Acclaim Household Flea Spray, Aerosol, 500 ml, (Pack of 1)

Acclaim Household Flea Spray

Acclaim Household Flea Spray, Aerosol, 500 ml, (Pack of 1)

acclaim logoiceberg

Weight: 340 g
Size: 500 ml
Dimensions: 6.5 x 6.5 x 24.8 cm; 340 Grams
Model: 6767
Pack Quantity: 1
Batteries Required: No
Batteries Included: No
Dimensions: 6.5 x 6.5 x 24.8 cm; 340 Grams
Quantity: 1
Size: 500 ml
Volume: 500 Millilitres

12 Responses

  1. VerleneShipley says:

     United Kingdom

    Found an errant flea, washed everything I could and then sprayed with this, haven’t seen another fle since, that was 3 months ago. It’s very thick when first sprayed, I wore a mask and opened windows, but I think that disapated much quicker than other brands. Would use again.

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersI swear by this. I always have a can to hand. If i get a new house i always use this as you just dont know who has been in before you. My daughter managed to get fleas in her house from a friend visiting. I used this after hoovering and within 2-3 weeks they were all gone. Yes you do see the odd one after spraying and that is because eggs hatch however after a short period of time they die. And after a full 3 weeks from spraying they are all dead and gone. This stuff then lasts forever. I honestly swear by it.

  3. CorineL65wntj says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 6 From Our UsersThis is one of only 2 brands that have actually worked in my house. Fleas were a major problem for me this year and I used this along with advantage flea treatment on my animals and fleas were massively reduced the 1st time and then I repeated a month later and now I’m flea free !

  4. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersMy parents have been using this for years , they spray along edges of the rooms. Not for fleas though , to keep the spiders out. I bought some and it ACTUALLY works! Great for using September when the big boys love to venture in.

  5. The Guide Staff says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersI’m hoping we are now a flea free house. Used this to spray everywhere the dog had been. Seems to have done the trick. Make sure the space is well ventilated as it’s strong stuff.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersIf you’ve ever had fleas in your house it is reminiscent of the classic song Last Resort by Papa Roach (with a few tweaks in CAPS).

    “…..Do you even care if IT dies bleeding?

    Would it be wrong, would it be right
    If I KILLED A FLEA tonight?

    Chances are that I might.

    MULTIPLICATION out of sight
    And I’m contemplating PESTICIDE.

    ‘Cause I’m losing my sight, losing my mind.

    Wish somebody would tell me I’m fine….”.

    Besides making me change lyrics to songs, Acclaim spray is excellent, and I highly recommend it.

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Like most folks here, cat had a flea problem. I’d hoovered every day for weeks but the little a***h***s were jumping on me every time I stuck a bare/sock-ed foot on my bedroom carpet. Naturally, I went and tried other products that didn’t seem to be doing anything, but this stuff has been an absolute godsend! It doesn’t really smell of anything and as far as I can tell, absolutely obliterates the little b-words! No more fleas in the carpet! Found one flea in my whole house since I started using this stuff once every few days hoovering every day and it’s been a few weeks. I now use it once a week in every room and apart from the rogue one, there’s been no more! So I would call that a success

  8. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersAfter buying “pet friendly” flea spray and carpet flea powder that just didn’t seem to work I finally found this. And I finally found something that works. Ok, so I still have to spray every day, sometimes in the morning and evening, including between the bedsheets and under the beds, but I can see (by the reduced amount of bites on my legs) and through vacuuming that I’m getting the little pests. I’m still spraying and vacuuming for the hatching eggs, but I think I can safely say that I don’t have an infestation anymore.
    Apart from the vacuuming twice daily (morning and evening just before bed), I also wash the dog’s blankets every second day with bleach at 90 Degrees, with a good rinse and use a “shock” flea comb on both cat and dog. They usually have very few if any fleas.
    If you are going to use a room soon after spraying, make sure to open a window to let fresh air in.

  9. eZ1dR9rJ6k says:

     United Kingdom

    Only giving this a four rather than five because I was using a variety of approaches to an ongoing flea problem at the same time. Both our cats had/have fleas and aside from the discomfort caused to them, they were causing big problems for me as I seem to have a severe reaction to flea bites. Although I hardly ever saw a flea my legs were covered in unbelievably itchy bites which soon turned into nasty sores. I used Acclaim in every room of our 3 bed house and within a week things improved drastically. I was also using flea traps (a lamp over a bowl of soapy water) which caught a lot of the adult fleas and giving the cats flea tablets. Eventually this 3 prong approach along with frequent hoovering seems to have worked. The cats still have fleas but the house seems to be pretty much clear of them – fingers crossed. Half the battle is dealing with the eggs laid in the house and Acclaim seems to have been very effective in that regard.

  10. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Bought this last year from vet at more than double this price. Vet said it was only thing that truly killed fleas etc. plus any eggs so they would not hatch. We had a stray cat adopt us and she had been bitten by a flea and her back had become full of scabs. Vet said it only needed one bite as she was obviously allergic. This spray can did our living room carpet and three piece suite PLUS big caravan carpet, all cushions plus mattress and large cushions for outdoor chairs. Also I noticed on one site we had ants and they did not come onto our chairs at all (unlike our neighbour), so with the last of the can I sprayed all around the doorway (on the plastic threshold) and the door mat. We never saw an ant inside once and others on field were purchasing ant killer stuff to try and get rid of them.
    It lasts for 12 months, so will use this next April and spray all again. P.S. a fly flew into van and dropped onto seat and keeled over, never saw any more of them either.

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 169 From Our UsersIf you have a flea problem and you’re not someone who insists on organic products, BUY THIS TODAY.

    I don’t usually complain and can put up with hardship but lately I’ve been having an awful time of it, as I don’t have any pets, but a stray cat got in my house while I was emptying my car of shopping – didn’t notice until I’d finished and by that point he’d run around the whole place, jumping on everything. I herded him out, and thought nothing of it until a couple of days later I was sitting on my couch and saw a flea sitting on my arm. I squashed it (yes, it is possible with enough determination!!), and thought that was that. Nope. Next day, there they were, on my jeans, one or two on my arm. I tried hoovering everything, and bought a can of Bob Martin from the supermarket. Compressed air would have been more effective. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY ON THAT STUFF! At this point, I went on to Amazon and ordered this product, but it was over a weekend by the time I knew about it, and I was on the verge of breaking down – I’d had so many bites on my feet and ankles, and I don’t take well to them, they were (still are) VERY sore and raw, but healing now, thankfully.

    Over the weekend, due to my hours of internet research, I purchased cedarwood, lemon, pine and rosemary essential oils, which apparently kill on contact and act as deterrents. Not to these ones, they don’t. Again, they made no difference. So, over the weekend I confined myself to my bedroom (a few had made it to the carpets outside my room, but not toooo badly affected), my bathroom, and I carried as much to drink from the kitchen as I could, so that I could avoid the rigmarole of checking myself over for them as much as possible. Every time I made the trip, I’d have at least 1 on my legs.

    So, Monday morning came by, and I planned in my head exactly how to do this. In case it’s of any help to any of you, here is what I did:
    1 – grab all clothes and anything I may need both for work and afterwards, take it all to the bathroom, and get myself showered. I didn’t put on my socks or trousers, as I wanted to be as sure as possible NONE of the little gits survived. I went downstairs to the kitchen, squished the ones that had jumped on me, and got dressed completely. The kitchen has vinyl flooring, and fleas don’t stay on that. Thankfully.

    2 – I left for work, and walked back to the kitchen immediately after grabbing the spray from my mail (I knew it would be delivered today, as it had been posted on Friday evening by the seller). I got changed (nothing had got on my in the mad dash to the kitchen!), put on shoes and put carrier bags over my feet and ankles, secured with parcel tape, and sprayed with Acclaim (including the next few inches of exposed jeans). Yes, it says don’t use on clothing, but I noticed no adverse effects at all. Plus, as I said, I wanted to be sure nothing survived! I also diluted the lemon oil and covered my hands and forearms to deter them from jumping on me as I sprayed.

    3 – I sprayed the house very liberally with this stuff. I turned over all cushions that I could, sprayed into the corners, made sure that I got it right under the couches and units, got the curtains, and corners/edges of the rooms. My stairs are carpeted, so I ensured I sprayed all the risers as well as the steps, and worked my way round the house. I even sprayed my bed and pillows (again, it says not to use on bedding, but I haven’t noticed any ill effects here either). I then went back to the kitchen, removed the bags from my feet, and went out, making sure I still had the can (3 bedroom end terrace, and still had 1/4 can left). On returning from the shops, I gave my car a 2 second spray, in case any had hitched a ride.

    4 – Next day, I was again very careful with my anti-flea regime (although on all my checks, I saw only one the whole day), and on returning from work I hoovered the place top to bottom. Edges, stairs (including risers), pillows, cushions, the lot. It took some time, but that’s ok. Again, I sprayed my shoes and bottoms of my jeans with Acclaim – still nothing bad that I’ve noticed.

    5 – I’d bought 2 cans, so I sprayed the worst areas again. I’m only a very tiny amount into the 2nd can after 1 VERY thorough covering, and one respray.

    End result? I was so warm last night after all this, so I bit the bullet and put on shorts. I didn’t want any trapped in my socks, so I was defenseless from the knees down. I spent the evening in my living room, after banishing myself from it for 2 days, and I didn’t see another living soul. Thankfully, with my not having pets, and the fact that fleas cannot reproduce without their named host’s blood (ie cat fleas must have cat blood to lay eggs), I shouldn’t experience another outbreak. But even if I do, Acclaim states that the protection from hatching eggs lasts several months. So, I should be all good, but I’m keeping the can to hand for the next 2-4 weeks, and at the first sign, I’ll spray once more. Thanks to this spray, I feel like I can relax in my own home again. So, the title of this review goes to the manufacturers, as I’m not endlessly scratching, having to look at my feet and ankles every 10 seconds, and the bites that I have suffered are now healing.

  12. Salmon Jerrold says:

     United Kingdom

    Golden Review Award: 7 From Our UsersA month a go we had a sudden infestation of flees.

    I bought both Indorex and Acclaim products.
    To be fair I have no idea if one of them was more effective than the other. However both have similar ingredients so it’s a toss between the two of them…

    I’m leaning in favour of Acclaim simply because the cans last longer. I’m not entirely certain why this is the case as both claim to be 500ml cans, and both seemed to spray at the same rate.

    In total I bought 2x Indorex, and 2x Acclaim.
    The 2 Indorex cans bairly did the house once. I’ve been over the house about 3 times with the Acclaim and still have 1/2 a can left. My gut feeling is in spite of what it said on the labels the Acclaim cans had significantly more in them to start with.

    One thing to note in either case.

    These products do not kill the eggs. So what happens is that first of all it kills all flee’s that you can see and for a week or so you feel like the war is over. However then the eggs hatch. Now both products claim to protect the house for 12 months so theoretically should have killed this second bunch without a respraying. Personally I wasn’t going to take any chances so I did a second spraying as soon as I saw more flees, and then a 3rd spraying a week after just to be doubly sure.

    A month on and I’ve seen no more fleas 🙂