Mini PC, Intel Celeron N5105 16GB DDR4, 256GB M.2 NVME SSD

Mini PC

Mini PC, Intel Celeron N5105 16GB DDR4, 256GB M.2 NVME SSD, Mini Desktop Computer, Micro PC, Windows 11 Pro, 4K UHD, HDMI 2.0, 2.4G/5G Dual WiFi, Gigabit Ethernet, 6 X USB, BT 5.

Choose us, small and powerful mini-computer


Weight: 900 g
Dimensions: 13 x 3.5 x 17 cm; 900 Grams
Brand: Awow
Model: AZ51
Colour: MB36-N5105-16+256GB
Batteries Included: No
Manufacture: AWOW
Dimensions: 13 x 3.5 x 17 cm; 900 Grams

18 Responses

  1. Lindsey says:


    Funktioniert einwandfrei – war echt positiv berrascht, weil der “Mini-PC” eigentlich alles kann, was ein normaler PC o. Rechner o. Laptop auch kann & fr den Preis ma richtig top!


    Bin echt total begeistert!!

    Klein aber voll 💪.. ❗❗

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This Mini PC was doing well until last week when a problem started occurring with Date & Time.
    I contacted Awow support over the weekend and we were able to determine that the motherboard is faulty and needs replacing.
    I would highly recommend purchasing an Awow Computer as their Customer Service is second to none

  3. Joe Miller says:


    Wir haben von diesem System mehrere Mini-PC’s im Einsatz und sind zufrieden.

    Bei einem System vielen die HDMI-Ports aus.
    Der Austausch erfolgte von Awowtech zgig und unkompliziert was uns freute.

    Gute Wahl.

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    We bought our Mini PC during lockdown and it’s something my 7/8 year old has used on and off. It does the job but recently we had an issue with it booting up, I contacted customer service – they were responsive and helpful and when the suggestions didn’t work they arranged for a replacement.

    Great customer focus!

  5. SamanthaRenard says:

     United Kingdom

    This was the second one that I had bought and we use them in different parts of the house. The price had reduced by a third compared to the first.
    I have this one attached to the rear of the monitor.
    I have added additional storage and tat was slightly harder than I expected as i discovered it is a SATA card so I initially ordered the wrong type. Once I had the right one it was very easy to install and get working.

  6. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersUpdate: von 1 auf 4 Sterne erhht

    Nach meiner sehr schlechten Erfahrung (s.u.) wurde ich vom Hersteller angeschrieben, um meine Bewertung zu berprfen. Dafr wurde mir ein Test-PC zur Verfgung gestellt.
    Der Verpackung des Test-PC war bereits geffnet und ein neueres Bios installiert. Es wurde die komplette Hardware erkannt und auch der Turbo-Modus funktioniert jetzt einwandfrei.
    Das Update auf 22H2 musste von Hand installiert werden, da es nicht angeboten wurde. Auch einige Gertetreiber fehlten nach dem Update, konnten aber mit DriverBooster nachinstalliert werden, deshalb nur 4 Sterne.
    Leider ist der Lfter, wenn er luft, sehr laut.

    Der PC ist leider vollkommen unbrachbar, die verbaute Harware wird bei einem Update auf 22H2 nicht erkannt. Esmssen alle Treiber zusammengesucht und selbst installiert werden. Zudem bleibt im Gerte-Manager Harware zurck, fr die keine Treiber aufzufinden sind!!
    Selbst bei der dirtekten Installation von 22H2 ber USB-Stick wird von Windows nicht einal die Grafikkarte erkannt. Somit ist die Installation nahezu nicht mglich, da dies in einer Auflsung von 640×480 erfolgen soll (Buttons sind damit im nicht-sichtbaren Bereich)!!!
    Und noch schlimmer: die Hardware untersttzt den Turbo-Modus des Prozessors nicht!!! Der PC luft somit mit 2000MHz anstatt mit 2700MHz, also mit 2/3 Leistung!! Das ist unmglich!!!
    Geringster Mangel: extrem strendes Pfeifen des Lfters

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This was the easiest computer I have ever installed! It truly was Plug and Play. Very simple guide which was all that was necessary. Only drawback was that there weren’t enough USB ports. That was easily overcome with a Prime next day delivery of a USb multi-extension.
    Great product.

  8. JacintoLouis says:

     United Kingdom

    Only done basic office type applications and played a 20 year old game via an external cd drive, but everything works as it should. Straight into log in screen as soon as you turn on, was surprised how speedy it was loading up.

  9. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I use the Mini PC mostly for TV streaming and it delivers it flawless. Setup was very easy and straight. I had with my first buy after 2 years of usage problems and received quick feedback on my support requests. Overall, a good experience and I rebought the same model as replacement.

  10. Anonymous says:


    Das Gert ist einfach Spitze. Ein Office- und Multimedia-PC fr nicht einmal 200 Euro. Wer nur im Internet surfen, Briefe schreiben, Multimediaanwendungen nutzen will, der kann sich ohne Probleme dieses Gert kaufen. Sicher, es ist kein Gaming-Computer, dafr ist er ja auch nicht konzipiert. Aber Spiele, die nicht so anspruchsvoll an 3D-Grafik sind wie Ages of Empire sollten laufen, aufwendige 3D-Spiele sind niht spielbar, weil sie ruckeln.
    Der Lfter ist etwas lauter als ich dachte, aber nicht weiter strend. Man hrt ein leises Rauschen.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Windows 11 started loading as soon as the unit was powered up. Went through the usual first time installation routine without any problems, all up and running. Will be using it mainly for my photos. Very pleased with my purchase.

  12. News Account says:


    Golden Review Award: 15 From Our UsersLeider ist das Gert NICHT passiv gekhlt und der Lfter ist mit einem leisen Surren wahrzunehmen.
    Es ist jedoch nicht strend und er hlt die Temperatur auch bei voller Leistung ber lngere Zeit angenehm niedrig.
    Wenn man die BIOS Einstellung (siehe Bild) noch auf Balanced stellt so hat er in meinen Test die 80Grad nicht berschritten und war immer unhrbar (Abstand von ca. 40cm)!

    Die eingebaute M.2_NVMe SSD hat eine ordentliche Leistung.
    Die Erweiterungsmglichkeiten sind beeindruckend.
    So ist eine SATA Schnittstelle vorhanden wobei das Laufwerk im Kunstaoffdeckel untergebracht werden kann.
    Des weiteren kann eine M2SATA langer Baugre untergebracht werde!
    Das Memory ist fix aufgeltet ist mit 8GB aber ausreichend bemessen!

    Eine klare Kaufempfehlug wer ein kleines leistungstarkes System sucht!

    Mit leisem Lüfter und ausgezeichneter Perfomance

  13. FideliaBurd says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m really pleased with this mini pc. It was good value, takes up minimum space and is a lot quicker than our old laptop. Plenty of USB ports to plug in the peripherals.

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersOkay, so I’m not using it for gaming – just “Office” stuff and a bit of music & photo editing. Upgraded it to Windows 11 right from the off – took about 3 hours but since then it’s run without a hitch. Got a wireless receiver for keyboard and mouse in one of the USB 2s, a docking station in one of the USB 3s and a 4 port USB 3 Hub in the other. I use the onboard drive for programs only and have 2 500Gb SSD’s, one for “Work” and one as a mirror image backup. The PC itself takes up very little room and is fixed to the back of one of the monitors. Auto power on is great so I never need to use the power button and it’s very quiet – if it does have a fan, I’ve not yet heard it. Really pleased with my purchase and happy to recommend.
    Update 07 May 22 – after buying a second which also worked well I bought a third and hit a snag. On startup, everything was in German and it seemed to be registered to a German Communications Company. I contacted AWOW customer service who quickly replied with the how and why this happened and emailed me the fix. Unfortunately, the fix did not work so the item was returned. Awaiting the outcome of the returns process and a replacement PC.
    Update 09 May 22 – Replacement arrived and again it was a “German” machine. However, this time, the fix that I had been supplied with from the manufacturer worked and within 10 mins it was up and working as well as the other machines I have. Still impressed and applaud their customer service.

  15. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    An excellent small factor Windows 10 computer perfect for general work and web surfing.

    Again, my package came with the security tab sliced open, not for the first time. No way of reporting it other than here..

  16. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 3 From Our UsersFantastic mini PC, boots up quick and perfect for day-to-day tasks. I use it to remotely connect to my work so granted I only really use the browser (and Citrix client) on it, but I occasionally use memory hungry chrome and have had no stutters so far. I thought 8GB RAM and a celeron might be slow, but the system is extremely responsive.

    I use a tiny bluetooth speaker for sound and the presence of 2 USB ports is great (one for keyboard, one for mouse, or use a USB hub). I am running 2 dell monitors from it.

    Highly recommended

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersI just wanted something that allows me to access the remote desktop at work, and can drive two monitors, and this little device exceeded my expectations. It has a very small footprint, but yet does everything I wanted and more. The two HDMI outputs drive the two monitors, the front USB input drives the webcam, and two more USB connections at the back. For a little PC, it boots up very quickly, and can sustain high resolution displays without any lag in performance. A Citrix session, together with a Zoom session, no problem. It is totally silent, and only gets a bit warm throughout the day. In short, a perfect companion for those of us working from home.

  18. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersA photo of the included VESA mounting bracket is attached to this review. It has holes for 75mm and 100mm mounting. The design is ingenius and allows a range of flexible mounting options. To my further delight, the base plate of the PC itself can be unscrewed, by first removing the rubber feet, and taken out and then re-inserted in the opposite direction, allowing the machine to be effectively mounted upside down, in case this better suits your cable routing. As this machine was purchased in order to be mounted to the back of a 32″ monitor, this allowed me to configure the setup exactly to my liking. I could not ask for more. On top of this, the machine performs more than adequately as a office PC for video calls and general low-power business tasks. Initial WiFi performance was very poor with frequent cut-outs, but this was of no consequence to me as I only ever use ethernet connections via powerline extenders with all my PCs anyway. I am running a 2560 x 1440 monitor without any issues. Sure, heavy multi-tab web browsing may suffer a little lag compared to doing the same tasks on a power PC. But then, a power PC would not be this cheap, discreet or convenient. This machine is perfect. I will recommend to all my friends.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Excellent mini pc