Atari 2600 Plus (Exclusive to

Atari 2600 Plus (Exclusive to

Atari 2600 Plus (Exclusive to

LogoAtariAtarJoystick4in1Mr Run4in1Mr Run

17 Responses

  1. AthenaBravo says:


    Gostei da sensao de nostalgia que me foi impressa ao abrir a caixa, a qualidade e respeito aos detalhes, j o que no gostei foi da quantidade dos jogos que acompanha, poderia vir mais e os da Activision.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Il nuovo Atari 2600+ riproduce perfettamente la consolle originale, con misure leggermente ridotte (del 30% circa) che la rendono un po’ pi piccola, pi gradevole alla vista e pi facile da sistemare in mostra.
    Anche da spenta fa un figurone sulla scrivania, veramente molto bella.
    La peculiarit pricipale che permette di utilizzare tutte le vecchie cartridge originali, anche quelle nuove e le home-brew, i vecchi joystick e paddle originali, proprio come la vecchia, gloriosa consolle anni ’70, ma con uscita HDMI e ingombri ridotti.
    Attenzione per i “puristi” dell’hardware, la funzionalit del gioco avviene tramite emulazione, non hanno ricostruito l’hardware originale: la cartuccia viene letta e caricata in memoria, quindi riprodotta tramite emulazione (in modo a noi trasparente) ma il risultato lo stesso al 99%, anzi possiamo dire che sia migliore dell’originale perch colori e le immagini sono molto pi definiti e cristallini. Inserisci la cartuccia, accendi la consolle e dopo un paio di secondi hai il gioco a video come l’originale.
    Inoltre si posso usare anche le cartucce del sistema VCS 7800 (anche queste da veri collezionisti, sono stati prodotti pochi titoli, facile collezionarle tutte).

    L’idea buona perch ci sono nel mondo tantissimi collezionisti di giochi Atari, ma col tempo le vecchie consolle stanno cominciando a dare problemi, quindi questa la soluzione ottimale, per chi voglia ancora fruire dei vecchi giochi tramite le cartucce originali, senza ricorrere alla pura emulazione.


    + Ottima per i collezionisti di cartucce originali, soluzione molto pratica e comoda, risultato eccellente, compatibile con il 99% dei titoli (solitamente non girano le cartucce multiple con men iniziale).

    + Buona cos per i collezionisti pi radicali, che sicuramente preferiranno il vero hardware originale, ma per
    preservare le consolle d’epoca, potrebbero farne un uso diciamo quotidiano come muletto e test.
    [Io ho anche la VCS 2600 originale, ma la tengo da parte e uso la 2600+ per praticit].

    – Sconsigliata se non si ha gi una buona scorta di cartucce originali e controller da far funzionare: viene venduta con una cartuccia contentente 10 giochi e un joystick. A meno che no intendiate iniziare ora la collezione di cartucce originali, ma mi sembra improbabile.

    + Al lacio del prodotto sono state messe in vendita anche un paio di cartucce originali nuove di zecca, pi un kit con le mitiche paddle analogiche e annessa cartuccia con 4 giochi paddle, per cui possiamo tornare ai vecchi tempi con Pong , Breakout, e cos via, nella maniera giusta.

    ++ Fattore da non sottovalutare l’estetica: davvero, molto bella, se avete una sala hobby far un figurone, messa in bella mostra dar un tocco vintage e ricercato.

  3. JuanBeauregard says:


    Golden Review Award: 9 From Our UsersSuper bien construite, modernis juste ce qu’il faut, fonctionne trs bien. Pour plus d’information venez voir ma chronique vido son sujet sur le tube (tapez dans la barre de recherche : Nykraft le magnifique – Atari 2600 ). Je ne regrette pas l’achat.

    Meilleur réplique retro à ce jou

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is really amazing !!!!!!!! I bought it on my my mum’s account and and I love it! Not all 5he games are good but most of them are like video pinball and missile command! You don’t need to buy and wires for it because they come with it and the controller works on the sega mega drive which is awesome !! I really do recommend!!

    5.0 out of 5 stars You need a usb power adaptor for your socke

  5. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersNostalgia pura. Lleg rpido y todo bien. La compr desde Monterrey Mxico y todo sin problema.
    En la caja viene:
    -cable carga usb-c a usb
    -control joystick
    -cartucho 10 juegos
    ** solo se requiere un adaptador para el usb de carga. De un celular o del Nintendo switch o similar basta.
    Tambin le quedan los controles de antao y los cartuchos por si tienen alguno.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The number of Atari Flashbacks and the varying games in each will make your head spin as will the price of an Atari VCS. This however a work of genius and 100% a time machine that will take you back to your childhood, or your parents childhood.

    Well packaged, and a thing of beauty when opened this is a near perfect replica in modern materials and slightly smaller. Great connectivity at the rear for your modern HDMI TV, yet the toggles and buttons on the front are just as a I remember them. The joysticks are pretty true to their 1980s ancestors as well, tough as hell to use, and not the most ergonomic to hold but thats the price for a piece of retro tech!

    What is most impressive for both the engineers who designed and manufactured this replica in 2023, and the software engineers and manufacturing back in the day, is that cartridges from 1982 actually work, the first I tried was Asteroids in perfect condition, practically unopened. The second River Raid, and this is where I would suggest you buy some rubbing alcohol or other suitable cleaner if you intend to buy or have original cartridges. I’ve tried a couple of River Raid cartridges without success, until I read a suggestion to clean the contacts on the cartridge with a suitable cleaner. 4 well spent on Amazon and I have a working cartridge of the Activision classic, and perhaps the best game of all time, River Raid.

    Honestly the feeling that clunk of the cartridge gives you as you insert it, and power the console on is hard to beat. Buy one, buy one now!

  7. LucioCartwright says:

     United Kingdom

    I have taken a while to finally purchase this as I was not sure it would be worth it. Having decided to purchase, I can say that I am glad. The display is great and it has played every cartridge that I have tried so far (including PAL, NTSC and one Atari 7800). The pause waiting for the game to load is not too long. There could have been some improvements though. For one, a pause button would have been most welcome and, secondly, I do not believe that the console works properly with a two-button joypad for the 7800? There may be issues with some modern homebrews especially PAL-60 ones. But, overall, I am very pleased to have a new Atari that hooks up to a modern TV and displays so beautifully.

  8. Rob says:

     United Kingdom

    How people can even dare to give less than 5 stars? I’ve read some comments moaning about the it’s old fashion and they’re comparing with modern consoles

    OF COURSE modern consoles and games will be better, BUT if you bought an ATARI is because you want to feel exactly the same sensation from 80’s, even when the cartages won’t work and you have to clean it!!!! It’s part of the nostalgic feeling.

    The only difference between the 2600 and 2600+ is the HDMI connector, so you don’t have to use that old horrible adaptor for your TV, which’s perfect

    I get emotional every single time I start playing this ATARI, to me it’s exactly same feeling….. basically traveling in time.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great recreation of the Atari 2600 that also supports 7800 games. Plugs into HDMI and USB power. I’ve got about 30 cartridges and everything works, it’s also updatable via USB.

  10. IsabellUnger says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI have been blown away how good the Atari 2600+ console is. The build quality is top notch. Switches are metal with a wonderful solid clunk when moving them. The joystick is fantastic; solid. The graphics are high quality and has brought new life to old dormant cartridges from my childhood.
    I also have an Atari Flashback 8 gold with paddles but the build quality is no way near as good as this Atari 2600+.
    Highly recommend!

  11. CallumGvhowfrai says:


    Golden Review Award: 23 From Our UsersMeine Erwartungen hat das Atari 2600 absolut erfllt. Ich habe ca. 35 Module getestet. Die meisten NTSC, aber auch einige PAL-Module. Bis auf ein einziges Spiel (Time Pilot) funktionerten alle hervorragend.
    Scheinbar funktionierten zuerst einige weitere Titel nicht (ca. 6 Stck), aber es stellte sich heraus, dass sie nach einer Reinigung der Modul-Kontakte doch problemlos liefen. !!!Man sollte also auf jeden Fall bei Problemen seine alten Cartridges subern, selbst wenn sie auf alter Originalhardware funktioneren.!!! Heutige Technik ist wohl halt einfach feinfhliger.
    Scanlines vermisse ich persnlich nicht, da Scanlines beim Retrogaming aus meiner Sicht vor allem dazu da sind, um Farbverlufe schner und flieender zu machen. Beim Atari ist die Grafik aber so retro und so grob, dass es sowieso keine (oder zumindest kaum) Farbverlufe gibt.
    Mir gefllt gerade gut, dass ich kein Optionsmen habe, wo ich weitere Einstellungen vornehmen kann, sondern nur eine Konsole zum Einschalten und Losspielen. Den einzigen Schalter, den das 2600+ zustzlich zu frher hat, ist ein 16:9- oder 4:3-Schalter; fr Leute, die keine schwarze Balken link und rechts ertragen knnen und lieber im falschen langgezogenen Bildformat zocken mchten.
    Es ist eine Emulationskonsole, kein FPGA-Nachbau oder hnliches, aber fr mich stimmt das Preis-Leistungsverhltnis allemal. Man bekommt fr einen angemessenen, wenn auch nicht wirklich gnstigen Preis, eine optisch ansprechende und einfache Lsung, sehr viele Originalmodule an modernen TVs spielen zu knnen. Das habe ich erwartet und das habe ich bekommen. Jedes Spiel Spiel wird aber nicht funktionieren, z. B. Pitfall II wegen im Modul verbauter Zusatzchips und aus demselben Grund werden auch einige neuere Homebrewspiele nicht laufen.
    Ein zu deutlicher Lag ist mir nicht aufgefallen.
    Noch einige Anmerkungen:
    PAL / NTSC: Das ausgegebene Signal ist 720p/60Hz. Ich habe den Eindruck, dass die PAL-Spiele mit den korrekten Farben mit 60Hz, also ohne PAL-Slowdown dargestellt werden. So sollte es mMn auch sein. Das Bildseitenverhltnis scheint mir PAL-typisch etwas gedrckter als zu sein, aber ich finde es absolut tolerabel.
    Der zu harte Joystick ist fr mich nicht zu hart. Ein Vergleich mit einem alten Original-Stick ist aus meiner Sicht nicht zielfhrend, weil der alte Stick seit 40 Jahren im Einsatz ist und sich allein schon deshalb wesentlich weicher spielen drfte.
    Fehlende Musik bei Moon Patrol: Das ist kein Emulationsbug, sondern normal Verhalten. Die Musik schaltet man mit dem Difficulty-Schalter ein oder aus. Ich habe eben MP auf dem 2600+ mit Musik gespielt.

  12. ReginaldJaime says:

     United Kingdom

    The original 2600s do not give a good picture even if you’ve modified it to run off a scart lead. On the 2600+ you get a sharp hdmi image. The original 2600 were a great joystick. The one I had lasted for years as I could fix any problems with it myself (these joysticks don’t seem as easy to get into). The joystick falls down with the fire button on the original Atari you only had to touch these gently for it to work on this it’s a full press. The cartridges boot up easily enough and I’ve tested a few 2600 cartridges. I’ve not tested the 7800 but I have hard you need a 7800 joystick as it uses 2 buttons. The uno cart does not work on this. I am hoping for a firmware update that fixes this. A great reproduction and the Atari itself looks beautiful. This is a great way if you already have 2600 cartridges to play them.

  13. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Well done Atari! This machine really does capture the experience of the original VCS/2600. The only change is the short loading time for each cartridge. But the nice Atari splash screen on power up is a nice touch. The build quality of the console feels premium and once you are loading up games, it feels authentic, you forget it’s scaled down by 20%. It just feels like you are using and interacting with an original console. The switches feel identical to the original machine. The picture quality is spot on and the HDMI hook up takes all of the hassle out of connecting up to a modern TV. I didn’t notice any lag while playing and all of my original cartridges loaded without issue. The joystick feels solid and authentic. Very pleased with my new Atari 2600+!

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Just set this up which was so very easy to do even for a technophobe like me!!! HDMI cable into the tv with the HDMI at the other end of the cable going into the Atari, then one other lead going from the Atari into a USB adapter plug which plugs into the extension lead behind my tv. This then provides power to the Atari. Couldn’t wait to get started after that, starting with ‘Adventure’; a game I always loved playing as a kid! The games cartridge that comes with the Atari looks the same as the 2600 PAL original cartridges but with one clever addition – four dip switches that you position into a particular combination that corresponds with each game on the multi-game cartridge included. Once you’ve selected the relevant combination for the game you want to play you just insert the cartridge, use the Game Select switch and away you go .. back to being that 12 year old kid with the most popular games console available back then . possibly the ONLY one!

    Like the original Atari 2600 console if playing solo be sure to plug the joystick/paddle controller into the left hand socket on the back of the console.

    The joysticks look and feel the same as the originals and are very responsive. They feel the same weight and quality as the originals.

    I can confirm that my original 2600 PAL game cartridges from the 70s/80s DO play absolutely fine in the console (I tried out my original ‘Space Invaders’, ‘Phoenix’ and ‘Pac-Man’ cartridges). Brilliant that they do as there is no need to re purchase cartridges if you still have old ones kicking about, plus you can cheaply buy original game cartridges on the secondary market. Both the old and new game cartridges display games exactly as they did on my tv screen and have exactly the same sounds and ‘feel’ to them.

    On switching between Power On and Power Off when changing game cartridges you no longer get the fuzzy lines across the tv screen with the accompanying noisy sound screaming out from the tv which is great and kinder to one’s ‘more senior’ ears!!! I did brace myself for that loud fuzzy sound but it wasn’t there which I personally was glad about!

    The console looks the same as the original Atari ‘woody’ 2600 I had as a kid but is about a third smaller in size which really isn’t a deal breaker for me as other than that it’s bang on!

    All-in-all, I am delighted with this as it looks, sounds and plays the same as the original console and controllers but with the ease of modern technology to set it up. I’m actually glad that I sold my original Atari ‘Woody’ 2600 console and controllers on eBay a few weeks ago and used the money from that towards buying this, plus additional joystick and paddle controllers with game cartridge package

    Fantastic, I love it, just buy it, I feel sure you will be delighted with it if you love retro gaming exactly how it used to be!

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersWhilst the original Atari 2600 was slightly before my time, I’ve always been curious of the earliest home games that were released during late 70s and the 80s.. So I tried the Atari Flashback series and the fantastic Atari 50 collection (available on Switch, PS5 and Xbox). Whilst the flashback series are decent ‘mini’ consoles, their devices were not true to the original hardware in many regards, and none had the ability to accept original cartridges. That’s why I was so excited to hear that Atari, as it is in its current form, was to release the Atari 2600 plus, a console that is as close to an original Atari machine as you can get without buying an original and all that entails.

    The machine itself is 80 percent the size of the original device and comes as the four switched version. The build seems pretty good and the switches seem high quality. There is a HDMI port for connection to TV (I really appreciate this, since it makes it so easy to hook up to modern TVs and the HDMI cable is provided in the box). Power is provided via a USB C port, and a cable (USB A to USB C) is provided in the box too, though note that you need to provide your own USB power adapter. Also in the box is a single joystick (CX-40) that connects via an original DB9 connector (and as far as I know, original accessories from the original are compatible). The joystick seems really good, if a bit stiff… but I don’t think these joysticks were ever the most comfortable input devices. Expect sore hands after a few hours of gaming. A 10 in 1 game cartridge is provided in the box and contains a few Atari classics. Choosing each game is a matter of setting the DIP switches on the back of the cart as per the instruction on the cart label. Of these games, I felt Missile command was currently my favourite. It is a pity they don’t have pitfall, asteroids, space invaders or the infamous ET on this cart.

    Same as the original consoles, there is a cartridge port on top that you insert the cartridge into (either the new carts released by Atari, or original carts). Once the cartridge is inserted and the unit switched on you’re presented with an Atari boot screen and after 10 or 15 seconds your game is booted up and ready to play. A nice touch is the lit up Atari logo on the front of the device!

    As far as I can tell, without owning original hardware the games run as original console and play as expected. I think some reviews online have suggested some slight input lag (I believe with the paddles), but I haven’t had any issues with the paddles myself. My own opinion is that there is a very, very slight amount of latency, without doing any complicated latency tests, but nothing to stop you enjoying and playing the games. Input with the joystick is perfect.

    According to the Atari website this console uses emulation to play games. I guess this system dumps the ROM from the games cartridge onto the internal memory for the emulation software to run it, hence the slight delay at boot up. Since this is emulation and not original hardware, there may be some games that don’t run and Atari have posted a games compatibility list on their website.

    Whilst the build quality and function are superb, I must warn that many of the games from the 70s and 80s have not aged well. If you know what you’re getting into and are an Atari fan, I think you will love it. Otherwise, I think many will play with this an hour or two and put it away. This really is a system for people who already have a collection of Atari games cartridges, or for those who are very much into early Atari or passionate retro collectors.

    Further Updates:

    I’ve also purchased the paddles now and my first impressions are excellent. You get two paddles in the pack and a 4 game cartridge. The paddles are of very high quality and the mechanism is really nice and smooth and with just the right amount of resistance for precision during games. The single button also gives good feedback too. The games are pretty good, especially breakout, canyon bomber and video Olympics. Night driver is ok it’s got interesting graphics but I found it hard to control. All in all the paddles are a great deal considering what you get in the box.

    In addition, I bought an extra Joystick and the Mr Run and Jump game. The separate joystick is as per the Joystick included with the 2600 plus console. As such is also stiff, and from what I know, this is how it was at the time of the original 2600. The fire button is nice, with good feedback. I have to say, I think I like the looser joysticks that came with the Flashback series of mini consoles…they feel a bit more comfortable to use for long gaming sessions. But still, this joystick has fantastic build quality and it does the job well. The new Mr Run and Jump game looks superb considering its simplicity. I will update this review once I have time to give it a play through.

  16. HenrietManton says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersThis little gem arrived in the post today. The console is a little bit bigger than an Atari Jnr and comes with 1 joystick and a 10 in 1 multicart of games. The console connects to the TV via an HDMI and is powered via a USB C port. Both HDMI and USB C cables are supplied but you will have to provide your own power adapter.

    I have seen some debate online as to whether an UNO Cart will work with this. It does not, I know beacause it was the first thing I tried. That aside all the Atari 2600 cartridges that I have work with no issue.

    The joystick is a little on the stiff side but I suspect that will loosen up with use, but the joystick is really good. I also have some original Atari Joysticks and Paddles (I’m a retro restorer/collector) and these work as advertised with this unit without issue.

    I can’t comment on Atari 7800 compatibility as I do not have any cartridges.

    You should be aware that this unit is an emulator, it uses the Stella emulator software to drive the console. Having said that, even though it is an emulator I can see no lag between the joystick movement and games. As this is an emulator then it will be interesting to see whether this unit will be updatable. Having looked at some youtube videos there appears to be a micro USB connector internally so whether this has been used to flash the Stella emulator software on it, well time will tell…….

    The big question….. is it worth the money? I’m going to say yes. Especially if you want the retro gaming experience.

    5.0 out of 5 stars This is a time machine!

  17. RachelHeidenrei says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersBack when the original one came out, electronic toys were always sold as “batteries not included”. These days, they usualyl come with batteries… but consoles and so on don’t have plugs! The unit comes with a USB C-to-A cable, but no plug to fit it into. Do note if purchasing it with the intention of opening it up and playing it same day. Fortunately I found a suitable old plug in a box which worked. I did, before that, try two USB-C plugs with another cable with no joy – so don’t waste your time going down this route.

    Beyond that, I can’t complain. Is the unit smaller than the original? When I last owned one of those I was almost 40 years younger than I am now so my memory may have inflated the console somewhat! However, everything else is spot on. The joystick has that rubbery / dead feel, but works well and uses the same 9-pin connector so I assume classic sticks will work (I have two to dig out that I can check with).

    There are very few instructions with the unit, so be prepared to fiddle a bit with the switches and so on when yoiur game first comes up, especially if you don’t know about selecting the relevent “game type”. Some brief docs on the game would be nice to help with this but I guess they can be found online.

    Long story short, a good purchase, some wonderful memories rekindled, but it could do with that final polish in terms of a plug and manual.