Aenllosi Hard Carrying Case Compatible with Blaze Taito

Aenllosi Hard Carrying Case Compatible with Blaze Taito Super Pocket Handheld Games Consoles,Mesh Pocket for USB Cable & Evercade Cartridges(Case Only) (for Taito)
Case for Blaze
![]() Taito Super Poket Case | ![]() Capcom Super Poket Case | ![]() Evercade EXP Case | ![]() Evercade Cartridges Case | |
Color | Green & Black | Yellow & Blue | White | White |
Material | Nylon | Nylon | EVA | EVA |
Size | 16*10.5*6.5 cm | 16*10.5*6.5 cm | 21.5*10*5.5 cm | 21.5*10*7 cm |
Weight | 130g | 125g | 190g | 250g |
Case Type | Gaming Handhled Case | Gaming Handhled Case | Gaming Handhled Case | Game Card Case |

Aenllosi Hard Case Provides Better Protection for Blaze Capcom Super Pocket & Blaze Taito Super Pocket
La custodia perfetta per il Super Pocket CAPCOM, e spazio e colori abbinati perfetti,d solo 4 stelle perch visto che piccolina forse potevano venderla anche a 10 , ma non avendo concorrenza, il prenzo lo dedono loro…..
Solid hard case, bought several for different devices, nice and rigid, i dont feel like my tech will break if i drop it. Doesnt feel cheap and plasticy, has a decent zipper and texture.
Ottima custodia per console abbastanza rigida in modo da evitare danni in caso di cadute accidentali o in urti durante il trasporto.
Pu contenere cavetti e caricatore oltre alla console.
Io lo utilizzo per la powkiddy ed entra precisamente.
Ottimo rapporto qualit/prezzo.
It’s nice to see some accessories released to coincide with the release of the Hyper Mega Tech consoles. This protective hard case is probably one of the most useful buys if you own one.
The case arrives in a plain bag. The build and materials are nice quality. Not outstanding, but more than adequate. The outer feels hard wearing and it’s splash-proof. It’s a nicely robust shell, so you can be confident it’s going to protect your console well. It’s also coloured to match the console, which is a nice touch. The double zip is tight and solid, with rubber tags embossed with the brand name. There’s a carry strap built in. It would perhaps have been nice if that was detachable, but it’s not an issue.
The interior features a large area for the console, with an elastic retaining strap. I would like to have seen a little more padding in this section, but it’s fine.
The opposite side features a netted area where you can store cables and cartridges. There’s also a very intrusive “Made in China” label, which you can easily cut off.
At 15.99, this is perhaps a little overpriced, but it’s a nice little case to protect and store your Hyper Mega Tech.
Un po’ costosa per l’uso preposto, perch alla fine si adatta perfettamente soltanto alla console portatile Capcom Super Pocket. Volendo si potrebbe usare anche per gli hard-disk esterni, ma la custodia leggermente pi grossa rispetto a questi, quindi non proprio il massimo. Bella la colorazione che riprende i colori della Capcom. Qualit dei materiali nella media, una buona custodia, abbastanza spaziosa, ma un po’ costosa per essere compatibile solo con la console Capcom.
Wenn man dem Design und der Farbgebung seines neuen Super Pocket gerecht werden will fhrt kein Weg an dieser Tasche vorbei denn die Farbwahl ist perfekt auf die Capcom Variante des Super Pocket abgestimmt in Gelb und Blau.
Die Verarbeitung ist auch absolut perfekt und die Tasche macht einen stabilen Eindruck in Richtung einer Hartschale daher sollte sie den Handheld im inneren sehr gut schtzen und bietet genug Platz fr ein Ladekabel und zwei Evercade Cartridges wenn man will. Preislich zwar nicht unbedingt gnstig aber auch noch nicht zu teuer. Von mir daher . Ich Danke fr’s lesen und hoffe diese Rezension ist ntzlich fr ihre Kaufentscheidung.
Ottima custodia rigida, buon materiale e anche resistente.
Pensata per Capcom Super Pocket, ma ideale anche come custodia rigida per hard disk esterni.
Bella spaziosa, ci stanno dentro anche un caricabatterie e vari cavetti e adattatori.
Diese Tasche ist eigentlich fr den ‘Blaze Capcom Super Pocket’ oder hnliche Spielkonsolen gedacht, eignet sich aber auch sehr gut als stabiler, sicherer Behlter fr andere Gegenstnde. Sie wirkt sehr gut verarbeitet und sehr widerstandsfhig. Auf der einen Seite kann man einen Gegenstand mit einem breiten Gummiband fixieren, auf der anderen kleiner Gegenstnde in einer Netztasche verstauen.
Ped esta funda para una consola arcade que me regal mi mujer hace poco, necesitaba algo para proteger la pantalla, vi esta funda y me pareci que por dimensiones le poda venir bien. Est un poco ajustada como se ve en las fotos, pero creo que le sirve. Tiene un prctico compartimento de rejilla en el otro lado para guardar los cables (adis a perder los cables).
El material parece bueno, lo venden como impermeable, no lo he probado, es solo para tenerla en casa, y es de doble cremallera. A parte trae un asa para que te la lleves por ah, est bien pensada. Lo ms bonito los colores del Cdiz
Buena calidad
Con asa
Ese Cdiz, o!
Ojo al dato
Mide bien la consola que vas a meter para que la funda no te quede muy justa.
I needed a case for my iPod classic, one that wasn’t too large but would also house my headphones and any other peripherals. I believe I found that case with this one, originally intended for a handheld. The rigid out shell is sturdy, with ample felt inside to keep from scratching anything. The included elastic is appreciated, to keep items from jostling around inside. The only improvement I may attempt is to add additional foam inside, to keep the iPod in a locked position.
Great quality.
This carry case is very well made and protects your gaming device from damage.
It is good that it has got a compartment for putting the manual or cables in.
10 out of 10 highly recommend
Trs belle tui d’excellente design, de trs bonne qualit finition.
Parfaite prise en main, super agrable l’utiliser.
La couleur est assez vif, original.
Me convient parfaitement, je peut l’emporter partout.
J’en suis assez satisfait,
Je le recommande.
Colis reu rapidement,
trs bien emballer.
An no ha salido a la venta en Espaa la consola Super Pocket, pero ya tenemos disponible esta funda compatible . As pues, esta opinin la hago sin poder comprobar si encaja bien, aunque por medidas internas debera quedar como un guante.
Recibimos la funda en un sobre de plstico transparente para proteger de rayaduras y suciedad la propia funda. Realmente sera como muy raro tener una funda de una funda, debera aguantar por cuenta propia (y as lo hace jejeje).
Esta funda, de hecho, tiene mucha similitud a esas fundas para HDDs externos, pero con unas proporciones distintas para adaptarse a esta consola. Misma distribucin y funcionalidades. Veamos…
A nivel materiales y construccin, estamos ante una funda rgida con un acabado externo estilo nylon trenzado. Esto puede otorgar cierta resistencia al trote del da a da y no deberemos sufrir si ponemos la consola dentro de la funda y la dejamos un poco de cualquier manera dentro de una bolsa ms grande. Dispone de un par de cremalleras que permiten abrir la funda 180, y estas van con tiradores de goma de tamao bastante generoso. Eso s, en las esquinas cuesta un poco que hagan bien el giro, se encallan un poco. Tambin tiene una pequea asa para agarrar con la mano o pasar la mueca a travs.
Dentro tenemos 2 compartimentos. Uno es para albergar la consola, el cual tiene una goma negra que va de izquierda a derecha, por lo que nos fijar un poco el movimiento de la consola en la propia funda (as a ojo, dira que la goma quedar contra la pantalla, pero es blanda y no creo que la pueda llegar a rayar). En el otro lado tenemos un bolsillo flexible en el que podremos guardar todo tipo de accesorios, sean auriculares, juegos o hasta un cargador pequeo + cable de carga. Todo el interior es como si fuera estilo afelpado, para proteger bien la consola.
Actualizar la opinin cuando me llegue la consola en modo Taito Edition, ya que los colores tendran que encajar al 100%. Pero as a priori no hay nada que objetar, creo que es bien recomendable.
La qualit de construction est sympa. Mais il y a cette odeur synthtique qui fait tres “origine Chine”. 🙂 A part ca (ca s’vapore rapidement), la construction est sympa. Solide. Les matriaux semblent de bonne qualit.
It’s a very well made and nicely thought out case.
It has the perfect fit for the device, a nice pocket to keep a charger and some spare carts in and the lining is very nice to keep your device safe.
Overall really happy with it.
As I write this review the Super Pocket should have been out by now. Unfortunately it has now been delayed until the 14th of November. So I will update this review once I have one in possession. However the Super Pocket has fairly familiar form factor and this hard shelled case looks like a great way to store it.
The case has a soft firm outer shell with a green seem and zipper. The shell feels fairly strong, like it would take a reasonable impact. Unzipping the case the zipper isn’t the smoothest. However it feels strong enough. Inside the case there is a soft green lining to protect your console and an elasticated strap to hold it in place. On the opposite side there is pocket for keeping cables and game carts. I tried this with a handheld of similar proportions and it seemed quite a snug fit.
A solid feeling case that should protect your Super Pocket. Once it’s out and I’ve received mine I will update this further.