GameSir T4 Kaleid Transparent Wired Gaming Controller

GameSir T4 Kaleid Transparent Wired Gaming Controller for Windows 10/11

GameSir T4 Kaleid Transparent Wired Gaming Controller for Windows 10/11, Switch & Android TV Box, RGB Lights,PC Controller Hall Effect Joystick&Triggers/3.5mm Audio Jack/Gyroscope

pc controllercontroller for pc
  1. GameSir APP
  2. 1

What platforms does it support?

It supports Windows 10/11, Switch and Android 8.0 or above devices.

Does it support Switch Lite?

Yes, to connect to Switch Lite, you need to use a USB-C to USB-C cable (not included).

Does it support Android phones?

Normally, it supports most Android 8.0 or above phones. The compatibility is not guaranteed. To connect to Android phones, you need to use a USB-C to USB-C cable (not included).

What can I set with GameSir T4 kaleid App software?

You can create 3 controller profiles by mapping buttons, tweaking D-pad diagonal, fine-tuning sticks & triggers, configuring vibration, setting light effects, activating motion aim/steer, etc.

Does T4 kaleid support 3.5mm headphones or earphones?

Yes, it supports 3.5mm audio on PC, Switch and Android devices, except in XInput mode.

22 Responses

  1. CatalinFairbrid says:

     United States

    Works for the Switch/PC (not for xbox afaik), has magnetic hall effect sticks + triggers so there’s zero stick drift and the triggers can be configured via the software to be hair triggers or not, and all the other buttons are mechanical switches as opposed to membrane so they feel great and have a satisfying click to them.

    You can also enable 1000hz polling rate in the software so in-game your aim has the same smoothness as using a gaming mouse whereas most controllers are only 250hz or lower.

    The only downsides are that you have to install the software and afaik you have to launch the software to enable the 1000hz mode each time, and it’s wired instead of wireless which I personally prefer but it’s something to consider. One potential downside is that in only has two back paddle buttons instead of four or more on other controllers but imo this is fine.

    Controller looks really cool too, has customizable LEDS, you can turn off or even adjust rumble for the controller or the triggers individually, all around great controller for the price. 10/10 even.

  2. Anonymous says:


    Finally a (3rd party) game controller that doesn’t suck and doesn’t destroy your wallet! The T4 Kaleid even surpasses the original xbox 360 controller, both wired and wireless, in my opinion.

    The range of motion is as close to perfection as you can get. You can actually perform circular motions on the sticks and not have a tendency to gravitate at the cardinal directions (+ diagonals). Very very important if you like twin-stick shooters and anything requiring precision for that matter. The buttons are also super responsive with a very short travel and a nice satisfying mechanical click instead of the mushy rubber contacts of just about everything else.

    I do have one minor gripe about the 2 buttons on the underside. The location just about guarantees you are going to press one when you pick up the controller by the handle which may cause undesirable effects depending on what you are running at the time. But they are very responsive as well if that is important to you. Mine are not mapped to anything because of this issue.

    Another minor issue if you are a couch gamer (even PC), the included cord is a wee bit on the short side at 6′. Luckily I had an extension handy.

    You should definitely consider getting the companion GameSir T4k App for PC to really dial in the range of motion and dead zones of your sticks and triggers. You can also create your own (very limited) RGB lighting animations. All 8 frames.

    And for the love of bacon do not lose the manual. Take pictures, store it away, just don’t lose it. There’s a lot of button combos to activate/deactivate the various features on the controller to remember.

    None of the minor issues I have pointed out are worth deducting a star however.

    Also, Switch mode appears to work – at least it does in my emulator, including motion gyros/accelerometers. The app will also allow you to map the gyros to your stick (one or the other) while in PC mode (xinput) though I have no need for it.

    But yeah this controller is pretty sweet.

  3. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersWar anfangs echt skeptisch trotz Videos von Youtube und was soll ich sagen, der Controller ist wirklich mega gut, vor allem fr den Preis ist es einfach krass. Wie gut und lang der Controller hlt ist das einzige was ich nicht sagen kann leider. hab etliche Spiele mit dem Controller gespielt ob FPS oder Beat’em ups und man kann mit dem Pc die profile wechseln/bearbeiten. Wichtig ist nur das ihr die 1k polerate einstellt, was diesen controller mit dem hall effect sticks einfach besser macht als fast jeden xbox controller.
    Einzige Manko ist das Layout des Controllers, aber das ist meckern auf hohem Niveau und auch so, wusste ich worauf ich mich ja einlasse, also find ich das unfair in die Bewertung einflieen zu lassen.
    Dann kommen wir dann zu der Frage, sind die 10 bis 20 euro aufpreis fr den PS5 controller legitim? denke das ist fr jeden anders. + die back paddles sind auch weg.
    Noch was am Rande; Die app aus dem Windows Store soll komplette …. sein und ladet die app am besten ber die Website, dazu kommt auch, dass ich es komisch fand das, wenn man den controller mit der app verbindet, die app minimiert oder die Anwendung Vollbild macht, reconnected der Controller. Hab anfangs gedacht hab ein defekt, anscheinend ist das aber weil die profile geladen werden oder so.
    hoffe konnte helfen
    Edit: 17.07.24.
    Nach lngeren testen, sind mir doch ein wenig kleine negative Aspekte aufgefallen und die wren: ich weiss nicht, ob es an der Software liegt oder an Steam oder sonst was, aber 2mal war der Controller sehr seltsam. Tasten agierten manchmal sehr komisch, schwer zu beschreiben. Hab anfangs gedacht das der Controller kaputt ist, aber beim Profilwechsel fiel dann auf das er geht und nur das bestimmte Profil beschdigt war. Reset hat erst Mal auch nicht geholfen, dann hab ich das ganze Profil glaub ich gelscht und danach ging’s wieder.
    Kann man auch als Vorteil sehen, Dreck oder Schweiabdrcke erkennt man sehr schnell.
    Overall, verdammt guter Controller fr den Preis, vor allem wenn man keine Probleme hat, mit ein Kabel.
    Wrde mir von Game Sir ein oder denselben Controller holen, aber dann eher doch einen im PlayStation layout.
    Immer noch 5 von 5 Sterne.


  4. BlancaCrist says:

     United Kingdom

    This is hands down the best controller I’ve ever used best triggers they feel soo frictionless and the thumbstics are smooth and have no deadzones face buttons are tactile but soft and dpad is clicky and is hard to missclick making it great for fighting games and arcade games I also found out a way to change modes if you hold down the gamesir home button and any of the face buttons ABXY it changes modes I only have pc so I can’t be certain but it can change to these modes
    Home+A gamesir t4k controller
    Home+B PS4 dualshock controller
    Home+X Xbox 360 controller
    Home+Y switch pro controller
    Once again I’m not sure if it will work on PS4 or 360 but these modes show up on pc so it might work also this controller is very comfortable considering it’s a clear controller it’s matte finish on the grips helps I had clear controllers in the past where the glossy finish gets sticky after a while and rubs against your hands causing pain but this controller doesn’t do that due to its matte finish on the sides
    I will be buying multiple more when I buy a switch hopefully they make a new version of this controller with wireless and works on more consoles that would quite possibly be the only controller you will ever need

    5.0 out of 5 stars The best controller I've ever used

  5. Jenny Turknett says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m very pleased with this controller. Got this for my 10 years old son as he love to play Nintendo switch. Controller not just look great but also working excellent. It would be amazing for Christmas gift or birthday present. Great quality and value for money. Highly recommended

  6. Justine8510 says:

     United Kingdom

    This gaming controller is a very good quality product. This controller is windows compatible. This controller comes with long cable for connection. You can use this with android tv box as well.

  7. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersQualit globale : 9/10
    A quelques dtails mineurs prs, elle dfonce une Xbox Elite et un paquet du trs haut de gamme pro/custom pour une fraction du prix : elle n’apporte rien de fabuleux en customisation et matriaux haut de gamme, mais elle leur met une fesse sur le contrle et la durabilit rien qu’avec ses analogiques effet Hall, ses boutons mcaniques et son frquenage jusqu’ 1000Hz. Les modifications apporter pour qu’elle les enterre compltement sont trs superficielles vu que toute l’lectronique est largement suprieure. C’est ce tarif une excellente manette ds la sortie de la boite, mais c’est encore plus une manette customiser pour qui cherche avoir ce qui se fait de mieux sous la main.

    Prix : 7/10
    Vu ce qu’elle apporte le prix est comptitif, mais d’une part on se fait bien arnaquer en Europe (aux USA elle est dans les 40$), et pour bien faire il faut au moins ajouter des anneaux silicone et des capuchons, ce qui augmente le budget de 15 20 de plus. Arriv 80 l’ensemble on se retrouve avec un gamepad qui dfenestre une Elite 150, mais si on la payait de base un tarif similaire aux USA, ou si GameSir la livrait avec quelques anneaux et capuchons de bonne facture, ce serait un 10/10.

    Compatibilit : 7/10
    Xbox est oubli et doit se contenter des G7 et G7SE la place, qui obligent choisir entre les boutons mcaniques de l’une ou les analogiques effet Hall de l’autre, alors que cette T4K a les deux, mais n’a pas le stabilisateur de boutons ABXY des G7… le catalogue GameSir teste le march, leur niveau de dveloppement c’est logique, mais ils auraient d se contenter d’un seul modle rassemblant toutes les qualits et offrant plus de compatibilit. Pour celle l Windows + Switch + Android c’est pas un combo trs populaire mais c’est mieux qu’une seule plateforme… Sur PC le logiciel de paramtrage est excellent en nombre d’options atteignables, assez facile d’utilisation, mais manque de maturit (quelques traductions bizarres, quelques accs peu instinctifs), voir dans le temps.

    Ergonomie : 9/10
    Pour mes mains assez grandes et larges (pas gigantesques mais plus grandes que la moyenne) elle me semble trs lgrement plus petite qu’une XBox standard sans que a soit ennuyeux. En fait elle est super confortable, le grip est excellent, tout tombe parfaitement sous les doigts, et la qualit des boutons et surtout des analogiques, la rend super satisfaisante utiliser. Par contre elle est trs sensible, c’est typiquement le gamepad sticks et triggers “mous” et aux boutons qui cliquent ds qu’on presse peine dessus. J’imagine que pour quelqu’un qui a la main lourde et/ou aime appuyer comme une brute elle peut devenir un enfer (ou un excellent outil d’entrainement la dtente…). Un point de moins parce que dans l’absolu a manque de matriaux premium pour le confort et de petites fonctions comme des butes de gchette pour mriter un 10.

    Finition : 8/10
    Matriaux de bonne qualit mme si pas exceptionnels, ralisation propre, mais assez de petits dfauts par ci par l pour ne pas tre bahi. Pour la finition lectronique ce n’est pas parfait non plus, il y a beaucoup de retours ngatifs sur des dysfonctionnements des analogiques (drift d’usine), des boutons (surtout ABXY), et du gyroscope (gnralement rgl par un calibrage). Perso j’ai eu aucun soucis mais il parait que c’est un peu la loterie, voir si c’est cause de la jeunesse de la production, et si GameSir corrige le tir.

    Contrle : 8+/10
    Globalement c’est excellent, et les quelques aspects qui sont moins probants sont quand mme au moins aussi bons que n’importe quelle manette de bonne facture ce tarif. Il n’y a absolument aucun bouton qui pche au point de se dire “a c’est vraiment nul”. Et une fois pousse 1000Hz (1ms de temps de raction, aussi bon que les meilleures Dual Sense) la ractivit est parfaite. Avec les anneaux silicone de protection des axes analogiques et les capuchons on passe facile le 9/10.

    Sticks Analogiques : 9+/10
    L c’est du dlire. De la crme de beurre… faut aimer les sticks qui offrent peu de rsistance, mais elle est trs fluide et trs linaire. En mode Raw (pas de dead zone) j’ai 10.8% d’erreurs sur Gamepad Tester, et un lger flottement numrique (de 0 0.78% de mouvement dtect dans l’appli) si le stick ne revient pas parfaitement au centre ( peu prs 2 4 fois sur dix quand mme) avec une ractivit peine le pouce se pose sur l’analogique. Dans l’absolu c’est un signe de drift, mais en jeu a n’a absolument aucune incidence tellement c’est fin, au contraire le contrle est hyper prcis et stable. En mode standard (avec dead zone) le taux d’erreur s’effondre 0.3%, et ds 1% de dead zone en dbut de course le lger flottement numrique disparait totalement avec un joli 0% de mouvement hyper stable et une sensibilit quasi identique qu’en Raw, plus forte raison qu’en 1000Hz la perte de ractivit d’1% avec la dead zone est franchement anecdotique tellement le gain de ractivit est franc par rapport aux 250Hz de base, ou mme les 500Hz intermdiaires.

    Un point de moins pour le manque d’anneau anti friction sur la coque, il faut prvenir l’usure avec un anneau de silicone sur l’axe. Et aussi pour un problme de design de la coque : si on veut ajouter un capuchon sur le stick gauche sa jupe va buter contre la coque sur la position entre la diagonale haut/droit et haut. Cela gnre une sensation de saut comme si le stick commenait mourir et c’est aussi drangeant qu’inquitant alors qu’en fait c’est juste un problme superficiel. Avec le kit universel de PlayVital j’ai d bidouiller (tourner le capuchon jusqu’ trouver une position o la jupe est un peu plus fine qu’ailleurs) et finalement ajouter des anneaux pour limiter la course de l’axe. Avec les extensions Kontrol Freek (la T4K est compatible avec la taille PS4/5, pas Xbox) j’imagine qu’il faut bien veiller mettre cette zone entre deux dents vu que l’attache dpasse encore plus que les jupes des capuchons en silicone/caoutchouc.

    Mais en dehors de ce dtail, depuis que j’ai tenu mon premier joystick il y a peu prs 40 ans, je n’ai jamais profit de sticks aussi fluides et fonctionnels (prcision, ractivit etc) que ceux l. La rfrence du module magique : K-Silver JH16 (encore meilleurs que les JH13 du King Kong Pro 2 qui sont dj au dessus du lot face aux analogiques rsistances) rechercher quel que soit la marque ou le modle. Et puis avec un capuchon trs surlev sur le stick droit le contrle de la vise est dingue de souplesse, prcision et stabilit. Avec une telle base ce genre de gadget prend tout son sens.

    Croix directionnelle : 7/10
    Bonne rsistance, clics sur une note basse et discrte de membrane ferme, assez satisfaisants.
    Rien de fabuleux, juste une bonne croix qui mriterait un dme comme celui de l’lite pour choper plus facilement les diagonales qui sont un peu floues. Classique.

    Boutons de fonctions : 8/10
    Rsistance moyenne, petit clic satisfaisant, membrane franche au rendu tactile presque mcanique, note plutt mdium, assez discret. Les boutons sont un peu petits mais tombent pas mal sous les pouces. Le jeu est faible : sensible mais pas du tout problmatique.

    Bouton Home : 6/10
    Membrane de base, ploc moche qui se distingue en mal vu comment le reste clique bien, frotte un peu faon plastique mat qui ajoute un bruit de friction “sableux”, sans que a soit tactilement dsagrable cependant, stable et ractif. Pas satisfaisant mais tout fait fonctionnel.

    Boutons ABXY : 7/10
    Un peu plus petits et rapprochs que sur Xbox. Rsistance entre moyenne et faible, petit clic mcanique lger mais franc, note aigu discrte, trs satisfaisant en soi, avec en prime une bonne ractivit. Mais la satisfaction est gche par une course floue cause du jeu qui laisse les boutons gigoter sur un demi millimtre. A ce niveau a me semble peine pire qu’un gamepad Xbox officiel neuf, mais en mme temps bien meilleurs grce aux switches mcaniques, c’est “trs bien mais un peu confus”. Y’a ptetre un mod faire avec de l’adhsif teflon trs fin, voire carrment imprimer en 3D une base de stabilisation comme celle qui est dans les G7 et G7SE qui n’ont pas du tout ce problme. Avec une solution efficace pour corriger a la note passerait un trs bon 8 ou 9/10, c’est dommage.

    Triggers et Bumpers : 8/10
    Typiquement le genre de manette qui invite actionner les bumpers en les crasant avec le bord suprieur de la deuxime phalange tout en gardant le bord oppos sur le trigger. Les cliquer avec le bout du doigt est possible, et facile, mais ce n’est pas l’ergonomie principale. Le clic des bumper a un impact franc entre la membrane ferme et le mcanique un peu touff. Pas de jeu, pas de course avant le clic, c’est trs ractif et a sonne solide en restant assez discret.

    Les triggers sont trs ractifs, tant sur le dbut de course qui s’enfonce trs facilement, que sur le signal qui dmarre peine sollicit. En mode Hair (passage de 0 100% ds le premier signal) c’est tellement ractif que a pourrait jouer des tours aux doigts lourds. Au pire l’appli permet de modifier entirement la plage, ce qui permet par exemple de faire dmarrer le signal 2% et le pousser 100% 3%, donnant l’effet d’un mode Hair tout en gardant une petite dead zone pour viter les tirs intempestifs. La course est trs souple et trs linaire : quasiment la mme force est demande en dbut qu’en fin. Le plastique est mat avec un antidrapant fin trs agrable. Pas de blocage du trigger cependant.

    Boutons arrires : 8/10
    L c’est la mme chanson du “a aurait pu tre parfait” : Switchs mcaniques qui claquent, trs satisfaisants d’un point de vue tactile, super bien placs sous la dernire phalange du majeur et ce surement pour plein de tailles de mains vu comment la surface de pression est large et surtout bien place. Le jeu est presque nul, c’est stable et ractif. Mais alors le son… cette fois le plaisir est gch parce que a sonne trs creux et cheap. En jouant a s’oublie, mais si on avait les mmes clics que sur ABXY, ou un thoc bien rond qui jurerait un peu par la note mais serait agrable, a serait quand mme bien mieux. a sent le mod d’insonorisation ds que la garantie sera passs. Heureusement ce n’est pas grand chose corriger.

    Gyro : 7/10
    Je ne m’en sers jamais, j’ai jamais vu l’intrt. J’ai test pour voir le fonctionnement. Avant calibration c’tait stable en mode conduite, assez instable en mode vise (globalement insensible en jeu mais visible en menu avec le curseur qui vibre) et pas terrible pour l’axe horizontal. Pareil aprs calibration. Jouer sur la dead zone a trs bien stabilis la vise mais l’a rendue plus dirigiste (moins de subtilits, plus d’axes francs). Puis jouer sur la courbe de ractivit a libr les mouvements horizontaux. Et au final mme si c’est habituellement pas mon truc je me suis retrouv m’amuser avec. a marche, et de ce que j’ai test c’est dj un gros bon point. Mais quel point c’est dans le haut du panier j’en sais rien, je sais juste que a ne remplacera pas mes habitudes.

    Moteurs : 8/10
    C’est loin du retour haptique des Dual Sense, mais c’est aussi bon que tous les bons gamepads sans haptique. Sonorement c’est assez discret, tactilement a fait trs bien le job, et le rglage de puissance dans l’interface aide bien (a vite d’aller dans les menus des jeux pour chercher un paramtrage pas forcment russi).

    Logiciel (PC) : 8/10
    A tlcharger sur le site de GameSir et pas sur le magasin Windows il parait. Trs fourni en rglages, et tous les rglages essentiels sont inclus. La possibilit d’overcloquer 1000Hz direct dans l’interface est excellent. En fait c’est pas de l’overclock, c’est juste que l’lectronique va jusque l mais qu’on a la possibilit d’underclocker 250 ou 500Hz. L’interface est pas moche et assez comprhensible. Par contre elle est jeune et c’est encore brut de dcoffrage avec quelques chemins bizarres, traductions curieuses, comportements surprenants (genre le bruit de la mise en activit USB ds qu’on passe dans l’appli pour un rglage, et celui de dconnexion qui sonne ds qu’on quitte l’appli, alors que le gamepad est actif avant pendant et aprs…). Et puis il faut mettre jour juste aprs l’installation parce que pour une raison inconnue la version jour est pas celle sur le site… par contre la partie paramtrage des Led RGB est au top… pas sr que la priorisation pragmatique des tche ait t au cur du dveloppement. XD Mais bon, a fait son job et on peut esprer des mises jour je suppose, ne serait-ce que pour faire coller la version affiche dans l’interface celle du firmware jour… ^^’

    Pour Amazon je met 5/5 au total parce que malgr les dfauts c’est ce qu’on peut trouver de mieux sur la plateforme.

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a great controller for PC. I do not own an X-box or PlayStation and so I cannot comment on the compatibility with other gaming platforms. It is very responsive and there are programmable modes for those who are into that sort of thing. I like the “transparent” design and the use of colours which make it much more interesting to look at than the regular controllers. It is wired which is always a bit cheaper than wireless but also guaranteed to work with less to go wrong. The price is competitive and what I would expect for this level of controller.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A good quality, well made and designed controller. We used this on Nintendo switch connected to a large screen. It’s quite a large controller and it has good quality, tactile controls with useful feedback and weighting. It can work on almost any interface and platform and so is highly recommended as a versatile devices that can be switched easily between games.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I don’t know much about these things and I ordered this for my son as he is always breaking them. He is over the moon with this and tells me you can feel its quaility and sturdy. Hopefully this one will last longer than his pervious ones.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is easily the best third-party controller I have used, it’s definitely a “proper” controller and not one of those 2nd player controllers that you would give to your friend. Some of the features I prefer over my Elite 2 controller, and it looks fantastic.

    The controller arrived safely, and it comes nicely packed inside a well-presented retail box. along with the controller you get a 2m Type-A to Type-C cable, the user guide, and a GameSir sticker.

    The overall quality is very good indeed, its up there with the main brands and in some cases even better. Its very lightweight but at the same time it doesn’t feel cheap, and all the materials feel strong and good quality.

    I got it to use with my PC and it worked immediately with Windows 11. I mainly play racing games and Horizon 5 is my current go to, ive now used this controller for around 100 hours over the last few weeks and it’s been a very pleasant experience. My skill level hasn’t been affected by using this over my normal Elite 2 and in some cases, it’s been more enjoyable. The AXYB buttons are so much better on this controller, they have such a good feel to them when pressed and the click is much more precise and less floaty than the Elite. The joysticks have more resistance to them than I’m used to, but it does allow you to be very precise with them which is great when cornering or drifting.

    Its very comfortable to hold, the grips are just plastic though so it doesn’t feel as nice to hold as a rubber or silicone cover, but it hasn’t bothered me one bit, my hands don’t get sweaty when using it, and you wouldn’t be able to see the insides which look amazing. I’m not keen on the positioning of the Back/Start buttons but that’s the only thing I can find wrong with the ergonomics. All of the buttons, joysticks and triggers work great and feel nice to use.

    In terms of design, I think the controller looks brilliant, I love the see through case which also helps with its premium appeal as the circuit boards inside look fantastic. The LED lights are some of the best ive seen as they are so clean looking, and they light the controller up perfectly. There are four different lighting effects to choose from and you change through 4 levels of brightness or turn them off completely.

    The vibration is another strong area as they work really well, and the feedback is accurate. You can see the motors working through the case and you can even change the intensity level or turn them off if you don’t like it.

    You get two extra buttons on the rear of the controller which are perfectly positioned to press with your ring fingers. You can set the buttons to clone any other button, trigger or joystick on the controller including multiple buttons such as A+B. The triggers and joysticks can also be recalibrated from the controller itself if they start to drift or not behave properly.
    There are a lot more features I haven’t spoken about such as multi-platform use, the 6-axis gyro, and configuration via the phone app but these are not features I use with my PC so I don’t have much input in this area although I’m sure it all works great as the controller is very decent.

    Overall, I really can’t recommend this controller high enough, I simply wasn’t expecting it to be this good, but it truly surprised me and it’s a worthy contender for any main brand controller out there. If I could only use this controller, then I would be more than happy with it and for around 40 its excellent value for money. It’s a very easy five stars from me, buy with total confidence!

    5.0 out of 5 stars A high quality controller that easily rivals or beats big name brands!

  12. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This controller is very well packaged and comes with a couple of stickers, the connecting cable and some fairly succinct instructions. I confess to not having tried all the functions mentioned in the instructions; you appear to be able to use it with an Android TV Box and a Switch, but I only really used it with the PC.
    As soon as you plug the controller in, it lights up your face with a very pretty colour display. It’s attractive but subtle enough that you can easily ignore it when you are gaming.
    The unit feels good in your hands, has about the right amount of weight and is comfortable. The buttons all fall where they should be under your thumbs and fingers; it’s pretty much the same set up as an X Box controller, so it felt very familiar to me. There is a myriad of buttons on the thing, more than I found a use for, but then of course the whole thing is programmable.
    Most importantly for a controller is that it is good and responsive. Everything certainly goes where you point it and apart from a bit of stick drift to begin with, there have been no input problems at all (possibly more down to the game I was on than anything else).
    There is vibration too, because the case is see through you can see the vibration weights whirring around, which I found quite amusing. It’s strong enough without giving the impression it’s distracting or going to give you RSI within half an hour of playing something that uses it.
    All in all a very nice controller that I would happily recommend. Once I get chance to try out some of the programmability and maybe connect it to the Switch, I might come back and report any further findings.

  13. whynotwinnipeg says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a very good piece of kit, easy to install and works very well with my PC.
    The colours are great and adds a nice feature at night time if you enjoy playing in darker settings like I do at night.
    Its really well built and you can feel the build quality when you pick it up, buttons are good and I really like the feel of the d-pad.
    Overall im very happy with this and would recommend to other PC users

  14. Jason Hiner says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this for my son to use on his gaming pc, I found it was easy to install and being wired he does not have to worry about any batteries running out or needing replacing.

    The overall design and quality of the controller is great and its comfortable to hold when using, all buttons respond well and he has had no issues with this.

    He likes this one compared to his old one thanks to the RGB lights which look great at night when he is gaming away.

    Overall I am happy with this.

  15. TimmySpriggs says:

     United Kingdom

    Nicely designed gamepad and very easy to install on PC or android gaming devices.
    It has the familiar layout of any other modern controller, it worked well with the games I tried it with – Minecraft, Fortnite and Forza Horizon.
    The design is good and its comfortable to use for long periods, the lights inside are fantastic in the dark.

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This gaming controller is a bit different from most, as you can see through to the inside workings. With interesting lighting effects.
    The actual controls are excellent quality. You have precise control over the game you are playing. Manoeuvrability is very precise and so is the trigger. They enhance your enjoyment.
    An excellent quality controller for theseriousgamer.

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this for my hubby who didn’t hold his breath but he was well impressed. Said it’s well made and feels good and it’s good for gaming. He liked how you could see into it and it lights up.

  18. Laura Miller says:

     United Kingdom

    This T4 kaleid transparent wired gaming controller for Windows 7/8/10/11 works excellent I must admit, and what’s most important it is very comfortable and easy to use controller.
    It has cool lighting effects, five different colors, adjustable brightness, and four light modes.
    What I really like that it has hall effect sensing sticks, and there is 100% no dead zone on stick center and outer ring area.
    It is really ergonomic design I mus admit.
    Full software customizable.
    Great quality controller at all, good value for money.
    Recommend to anyone.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    The GameSir T4 Kaleid Transparent Wired Gaming Controller has truly enhanced my gaming experience. Its vibrant RGB hue color lights add a touch of style to my gaming setup, creating an immersive atmosphere. The controller’s compatibility with Windows 7/8/10/11, Switch, and Android TV Box ensures versatility across multiple platforms. The Turbo and Programmable buttons provide customizable gameplay options, allowing me to optimize my gaming performance. The 3.5mm audio jack adds convenience, enabling me to connect my headphones directly to the controller. The transparent design not only looks fantastic but also allows me to see the internal components, showcasing its high-quality construction. The controller’s ergonomic design fits comfortably in my hands, ensuring hours of gaming without discomfort. With its responsive buttons and precise analog sticks, the GameSir T4 Kaleid delivers exceptional control and accuracy. If you’re seeking a reliable and visually appealing gaming controller, I highly recommend the GameSir T4 Kaleid Transparent Wired Gaming Controller.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I have been using game controllers now for over 35 years of differing quality and in my opinion this is a very impressive and solid all round controller. A lot of third party controllers you get tend to be a bit sloppy in their construction but since this is see through there’s no where to hide and on looks alone this hits the mark, a very beautiful controller with a care behind it, no glue out of place, i looks and feels premium with no cracks of creaks and a really good weight. On the front you can see the board while on the back it is frosted.
    The weight to the controller is brilliant, it feels solid in the hand and at the base round the back is some texture to help you grip on those long sessions. The wire is a USB to USB C and is generous in it’s length, the quality is also exceptional with a think cable that has solid connectors. I do like that it is detachable so you can replace it.
    Onto the controls
    The analogue sticks (hall effect) are responsive, they are smooth and have a good grip around the edges, they work very well.
    The face buttons are clicky and tactile, not what im used to on a lot of controllers but they work nicely and the travel is good.
    The D-Pad is actually very good, it is an example of how to make a modern D-Pad though if I was being picky a bit more travel would be nice on the pivot but it does not cave in when you press the centre it pivots as a good D-Pad should and again is responsive.
    The shoulder buttons and the back buttons are clicky with very little travel and the back shoulder buttons work very well.
    I guess the lighting will be a bonus for some and there are a few modes you can cycle through and it work works well and I have to say looks stunning when the controller is lit up, doesn’t effect the function but its a nice to have.
    I really like the 3.5 headphone jack, it’s nice to have the ability to plug into the controller for sound, saves trailing wires from your PC.
    I have tried it my PC, phone and Switch (undocked) and all work well, though my main criticism is that if using on the switch and phone you will need to find a USB C to USB C lead as it does not come with one. I also feel the price of 41.99 as of May 2023 is a little high for a wired controller but you are paying for something that is premium and feels premium.
    This is a really nice looking and performing controller, it is very comfortable in the hand with a good shape and grip and everything performs really well. It might be a little expensive but I can’t fault the function, design or build quality.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Designed well, built well and responsive. Good D-Pad too

  21. MartaBroger says:

     United Kingdom

    Nicely designed and very easy to install on my PC, this gaming controller has a familiar layout and works well with the games I tried it with. The design is good and its comfortable to use for long periods.

  22. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a pretty impressive controller. I guess the key factor is that it can be used with a significant range of hardware included PC games on a range of Windows platforms, Android TV boxes and most Android phones.

    Plus, it is fully customisable in term of the feel and functionality of the many buttons. It’s also very well constructed. Built to last and pretty future proof. And comes with an app!

    I’m not keen on the may colour changing options but a, sure that will appeal to many, and at least it’s yet another feature, which of course can be fully controlled!

    Downsides, well I guess for licensing reasons it doesn’t work with PS4 or PS5. Nor will is work with iOS devices. You also need a USB-C cable which isn’t supplied for use with Android phones, but they are cheap. The controller is a little costly as well but on a cost/function basis is pretty fair.

    In sum a strong four-star product for me.