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CORSAIR H150i RGB ELITE Liquid CPU Cooler – 360mm AIO

CORSAIR H150i RGB ELITE Liquid CPU Cooler - 360mm AIO - AF120 ELITE PWM Fans - Intel® LGA 1700

CORSAIR H150i RGB ELITE Liquid CPU Cooler – 360mm AIO – AF120 ELITE PWM Fans – Intel® LGA 1700, 1200, 2066, AMD® AM5 & AM4 Sockets – White

iCUE, rgb liquid cooling, rgb water cooling, rgb cpu coolerCORSAIR AF ELITE, AirGuide technology, aio cooler , aioliquid cooling, rgb liquid cooling, aio cooler , aio
  1. tool-free mounting bracket, USB Type-C, Intel, AMD AM4
  2. CORSAIR iCUE, RGB Lighting, RGB Control

Weight: ‎1.1 kg
Dimensions: ‎39.7 x 12 x 2.7 cm; 1.1 Kilograms
Brand: ‎Corsair
Model: ‎CW-9060079-WW
Colour: ‎White
Manufacture: ‎Corsair
Dimensions: ‎39.7 x 12 x 2.7 cm; 1.1 Kilograms

20 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:


    Tengo un Ryzen 7 5800X (que mete calor por castigo) y con la refrigeracin lquida de un solo ventilador no tena suficiente. He cambiado la caja tambin (corsair 5000D) y he puesto esta refrigeracin lquida adems de varios ventiladores que tena en la caja anterior, entre ellos 2 noctua industrial de 3000rpm que, aunque suenan mucho cuando sube la temperatura y trabajan al 100%, el flujo de aire es impresionante.
    Ahora los tengo uno en el frontal metiendo aire y otro en el fondo sacando aire, que crean una corriente de aire fro. Adems, en el frontal tengo 2 ventiladores ms que meten aire (que venan con la caja) y encima de la refrigeracin lquida (que est en la parte superior) un ventilador de 14mm de levitacin magntica sacando ms aire tambin, por lo que est muy optimizado el sistema de refrigeracin ahora.

    Lo que antes era jugar al “simple” Fifa 24 a 82-83 grados ahora no pasa de 66, lo mismo en Cyberpunk 2077 y en Incursion Red River sube un poco hasta unos 70 mximo (un juego que an est por optimizar estando en fase pre alpha).

    Resumen, cgete esa torre y sta refri para ver caer las temperaturas.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Ho acquistato questo articolo dato che il mio dissipatore da 120 mm non era sufficientemente potente. Il montaggio stato abbastanza facile rispetto ai vari dissipatori da me montati in precedenza. Svolge il suo lavoro egregiamente.

  3. JaneenEasley says:


    Die Wasserkhlung kam vormontiert(Khler/Pumpeneinheit) und gut verpackt an. Der Khler mit den drei sehr leisen Ventilatoren ist zwar recht dick, passte jedoch sehr gut in die Front meines Gehuses. Die beleuchtete Pumpeneinheit auf dem Prozessor sieht toll aus. Die Prozessortemperatur steigt nie ber 65 Grad.

  4. Anonymous says:


    Got this to keep my AMD Ryzen 9 cool. Maintains under 60C with max load. Quiet and ICue software recognized it so the LEDs are working in sync with the rest of the system

  5. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I got this to replace an air cooler on my 2nd PC that’s right on my desk about 2-3 feet away from me. It’s on a i7 13700k 5.4ghz all core 4.3ghz e core. Hitting 90c under full load 260watts. I added this cooler and I instantly like the quality of the radiator. The paint looks and feels good. The sleeves on the water tubes are nice and the USB connection for the power is sleek looking and not an eyesore. I like the fans they run well but are not annoying loud. They do get loud but it’s only at 300watts full load. Now my CPU is at 5.6ghz all core 4.5ghz e core and it runs great. While gaming this has dropped my gaming temps by 10-20c depending on the load and the water pump is not loud. I’ve had about 4 AIO and this is the best quality ones I have seen. Also to note the pump seems to run cooler then my older AIO’s

  6. Anonymous says:

     United States

    Works great and looks just as good! wish the fans that it came with were rgb but no big deal, fans are quiet, the pump has been great no issues at all. CPU temps have been quite stable. i used the pre applied thermal paste as well

    Works great and looks just as good! wish the fans that it came with were rgb but no big deal, fans are quiet, the pump has been great no issues at all. CPU temps have been quite stable. i used the pre applied thermal paste as well

  7. Anonymous says:


    Ottimo raffreddamento a liquido. Viene fornito con ventole AF che funzionano abbastanza bene, ma a volte la cosa negativa che per qualche motivo a certi giri creano un suono come una vibrazione, perch i flussi d’aria si sovrappongono sui lati, creano turbolenze e suona un po’ strano C’ anche da dire che molto raro che le ventole raggiungano quegli RPM. Su un i5 13600kf lo tiene con il profilo rilassato a 35 al minimo e al massimo con cinebench a 85 per 30 minuti, con la pasta termica di serie.

    La pompa impostata a velocit variabile non fa alcun rumore, ma se la regolate al massimo si sente parecchio. Vengo da un h115i che aveva gi 6 anni e il cambiamento stato brutale, soprattutto nel suono. Molto facile da montare

    La pompa una delle pi belle che abbia mai visto. Come sempre, la finitura e la qualit del prodotto Corsair sorprendono. Il montaggio molto semplice e viene fornito con adattatori per tutte le prese.
    Un punto negativo che il prezzo alle stelle.

    Un buon Aio al giusto prezzo

  8. Anonymous says:


    La monte en un Ryzen 7 7800x3D y no supera los 60 grados cuando de por si este CPU va siempre a 70 en una normal o de aire.
    Apenas hace ruido, pero es que los ventiladores no llegan ni a 1000rpm. No existen ventiladores silencioso, solo que no tienen caudal…
    Tendris que instalar el software de Corsair iCUE para poner los ventiladores en modo extremo junto al lquido. Se nota mucho la diferencia. O en su defecto poner otros ventiladores con ms caudal y que tengan goma en los tornillos si o si.

    La tengo en una caja NZXT H7 FLOW arribaz y va de lujo.

    Solo tiene RGB en donde la CPU, eso es de agradecer xD.
    Y funcionan en am5, los soportes son los mismos que am4

  9. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe mir die khlung als gebraucht gekauft da ich nur eine vorbergehend gebraucht habe und dementsprechend gespart, und bin tatschlich begeistert da die aio in ein sehr guten Zustand ist einziges manko die Pumpe ist auf intensiver Einstellung etwas laut und macht ein komisches fiepe

  10. LupitaOTDnzb says:


    Corsair un marchio che non ha certo bisogno di presentazioni; negli anni ha saputo crearsi una solida reputazione grazie a ottimi prodotti ed accessori per pc.
    La fascia di utenti quella definita Enthusiast, ovvero utenti appassionati di modding perennemente alla ricerca del pc perfetto sia da un punto di vista estetico che delle prestazioni.
    Io non mi riconosco propriamente in questa categoria di utenti, anche se talvolta amo ammodernare un vecchio mio pc, oppure, come in questo caso, assemblarne completamente uno nuovo. Tra le problematiche pi complicate la gestione delle temperature risulta sicuramente al primo posto ed complicata poich coinvolge moltissimi componenti ed soggetta a moltissime variabili, come la gestione dei flussi di aria in entrata e in uscita dal case. Sia la CPU che la scheda grafica sono delle discrete “stufette” e le alte temperature mettono seriamente a rischio la stabilit e la durata stessa del pc.

    Questo prodotto si prende “cura” della CPU, raffreddandola a liquido e mantenendola in un range accettabile; una soluzione chiusa, in quanto il liquido tramite due tubi flessibili viene a contatto con la piastra e poi raffreddato dal radiatore con le ventole

    Una soluzione completa e razionale

    H 150i RGB elite una soluzione completa che consente il montaggio del radiatore con annesse 3 generose ventole da 120 x 25 mm il tutto fissato a un radiatore da 360 mm; tale radiatore pu essere montato sia un orizzontale (la posizione orizzontale ed in alto quella che personalmente consiglio) che verticale, ovviamente a condizione che le dimensioni del
    case lo permettano.
    Grazie a specifiche staffe di adattamento possibile installarlo per raffreddare CPU sia Intel che AMD In particolare lo potete utilizzare con
    Intel 1700, 1200, 1150, 1151,1156, 2011, 2066, 1366 e con CPU AMD del tipo AMG, AM 5, STR 4; unica accortezza ricordare che le staffe di fissaggio alla cpu vanno fissate nella parte posteriore della scheda madre, per cui prestare attenzione che la parte posteriore sia accessibile nel case, altrimenti optate per il montaggio delle staffe sulla scheda madre PRIMA di fissarla al case; comunque un’ operazione abbastanza semplice; la piastra di dissipazione da montare a contatto con la cpu di rame e viene fornita con la pasta termoconduttiva gi applicata e pronta all’uso; il montaggio completo non porta via pi di
    15/20 minuti. Tralascio qui i dettagli RGB ed i relativi effetti, belli ma dedicati principalmente ai patiti del modding, maentre mi soffermo sulle prestazioni, davvero notevoli;
    Il mio processore intel i9-13900KF non ha mai superato i 45 e le
    ventole quando sono in funzione risultano estremamente silenziose, niente a che vedere
    con i miei precedenti PC con quel delizioso effetto “elicottero” che faceva tanto “Apocalypse now”.
    In definitiva un prodotto davvero valido dedicato a tutti coloro che vogliono godere delle prestazioni dei moderni processori senza dover preoccuparsi del rumore o delle temperature; vi assicuro che non poco!

    Corsair è una garanzia!

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’ve always used Corsair coolers for iCue, so this was a no brainer for me. I recently purchased the Fractal North Charcoal case so I needed a 240mm cooler. Having used the 360mm in the past I knew the quality of these.

    Very easy to install. Paired up with some elite fans, and the Commander hub along with some other fans. It just all worked as soon as I powered the system on. I applied my own thermal paste and as a result my Ryzen 9 5950X never goes above 72c under decent gaming loads.

    I dislike RGB so to be able to have a plain component was key. I’m really pleased with this AIO though.

  12. HunterNewell says:

     United Kingdom

    seriously unless you are an experienced computer builder this is a nightmare to connect and the instructions are virtually noneistant thankfully Youtube exists or it still wouldnt be connected to my motherboard, as for performance its great , quiet and does its job well as you would expect from a corsair produc

  13. Anonymous says:


    With a focus on cooling and less on RGB, the CPU cooler performs well, so far. The pump housing is aesthetically pleasing with soft round fillets and mild RGB accent – a nice balance. Someone with taste designed this one. This is unlike the prior generations or the current Capellix RGB Gamer-Gaming Bling versions in your face.

    The 240 mm radiator is compatible with Corsair Vengeance DDR5 none-RGB RAM modules in a Corsair 4000D. There is about 3 mm of clearance between the RAM and the rad fan(s).

    > Corsairs proprietary fan cabling/wiring is messy for wire management. If wire management is not your thing than you have no problems.
    > And having to install and mess around with the unintuitive iCue software, just to make the singular RGB light go to a color I want. Then to check a dozen times to see if the profile took over or not under the hardware settings. I still don’t actually known what I did differently that it finally uploaded the lighting profile to the hardware. And finally, uninstall the iCue.

    I don’t know why iCue cannot work as simply as the SSD Tookit from Corsair, but it does not. Every time, it’s a struggle, whether it’s for a keyboard or a mouse. Having bought Ducky keyboard and mouse recently, it was a breath of fresh air to be able to control the RGB set-up thru the hardware only, no silly software. [Ducky’s latest full size keyboards with swappable switches are awesome.]

  14. ZulmaDresner says:


    Tengo apenas 1 mes con el pero funciona perfecto hasta ahora. Enfra un i7 de 12va generacin. El procesador en temporada de calor y con el Icue configurado alcanza mximo 50-55 grados incluso a veces hasta 60 pero rara vez (esto a full con video juegos pesados o trabajos pesados) el procesador en trabajo cotidiano “normal” esta entre 35 a 37 grados (repito, en temporada de calor). Cabe destacar que esta instalado en la parte superior de un gabinete midtower DEEPCOOL GABINETE MATREXX 50 Add-RGB 4F Negro ATX DP-ATX-MATREXX50-AR-4F-NE y cabe perfecto.

  15. GeorginFields says:

     United Kingdom

    This is solid, simple well made . Aio cooler. None rgb, silent fans, included. There is No corsair fan hub . This time.

    The installation, is simple and straightforward.
    No instructions in my box. YouTube came in handy, for this new model.
    Came with, all the brackets. And tons of screws.
    For current gen, amd and intel.
    Pre installed with Lga 1700.
    And thermal paste.
    Everything is labelled.
    After installation.
    Download the corsair software.
    Select silent mode.
    As fans and pump are set to extreme out the box.
    Let it run for half hour and the will settle the bubbles nicely. So far,
    Keeping my 13 gen cpu, temps super low, so much better then air cooler.
    With just rgb, on cpu header. Love my all black build. Corsair, Trusted brand. In All my pc, builds have them. None have failed me yet. Thanks corsair and amazon for great deals. Highly recommended.

  16. DemetraDingle says:


    Used Corsair AIO’s before, they were pretty good, but it’s clear they have refined further. The cooling performance is great, and it is silent. You can also see the liquid temp which is cool. Mounting was very easy, both on the CPU and on the chassis.

  17. Anonymous says:


    Having read all the reviews, I had some reservations about purchasing this AIO but I’m glad I did. There are some things I should address mentioned by other users. First, it does not come with instructions but there is a installation video on YouTube made by Corsair which is very easy to follow. The radiator is 27mm thick which is the same thickness as the RGB Pro XT. Someone said that the radiator is thinner than the fans, is not true. I also didn’t have any issues with USB-C connector clearance with respect to VRM heatsink as someone complained about as the port sits high on the pump. The fans are well built and have a premium look and are low noise. In fact they’re whisper quiet at 1000 rpm. They move a lot of air too cooling the CPU better than my silent wings 3 fans that I tested with that came with my case. Coming from an air cooler (Hyper 212 Black Edition) temps dropped 15c at full load making the PC virtually silent. The pump is running at 2500 rpm and it’s completely silent. I recommend mounting the rad in front of the case for better thermals as it pulls in cool air from outside. All in all I don’t have anything bad to say about this AIO having upgraded from an air cooler I am very impressed. The RGB on the pump is a nice touch as well. I will update my review if something goes wrong.

    One thing to note is that I connected the fans to the motherboard header instead of the pump since I can set a curve in the BIOS and don’t have to run iCUE software in the background to control/monitor the fans.

    Couldn't expect any less from Corsai

  18. Anonymous says:


    It’s clear Corsair has improved their liquid cooler lineup. Install is super easy to the point where everything just falls into place and the product quality & materials used is also very very good.
    Overall improvement over older liquid coolers from Corsair.
    Able to keep the fans off when not gaming and coolant temperature remains at 50c at idle with no sound or fans active.
    Extremely satisfied with this cooler.

    Quality CPU liquid coole

  19. Chris Pavey says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersTrs bon AIO, le seul bmol le bruit, mme quand le processeur est au ralenti, les ventilateurs tournent vite avec le mode quilibr de icue, je conseille le mode zro tr/min qui rend le pc silencieux en basse charge est fait trs bien le taf en pleine charge. Pour la pompe le mode quilibr est trs bien.

  20. BurtonKish says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersCompr la H115i RGB Elite, y la verdad es que es justamente lo que buscaba: RGB discreto pero muy bonito solamente en la CPU (ventiladores sin RGB), facilidad para el montaje, y sobre todo y lo ms importante: unas temperaturas muy contenidas y estables.

    Lo tengo montado en un 13600K, totalmente de fbrica, y tengo unas temperaturas de 50-55C en gaming (por ejemplo, Warzone 2). En juegos muy demandantes como Battlefield 2042, he llegado a ver 60-65C.

    El nivel de ruido es prcticamente inexistente.

    Muy contento con la compra y lo recomiendo mucho.