Abma Cord 750lb Paracord 100% Nylon Rope 11 Strands Type IV

Abma Cord 750lb Paracord 100% Nylon Rope 11 Strands Type IV Military Grade Parachute Cord – UV/Abrasion Resistant – Heavy Duty Max. 340kg

Weight: | 340 g |
Dimensions: | 3000 x 0.42 x 0.42 cm; 340 Grams |
Brand: | Abma Cord |
Model: | AC-CS41130-junlv |
Colour: | Army Green |
Dimensions: | 3000 x 0.42 x 0.42 cm; 340 Grams |
Lo he usado para sustituir la cuerda de un parasol excntrico. La que traa era de mala calidad, la “camisa” del paracord se haba “pelado” y las hebras interiores se haban enmaraado de tal manera en el mecanismo interno que ya ni abra ni cerraba. Busqu este cordel pensando que es ms resistente y de mejor calidad, y espero que as sea. El nico dolor de cabeza lleg a la hora de “enhebrar” el paracord en el ojal de la polea del mecanismo, pensado para un cordel 1 mm. ms fino. Tras muchos intentos la solucin fue extraer una porcin de las hebras interiores del paracord y cortarlas dejando nicamente la “camisa” De ese modo era ms fino y flexible. Con un poco de celofn pegu la punta de la camisa para hacerla ms rgida (como el extremo de los cordones de las zapatillas) y poder pasarla con facilidad por el ojal. Una vez pas el extremo, el resto del paracord, con todas sus hebras interiores, pas sin problemas por el ojal. Recort el extremo para eliminar la parte sin ncleo y lo quem con un mechero para asegurar que no se deshiciera, un nudo y voil, sombrilla como nueva que abre y cierra. Slo espero que dure!!!
This is so thin that it is really string, not rope, but it is very strong. Because of its thickness, it’s not really suitable for the purpose for which I got it, but it should come in handy at some point in the future. Four stars.
Used to think a ball of string was one of the most important things to have in the kitchen drawer. But this paracord is way more important!
Cuts easily with a sharp knife and the ends can be melted to stop any fraying and even made pointy, so they easily thread through lace-holes.
If you’re thorough, you can use heatshrink or get a machine to put on metal lace-ends.
Best of all, this cord is incredibly strong! It would support the weight of 4 average adults (but only if they agreed!). It comes in a range of colours, but I liked the hi-viz orange.
Mon premier coup d’il :
Au dballage, je trouve que la corde est de qualit et semble solide. Mais passons au test maintenant !
Mon test :
contenu : la corde en nylon de 30 mtres enroule sur son support.
quoi a sert ? : pour le camping, la navigation de plaisance, la chasse, les kits de survie, la ralisation de projets de paracord comme des bracelets, les ceintures, les longes et d’autres articles dcoratifs.
utilisation : j’ai mis cette corde dans mon kit de survie. J’aime sa robustesse (elle a bien 11 brins l’intrieur de la gaine) et le fait qu’elle soit imputrescible comme elle est en nylon.
Mon verdict :
5 toiles pour cette corde de qualit et solide.
Extremely strong and durable paracord, the kind I can rely on. It’s evidently great quality. It’s really versatile and I use this for a number of different tasks whilst camping. The colour was exactly what I was expecting too, the listing gives a perfect representation of what I received.
Ok, maybe that’s going a BIT far but this paracord is great. This is the 3rd or 4th reel of cord I’ve had from Abmacord and they never let me down. The product is well made and comes nicely presented on a plastic reel with a handy little pin to keep the loose end from unravelling (it’s the little attention to details that lifts this above other similar products). This particular thickness (11 strand) is about the upper limit of what I would use for guy lines but it does grip really well in the Clamcleats that I always use. It’s also a nice thickness for projects and you can make a really decent monkey-fist without the need for a marble. There’s a decent range of colours to choose from to suit your own preferences. In the end I opted for the reflective black and I’m really happy with my choice. The reflective fleck is a nice complement to the black cord and will hopefully prevent me tripping over those guylines at night (what are the chances?!?). In summary, if you’re looking for some paracord, either 11 or the slightly thinner 7 strand then give Abmacord a try. You wont be disappointed.
Deuxime rouleau de corde de chez Abma tres bonne qualit et utiles pour de nombreux applications bricolage et camping.
Celle ci fait presque 5mm de diamtre et tres solide, pris en vert il est trs visible
Je recommande cette corde solide et de bonne facture
I’ve purchased several paracord products from this company now and each time I’ve been impressed with the quality of the product. The reflective paracord looks great and shines brightly when illuminated which is great for tents etc. If you don’t need reflective then the plain colours are great too.
Just like all Abma Cord products I have tried, this paracord is very well made … no sign of loose threads, flawless construction, and in neon green it looks really good too. There is no way I am going to break this cord as its 340kg capacity is more than I need, and the 4mm thickness makes it more like rope than cord, but if that is what you need then you won’t find better quality than this bad boy. I couldn’t detect any stretch on this cord, but I suspect that is because I am not strong enough to stretch it unless I roll out a really long length to try. The cord is not too stiff and it has a nice soft silk-like feel in the hand, with a finish that is neither matt nor shiny but more of a smooth satin sheen. If you need paracord that looks and feels as good as it performs because you are making things with it, then this is good value and won’t disappoint.
A nice lightweight spool of incredibly bright guy rope.
Long and strong and the colour really pops in poor light and at night – helps to stop people tripping over them in the dark.
Very nice – the fluorescent bright orange with reflective strip woven in. The reflective strip reflects well and is very visible under illumination.
The core contains 11 strands, each of which is made up three smaller strands. Surrounding this is the orange outer sheath.
Obviously, I can’t measure the ultimate tensile strength of it, but it looks and feels like good quality cord. I was surprised that it’s not much thicker than 550 para cord despite being almost 50% stronger.
I’ve had several rolls of cord from Abma Cord; they present them very well, immaculately wound on a plastic reel, with a small pin holding the loose end in place. Normally Abma cord comes in a box, and I complement them on their sustainable choice of packaging, but this one comes shrink wrapped. Oh well!
Die 30 Meter kommen auf der Rolle in Folie verschweit aus China und sind mit einer Nadel fixiert. Das Paracord macht einen sehr stabilen Eindruck und lsst sich ohne Probleme fr diverse Zwecke verwenden – ich habe es als Schlsselanhnger verknotet. Kaufempfehlung fr das schne Cord mit eingearbeitetem Reflekto
As weird as it may sound, I ordered this to tie a mattress up so I could transport it to a mates house in the car. The paracord is strong and did the job perfectly. Although not to be used for climbing, it even takes my weight!
Don’t forget that when you cut it, to melt the ends together using a lighter.
Really good price and can be used for various things.
I’ve bought this brand of paracord a few times before and it has never let me down. This one is 750lb for the same price as the 550lb, which makes it a no-brainer.
It’s good quality and the price is reasonable. It’s strong and holds a knot well. Seems to handle the elements pretty well, too, although none of mine is left outside permanently. Recommended..
This feels like good paracord. I’ve only had 550 before, this 750 feels a bit thicker. The outside sheath is smooth and feels like it’s not going to fray anytime soon. It knots well, and does exactly what I need it to.
The reel it comes on is quite handy, there’s a re-usable pin in the cord that keeps it all together. It’s not just going to knot itself together in the bottom of a bag or drawer. Perfect!
This is a roll of paracord in a bright green colour with reflective flecks in it. I obtained this because it is the ideal material to replace tent guy ropes with a thicker and more durable version.
It is reassuring that the cord is made to professional industry standards and is exceedingly strong for its cross section. Paracord is traditionally a strong cord to use, and providing that you use appropriate knots, as the surface material demonstrates slightly lower friction than some cords, this paracord should work well.
The colour scheme really works for me, as it is bright and stands out, especially when lit by torchlight at night. I am not in a situation where camouflage and dark colours are needed, and I really wanted a colour scheme that minimised the chance of tripping over a guy rope in the night. Although other colours are available, I felt that this one gave the best compromise between daytime and nighttime visibility.
The other neat thing is that there is a tiny bit of give in the cord, which is only evident over a long length but should help absorb some shock when the wind blows and also aid in tightening and tensioning.
Apart from guy ropes, this paracord is a versatile material. Its light weight lends itself to outdoor situations in a pack, and it is easy to throw up a shelter with this stuff. The end of the cord has been heat-cut, and the manufacturer was thoughtful enough to tag the end of the cord into the roll with a T-pin.
This cord will get used in a variety of situations, and its versatility and price make this an easy purchasing decision. Use it for the aforementioned guy ropes, a washing line, erecting a shelter, or securing loads. The quality is perfect, and there are a legion of uses for this professional-grade cord.
This paracord has had several uses in my garden and I love its non-stretchy material.
I’ve used it to erect a sun sail over my patio and, even though the lengths of cord are long, 2-3 metres each, the sail show no sign of sagging so far. Which makes the cord a good alternative to a metal wire.
For tying in climbing Wistaria to a wall this has proved very useful, as the plant can weigh a lot as it expands in the growing season.
I chose the green colour, which makes the cord all but invisible when used in the garden. My next project is to put up some trellis and the cord will be used to reinforce it so that the neighbour’s cat doesn’t pull it down as it climbs over.
For the modest price of 12.99 this reel works out at 43p per metre which is good value for such a high quality paracord.
This cord is very very strong I use when camping , hanging kit from a tree of tying down my tent when it’s really windy , strapping my kit to my bike there are so many uses and it’s absolutely reusable so don’t throw bits away when you’ve finished using it, wrap it up for next time.
This paracord is rated at 750lbs (340kg) and has 11 cores all of which have three plys. The braid is quite a bit tighter around the cores than 550 paracord and this rope will take pretty much any load you can throw at it. We are incorporating it into our tree net we have been making and hence it is critical that it is made from Nylon which is UV and rot resistant, unlike polyester paracord which degrades under UV. It comes on a handy reel and knots well, very happy!
This is a good reel of paracord. It is good quality and good strength. My son recently used it on a cadet camp to set up his bivi and said it did the job well, was easy to cut and didn’t fray.
This stuff is just so handy. I can’t count the number of times I have found a good length of paracord to be a saving grace. I always keep a spool in my boot and in my garage. It is far stronger than its appearance would suggest and is second only to duct tape in versatility.
Arrived spooled onto a reel but unboxed.
The cordage is as described, being 11 cores each having three strands. It knots well and hasn’t swelled too much when wet, which can make untying knots difficult. The outer sheath is UV resistant and hard wearing. Running it over some rough masonry didn’t produce much fraying at all.
I tested it with my own bodyweight from a sensible height of about 2 inches and it held without any problem. I weight about 190lbs and it coped fine with my weight bouncing on it without giving too much stretch.
I like it’s labelled as “not for climbing”, but it’s perfectly fine for camping. In theory you could use this for a hammock, but that’s down to you.
Well made stuff and seems to adhere to the manufacturer’s claims, so in that sense it seems very genuine stuff. Well made and feels like a premium brand. I have a fair amount of cordage from this manufacturer and it has all been of good quality. Handy stuff to have around.
I’m getting to be quite a fan of Abma cord, this is the third size I’ve tried and both of the thinner versions have found multiple uses around my home and in particular for use as retaining cord in my land yacht.
This is a medium thickness at 4mm with a 340Kg breaking strain, so is good for most uses I’m likely to find for it. I have it holding up a canopy where the standard nylon rope broke, and it makes for a suitable downhaul cord on my land yacht, being easily able to withstand the strains put on it.
I chose the Neon Green for visibility, there are multiple other colours available. Whilst there’s a bit of give under strain, it’s well within tolerance for the uses I put it too.
With a current Amazon voucher the price is around 10 for a 30m length. That’s 33p a metre, which is an excellent price. I don’t yet know how it will hold up to sand, wind and rain over time, but as this price it can be replaced every six months at low cost.
Well packed and arrived quickly
Comes on a handy spool
Very good value for money.
Have made a couple of paracord bracelets for the kids and also used this to hang a hammock and can say its very strong. used it on the hammock overnight and was still hanging in the morning so all good lol.
I’ve several spools of paracord from Abma, and recomend it completely. It’s an excellent quality type IV cord, and while I’m never likely to need to subject it to its full breaking strain, i’m confident that I could.
There’s a ribbon of reflective strand running through the cord at a pitch of about one per centimetre, and it’s effective at reflecting light from all angles.
It takes a knot well, and you can spiral the cord without it creasing or taking a set, and it melts easily and neatly when you want to finish and end.
Great value a 14 for 30 metres, and top quality. Excellent.
This is the first time I have used 750lb paracord and I am very impressed. It is perfect for making dog leads for larger breeds without having to use complicated weaves to add lots of separate lengths. I can happily use a regular 4 cord weave and be satisfied that it will be strong enough for even the biggest of dogs. I made an adjustable wrist lanyard for a leather lead that I like but couldn’t loop over my wrist, now the lead is secure. It is lovely to work with, even at 4.2mm it is easy to work with and not stiff to use. The ends burn and melt in well. I chose the reflective yellow as we walk our dog on country roads, and I wanted a very visible cord. It is also perfect for tent guy ropes, for hammocks and washing lines too.
This is excellent paracord – it is easy to handle with a tough woven outer coat that holds knots well. I got the neon-oragne colour in the hope that fewer people will walk into my tent guy ropes.
The diameter is 4mm, and we have tried to stretch and break it today and failed – even with the weight of a large man hanging from it! Being nylon, rather than help or cotton fibre, it seals well to avoid the risk of fraying after the ends are cut with just a few seconds of heat from a stove top or cigarette lighter (or heat gun if you are doing a lot of cutting).
This costs 47p a metre, which has to rate as good value. There are literally hundreds of uses for this type of strong, rot-proof cord. I would certainly be happy to get this brand again.
I am self-sufficient in most matters, so have lots of tools & other things to repair what I have, & make what I haven’t. I’ve worked or indulged in pursuits which gave legitimate access to various ropes, cords, etc useful for binding things securely together, such as real paracord & Dyneema winch rope (for launching gliders). I used to manufacture & repair winch launch parachutes. I still have a good supply of paracord from scrap parachutes & used Dyneema (limited life on winch launch duties). I’ve also got various ropes from sailing — windsurfers, dinghies & up to 55ft racing yachts.
However, I also wanted a stock of greater variety of strengths/thicknesses of cord, so that was why I got this reel of Abma Cord 750lb Paracord. It is a very small reel — only 30 mtrs, but adequate for my stock needs. It appears to be of good quality & strong enough for my needs … I have plenty of alternatives if needed!
Do bear in mind that synthetic rope is often difficult to tie securely, so you need to know the best knots to use, both for the rope/cord being used & the purpose for which you are using it. If you cut this type of synthetic cord, it is a good idea to seal the end by heating it to melting point & squeezing it together, to bind all the individual strands, or it will tend to unravel.
Review for Abma Cord 750lb Paracord 100% Nylon Rope 11 Strands Type IV Military Grade Parachute Cord – UV/Abrasion Resistant – Heavy Duty Max. 340kg
A heavy duty nylon cord which is suitable for securing and tying down many different things when in the outdoors. Versatile enough for many uses and well priced for what it is.
Pretty great quality from Abma Cord. Good construction and has been great for typical stuff and boot laces. Although good to have a bit of extra paracord on you via laces if you don’t have a bracelet made of it.
Super bright for camping as well. Probably better a colour that stands out against green but it’s bright enough to see if you have some high and visible.
Works well for general stuff and seems to have a better feeling that other paracord. Seems a bit more abrasive resistant compared to some of the others I’ve reviewed. Not quite as smooth to the touch either.
For the price of 13.99, it’s competitive enough and a good quality paracord. Can recommend.
Type IV 750 lb paracord is the toughest end of the original specifications and should have 11 internal cords each consisting of three smaller strands of nylon to meet the old military specification.
I’ve used Abma Cord before and it has lasted well, wet and dry under strain in real life outdoor projects in all weathers so this cord has a good pedigree. It wasn’t too surprising then to un-pick it and find it consists of the required 11 separate 3 strand cords in a tight outer jacket.
I WAS a bit surprised to find a special pin used to fix the free end of the cord to the roll, but (as progress happens) I singled out a single one of the 11 inner 3 ply cord and stabbed it energetically about 100 times in the same place with the pin. Close inspection found no evidence of damage so it looks like pins are fine !
A Proper type IV paracord from a reputable company