NZXT Relay SwitchMix PC Gaming Headset Stand & Audio Mixer
NZXT Relay SwitchMix PC Gaming Headset Stand & Audio Mixer – AP-USMSM-B1 – Seamless Switching Between Headset & Speaker Audio – Studio-Grade Mixer – DTS 7.1 Surround Sound – Black
Weight: | 760 g |
Size: | One Size |
Dimensions: | 34.3 x 19.1 x 13.2 cm; 760 Grams |
Model: | AP-USMSM-B1 |
Colour: | Black |
Dimensions: | 34.3 x 19.1 x 13.2 cm; 760 Grams |
Size: | One Size |
Questo prodotto molto interessante, in pratica un poggia cuffie con funzionalit aggiuntive, in primis presente un tasto l dove vengono poggiate le cuffie che effettua automaticamente lo switch tra casse e cuffie nel momento in cui andiamo a poggiare/rimuoverle dallo stand. Altra cosa interessante la manopola di regolazione del volume che tiene memoria il volume di ogni dispositivo, infine c’ la possibilit di regolare il volume della voce.
All’interno incluso un DAC da 24-bit / 96 kHz con anche un suono surround DTS 7.1 per dispositivi compatibili, e tramite il software sul PC potremo regolare l’equalizzazione per rendere l’audio pi piacevole per il nostro utilizzo.
Nota dolente, per quanto mi riguarda, il fatto che le cuffie vadano collegate tramite jack audio da 3,5 mm, infatti molte delle cuffie in mio possesso si collegano tramite USB o tramite adattatore wireless, infatti secondo me, nonostante sia compatibile con tanti headset, lo switch ha senso se accompagnato dal kit completo messo a disposizione da NZXT, ovvero headset, casse e subwoofer (al massimo si pu fare a meno di quest’ultimo).
Nel complesso resta per me un dispositivo degno di nota, ma non un accessorio indispensabile sicuramente.
Der Headset-Stnder und Audio-Mixer von NZXT macht schon ordentlich was her. Die Verarbeitungsqualitt ist berall sehr gut und jedes Teol fhlt sich auch sehr wertig an.
Die Automatische Umschaltfunktion von Lautsprecher und Headser mit dem Druckschalter auf dem Stnder ist recht gut gelst und lst zumindest bei meinen Kopfhrer zuverlssig aus.
Die Steuerung ber den beiliegenden Mixer ist gut und frei von unerwnschten Strgeruschen.
Den einzig wirklich negativen Punkt den ich hier sehen kann ist der Preis. Selbst mit aktuell knapp 120 im Angebot zahlt man hier viel Premium-Aufschlag (Marke). Das ganze kann mit Sicherheit auch etwas gnstiger realisiert werden.
Der hier angebotene Relay SwitchMix von NZXT wird sicher verpackt mit allem, was man bentigt geliefert.
Qualitativ lsst sich hier nichts aussetzen. Alles ist sauber verarbeitet, das Material wirkt nicht billig und hat eine angenehme Haptik.
Grundstzlich besteht das SwitchMix aus zwei Einzelteilen. Einmal den Kopfhrer, Stnder und dem Mixer. Dieser kann auch separat von dem Kopfhrerstand genutzt werden und wird einfach per Kabel (welches auf der Unterseite des Stnders integriert ist) verbunden.
Durchdacht ist das ganze wirklich super. Auf der Oberseite befindet sich ein empfindlicher Schalter, welcher rutnergedrckt wird, sobald man Kopfhrer aufsetzt. Nimmt man sie ab wird er deaktiviert.
Das ganze kann man dazu gebrauchen, dass automatisch die Audio-Ausgabequelle zwischen Kopfhrer und Lautsprecher gewechselt wird. Was ebenfalls in diesem Zusammenhang super ist, dass man keine Software dafr bentigt und die Konfigurationsanleitung sehr simpel ist.
ber den Mixer kann man dann mit dem Rad die Lautstrke einstellen (oder muten) und mit dem Schalter das Verhltnis zwischen z.B. Spiellautstrke und Teamspeak/Discord. Funktionieren tut das alles auch absolut problemlos.
Das einzige, was ich sehr schade finde, ist, dass es nur mit kabelgebundenen Kopfhrern funktioniert, sodass ich fr den Stand keine Verwendung habe. Aber grundstzlich lsst sich der Mixer auch problemlos so nutzen.
Fr den aktuellen Preis von 118 zahlt man den blichen NZXT Design Aufpreis, der sich meiner Ansicht nach aber lohnt (solange man kabelgebundene Kopfhrer verwendet!). Das kann wirklich nervige Einstellungsnderungen ersparen und sieht gleichzeitig auch ziemlich schick aus.
Wem NZXT ein Begriff ist, wird wissen das er hier Qualitt erhlt.
Im Audiomixer Set sind folgende Komponenten enthalten:
– Headset Stnder
– Audiomixer
– USB-C Kabel
Mit ANgst vor der Installation bin ich an dem Aufbau gegangen, doch der Audiomixer wurde sofort erkannt, kein Meckern und kein gezicke.
Qualitt – NZXT typisch absolut makelfrei gefertigt.
Leich steuerbar dank Drehring fr die Lautstrke mit Optischer Lautstrke Anzeige dank beleuchteter Punkte sowie Mixer zum Schieben fr Voice/Gaming.
Stummschaltung einfach gestaltet, ein Druck auf dem Drehring reicht. die Leuchtpunkte werden Rot.
Fr mich als Technik Mensch ein sehr tolles Produkt, leider Preislich eher Oberklasse, ein ticken gnstiger und das Teil wre sicherlich ein gut verkaufter Artikel.
This NZXT sound mixer is a really nice headset stand that doubles as a sound mixer. The sound mixer box can be placed in multiple areas on the base of the headset stand and will stay locked in thanks to the multiple divots on the top of the base. The “SO WHAT” about this product is making it easier to go from your external speakers to your headset with ease. Downloading the NZXT CAM software will give you some additional software functionality to tune the sound output, but that’s not why you would want to get this. If you are looking for something as a nice to have/convenience product to switch audio outputs, this has worked flawlessly for me. I do think it’s a bit expensive for what it is and wish they included an HDMI-In option for other audio sources instead of just the 3.5mm audio jack. I would think the regular price would then be justified. The headphones I’m using with this is the Bose QC35 ii and I’ve had no issues.
Sehr praktischer Audiomixer wenn man mal schnell zwischen Ingame-Audio und Voicechat (zb. Discord) hin und her schalten will oder die Lautstrken anpassen muss.
Klappt universell mit allen Kopfhrern (Kabelgebunden) und Mikrofonen in verschiedensten Setups.
Ich benutze IEMs und ein USB Tischmikrofon.
In den Audio Einstellungen muss ich im Discord dann die Augabe auf NZXT Voice stellen, Gameaudio und alle anderen Sachen auf NZXT Game stellen. Am Mixer kann man dann fr sein Headset oder Kopfhrer nun zwischen den beiden Quellen abmixen wie es einem gefllt.
Klangqualitt ist in sehr gut, es kommen nur bei Stille und sehr hoch eingestellter Laufstrke am Mixer ganz leichte Klicks beim ndern der Lautstrke und ein ganz leichtes Rauschen. Aber das ist meckern auf hohem Niveau, da man definitiv die Lautstrke jemals so hoch einstellen sollte. Ich vermute stark, dass dies nur bei Kopfhrern ntig ist, die einen ordentlichen Verstrker brauchen um ausreichend laut zu werden.
An meinen IEMs nutze ich nur 10-20% der maximalen Lautstrke, mehr brauche ich definitiv nicht. Bei diesen Lautstrken hrt man keine unntigen Strgerusche oder Rauschen.
An dem Mixer ist noch ein Klinkenausgang fr z.B. aktive Lautsprecher oder eine Soundbar. Dieser wird aktiviert wenn man den Headsetstnder nutzt und dann ein Headset darauf ablegt, das aktiviert einen Schalter und deaktiviert den Kopfhreranschluss und leitet dann alles auf die Lautsprecher. Praktisch, da muss man nicht immer manuell zwischen Headset und Lautsprechern umschalten.
Insgesamt sehr zufrieden mit der Funktionalitt und der Qualitt des kleinen Mixers.
Grazie al programma Amazon Vine ho potuto provare questo mixer della NZXT.
Non conoscevo l’azienda ma produce sistemi ottimizzati per il raffreddamento per il gaming per PC.
Il pacco arrivato a pochi giorni dall’ordine, la confezione sigillata e mostra esternamente anche altri accessori che si possono usare con questo mixer.
All’interno ci sono:
– manuale di istruzioni in inglese e cinese (con le specifiche);
– cavo USB A – USB C;
– mixer;
– base che fa da supporto per le cuffie.
I pezzi erano bloccati in uno stampo in poliuretano espanso e sono arrivati tutti integri.
La base ha un cavetto che va inserito nel connettore del mixer, serve a far capire quando la cuffia viene appoggiata o tolta: c’ un pulsante dove vengono appoggiate le cuffie.
Sul retro ci sono anche il connettore per le casse (jack da 3,5 mm) e il connettore type C per collegare il mixer al computer.
Frontalmente c’ il jack per le cuffie.
L’ho collegato con un HUB USB e non stato riconosciuto, richiede il collegamento diretto e ho usato un altro cavo type C – type C invece di usare un adattatore.
Quando acceso i led del volume si accendono di viola quando non ci sono le cuffie, di viola quando vengono appoggiate e l’audio passa agli altoparlanti, di rosso quando si mette in mute premendo la ghiera rotonda.
Ruotando la ghiera i led diminuiscono di intensit fino a spegnersi.
La leva a destra serve a regolare il bilanciamento tra voce e audio dei gioghi durante le partite.
Quando si alzano le cuffie c’ un lieve ritardo ma non so se dipende dagli altoparlanti o dal mixer.
Per usare appieno il mixer serve il programma, disponibile per PC, che si chiama “NZXT CAM” e che permette di gestire tutte le periferiche dell’azienda.
Nella scheda del mixer si pu impostare un profilo: gioco, film, musica, ecc…
Quando riconosce il mixer appare anche la voce specifica e si pu impostare anche il colore dei led nei tre stati (cuffie, altoparlanti, mute).
Collegando le cuffie appare anche l’equalizzazione surroudn (Front, Wide, Traditional).
Si possono selezionare anche alcune equalizzazioni specifici:
Off = disattivato;
Music = musica;
Movie = film;
Voice = voce;
RPG = Role-Playing Game, overo gioco di ruolo;
MOBA = Multiplayer Online Battle Arena, Arena di Battaglia Multigiocatore online;
FPS = Fisrt Person Shooter , Sparatutto in Prima Persona.
Per apprezzare gli effetti audio immersivi servono anche cuffie e altoparlanti o soundbar che supportano queste tecnologie.
Materiali ottimi, cura dei dettagli elevata e software per la massima personalizzazione.
Costa, ma il prezzo pi che giustificato.
Ne sono pi che soddisfatto!
I never used anything like that before and, after using it for a while, I think it’s such an great product.
The switching works flawlessly and I think it’s so useful, not just for playing games but really for regular use too.
I don’t use the mix that often, but it works really well too.
The build quality is overall pretty decent and I think it’s worth the price.
Das Set beinhaltet einen Kopfhrerstnder, einen Zweikanal-Audiomixer und ein USB-A/C Kabel. Die Teile machen von Material und Verarbeitung einen guten Eindruck. Der Headsetstnder besteht aus einem Doppelbgel mit Standfu und einem integrierten Schalterpad fr den Kopfhrer. Mit dem Drehrad knnen die zwei Kanle Headset / Lautsprecher gemischt werden. Das Volume lsst sich mit dem Schieberegler anpassen. Allerdings finde ich dessen Funktionsrichtung sehr ungewohnt. Im Gegensatz zu normalen Studiomixern, wo die Lautstrke erhht wird, wenn man den Regler nach oben schiebt, ist es hier gerade umgekehrt: Regler nach oben = leise, Regler unten = laut. Durch Druck auf den Ring kann man den Ton schnell stumm- und wieder zuschalten.
Der Mixer wird am Macbook Pro per Plug&Play erkannt. In den Soundeinstellungen findet man zwei Ausgangsprofile, eines optimiert fr Gaming, das andere fr Voice. Den Klang finde ich in beiden Profilen recht gut.
Insgesamt finde ich das Set mit kleinen Abstrichen gelungen, jedoch, mit 140.- Euro zum Testzeitpunkt, in meinen Augen zu teuer.
I had great expectations from this one, especially for this price. So either I say I am slightly let down, or that it is pricey.
Came in great packaging and that put my hopes up by a lot, but in the end, the stand itself is a little basic.
Quality wise is good, I can’t claim otherwise but… there is this but… is nothing to wow me.
I can’t even describe it, is just so plain and has nothing to it.
As per sound quality is mediocre as well, not bad but again, nothing wow. Maybe I didn’t manage to set it up correctly. I don’t know…
Can be used either for playing or work, meetings etc
The only reason I have 4 stars for it is because of its functionality and how great is to be able to switch from headphones to speakers in one go just by placing it onto the stand and at the same time to declutter.
But does this really valued that high? I would expect it to be a little under 100 to be fair.
First let me say this is something I have always wanted. Due to a husband and father of two kids, there are times when I can’t wear headphones to play games because I have to listen out of the kids or wife needing something but then there are times when I need to use headphones as to keep quiet and not disturb them as my gaming setup is in our master bedroom. It’s always been a pain in the butt having to swap back and forth because you have to go in Windows and change which one you are using from speakers to headset, and THEN you have to go in Discord and do the same thing and SOME games you can’t even make a change from speakers to headset or vice versa while IN GAME. You have to fully exit the game to make those changes.
This Switchmix completely eliminates this problem!! This allows me to easily and instantly swap back and forth between the 2 without having to do anything in Windows or discord or affecting the game!! It’s WONDERFUL!!!
My ONLY complaint is the volume is NOT as loud as it is normally. Even at max volume it’s not super loud as it was before plugging into the DAC unit.
This set is well made from quality materials. The matt black finish looks impressive.
The unit is well weighted, so it stays upright even with a heavy headset in place. The headset seat is soft, so it grips your headset to stop it falling off if bumped.
Use is plug and play.
It works perfectly with my headset using 3.5mm jack input.
The jog dial controller makes it easy to swap between audio sources and amend the relevant output.
You can use the included software to manage audio output and equaliser, but I didn’t need to do
Unfortunately, when using it the total volume output to my headset was reduced.
As for the fairly ambitious claims in the product description:
“High res audio and DTS 7.1 surround sound for any compatible device/ lifelike 3D spatial audio for enriched in-game soundscapes” — this makes it sound like a market leader, but I couldn’t notice a huge difference from plugging in normally to my PC
-“Studio grade slider”? It’s smooth enough, but I don’t know if it’s studio grade
Overall, a reasonable but expensive option as a headset holder/audio mixer.
This is a fantastic addition to any gaming setup! With its seamless switching between headset and speaker audio, it offers unparalleled convenience during gaming sessions. The studio-grade mixer ensures crystal-clear sound quality, enhancing the overall gaming experience. The build quality is top-notch, providing a sturdy and reliable stand for my headset. I love how it declutters my desk, organizing my gaming gear efficiently. The intuitive controls make adjusting audio levels a breeze, allowing me to customize the sound according to my preferences. Overall, this product offers great value for its price, and I highly recommend it to fellow gamers!
I got this as a gift for my nephew and he was over the moon with it. I can’t comment too much on the actual equipment but his reaction was great and he literally uses it everyday so I guess that’s something
NZXT are fairly well-reknowned as a supplier of quite highly-regarded PC components, and this is a bit of a new venture for them – audio kit. The SwitchMix is part of the “Relay” ecosystem of headphones, speakers and the SwitchMix device itself.
The device is in 2 parts – a stand with a microswitch at the top, and a mixer/DAC (digital analogue converter) device. The DAC has some kind of DSP inside it which does some audio processing along with a downloadable app, and can also do 7.1 surround, and you can adjust the audio mix too, from game audio to team chat/mic, or a variety of both, using a big slider control on the right side of the DAC. You can also mute or change the audio volume using a large knob on the top. The microswitch on the top of the stand switches audio outputs when you put your headphones on it, changing over to your speakers, so the idea here is clearly that you buy all three devices and set it up as your PC’s sound system. Setting it up is very easy as there are only 4 inputs on the DAC device itself – although this is potentially an issue later.
A problem for me is that I already have a Creative GC7 USB soundcard/mixer/DAC, and there doesn’t seem to be any way to use it in conjunction with any of SwitchMix kit, except maybe just the headphone stand acting literally as nothing but a stand, so either I use the GC7 (which is 5 more expensive, but is also a proper soundcard and has more in/outputs than the SwitchMix) or the SwitchMix, but not both. If there is a way to use both, it’s not explained in the instructions, nor is it obvious from the available connectors on the SwitchMix itself – i.e. I can’t figure out a way to run audio to headphones from the GC7 with the SwitchMix DAC anywhere in the middle.
In all, it’s absolutely a well-made and good-quality bit of kit, but if you already have a soundcard/DAC/mixer you’re happy with, you have really no need of this, nor any way to use it with kit you already have anyway beyond a pair of wired headphones as a stand (and NB – it’s got to be wired; the DAC doesn’t support wireless audio kit).
NZXT continues its deserved reputation with another fine accessory that makes gaming even more fun and easy t share with others. Previously, I’ve had to pull plugs out and switch round leads if my gaming partner wants to join in while using speakers. This is now streamlined into one intuitive device that switches everything over for me, just by the placement of the headphones.
The headphone switcher combines a high quality DAC (digital to analogue converter) with a mixing and automatic headphone/ speakers switching device. Taking the headphones off the stand provided, triggers a switch to play sound through the headphones only.
Placing them back on the stand returns the audio to a speaker system for sharing the gaming experience. In addition to these features, the stand offers mixing facilities between the two outputs, as well as a microphone gain slider for full control of the audio signals.
As you might expect from NZXT, this is a well buil and robust unit. Beautiful modern styling and sleek materials make it really stand out as a premium gaming accessory. I used this with my Beyer Dynamics 990 pro headsets and they sounded great, even on a 32ohm input on the phones.
My one comment is why so expensive? This is essentially a small mixer and stand with a pressure sensitive switch to re-route the audio signal. It’s quite a lot to shell out 120. The packaging is very strong and there is no chance of this device getting damaged. Good thing too, as mine came with a big gash in the box. Nothing on the inside though thanks to the heavy foam packaging.
Overall, we’re paying for a well built automated system that makes gaming more enjoyable by automatic switching between sound systems. Throw in a good quality DAC and mixer and the whole operation of sharing or having a personal experience is hugely simplified
I really want to like this stand for the mixer more than anything. But I have to say that I do have a little complaint. I can’t really use it at this point since it only uses and accepts a standard headphone jack. I don’t use that on my computer speakers or my headset. They both use USB. So, I’m not even positive that I can use this beyond the stand at this point without purchasing some type of adapter. I really like NZXT cases and some of their other products, but selling this without those of use in mind that only use USB just isn’t reasonable. I’m still giving it 4 stars even though I can’t use it right now if only because of the stand itself. If the mixer works, it will be perfect for my needs.
I had a lot of high hopes for the SwitchMix and while it is an effective and unique all in one solution for your audio, it does have some shortcomings. As far as setup goes, it is fairly simple. The main component is the DAC/Audio Mixer box itself that rests on top of the outer frame/stand. On the bottom of the stand you will find the 3.5mm cable that plugs into the Mixer box. As far as the mixer goes, it has 3 ports on the back- one for the stand, one for your speakers, and one for the USB cable. On the front of the mixer you will find a single headphone jack for your headphones.
The SwitchMix is immediately detected in Windows after connecting it over USB and the CAM software isn’t needed if you just want the basic functions, but the software will allow you to adjust sound profiles in addition to changing the lights on the volume dial. In Windows, it detects two separate audio outputs for both the Game Audio and Voice Audio, so it can be confusing to choose one over the other when you aren’t currently trying to mix the audio. I also noticed that even at max volume, the headphones don’t really get that “DAC” effect and don’t have any significant boost in volume. At times I even think my headphones are quieter when using it with this, but I did notice that the quality of the audio did seem to be slightly better from the ability to choose audio profiles in the software.
Now, I do not own computer speakers so I tested the switching ability with another pair of headphones and it does work perfectly. The audio switches over instantly when your headphones are placed on top of the stand. The stand also has memory as it does a great job at remembering your audio profiles and volume for each device you are using.
Overall, this is an excellent headphone stand that offers features you don’t get anywhere else. I love that this is a good way to switch your audio seamlessly, and I like the adjustments and features it offers. However, the quieter than expected max volume and the overall cost make it a bit of a harder recommendation. I still recommend it but only to those interested in the abilities of the mixer.