HISTTON Mini PC Windows 11 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX 8 Cores

HISTTON Mini PC Windows 11 Pro, AMD Ryzen 9 5900HX 8 Cores 16 Threads up to 4.6GHz Desktop PC, 16GB RAM 512GB NVMe SSD, WiFi5 BT4.2, 4K Triple Display, WOL PXE Auto Power on, Gaming PC, Mini Computers

Small PCs are incredibly versatile, finding applications in various fields due to their compact size and powerful capabilities. Whether it’s for personal use, office work, multimedia entertainment, or industrial purposes, micro PCs offer limitless possibilities. With their portability, efficiency, and performance, these mini computers are suitable for home users, professionals, educators, creatives, and even in industrial environments. Their broad range of uses makes them an indispensable tool in today’s digital world.
Q1: Is Windows 11 Pro already installed?
Yes, the HM1 Mini PC comes with Windows 11 Pro pre-installed. There is no need for an additional activation key. You are free to use another operating system, such as Windows 10, Linux, Ubuntu, Debian, or CentOS.
Q2: How to set auto power on?
(Chipset>PCH-IO Configuration>Power Failure>Always on>F10 to save and exit) Reminder: Different CPUs may have different setting methods, if you have any questions, please contact HISTTON after-sales support.
Q3: Does the mini computer make noise during work?
This mini desktop computer features a built-in fan design, ensuring efficient heat dissipation and maintaining optimal temperature levels between 40-50 degrees. The fan operates with minimal noise, providing a quiet computing environment. Additionally, this small pc is highly energy-efficient, consuming as little as 25W of power.
Q4: The computer blue screen?
There are many reasons for the blue screen of the computer, such as abnormal shutdown, update, forced restart, unexpected power failure, virus invasion of the system, system file errors, graphics card driver incompatibility, memory stick or hard disk damage, etc. When the blue screen appears, we suggest that you try to boot several times. If the fault persists, then reinstall the system. If the blue screen persists after reinstalling the system, then consider the reasons for the memory module, hard disk, and CPU. Usually, we have strictly done the hardware before leaving the factory. Most of the blue screens are caused by the system and software.
Weight: | 1.4 kg |
Dimensions: | 19.2 x 13 x 5 cm; 1.4 Kilograms |
Brand: | HISTTON |
Colour: | Mini PC Ryzen 9 5900HX |
Manufacture: | HISTTON |
Dimensions: | 19.2 x 13 x 5 cm; 1.4 Kilograms |
Muy satisfecho con el PC. Al principio tuve algunos problemas con los altavoces, no eran compatibles con la PC, ya que los compr por separado. Despus de escribir una nota al vendedor, su equipo de soporte respondi y ayud. Fueron de gran ayuda y enviaron mensajes de seguimiento a diario.
Gracias a la atencin al cliente, servicios comerciales y logstica pude resolver mis dudas rpidamente.
Agradecimiento especial a Cikey, la persona que ha hecho seguimiento conmigo!!
Tard casi mes en llegar (me avisaron). Como haba ledo que vena en ingls, una vez comprado me puse en contacto con el vendedor para que me llegar en espaol. Me lleg totalmente precintado, y pens que no me haban hecho caso, y me equivoqu, estaba en espaol. Un 10 para el SAT.
La carcasa es todo plstico, como lo utilizo para labores muy, muy sencillas es bastante silencioso y tampoco se calienta.
Es un equipo compacto con excelente rendimiento y potencia.
Fcil de manejar e instalar, con suficientes puertos para todo lo que uno desee conectar.
El producto tubo un problema con el ventilador, pero el servicio al cliente fue excelente, me enviaron los repuestos, siempre mantuvieron comunicacin y muy preocupados porque todo estuviera bie
Non sono un esperto ma ho approfittato dell’ottimo prezzo per avere un PC al massimo delle caratteristiche, almeno per le mie esigenze . Velocissimo. Completo . Silenziosissimo. Unico piccolo appunto il settaggio della lingua di windows tradotto solo in parte in Italiano , il resto in inglese. Ma non c’ problema.
Only issue was the lack of any documentation in the box and had to ask the vendor for my Windows 11 license and I found the only way to get my spec sheet on hardware was by copying my Amazon invoice.
Hormis la dure de vie et la rsistance des composants (puisque je viens de l’acheter peine quelques jours, je ne peux donc pas l’valuer et me prononcer), il est puissant et rapide. Si le systme est en anglais, vous pouvez le mettre en franais en toute simplicit. Sans compter ces multiples ports USB dont vous pouvez mme ajouter un multi ports (sans problmes), il est totalement silencieux, mais vraiment silencieux (je suis trs exigent et j’ai dj retourn 4 pc dont un mini et trois units centrales traditionnelles ; l’avantage d’acheter chez Amazon). Le ventilateur se dclenche rarement. Et quand il se lance, le bruit n’est pas bruyant et ne dure que 30 secondes une minute environ, puis le silence revient, et pendant longtemps. Et d’une manire gnrale, le ventilateur se dclenche si vous tlchargez un gros fichier. Quand vous l’allumez, si on enlve le voyant, et si vous n’allumez pas votre cran, vous ne saurez mme pas si le pc est en marche, car mme au dmarrage il reste silencieux.
Le service client est trs ractif, comprhensif et l’coute ; il vous rpond le mme jour, voire aprs quelques heures seulement dans la journe.
Alors faites moi confiance, vous pouvez l’acheter les yeux ferms, bien videmment sous rserve des moyens financiers de chacun.
Vu son prix, j’espre seulement qu’il a une longue de vie, au moins 5 ans. Car pour ma part, il est le meilleur pc du march, dfaut parmi les meilleurs.
Cela presque un mois, je ne rencontre aucun quelconque problme de fonctionnement, aucun dsagrment.
Le ventilateur se dclenche en cas de besoin et rarement sans bruit bruyant et cela ne dure que quelques secondes.
Je le recommande vivement, car il est efficace et fiable.
Except que je ne peux pas l’valuer concernant sa dure de vie. Ce qui est logique.
Unit is very fast and worked flawlessly, however there is no documentation. I would like information on :
1. How to set up Raid 0 and 1 controllers
2. How to install larger NVME SSD drive
3. How to install 3rd SATA HDD drive
4. How to repartition the drive. The unit came with 2 drives and 4 partitions and I would like to alter the partitions
Please help
Puntuali nella consegna,prodotto integro e ben confezionato,una bella esperienza con il mio primo mini pc,societ sempre presente per richieste e consigli,che dire eccellente con quel grosso coupon inoltre stato comprato ad un prezzo ridotto quasi la met,sono felice avete realizzato un mio piccolo sogno e sgombrato la mia scrivania che non poco
un buon computer potente con molte porte e la possibilit di espansione della memoria di chi ha necessit di farlo. Buone performance poca rumorisita’ i tempi di accesso a Windows tralatro Windows 11 pro sono molto veloci per capirci un battito di ciglia. Su questo modello si possono usare programmi di grafica, CAD e programmi che necessitano molta potenza di calcolo compreso e giochi di ultima generazione. Usa un processore AMD che non ha niente da invidiare ai processori Intel, consiglio a tutti di acquistarlo senza problemi.
Such a small device with such power. An i9 processor with 32GB of Ram and a 1TB hard drive? It has been working overtime as my work computer and I love it.
Tout petit mais puissant, je l’utilise pour de la retouche photo et a me change la vie compar mon ancien pc !
Et ses petites dimensions sont juste gniales, a le rend trs facile caser sous l’cran ou transporter.
Needed a system for my second work bought this HISTTON Mini PC which is Powered by Windows 11 Pro and is a powerful compact desktop PC that doesn’t take much time to set up and run. It has a Ryzen 9 5900HX processor which runs most of multi tasks with breeze and ease and doesn’t need a fan to cool down even on heavy load runs, Do has 16GB RAM for faster responses and 512GB SSD making it transfer data fast and load quick and easeeven on smooth multitasking. It has many features like Wi-Fi and BT for high-speed connectivity and reliable wireless connection. The ability to support three displays is a great feature that enhances the viewing experience. Overall, this mini PC is a great option and perfect for gaming and other demanding tasks.
I bought this to use as a home development server mainly for algorithmic trading as well as the intergration of these trading programs into my machine learning models. I am seriously impressed at the power of this thing! This mini PC is an absolute powerhouse!
It brings powerful performance to your fingertips. Running on the AMD Ryzen 9 5900H Processor with speeds of up to 4.60 GHz, this mini computer is a true multitasking marvel. The pre-installed Windows 11 Pro 64-bit system ensures a seamless experience for gaming, office tasks, browsing, and more. The integration of Intel UHD Graphics further enhances its capabilities, making it a versatile option for various needs.
One standout feature is its ability to support 4K UHD triple displays. With HD, DP, and Type-C display options, the HM1 Mini PC can transform into your personal computer or even a home theater setup. The 4K UHD video playback adds an extra layer of visual richness to your viewing experience.
Under the hood, you’ll find a pre-installed M.2 2280 NVMe SSD and DDR4 RAM support. This allows for fast performance and flexible storage options. The array of ports, including USB 3.0, USB 2.0, Type-C, DP, HD, Gigabit RJ45 LAN, and more, make it incredibly versatile for a range of computing requirements.
With Dual Band Wireless Intel AC-3165 and Gigabit Ethernet, you can expect exceptional internet performance and smooth media playback. This mini PC’s robust connectivity ensures uninterrupted online experiences.
For my uses, this is way overpowered! But I now have a future-proof system that will allow me to push it harder to get more out of it. Whether for work, play, or entertainment, this mini PC is a true powerhouse that offers both practicality and performance.
Der HISTTON Mini PC mit Core i9-Prozessor bietet eine kompakte Lsung fr anspruchsvolle Aufgaben wie Gaming, Multitasking und mehr, ohne viel Platz einzunehmen.
Der Core i9-9880H Prozessor mit 8 Kernen und 16 Threads ermglicht eine beeindruckende Leistungsfhigkeit.
Die 16GB RAM und die 512GB NVMe SSD sorgen fr schnelle Datenverarbeitung und reichlich Speicherplatz.
Die Untersttzung fr 4K Triple Display bietet vielseitige Anzeigemglichkeiten.
Die Funktion “Auto Power On” erleichtert die Bedienung und spart Zeit.
Der HISTTON Mini PC mit Core i9-Prozessor ist eine beeindruckende Miniaturkraftzentrale, die sich ideal fr anspruchsvolle Aufgaben eignet. Der leistungsstarke Prozessor, grozgige RAM und SSD-Kapazitt sowie die 4K Triple Display Untersttzung machen ihn zu einem vielseitigen Begleiter. Die “Auto Power On” Funktion ist eine praktische Ergnzung. Insgesamt bietet der HISTTON Mini PC eine gute Leistung im kompakten Format. Aufgrund seiner Strken wrde ich eine Bewertung von 5 Sternen vergeben und eine klare Kaufempfehlung aussprechen.