FIBBR VESA Certified DisplayPort 2.1 Cable 1.5M, 16K 40Gbps

FIBBR VESA Certified DisplayPort 2.1 Cable 1.5M, 16K 40Gbps DP to DP Cable(16K@30Hz, 10K@30Hz, 8K@60Hz, 4K@144Hz), Support 3D, HDCP2.2, G-Sync & FreeSync for 3090 Gaming Monitor Graphic Card Laptop PC
From the brand

Weight: | 180 g |
Size: | 1.5M |
Dimensions: | 18.1 x 17.9 x 1.9 cm; 180 Grams |
Model: | DP2.1 |
Part: | DP2.1-1.5 |
Batteries Required: | No |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | FIBBR |
Dimensions: | 18.1 x 17.9 x 1.9 cm; 180 Grams |
Size: | 1.5M |
I must say that it has exceeded my expectations in terms of performance and reliability. I would rate it five stars out of five for its exceptional capabilities and impressive build quality.
First and foremost, the cable’s VESA certification gives me confidence in its compatibility and adherence to industry standards. This DisplayPort 2.1 cable supports a range of high-resolution formats, including 16K@30Hz, 10K@30Hz, 8K@60Hz, and 4K@144Hz. It ensures a seamless and immersive viewing experience, especially for gaming, graphic design, and multimedia applications.
The 40Gbps bandwidth of this cable is truly impressive, allowing for smooth and uninterrupted transmission of data. Whether I’m connecting my gaming monitor, graphic card, laptop, or PC, the FIBBR DisplayPort 2.1 Cable delivers excellent performance, ensuring minimal latency and maximum visual fidelity.
I appreciate the cable’s support for essential features such as 3D, HDCP2.2, G-Sync, and FreeSync. These capabilities enhance my gaming experience by providing realistic and fluid visuals, eliminating screen tearing, and maintaining compatibility with a wide range of devices and displays.
This is a review of the FIBBER Display 2.1 cable. I ordered the 2-metre variant. However, I noticed only the 1-metre and 1.5-metre variants are on sale.
Standard: DisplayPort 2.1, which is currently one of the newer standards. It is backwards compatible with previous editions of DisplayPort. It claims to support: (16K@30Hz, 10K@30Hz, 8K@60Hz, 4K@144Hz). Most people do not have the lastest 8K, 10K or 16K monitors, however, it is good to know that it is futureproofed.
Usage: I got this cable to connect my PC to my monitor. Both my graphics card and monitor have HDMI and DP ports. I have previously used HDMI, but I am using DisplayPort now. I managed to use it at 4K at 60Hz without any problems. I tried it on a game, and it worked perfectly fine.
Sound: Displayport can carry sound and it was perfectly fine for that.
Quality: The cable is well made. Some video cables can be quite thick and difficult to handle, but this one is easy to work with. It isn’t thin. It is nylon braided. The plug feels solid. I did lose signal if the cable end touched something. I don’t know if this is due to my PC or the cable or the DisplayPort cable design. It does need to be inserted well, but once it is, there are no issues.
Some DisplayPort cables have special holders in place, so you can’t unplug them without pressing a button. I prefer this one, as you can end up pulling the cable and not understanding why it doesn’t come out, especially if you have forgotten about it or are working in a dark place without knowing it has a locking mechanism.
Recommended purchase!
i am unsure if its the best value for money when compared to others out there. I am not the most technical of people so there might be something i am missing about this but i have no issues other than the price.
Ich habe mir das Kabel geholt, da ich fr meinen hhenverstellbaren Schreibtisch ein recht langes Kabel bentigte, um den PC am Boden mit dem Monitor zu verbinden.
Das Kabel ist schn flexibel, sodass es sich leicht in die Kabelfhrung einfdeln lie. Mit den 2m Lnge ist das Kabel ausreichend lang, sodass es entspannt mitlaufen kann, wenn der Schreibtisch hoch- und runtergefahren wird. Die Stecker wirken etwas klobig, das strt aber natrlich nicht weiter, wenn man ausreichend Platz hat, um an den entsprechenden Slot zu kommen.
Der Grund fr den abgezogenen Stern ist, dass der Stecker etwas locker im Slot sitzt. Mir ist es bislang aber dennoch nicht passiert, dass das Kabel rausgerutscht ist. Es wirkt dadurch einfach weniger wertig. Vom technischen Aspekt habe ich keinerlei Einschrnkungen festgestellt, die Bildqualitt ist so, wie sie sein soll. Vergleicht man rein den Preis des Kabels (aktuell 24,99 Euro) mit Kabeln anderer Anbieter, dann schneidet, das Kabel hier aber schlechter ab. Der Preis ist zwar im Rahmen, aber dennoch gibt es deutlich gnstigere Angebote. Ich bin aber insgesamt zufrieden.
Als jemand, der leidenschaftlich gerne spielt und auch viel Zeit vor dem Monitor verbringt, ist ein hochwertiges DisplayPort-Kabel fr mich von grter Bedeutung. Das FIBBR DisplayPort 2.1 Kabel hat meine Erwartungen nicht nur erfllt, sondern sogar bertroffen.
Perfekte Performance fr anspruchsvolle Spieler:
Das FIBBR Kabel bietet ein Premium Gaming Erlebnis, das sich in seiner Qualitt bemerkbar macht. Mit seiner Untersttzung fr hohe Bildraten und Auflsungen – bis hin zu beeindruckenden 16K bei 30Hz – bringt es das Beste aus meiner Grafikkarte und meinem Monitor heraus. Ob ich nun ein actiongeladenes Spiel spiele oder hochauflsendes Video-Streaming geniee, das Kabel stellt sicher, dass das Bild immer glatt und reaktionsschnell ist. Die Kompatibilitt mit FreeSync und G-Sync ist ein weiterer groer Pluspunkt, der fr ein nahtloses Spielerlebnis sorgt.
Stabile und zuverlssige Verbindung:
Auch in Sachen Konstruktion und Design hat das FIBBR Kabel berzeugt. Es besteht aus reinem 28AWG Kupfer und hat eine dreifache Abschirmung, die Signalverluste minimiert und die bertragungsgeschwindigkeit erhht. Dazu kommt ein starkes Nylongeflecht und eine Zinklegierungshlle, die zusammen mit den vergoldeten Steckern fr Langlebigkeit und Robustheit sorgen, auch bei hufigem Ein- und Ausstecken.
Breite Kompatibilitt:
Egal welches Gert ich nutzen mchte, das FIBBR DisplayPort 2.1 Kabel bietet eine breite Kompatibilitt und ist abwrtskompatibel mit frheren DisplayPort-Versionen. Das ermglicht es mir, problemlos meine verschiedenen Gerte anzuschlieen und zu nutzen.
Zusammengefasst kann ich sagen, dass das FIBBR DisplayPort 2.1 Kabel ein absolutes Muss fr jeden ist, der eine hohe Bildqualitt und ein flssiges Spielerlebnis zu schtzen wei. Es bietet eine hervorragende Performance, eine solide Konstruktion und eine breite Kompatibilitt, die es zu einem hervorragenden Begleiter fr jeden Monitor oder Fernseher machen. Seine Qualitt und Leistung machen es zu einem unschtzbaren Teil meiner Gaming-Ausstattung.
Ich update meine Bewertungen immer falls sich etwas an meiner Meinung verndert oder das Gert/Produkt versagt – Es funktioniert also noch super 😀
Vielen Dank frs lesen! Liebe Gre!
So the description states this is a:-
FIBBR VESA certified display port 2.1 cable 2m, 16k 40 gbps DP to DP cable. 16K@30Hz, 10K@30Hz, 8K@60Hz, 4K@144Hz. Support 3D, HDCP2.2, g-sync & freesync for 3090 gaming monitor graphic card laptop PC.
*** The Display Port 2.1 Cable supports up to 40gbps bandwidth transmission speed.
*** 240Hz Gaming Display Port 2.1 Cable:-
FIBBR Display Port 2.1 cable support 16K@30Hz(DSC)
*** Audio channel transmission:- 32-bit/1536kHz
The price at the time of this review is 23.99.
So far so good
But I will update this review if needed.
*** Detail’s:-
* Brand:- FIBBR
* Cable type:- Display Port
* Compatible devices:- Monitor
* Data transfer rate:- 40 gps
* Shape:- Round
* Gauge:- 28.0
* DisplayPort:- 2.0/1.4/1.3/1.2/1.2A/1.1/1.0
All in all, it is a DisplayPort 2.1 cable, it carries the signal set out in the specifications. However, i’m not sure I would pay quite this much money for one.
But I have no doubts it meets all specifications, despite me not having a cable tester available to me to verify. It worked perfectly for my 4k display and had no issues carrying a 4k144hz signal which means that it should work fine all the way up the rated 16k30hz bandwidth.
The presentation is truly nice, although I think having a box for a cable is a little wasteful personally.
Bei dem Kabel handelt es sich um ein DP 2.1 Kabel, mit Geschwindigkeiten bis zu 40,00 Gbit/s.
Damit sollten 4k 144Hz ohne Probleme untersttzt werden. Getestet habe ich das Kabel bis zu 4k 120Hz, ohne Bildfehler oder Probleme.
Das Kabel ist Stoff ummantelt und relativ flexibel.
Auch ist es ziemlich dnn im Vergleich zu meinen anderen DP 2.1 Kabeln, aber da es ohne Probleme funktioniert hat, sehe ich das nicht negativ.
Leider fehlen die Secure Locking Pins, weshalb das Kabel manchmal etwas lockerer sitzt als es einem lieb ist.
Ansonsten wirkt das Kabel sauber verarbeitet.
Die Box, in der das Kabel kommt, ist zwar schick, eine Tte htte es aber auch getan.
Der Hersteller gibt an, dass das Kabel DP 2.1 zertifiziert ist.
In der Box liegt ein kleiner (Zertifikat?)-Zettel mit chinesischem Text, fr mich leider nicht nachvollziehbar.
Die Marke FIBBR taucht nicht “VESA CERTIFIED DISPLAYPORT PRODUCTS” Datenbank auf.
Wahrscheinlich ist der eigentliche Kabel-Hersteller und das OEM-Kabel VESA zertifiziert. Die Firma, die ihr Logo draufgedruckt hat, aber nicht.
Das Kabel funktioniert, wie erwartet. Sachen wie die fragwrdige Zertifizierung und die lockeren Stecker erzeugen aber einen komischen Beigeschmack.
Really quite impressed by this Display port cable, appears premium, and feels durable and like it will last the course! 21 is a reasonable price for a cable of this length.
Definitely recommended.
Das Kabel kam gut verpackt mit Schutzfolien an den Steckern (in meinen Augen bertrieben, aber gut), Schutzkappen an den Steckern und zwei sehr kurzen Klettverschlssen. Letztere knnen auch noch im Betrieb ntzlich sein um das Kabel zu fixieren oder berschssiges Kabel aufzurollen.
Ich nutze das Kabel mit 4k@144Hz, das bekommt es auch problemlos hin.
Die Verarbeitungsqualitt entspricht den Erwartungen, vergoldete Stecker und ein Nylonmantel sind in der Preisklasse ja quasi Standard. Dass der Stecker locker sitzen soll kann ich nicht besttigen. Die Dicke entspricht dabei eher Kabeln, die bei WQHD-Monitoren mitgeliefert werden, wodurch es leichter zu verlegen ist.
Mein einziger Kritikpunkt ist der Preis (aktuell 27 Euro). Vergleichbare Kabel und selbst Kabel, die sogar 8K@120Hz und 4K@240Hz schaffen, gibt es deutlich gnstiger als dieses, aber das ist wohl der Aufpreis, den man fr die VESA-Zertifizierung zahlen muss, aber auch da gibt es durchaus preiswertere Kabel.
Wer keine Lust darauf hat, wahllos Kabel zu bestellen, bis man ein funktionierendes gefunden hat, und bereit ist dafr ein paar Euro mehr auszugeben, ist mit diesem Kabel auf jeden Fall gut bedient.
Das Kabel wird bei mir fr WQHD, also 1440p und 144HZ genutzt. Das funktioniert auch problemlos, auch Freesync klappt ohne Einschrnkungen.
Bildfehler, Bildaussetzer oder andere Strungen konnte ich nicht feststellen.
Da es dem Displayport Standard 2.1 entspricht, ist auch nach oben noch ordentlich Luft. Hhere Auflsungen packt das Kabel also auch.
Das Kabel ist in der Tat recht dnn und biegsam, man sollte allerdings auf Grund des Herstellernamens nicht davon ausgehen, dass es sich hier um ein Kabel mit Glasfaser handelt.
Das ist aber nicht weiter schlimm, denn solange das Kabel seine angegebenen Spezifikationen erfllt und sich gut verlegen lsst, hat man ja alles, was man braucht.
Die Anschlsse knnten noch etwas strammer sitzen, je nach Gert fhlt es sich an, als ob ein wenig zu viel Spiel beim Anschluss ist. Das knnte natrlich zu einem Wackelkontakt fhren, falls es nicht richtig sitzt.
Auch der Anschluss des Displayport-Kabels selbst ist recht lang, das habe ich schn krzer gesehen, dadurch muss man natrlich darauf achten, dass man genug Platz hat. Je nach Monitor und Ausrichtung des Displayport-Anschlusses kann es hier schon mal eng werden, bei der Wandmontage.
Ansonsten wirkt das Kabel hochwertig und hat bis dato keine Probleme gemacht.
The build quality is great and it looks premium. Sturdy and seems durable. Arrived well packaged as shown in the attached photos. It worked fine with a smoother experience without flickering. Supports high data rate with 8K at 60Hz which is impressive. However, the price is slightly expensive in my opinion. Overall, I am happy to own it and will recommend.
The VESA Certified DisplayPort 2.1 Cable by FIBBR is a high-quality cable that delivers impressive performance. It is 2 meters long and supports a range of resolutions, including 16K @ 30Hz, 10K @ 30Hz, 8K @ 60Hz, and 4K @ 144Hz, making it ideal for use with high-end gaming monitors, graphic cards, laptops, and PCs.
The cable is VESA certified, which means that it meets the highest standards for performance and quality. It also supports 3D, HDCP2.2, G-Sync, and FreeSync, making it an excellent choice for gamers who want a smooth and seamless experience.
The cable is well-built and durable, with a sleek design that makes it easy to connect to your devices. It is made of high-quality materials that ensure it will last for a long time, even with heavy use. The connectors are also gold-plated to ensure a stable and reliable connection.
Overall, if you’re looking for a high-quality DisplayPort cable that delivers excellent performance and is built to last, the VESA Certified DisplayPort 2.1 Cable by FIBBR is an excellent choice. It’s perfect for gamers, graphic designers, or anyone who needs a reliable and high-performing cable for their devices.
This cable is ideal for gaming and produces a top quality image on your monitor every time. It is a little expensive, but it’s the best cable I’ve used to date, so I’d definitely recommend this to anyone looking for something similar.
Been using this for my ps5 console and for that purpose it works fine. It’s one of those durable hdmi with the braided cables which is something I look for now in all the cables I use. Sturdy and excellent quality, but very pricy for what it is.
Is it good quality yes? Is it better quality than other cables? yes. You’re paying for high end specs, better output with clearer display and high speed connection. Though I still think it is a bit much still. If you want quality, it’s a good choice to go for – if you want cheaper though, might want to look elsewhere.
This cable has been happily chugging along on my main monitor at 1440p144hz without any issues at all, it produces a flawless image. Admittedly, my application doesn’t even push this cable to even half its claimed bandwidth. Audio is coming through just fine too, although I personally don’t run my audio to my monitor as the speakers are far from great.
The packaging’s presentation is fantastic, but it’s pointlessly wasteful, nobody is going to be keeping the box for a cable once it’s been tested and installed. A simple plastic pouch would achieve the same result. Allowing you to cut costs on a bespoke printed cardboard box that is double sealed with stickers and a heat sealed wrap.
Each connector is unlatched, which is fine, as it’s an optional feature under the official DP specification. They both plug into and hold well on all of my devices, and you don’t have to remember to undo the latches before removing the cable, which is a plus in my book.
There is also a soft protective sheathing to protect the wire itself, and each connector shell has a very stiff strain relief moulded into the connector to prevent excessive movement from damaging the weakest point of the cable. Both the sheathing and the strain relief do an excellent job of ensuring the entire cable moves rather than just a small part of it which would quickly cause problems with wear and tear.
DP40 itself is of course fairly overkill except for the most up-to-date gaming or entertainment systems. The only folks that will be pushing this to the limit will be those with the newest and most expensive monitors out there. If you’re looking to future-proof your cables, this could also be a reasonable choice if it cost less. Even with the current 22% off voucher this is more expensive than comparable and faster cables of similar quality.
Speaking of future-proofing, this is only a DP40 rated cable that can only achieve 40Gbps bandwidth, the DP 2.0/2.1 specification confusingly allows three different bandwidths to be officially certified as 2.1 for whatever reason. So don’t be confused if you buy this for a 40+ Gbps application and it doesn’t perform at the 80Gbps that many other 2.1 cables do. The cable is thankfully correctly marked as DP40 but if you’re looking at future proofing why would you get this DP40 cable when DP80 is readily available at 5 less than this product?
Overall this product is in a weird spot, the presentation and the cable itself are excellent and it does the task as advertised. The problem is the price, and that there are a bunch of higher spec cables readily available for less money. This is all with the shortest cable’s price in mind too, if you’re ordering a longer cable the value is even worse compared to the competitors.
The high-quality DisplayPort cable has improved my gaming experience significantly. Its support for multiple display resolutions and refresh rates ensures that I get smooth and clear visuals while playing games.
I am very impressed by this DP cable. The presentation is excellent: the slick design of the professionally sealed box and the coiled cable inside, complete with plastic plug caps, velcro cable cable ties and the QC passed certificate, were the first things to impress me. The whole package communicates respect for me as a customer and it is appreciated.
The contact details for the UK distributor on the back of the box are stuck to the disposable cellophane wrapping but worth keeping.
In use the cable is flawless. I initially used it for my second monitor output but have now switched it to be my main DP cable. Not only are the specifications top class (DP 2.1 for example) but the flexibility of the high quality braiding means that I can place my PC closer to the wall than with when using my standard plastic shielded DP cable.
The plugs are nicely made with a clean metal finish gold coloured finish and clean pins. The plugs fit snugly with no wobble.
The cable works brilliants for 4K content and for my main presence of 1440p output for gaming. HDCP works well.
I would definitely recommend this FIBBR cable and would not hesitate to buy another one.
This is a great, high-quality DisplayPort cable.
It has high data-transfer speeds allowing it to display up to 4k 120hz making it great for gaming. I ordered the 2m cable which is perfect for going from my PC to the monitor whilst still having some slack for cable management.
The cable looks great and is very high-quality. Despite this though, I still think it is a bit too expensive. It is 26 which is a lot for a pretty standard copper cable.
Overall, I think this is a good option for a fast, high-quality DisplayPort Cable, even if it is a bit overpriced.
Wondered what I was going to find when I saw the box for this cable. While it’s nice to see quality, it would be even better if less ‘pretty’ packaging was utilised, and a lower price was given. I mean 9 times out of 10 the packaging gets thrown away within minutes of opening, so why add the cost of the fanciful box. Save the efforts and pass the savings onto the customers.
The cable speaks for itself. Works well. Seems robust, and hopefully durable.
I work in IT and have been putting off upgrading my cabling from hdmi to display port for a while due to cost and thinking it won’t make that much of a difference… Oh how wrong i was. After setting up a 4k monitor at work and seeing the difference between hdmi and display port i quickly went online and ordered an upgrade for my home machine.
This cable is rated for upto 8k and it it beautiful. I tested my pc on a sony bravia 4k tv with hdmi then display port and also on an offbrand 2k monitor and the difference was staggering. Hdmi refresh rates were stale and nowhere near as high as the display port cable.
The cable itself has a gold layering for the best connection and a nylon sheath to protect it from heat and clanging against objects. Even when lower resolution and refresh rates are set it sti looks far better than hdmi with clearer colours and shaper images.
Top quality future proof cable at a reasonable price. Highly recommended. Thank you for reading my review. I hope you found it useful.
A nice high-quality display port for the gamers out there. It came nicely packaged in its own presentation box, plastic caps and velcro straps. The nylon braided design looks and feels durable. The Certified DisplayPort has a high refresh rate and speeds.
price at time of review 24.99
a good cable, nicly made and the packaging is ok.
my only real problem is the connection strength, with no locking teeth the plug is a little easy to pull out of sockets. besides than it handles everything ive thrown at it and is a brillient replacement to an ageing cable
The cable is not cheap. That may be for good looking at the quality of it and the large data transfer it can handle. But there is also some waste of money involved. Nobody needs plastic caps on the cable ends. Items for the bin, don’t add them. And not a pass certificate in Chinese. Can’t read it, save the money for it.
Then the box. Also for the bin after packing the cable out. So why does it look as if you buy a cable braided in gold wires? The cable alone in a simple plastic bag (or posted loose in bubble wrap envelop with a small manual for the data) makes more happy when the price comes down due to all the savings.
I was having lots of issues with my dvd player and it’s connection to my TV. I thought the player was on the fritz but a friend suggested that I upgrade my cable and it turns out that was all I needed to do. I now have a crystal clear picture again with no interruption issues.
This is a well-made DP 2.1 cable that delivers what it promises.
It copes well with 8K at 60Hz, and seems sturdy and reliable. It feels like a quality product. Even the packaging is top quality.
It’s not cheap, but it is very good. Highly recommended.
I chose to order this DP cable as a needed a second one so after reading everything i thought this would be a good option as one of the most recent premium tech, plus it comes with a lifetime warranty which is another reason for choosing this particular lead. With the make up using copper, zinc various other alloys and the quality of the braided material covering the lead is top notch, this lead is excellent for gaming. The lead length is a decent size at 2 metres and the connection ends are made with the various metals to give the ends the most strongest form for the connectors ensuring the life and use of the DP lead. I knew this lead was going to be good as ive never seen a lead like this arrive in a really nice rigid square box which is a great way to store when i dont need to use it but still want to protect it.
I ordered this Display Port cable along with my 165hz gaming monitor and I’m very happy with it. The quality of my gaming is so much better with this cable versus the one that came with the monitor. It’s flexible and durable, I’ve had it in some tight spots and pinned against the wall with my desk by accident and not a scratch was found on the cable. I have had no issues with it and would definitely Recommend it to everyone!