DEANIC 2-in-1 Travel Potty for Toddlers, Potty Training

DEANIC 2-in-1 Travel Potty for Toddlers, Potty Training Toilet for 1-4 Years Boys Girls, Portable Potties with 60pcs Potty Liners Outdoor Use, Foldable Travel Toilet Kids Camping Park, Blue

Is it easy to clean?
This is super easy to clean.Everything comes off and out.You clean it up and then put it all back together.
How much weight can the potty hold?
The potty training chair is suitable for children weighing up to 20 kg.
Does this have rubber on the bottom so it doesnt slide easily?
Yes, all four pillars have a non-slip design at the bottom, effectively preventing children from slipping when using it.
What’s included in the product package?
Package includes: 1x potty, 1x travelling bag, 60pcs potty bags, 1x user manual.
Weight: | 570 g |
Dimensions: | 28.5 x 26.5 x 13 cm; 570 Grams |
Model: | CL-HWBP |
Batteries Required: | No |
Dimensions: | 28.5 x 26.5 x 13 cm; 570 Grams |
Mega, sind gerade im Urlaub und was soll ich sagen
Unsere kleine hat einen Tag zum gewhnen gebraucht – jetzt wird ins Trpfchen genau wie zu Hause
Die Plastikbeutel nutzen wir nicht, die sind sehr strend am Babypopo – ist im Hotel ja auch kein Problem
Fr unterwegs empfehle ich eine Windel rein zu legen, potty bleibt sauber kann wieder eingepackt werde
My small toddler (on the spectrum) is potty trained and normally comfortable with our toilet at home. But after one unfortunate weekend at Universal Studios has become scared of the loud toilets in the public restrooms. This travel potty was a godsend. Easy to use, quick to assemble/disassemble and discreet. I kept it in the vinyl bag it came with and stored it in a mesh organizer hanging on my stroller. We’d set it up in the corner of an accessible bathroom stall for her to use. Comes with disposable bag liners (which I’d lined with folded toilet paper to absorb urine) so easy cleanup! A great travel hack for kids
Ordered for my 4 yo child. This portable potty actually is great idea. The only thing for 4 yo it is quite low. My child doesn’t want to sit on ot. But as this potty is 2 in 1, so we can use it in a toilet as a child sit and this is also great. So I think if you want to use this potty as a portable for travel, you child should be up to 3 yo. Overall potty is very comfortible, sturdy. It comes with a bag, so it is very handy to take it when you travel. Recommend it.
This is worth every penny its quick.and easy to use got me and my grandson out of some situations that we would have had accidents without it so please buy
good idea traveling potty training for little ones. it folds really small and flat so its perfect for traveling however it does take a few clicks and clacks to put together so by the time it;s ready to use little ones may not be able to hold it. the bags are great but you can always use an open nappy at the bottom to absorve even more the mess
This is an excellent potty, it’s high quality, good size and it’s really worth it. Also is easy to use, to store, to transport and to clean.
It comes with 3 bag rolls which makes it easier to avoid a lot of mess.
I really liked it, mainly because it’s easy to store and doesn’t take up much space.
I highly recommend it.
This is a super practical portable potty. It is quick and easy to set up, just make sure the legs click fully into place. and the inserts work well at holding the contents, making it easy to dispose of. I set it up with the bag in ready to go, so there’s delay when he needs to go.
It’s a nice height from the ground so he doesn’t struggle to sit on it and the rubber on the bottom of the feet stops if from slipping around.
Because of the clear window in the bag he knows to pick it up and bring it to me when he needs to go. It easily fits in a back pack but is also easy to carry on its own because of the rope handles.
Takes a lot of stress out of toilet training when you’re out and about, especially now as public toilets are soo few and far between..
Das DEANIC 2-IN-1 Tpfchen fr Unterwegs hat sich als absolutes Must-Have fr uns herausgestellt. Die Vielseitigkeit und die praktischen Funktionen dieses Reisetpfchens haben uns berzeugt und das Toilettentraining unseres Kleinkindes so viel einfacher gemacht.
Die Mglichkeit, dieses Tpfchen auf zwei verschiedene Arten zu verwenden, ist genial. Einerseits kann es als eigenstndiges Tpfchen genutzt werden, sodass unser Kind unabhngig die Toilette benutzen kann. Andererseits kann es auch auf einer Erwachsenentoilette befestigt werden, was die Flexibilitt erhht.
Was uns besonders beeindruckt hat, ist die Stabilitt des Kinder Tpfchens. Mit seiner 4-Punkt-Befestigungsstruktur und den rutschfesten Fen steht es fest und sicher. Das hat das Selbstvertrauen unseres Kindes beim Toilettentraining gestrkt. Auch die leichte Reinigung ist ein groer Pluspunkt. Der herausnehmbare Behlter ist praktisch und hygienisch. Die 60 mitgelieferten Auentoilettenbeutel erleichtern die Nutzung im Freien enorm, sodass wir uns keine Gedanken machen mssen.
Die Portabilitt dieses Reisetpfchens ist unschlagbar. Es lsst sich problemlos zusammenfalten und in der mitgelieferten Reisetasche verstauen. So haben wir es immer dabei, sei es auf Reisen, beim Camping oder im Freien. Ein weiterer Pluspunkt ist die solide Verarbeitung, die bei unserem Campingausflug am Altmhlsee wirklich berzeugt hat. Die Toiletten waren weit entfernt, und das DEANIC Tpfchen hat sich als Retter in der Not erwiesen. Unsere dreieinhalb Jahre alte Enkelin kann nicht immer bis zur nchsten Toilette warten, und dieses Tpfchen hat uns wirklich geholfen.
Alles in allem sind wir mehr als zufrieden mit dem DEANIC 2-IN-1 Tpfchen fr Unterwegs. Es erfllt seinen Zweck auf hervorragende Weise, ist gut verarbeitet und uerst praktisch in der Anwendung. Die Camping Toilette hat sich als unschtzbar wertvoll erwiesen, und wir empfehlen sie ohne zu zgern weiter.
I ordered the DEANIC 2-in-1 Travel Potty for Toddlers, Potty Training Toilet for 1-4 Years Boys Girls, Portable Potties with 60pcs Potty Liners Outdoor Use, Foldable Travel Toilet Kids Camping Park, Blue.
I got this for my daughter for when she starts potty training. It is a 2 in 1 so can be used as an attachment to the toilet seat or as a potty which is super handy.
At the time of reviewing this product was priced at 19.90.
I would recommend this product.
This is a useful potty on the go however i do find the bags provided dont make it easy to put the top on with clear bag coverage. Ive had to angle them a specific way to gain as much coverage and not end up getting pee/poo on the edge so i can dispose of it cleanly.
his is a must have product when out and about with young children
it folds away neatly in its own drawstring bag
quick and simple to set up
comes with bags and I’ve found that small bin bags also fit it well
I also like that it can be used on top of a normal toilet seat
Great buy
Super portable toilet seat for kids.
Excellent to take it with us when we travelling by car.
The seat itseft small in size, very lighweight and dont take much space to store it.
Can say its agreat potty tainer for kids.
Highly recommending it to all.
The travel potty came in handy for my child’s toilet training. Its 2-in-1 utility allowed for home and outdoor use, and the stability and non-slip feet made it safe. The liners provided convenience for outdoor usage. The folding mechanism and carrying bag provided ease for travel, and cleaning was straightforward with the removablebasin.
I got this foldable toilet for my toddler, we thought it be good to use for family days out. It’s folds well and is easy to use. It can be used as a potty or can sit on normal toilet to make the seat safe for a child. Would recommend.
The idea of a travel potty for toddlers was intriguing, especially for outdoor trips. It’s a functional item that’s easy to pack and bring along. It provided stability and safety, giving confidence to my little one. Cleaning was relatively straightforward, and the liners added convenience. Though it’s not a product I’d use daily, it certainly has its moments when needed on the road.
Da quando gli ho comprato questo vasino, la bimba fa tutto li e il pannolino in poco tempo lo abbiamo tolto.
facile da pulire e la seduta e davvero confortevole
We can’t claim experience of a lot of travel potties. This one’s pretty good, however, and certainly does the ‘job’. It’s sturdy and well made. We just use it while away from home, for now.
The legs are cleverly designed and easy to use, whether on the ground or on a toilet. The potty itself is easily installed and removed, and the liners welcome. It comes with a generous pack of 60 liners. Extra packs are readily available and work out at 30p-40p per liner.
No one really needs a travel potty but it’s well worth having one if you can afford it and have space for yet another baby item. This seems to be a good one and the price is competitive, so five stars it is.
This travel potty folds extremely flat which is great. It is easy to assemble but make sure you check the legs, it’s a bit of a fiddle to ensure they are clicked into place and don’t fold back down but once you’ve mastered this it is stable and the rubberised bottoms of the legs ensure it dosent slip when little bottoms are placed on top. It took me a moment to work out how to insert the bag but the inner bowl pops out and fits the bag perfectly, you don’t have to use the bags but it certainly makes travelling much easier, especially for number twos. If this is being used for car journeys I would assemble it beforehand as it does take a few moments to get it set up. Other than that it’s great, oh and the seat is slightly soft to touch which is nice.
I got this portable potty for my 2 year old. I thought it would be good to have if we are out and about or at a family members.
This potty can be used in 2 ways. It can be put up on the floor or used on top of a normal toliet to make it baby friendly.
It’s easy to collapse and put up, didn’t have any issues. My little one will use it and good for learning as I won’t have fear of him wetting himself as he can use his potty wherever. Good value for the price, helping my little one become more independent.
The versatility of this potty sets it out above others and mean it can be used throughout the potty training period and as a travel potty.
It is really sturdy and good quality, the bowl can be removed for easy cleaning, it comes with a travel bag and once your toddler is going to the toilet, there is no need to buy a separate loo seat. Excellent all round.
As the days are fast approaching for potty training this is a good option as it can be used in a couple of ways, with this being a travel set means i can use it when were going out for the day or on a camping holiday as the potty comes with liners so i dont have to think ok theyve used the potty now what am i going to do with it? So the liners are very handy until the deposits can be disposed off, the other way to use it is i can move part of the potty away and use it on a adult size toilet so as they go further in their potty training and want to go on the big toilet theyre able to do that. So along with the potty comes the 60 pk of liners and a travel bag. Based on the price at ordering which was 19.90 this is really good value in my opinion especially with the versatility and potty liners provided.
Nachdem unser Kind sich einfach nicht mit dem Tpfchen anfreunden konnte, habe ich diesen Toilettensitz gekauft – seitdem funktioniert das Pippi-machen” einwandfrei. Super weich, handlich, gut zum Festhalten, kann an die Gre der Toilettenbrillenffnung angepasst werden und ist sehr leicht zu subern. Lsst sich prima unter warmen Wasser absplen. Perfekt fr kleine Drber-Hinaus-Pinkler” – die Betroffenen wissen wovon ich rede 😉
Despus de unos meses de utilizarlo puede decir que es muy buena compra se adapta muy bien, a mi hijo le da mucha seguridad porque ni se mueve, es muy prctico porque lo puedes colgar y quitar el “asiento de espuma ” para limpiarlo con el cepillo que trae y tiene recambio