tres bien, assez fluide.
meme si ce n’est pas du 4k je pense que l’upscaling est la, idem pour la ps5, les jeux ragissent trs bien et je suis assez surprise du rendu.
( je prcise que sur la vido d’avatar je n’avais pas encore fait d’ajustement de l’image, s’tait l’image par dfaut donc dj vraiment pas mal)
Les ventilateurs s’entendent mais font bien moins de bruits que le energon 2, et une fois le son du film ils s’oublient vite.
Je n’ai pas pu tester le systme de son car il est branch en direct sur mon ampli.
Pour rsum je donne un bon 5 toiles car pour ce prix la, la qualit est au rendez-vous, image fluide et nette, videoprojecteur simple d’utilisation et qui ne fait pas camelote.
The Netflix app and prime app works but system
Doesn’t have an update to support apps like Hulu and Disney plus. I reached out to customer service but have not heard anything from them. But for the projector itself is an amazing projector. Also do not lose remote because the Artlii app does not support this projector.
Fantastic kit, has neflix and amazon prime built in, cant get my phone to cast but has a hdmi port to plug in a fire stick. Honestly the video posted does not do it justice, auto keystone and auto focus is a life saver, can be abit on the loud side but when using the projector for sound cant really notice it. Great value compared to others at the same price. Highly recommend!
This projector can be ceiling mounted. I wasn’t sure based on the listing, but the Amento 5G does have one central mounting point that works just fine for hanging or a tripod. The menu that contains the projection mode is a little tricky to find – you have to open settings from the Home screen, rather than using the settings button on the remote. But once we get that established everything else was a breeze.
The auto focus is really cool, and it works! The auto kerning wasn’t quite up to the task for my home setup (the projector has to be mounted way off the right), but there is also a manual setup that does the trick. The screen is still a bit blurry at the bottom left corner, but for this price range, considering my home layout, I can live with it.
The speaker is nice and actually audible! We use a sound bar and Roku for normal use. For parties, though, it will be nice to be able to play videos that we can hear well while still playing music through the sound bar.
All in all, I am very satisfied with this purchase.
Prob otros proyectores antes de este, pero los devolv todos. El proyector Artlii Amento est empaquetado de forma segura y hace un ruido mnimo, se adapta perfectamente a m y estoy muy contento con este.
Franchement gnial, trs satisfait l’autofocus est super efficace, les rglages sont simples. Je l’ai plac au plafond il y a une vis central pour le faire. vraiment ravi. Trs bonne qualit de son et contrairement ce que j’ai pu lire, je ne le trouve pas bruyant.
Super rapport qualit prix
Lo compr despus de una recomendacin de un profesor en Youtube. La calidad de imagen y el sonido fueron increbles. No sent la necesidad de conectar ningn parlante. Este proyector satisfizo mis necesidades. Disfrut viendo las noches de cine con mi cnyuge jaja.
En fait j’hsite depuis longtemps si j’achte un projecteur ou une tl chez moi.
Mais finalement, je suis ravie de mon choix pour ce projecteur ! Il est merveilleux !
Et c’est vraiment ma premire fois d’installer et connecter un projecteur, je me dbrouille toute seule des choses techniques tout a, franchement, c’tait hyper simple mdr, trs trs facile disposer.
En plus, il peut encore connecter un wifi qui issu d’un lien de site, non seulement un wifi fixe, a c’est gnial ! Google, Bing, aucun problme. Sans parler de connecter un ordi, une tablette, un portable etc., c’est essentiel.
Maintenant je peux regarder des vidos tout en tant allong dans mon lit. Je me suis bien rgale !!
El proyector ofrece una imagen muy buena al igual que el audio. El men es fcil de usar y la configuracin del proyector se hace en un momento. Al tener apps integradas, es bsicamente enchufarlo y empezar a ver contenido. Muy recomendable! Tuve que contactar al servicio de atencin al cliente por una cosita y me lo solucionaron muy rpido y muy eficientemente.
Really surprised on ease of use and picture quality . Only bought it as got 50 off and maybe watch odd movie or footie game but Now I’m lookin at where I’m gonna put it permanently and a decent auto screen as we will all use this daily I’m sure . Worth the money 100% but I don’t have any others to compare to though . I was concerned that picture quality would be poor but really impressed . 5
This Artlii 5G WiFi projector is compact and easy to carry to the backyard or camp. In particular, I am pleased with its autofocus and keystone correction features, which make the projector easy to set up. I also like that it comes preloaded with apps like Netflix, YouTube, Prime Video, etc. It is like a mobile smart TV, which is very convenient.
All built-in inputs, such as USB, HDMI, Bluetooth, and Miracast, work well. The picture quality of the projector is very good, with rich colors and brightness. The Dolby sound system is also very nice. Of course, if it is output to home theater audio equipment, the sound effect will be much better. The only problem is that the projector only has an on/off button, and all applications rely on the remote. So if the remote control is lost, it will be troublesome.
The projector is great, the quality and the effect is very good, you can throw it directly on the wall it’s very clear, it’s very practical and it’s very clear without the curtain, I love it. It is mainly connected to the mobile phone projection screen, which is very convenient to see what you want to see, without stalling and without delay. It’s good to catch up on TV at home during the holidays, with Dolby sound. A reliable and recommended product.
This is amazing!!! The photo does this absolutely no justice
The picture quality is insane and the sound ~ just wow
We expected it to be OK but this is rather impressive.
We got this for the hot tub and is definitely as good as our lounge TV
My partner is Technology obsessed so has tried every asset of this and is very impressed.
We have all our apps on this now also
It is interesting to see how the quality in this kind of mini projectors is improving so fast in such a small space of time.
I have owned quite a few of these sorts of things in the last 15 years or so and to arrive at a place like this with this projector is just fascinating. The images that are projected are incredible, the sound also… easy to set up and all at an amazing price that leaves you shocked… perfect.
The beamer/projector from Artlii is one of the best products they have released till date. Remember that this is not an Android device, so there is no Google Playstore but there is another app store to choose apps from. Since this is not an Android device there is no way to install apk files.
But this might not be necessary since it has apps such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, Eros, Zee and many more streaming apps.
The sound is great (has the option for Dolby Surround, the sound from the speakers is good enough so you dont have to connect an extern speaker. But if you want you can connect a soundbar or headphones though the headphone input or bluetooth. The picture quality is really good and i could even watch during the day without any complications.
I had no problems with connecting an usb and watching movies from USB or connecting laptop with hdmi. Good picture and sound quality as well.
The remote control is good and even has direct button for Netflix etc. Overall happy with the possibilities.
I bought the device a few days ago and waited with my review so i could check the many possibilities. If you ask me if i can recommend this device, i would say that i you don’t need an Android device per se, this is the device for you
Physically this is about twice as large my previous projector.
There is a knob to tilt up the projector but it is inset making it difficult to rotate (minor).
The speaker on this one is really loud. It is not necessary to have a separate speaker but the quality is a bit tinny and doesn’t have quite the richness I was expecting considering the size. But I am happy that a separate speaker is not necessary but it does have Bluetooth. I personally wouldn’t use this solely as a music speaker and am disappointed by this (that would have been so handy).
The “smart” aspect wasn’t great and I wouldn’t recommend this if you are buying it specifically for that feature. The app store “Netrange” was limited and not really user friendly. For example, it had Disney +, but not Crave, Global tv, Telus, etc . Also, they have some sort of deal with Netflix and the app cannot be removed from your main page. Minor, but I have a hate on for Netflix . Anyway, I suggest just using a Firestick or laptop connected via the HDMI. It does have Miracast (but my devices do not support this). However, it is handy to have the big 3: Netflix, Prime & YouTube at your fingertips.
The device has an HDMi, audio, and two USB A ports but one is a dedicated power out (which I thought was handy – to power your Firestick or Chromecast).
The remote is a bit clickety-clackety but works well. NOTE: There are NO ONBOARD CONTROLS. So if you lose your remote, the unit is essentially useless. This was the biggest con on the unit for me.
The auto focus/keystone feature works well. I don’t know what I did to end up with my picture at a 45degree tilt but turning it on/off fixed it.
The fan is louder than expected and throws off a lot more heat than expected. But I found the fan noise to be fine but the heat to be more of an issue if you are sitting next to the projector.
For the price, I expected the on board speaker to have richer sound quality and onboard controls. However, the projector had a good picture, the fan noise was reasonable and the functionality was good.
We are delighted with the quality of this projector and how easy it is to use. When you switch on the machine you are guided through a stress free process to set up the machine. The projector will auto focus all of the time, which makes life much easier. The projector has great connectivity. You can connect via wi-fi or via Bluetooth with any major operating system. There are dedicated Netflix and Youtube buttons so controlling the projector is a breeze. The picture quality is impressive. Good value for money.