It is quite fast, not only for browsing the internet but also for programming (Front-End in my case – Windows OS). It is silent, cold, and energy saver. Around 20W when running some CLI tasks. Around 40W in heavy usage.
My computer was dying a slow but certain death! Having time to brew a cup of tea between tasks isn’t my idea of a productive day, so on one such occasion I decided that having drank way too much tea I needed to bite the bullet and invest in a new PC. So, the arduous task of deciding on what to buy next started.
Well, I say it started but it didn’t last long because with a quick search on Amazon I came across GEEKOM. They advertised several versions of their “Wall Street Canyon Mini Desktop PC’s” at very reasonable prices when compared to other comparable stores. I settled on the Intel Nuc 12, NUC12WSHi7 Wall Street Canyon Mini PC Desktop, Win 11 Pro Minicomputer, Core i7-1260P Processor, 12 Kerne, 18MB Cache, Iris Xe Grafik, WiFi6E, Thunderbolt 4 (32GB RAM+1TB PCIe SSD). I ordered it and to my surprise it arrived by 1pm the NEXT DAY!
The surprises didn’t stop there either. Compared to the packaging, the PC was tiny! I was wondering how on earth they could shoehorn so much Spec into such a small box, and indeed if it would meet my needs?
I was up and running inside half an hour, and within another hour had all my Accounts and Software Installed ready to go!
The final surprise? It surpassed my expectations. It is on 24/7 and it is also my “Working from Home PC”.
I highly recommend this Desktop Computer if it’s your time to upgrade. It packs a powerful punch.
I purchased the model with the i7 processor and 32GB RAM about 2 months ago and felt that was enough time to be able to give a review.
Having updated from a tower PC which had an i3 processor and 8GB RAM, the difference in performance is obviously massive. Applications run incredibly fast, boot and shutdown times are a matter of seconds.
It come with Windows 11 pre-installed which is great. Out of the box, it literally took me 10-15 minutes to go through the setup and start surfing the net.
Very quiet PC, you only really notice the fans on boot up and when you launch some programs and play some videos.
I bought this PC for work and web surfing. Office 365 and Adobe run incredibly fast and having multiple browser tabs and running multiple applications at the same time does not make the slightest bit of difference. This NUC has been able to handle everything I have thrown at it so far with ease. One of the more annoying things in life is setting up a new PC with all your favourite software and files. This was incredibly easy with the NUC as everything installed so quickly and easily including peripherals.
I have played a couple of games via Steam and they have been fine. Obviously this machine has only got the onboard graphics so, the more graphically intensive games might need a more powerful more set up with a stand alone graphics card.
Size and connections
Incredibly small, just slightly bigger than the palm of my hand. Currently it sits in the space between my two monitors.
Front of machine has two USB connections and headphone socket.
Back of machine has another two USB connections, 4 monitor connections (2 HDMI, 2 Thunderbolt)and 2.5GB LAN connection.
The machine also come with a separate power supply.
It come with WI-FI 6E which is great of you have a WI-FI 6 router. I have 1Gbps internet and this give me speeds on average of around 600Mbps.
Any issues?
Only issue I could see is the number of USB ports that are provided. There are only four, which once you have connected, keyboard, mouse, printer, web cam, can leave you a little short. Now, you have to take into consideration the size of the machine, so you can understand that there was only a certain amount of room available for connections. Has not been a problem for me personally, as I have a USB hub, and as long as you don’t mind investing maybe another 10 for an additional hub, you should have no problems.
Fantastic little machine which so far has been a brilliant update for my work and just in my everyday life.
Excellent.very fast response, smart looking, easy to install and so small it fits anywhere.
Would definitely buy again and highly recommend to anyone who looking for a Desktop PC.
I bought my new 12th generation NUC as a replacement for my existing 7th generation version, which had given me great service over the previous six years.
I use Windows 11 on the pre-installed internal 1TB M2 drive for work (in the main) and also purchased an additional internal 1TB SATA SSD to install Linux on for personal use. Installing the latter was pretty straightforward to achieve, the second drive being trivially easy to fit. Opening the case for access can be easily achieved via four screws on the feet and the board of the PC is laid out in clear and logical fashion for any future expansion and upgrade purposes.
The machine is tiny and sturdy, very well built and pretty quiet. It is also very fast for my purposes and I can easily see me getting another five years of use out of this one. Highly recommended.
Also, kudos to the seller for the rapid, well packaged delivery.
Avevo visto che era molto piccolo, ma non mi aspettavo delle dimensioni cos ridotte. Sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso. Senza contare che non surriscalda mai e gestisce anche pi schermate con un’incredibile velocit di operazione. Sono molto soddisfatto.
Ya han pasado casi tres meses desde que adquir esta maravilla, estoy encantado y lo recomiendo sin ninguna duda. Es super silencioso, rapidsimo, potente, y con un tamao tan reducido, que no me deja de sorprender lo completo que es. Sabiendo adems, que an puedo aumentar la RAM hasta 64 GB, montar un segundo SSD SATA y adems una tarjeta interna SATA B adicional de 42 mm. Sus opciones de conectividad son totalmente satisfactorias: en el frontal, conexin para auriculares y 2 x USB 3.2. ; en la posterior, un USB 3.2 y un USB 2.0 adicional, dos interfaces Thunderbolt en dos USB tipo C, dos puertos HDMI, un puerto de red de 2.5G y la opcin de conexin de la fuente de alimentacin. As como la posibilidad de aadir un dispositivo de almacenamiento externo masivo adicional de 2,5 pulgadas.
Totalmente recomendable tambin, por la magnfica asistencia de INTEL. No dejis de registrar el NUC y podris sentiros seguros y protegidos mediante su “Asistente del controlador y asistencia tcnica INTEL”, su atencin es rpida, profesional, atenta y eficaz. Lo que te hace sentir que tu compra ha sido doblemente buena: por el producto en s; y por su asistencia y soporte tcnico.
Habe mir den NUC 12 Mitte Juni 2023 gekauft. Habe den nun ca. 1 1/2 Monate. Der NUC ist sehr flott. Entwickle mit Visual Studio 2022, geht jetzt schneller als mit meinem alten PC. Habe 2 x 28″-Monitore angeschlossen, alles im LAN-Netz. Auch WLAN geht. Win11-Pro war bereits installiert. Ansonsten habe ich keine unsinnige Software gefunden, hatte ein sauberes System.
Der Lfter ist allgemein leise, gelegentlich hrt man mal etwas. Das ist aber eher bei heissen Temperaturen und nach langer Arbeit.
Habe 4 USB-Anschlsse. Sind zwar schon eine Menge, aber mir doch zu wenig. Ist aber mein Problem. Habe mir einen USB-Hub gekauft, mit eigener Stromversorgung. Das klappt gut, es werden alle USB-Erweiterungen erkannt und voll untersttzt.
Die Grafikkarte hat nur 128 MB Speicher. Das sollte man wissen. Fr grafikaufwendige Spiele ist der NUC nicht geeignet, aber als super tolle Workstation fr die Arbeit oder zu Hause. Kleine Spiele (Age of Empire 1) gehen aber auch mal. AOE2 wird leider nicht untersttzt.
Die 32GB Speicher machen den PC sehr flott, da kann viel schnell umhergeschichtet werden.
Das ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung an andere, die sich wie ich ein neuen Rechnen zu legen mchten, der ist sehr schnell, Leise, Denkt mit bei dem Einstecken von Gerten und desen Installation (Geht fast wie von selbst), er ist klein, den kann man hinten an ein Monitor Schauben Dank dem mitgeliefertm Material ohne Probleme mglich, Zukunft offen, wegen Thunderbolt 4 usw. einfach Gut.
Utilisation pour de la bureautique domicile, a remplac un ancien Nuc dont l’alimentation a grill : Installation de l’ordinateur relativement simple mais, comme d’habitude, avec un nouvel ordinateur il faut rinstaller plusieurs logiciels, ce qui prend “un certain temps” et se fait “avec certains alas” ! Des petits soucis dans le fonctionnement avec parfois la ncessit de redmarrer, mais je ne sais pas si c’et l’ordinateur ou les logiciels ou le clavier ou la souris… (j’avais dj constat le problme avant). Sinon, marche bien, plutt rapide l’allumage, capacit disque dur nickel, j’ai apprci le port RJ 45 2 Go l’arrire : pour la premire fois j’ai pu utiliser ce dbit dont la box disposait. Affichage de qualit, sans tre transcendant. Je recommande : bonnes caractristiques techniques pour le prix.
Refers to the 16Gb RAM/512Gb drive version. Lovely and fast. I’ve had this for a month now and I love it.
NVME drive interface is blindingly fast. I was surprised that the built-in wifi6 module gets me way faster speeds than my old 2 year old PC. It’s perfectly usable as supplied but because I wanted to hook up to my existing dual monitors (one HDMI, one DisplayPort) and use for audio production I made a couple of additional purchases.
I bought a replacement 2Tb NVME SSD drive – very easy to replace – four screws. You can then copy the existing windows 11 installation across by making a “Win7 image backup” (that is part of the installed Win11) to an external drive then restoring onto the new larger drive of your choice. I also bought a 25 thunderbolt 4 to DP adaptor which also adds a few USB ports. And there’s still one thunderbolt 4 free! I didn’t know much about this port but its pretty amazing in terms of flexibility and potential data transfer speed – very cutting edge. Maybe I’ll find a use. I can imagine anyone doing video production tranferring large files from a DV camera would trip out over this.
It’s a lot smaller than I thought. Cute. And largely silent. I was alarmed when I first fired it up because the fan was at full blast. You can adjust the amount cooling in the BIOS if you wish. I did this, but even when the fan runs in normal use it’s far from distracting. I’d estimate 35-40db.
Construction wise, it’s solid enough. Inside there’s an aluminium frame which I assume is for cooling, but it also makes it pretty sturdy. There are rubber feet which are kind of essential because it is so dinky. It stays put when switching it on with my big fat fingers!
What else? No mic input (if that matters to you, but you have USB if you need that). Win11 has a product key but appears to be OEM so probably not transferrable to another machine. But like I said, no problem transferring the drive image to another drive. Haven’t tested the graphics capability at all but I expect they’re not great for gaming if that’s your kind of thing purely by dint of being SOC, not from any evidence of use. RAM provided to me in the 16Gb version I purchased was two 8Gb sticks. There are only two slots so upgrading to 32Gb would involve dispensing with the existing sticks.
Yeah happy. The wifi boost thing was a joy I wasn’t expecting. Quality! Enjoy!
I’ve bought this NUC to install Qubes-OS, and I could not be happier.
Qubes-OS is multi-virtualization operating system that is very picky in terms of hardware and very needy for resources. However, with this NUC I can runs swift and smoothly. I normally run around 10 visualized OSes and it is swift.
What I also deeply appreciate is all the connectivity that it offers, two HDMI, one Display Port, two thunderbolt and 4 HDMI.
I recommend this NUC for people wanting to install Qubes-OS.
Zu den positiven Sachen wurde hier ja alles bereits geschrieben. Deshalb dazu nur ganz kurz fr mich das wichtigste.
+ Der Intel Nuc 12 ist leise, also ich hre die oder den Lfter kaum
– Auf meinem Nuc war Windows 11 als Upgarde drauf, dementsprechend auch viele Fehler, schon beim Start gab es viele Blue Screens..hier ein dicken MINUS fr Intel, sowas sollte es von einem Hersteller wie Intel nicht geben. Ich als Kunde erwarte entweder eine saubere Installation oder nur den Windows Code.
– Gehuse aus Plastik, das htte ich von Intel auch nicht erwartet, schon gar nicht fr den Preis.
– Auf meinen Karton steht, das GeeKom der Distributor ist, Geekom die selbst einen MiniPC produzieren…ein Konkurrent vertreibt Hardware des Konkurrenten..was ist das fr eine kranke Politik? dann wundert und rgert sich der Westen das China alles mgliche abkopiert und nachmacht? keine Worte.
– Made in China
Empfehlen kann ich den MiniPC aber dennnoch, ich habe jetzt Windows 11 sauber neuintalliert und alles luft gut und stabil. Ein Stern Abzug fr das Plastikgehuse und die schlechte OS Installation.
32 GB di Ram e SSD da 1 TB montati dal venditore. Pu montare un secondo SSD SATA ed inoltre un ulteriore schedina interna SATA B da 42mm.
La RAM pu essere portata a 64Gbyte sostituendo le due DDR4 da 16 GB con due da 32 GB.
Doppia uscita HDMI con possibilit di gestire pi monitor. Uscita audio per casse amplificate, attacco di rete e WIFI6.
Un prodotto decisamente completo.
Je viens d’acheter ce NUC 12 I7
C’est un magnifique produit avec les composants accessibles j’ai facilement ajouter un SSD de 2 tras
J’ai cependant galr pour l’installation de Windows 11 car j’ai eu des pertes du signal vido de nombreuses reprise obligeant redmarrer.
J’ai pens dans un premier temps un problme des composants comme la partie graphique.
J’ai vrifi sous Windows pas de problme de composants ni besoin de mise jour des pilotes.
Mais j’avais encore des problmes perte signal, il ne restait que le BIOS mettre jour ce que j’ai fait.
C’est prmatur mais il semble que tout fonctionne Parfaitement.
Imprimer les documents de mise jour du BIOS intel et suivre rigoureusement les recommandations
Aprs et bien je suis bluff par ce mini PC la conception et la modularit.
Le mien aussi ne correpond pas ma commande disque 512 go et mmoire 16 go pay au prix pour disque 1000 go et mmoire 32 go
It is quite fast, not only for browsing the internet but also for programming (Front-End in my case – Windows OS). It is silent, cold, and energy saver. Around 20W when running some CLI tasks. Around 40W in heavy usage.
My computer was dying a slow but certain death! Having time to brew a cup of tea between tasks isn’t my idea of a productive day, so on one such occasion I decided that having drank way too much tea I needed to bite the bullet and invest in a new PC. So, the arduous task of deciding on what to buy next started.
Well, I say it started but it didn’t last long because with a quick search on Amazon I came across GEEKOM. They advertised several versions of their “Wall Street Canyon Mini Desktop PC’s” at very reasonable prices when compared to other comparable stores. I settled on the Intel Nuc 12, NUC12WSHi7 Wall Street Canyon Mini PC Desktop, Win 11 Pro Minicomputer, Core i7-1260P Processor, 12 Kerne, 18MB Cache, Iris Xe Grafik, WiFi6E, Thunderbolt 4 (32GB RAM+1TB PCIe SSD). I ordered it and to my surprise it arrived by 1pm the NEXT DAY!
The surprises didn’t stop there either. Compared to the packaging, the PC was tiny! I was wondering how on earth they could shoehorn so much Spec into such a small box, and indeed if it would meet my needs?
I was up and running inside half an hour, and within another hour had all my Accounts and Software Installed ready to go!
The final surprise? It surpassed my expectations. It is on 24/7 and it is also my “Working from Home PC”.
I highly recommend this Desktop Computer if it’s your time to upgrade. It packs a powerful punch.
Having updated from a tower PC which had an i3 processor and 8GB RAM, the difference in performance is obviously massive. Applications run incredibly fast, boot and shutdown times are a matter of seconds.
It come with Windows 11 pre-installed which is great. Out of the box, it literally took me 10-15 minutes to go through the setup and start surfing the net.
Very quiet PC, you only really notice the fans on boot up and when you launch some programs and play some videos.
I bought this PC for work and web surfing. Office 365 and Adobe run incredibly fast and having multiple browser tabs and running multiple applications at the same time does not make the slightest bit of difference. This NUC has been able to handle everything I have thrown at it so far with ease. One of the more annoying things in life is setting up a new PC with all your favourite software and files. This was incredibly easy with the NUC as everything installed so quickly and easily including peripherals.
I have played a couple of games via Steam and they have been fine. Obviously this machine has only got the onboard graphics so, the more graphically intensive games might need a more powerful more set up with a stand alone graphics card.
Size and connections
Incredibly small, just slightly bigger than the palm of my hand. Currently it sits in the space between my two monitors.
Front of machine has two USB connections and headphone socket.
Back of machine has another two USB connections, 4 monitor connections (2 HDMI, 2 Thunderbolt)and 2.5GB LAN connection.
The machine also come with a separate power supply.
It come with WI-FI 6E which is great of you have a WI-FI 6 router. I have 1Gbps internet and this give me speeds on average of around 600Mbps.
Any issues?
Only issue I could see is the number of USB ports that are provided. There are only four, which once you have connected, keyboard, mouse, printer, web cam, can leave you a little short. Now, you have to take into consideration the size of the machine, so you can understand that there was only a certain amount of room available for connections. Has not been a problem for me personally, as I have a USB hub, and as long as you don’t mind investing maybe another 10 for an additional hub, you should have no problems.
Fantastic little machine which so far has been a brilliant update for my work and just in my everyday life.
Excellent.very fast response, smart looking, easy to install and so small it fits anywhere.
Would definitely buy again and highly recommend to anyone who looking for a Desktop PC.
I bought my new 12th generation NUC as a replacement for my existing 7th generation version, which had given me great service over the previous six years.
I use Windows 11 on the pre-installed internal 1TB M2 drive for work (in the main) and also purchased an additional internal 1TB SATA SSD to install Linux on for personal use. Installing the latter was pretty straightforward to achieve, the second drive being trivially easy to fit. Opening the case for access can be easily achieved via four screws on the feet and the board of the PC is laid out in clear and logical fashion for any future expansion and upgrade purposes.
The machine is tiny and sturdy, very well built and pretty quiet. It is also very fast for my purposes and I can easily see me getting another five years of use out of this one. Highly recommended.
Also, kudos to the seller for the rapid, well packaged delivery.
Avevo visto che era molto piccolo, ma non mi aspettavo delle dimensioni cos ridotte. Sono rimasto piacevolmente sorpreso. Senza contare che non surriscalda mai e gestisce anche pi schermate con un’incredibile velocit di operazione. Sono molto soddisfatto.
Ya han pasado casi tres meses desde que adquir esta maravilla, estoy encantado y lo recomiendo sin ninguna duda. Es super silencioso, rapidsimo, potente, y con un tamao tan reducido, que no me deja de sorprender lo completo que es. Sabiendo adems, que an puedo aumentar la RAM hasta 64 GB, montar un segundo SSD SATA y adems una tarjeta interna SATA B adicional de 42 mm. Sus opciones de conectividad son totalmente satisfactorias: en el frontal, conexin para auriculares y 2 x USB 3.2. ; en la posterior, un USB 3.2 y un USB 2.0 adicional, dos interfaces Thunderbolt en dos USB tipo C, dos puertos HDMI, un puerto de red de 2.5G y la opcin de conexin de la fuente de alimentacin. As como la posibilidad de aadir un dispositivo de almacenamiento externo masivo adicional de 2,5 pulgadas.
Totalmente recomendable tambin, por la magnfica asistencia de INTEL. No dejis de registrar el NUC y podris sentiros seguros y protegidos mediante su “Asistente del controlador y asistencia tcnica INTEL”, su atencin es rpida, profesional, atenta y eficaz. Lo que te hace sentir que tu compra ha sido doblemente buena: por el producto en s; y por su asistencia y soporte tcnico.
Habe mir den NUC 12 Mitte Juni 2023 gekauft. Habe den nun ca. 1 1/2 Monate. Der NUC ist sehr flott. Entwickle mit Visual Studio 2022, geht jetzt schneller als mit meinem alten PC. Habe 2 x 28″-Monitore angeschlossen, alles im LAN-Netz. Auch WLAN geht. Win11-Pro war bereits installiert. Ansonsten habe ich keine unsinnige Software gefunden, hatte ein sauberes System.
Der Lfter ist allgemein leise, gelegentlich hrt man mal etwas. Das ist aber eher bei heissen Temperaturen und nach langer Arbeit.
Habe 4 USB-Anschlsse. Sind zwar schon eine Menge, aber mir doch zu wenig. Ist aber mein Problem. Habe mir einen USB-Hub gekauft, mit eigener Stromversorgung. Das klappt gut, es werden alle USB-Erweiterungen erkannt und voll untersttzt.
Die Grafikkarte hat nur 128 MB Speicher. Das sollte man wissen. Fr grafikaufwendige Spiele ist der NUC nicht geeignet, aber als super tolle Workstation fr die Arbeit oder zu Hause. Kleine Spiele (Age of Empire 1) gehen aber auch mal. AOE2 wird leider nicht untersttzt.
Die 32GB Speicher machen den PC sehr flott, da kann viel schnell umhergeschichtet werden.
Das ist eine klare Kaufempfehlung an andere, die sich wie ich ein neuen Rechnen zu legen mchten, der ist sehr schnell, Leise, Denkt mit bei dem Einstecken von Gerten und desen Installation (Geht fast wie von selbst), er ist klein, den kann man hinten an ein Monitor Schauben Dank dem mitgeliefertm Material ohne Probleme mglich, Zukunft offen, wegen Thunderbolt 4 usw. einfach Gut.
Utilisation pour de la bureautique domicile, a remplac un ancien Nuc dont l’alimentation a grill : Installation de l’ordinateur relativement simple mais, comme d’habitude, avec un nouvel ordinateur il faut rinstaller plusieurs logiciels, ce qui prend “un certain temps” et se fait “avec certains alas” ! Des petits soucis dans le fonctionnement avec parfois la ncessit de redmarrer, mais je ne sais pas si c’et l’ordinateur ou les logiciels ou le clavier ou la souris… (j’avais dj constat le problme avant). Sinon, marche bien, plutt rapide l’allumage, capacit disque dur nickel, j’ai apprci le port RJ 45 2 Go l’arrire : pour la premire fois j’ai pu utiliser ce dbit dont la box disposait. Affichage de qualit, sans tre transcendant. Je recommande : bonnes caractristiques techniques pour le prix.
NVME drive interface is blindingly fast. I was surprised that the built-in wifi6 module gets me way faster speeds than my old 2 year old PC. It’s perfectly usable as supplied but because I wanted to hook up to my existing dual monitors (one HDMI, one DisplayPort) and use for audio production I made a couple of additional purchases.
I bought a replacement 2Tb NVME SSD drive – very easy to replace – four screws. You can then copy the existing windows 11 installation across by making a “Win7 image backup” (that is part of the installed Win11) to an external drive then restoring onto the new larger drive of your choice. I also bought a 25 thunderbolt 4 to DP adaptor which also adds a few USB ports. And there’s still one thunderbolt 4 free! I didn’t know much about this port but its pretty amazing in terms of flexibility and potential data transfer speed – very cutting edge. Maybe I’ll find a use. I can imagine anyone doing video production tranferring large files from a DV camera would trip out over this.
It’s a lot smaller than I thought. Cute. And largely silent. I was alarmed when I first fired it up because the fan was at full blast. You can adjust the amount cooling in the BIOS if you wish. I did this, but even when the fan runs in normal use it’s far from distracting. I’d estimate 35-40db.
Construction wise, it’s solid enough. Inside there’s an aluminium frame which I assume is for cooling, but it also makes it pretty sturdy. There are rubber feet which are kind of essential because it is so dinky. It stays put when switching it on with my big fat fingers!
What else? No mic input (if that matters to you, but you have USB if you need that). Win11 has a product key but appears to be OEM so probably not transferrable to another machine. But like I said, no problem transferring the drive image to another drive. Haven’t tested the graphics capability at all but I expect they’re not great for gaming if that’s your kind of thing purely by dint of being SOC, not from any evidence of use. RAM provided to me in the 16Gb version I purchased was two 8Gb sticks. There are only two slots so upgrading to 32Gb would involve dispensing with the existing sticks.
Yeah happy. The wifi boost thing was a joy I wasn’t expecting. Quality! Enjoy!
Qubes-OS is multi-virtualization operating system that is very picky in terms of hardware and very needy for resources. However, with this NUC I can runs swift and smoothly. I normally run around 10 visualized OSes and it is swift.
What I also deeply appreciate is all the connectivity that it offers, two HDMI, one Display Port, two thunderbolt and 4 HDMI.
I recommend this NUC for people wanting to install Qubes-OS.
+ Der Intel Nuc 12 ist leise, also ich hre die oder den Lfter kaum
– Auf meinem Nuc war Windows 11 als Upgarde drauf, dementsprechend auch viele Fehler, schon beim Start gab es viele Blue Screens..hier ein dicken MINUS fr Intel, sowas sollte es von einem Hersteller wie Intel nicht geben. Ich als Kunde erwarte entweder eine saubere Installation oder nur den Windows Code.
– Gehuse aus Plastik, das htte ich von Intel auch nicht erwartet, schon gar nicht fr den Preis.
– Auf meinen Karton steht, das GeeKom der Distributor ist, Geekom die selbst einen MiniPC produzieren…ein Konkurrent vertreibt Hardware des Konkurrenten..was ist das fr eine kranke Politik? dann wundert und rgert sich der Westen das China alles mgliche abkopiert und nachmacht? keine Worte.
– Made in China
Empfehlen kann ich den MiniPC aber dennnoch, ich habe jetzt Windows 11 sauber neuintalliert und alles luft gut und stabil. Ein Stern Abzug fr das Plastikgehuse und die schlechte OS Installation.
La RAM pu essere portata a 64Gbyte sostituendo le due DDR4 da 16 GB con due da 32 GB.
Doppia uscita HDMI con possibilit di gestire pi monitor. Uscita audio per casse amplificate, attacco di rete e WIFI6.
Un prodotto decisamente completo.
C’est un magnifique produit avec les composants accessibles j’ai facilement ajouter un SSD de 2 tras
J’ai cependant galr pour l’installation de Windows 11 car j’ai eu des pertes du signal vido de nombreuses reprise obligeant redmarrer.
J’ai pens dans un premier temps un problme des composants comme la partie graphique.
J’ai vrifi sous Windows pas de problme de composants ni besoin de mise jour des pilotes.
Mais j’avais encore des problmes perte signal, il ne restait que le BIOS mettre jour ce que j’ai fait.
C’est prmatur mais il semble que tout fonctionne Parfaitement.
Imprimer les documents de mise jour du BIOS intel et suivre rigoureusement les recommandations
Aprs et bien je suis bluff par ce mini PC la conception et la modularit.
Le mien aussi ne correpond pas ma commande disque 512 go et mmoire 16 go pay au prix pour disque 1000 go et mmoire 32 go