Bamboosang Portable Document Scanner X3: High Definition 8MP

Bamboosang Portable Document Scanner X3: High Definition 8MP Document Camera Capture Size A3 Multi-Language OCR Overhead Scanner USB Doc Cam for Teachers Online Teaching & Students Distance Learning
*Note: *The software is not compatible with Apple Mac OS* If you have any questions about installing the software or using the product, please send us an e-mail with your order number and details of your problems. Our technicians will help you to solve the problems ASAP. If there is no CD-ROM drive on your laptop, please go to our website to download the software of the scanner.

Continue scanning automatically thanks to the integrated timer; scan one page in just 1.5s significantly improves your efficiency when scanning books or magazines!
The Bamboosang scanner revolutionizes your scanning experience by bringing simple, intelligent and fast scanning performance.
The top of the scanner is equipped with an HD LED light, which can be used as an auxiliary light source when shooting in a dark room.
Weight: | 1.7 kg |
Dimensions: | 45 x 15 x 11 cm; 1.7 Kilograms |
Brand: | Bamboosang |
Model: | X3-new |
Colour: | Gray |
Batteries Included: | No |
Manufacture: | bamboosang |
Dimensions: | 45 x 15 x 11 cm; 1.7 Kilograms |
This is fantastic for scanning documents. Simply put your doc under the camera and its edge detection does the rest. Saves the faf of lifting a scanner lid … much faster, especially if you have numerous pages to scan. Plus the OCR is pretty good too! Well worth the money. 🙂
Acquistato come alternativa ad uno scanner “manuale”, con l’idea di avere qualcosa di facilmente trasportabile e di poco ingombrante, questo scanner fornisce scansioni di qualit elevata con semplicit di utilizzo, senza dover avere a disposizione spazi “importanti” che occupano buona parte della scrivania di lavoro. Una ottima alternativa alle stampanti con scanner.
This is a bit of an all rounder camera because not only does it enable you to scan each and every page of any of the documents that you’re running through up to a full size of an A3 page it also allows you to do videos which for me has been really useful as sometimes I have to do product videos on very small items and being able to have this towering above these items has allowed me to keep my hands afraid and create really good high quality images especially due to the lighting that’s integrated into the scanner itself.
The main bit of that is important to me was to be able to get high quality images though each of one of my scandal pages and this is allowed me to do so above and beyond the quality we actually needed as even the definition of images that get pulled through is crystal clear and allows me to zoom into a ridiculously high definition on all of those images so if I need to create a print of them then it’s easy to be able to extract that information and print it straight off without any additional adjustments.
I recently purchased the Portable Document Scanner X3, and it has exceeded my expectations in every aspect! The high-definition 8MP camera ensures crystal-clear document captures, and its A3 size capability is perfect for scanning larger documents. The Multi-Language OCR feature is a game-changer, making it incredibly versatile for various documents. As a teacher involved in online teaching, this scanner has streamlined my workflow, and the USB compatibility is convenient for quick and easy connectivity. The ease of use is remarkable, making it ideal for students engaged in distance learning as well. I highly recommend the Portable Document Scanner X3 for anyone seeking a reliable and efficient document camera. It’s a fantastic tool that has truly enhanced my teaching experience!
Scannant d’anciennes revues informatique pour un site trs connu, je me suis dcid acqurir un Scanner de Documents Portable, car vraiment long et fastidieux de faire cela avec un scanner standard (A plat). Ce scanner a considrablement simplifi la tche de numrisation et me permet de la faire rapidement et proprement. Voici donc mon avis.
Le premier aspect qui m’a sduit est donc la rapidit et la simplicit du processus de numrisation. Poser une revue, appuyer sur une icne et Hop, le tour est jou. Peu importe sir la revue est un peu de travers, le logiciel corrigera automatiquement cela.
Toutefois, attention, car le logiciel fourni n’intgre pas de fonction ddie aux livres. Pour contourner le problme, il suffit de cliquer sur une icne gauche pour passer en manuel et je peux scanner page par page et recadrer chaque image selon mes prfrences. C’est pratique et rapide.
Une caractristique que j’apprcie particulirement est la capacit du logiciel rectifier automatiquement les scans qui ne sont pas parfaitement droits. Mme si la page originale est un peu incline, le logiciel ajuste intelligemment l’image, garantissant des rsultats nets sans efforts.
A savoir que le logiciel fourni est la fois sur CD et sur cl USB, je trouve que c’est une excellente ide. Cela offre une flexibilit apprciable pour l’installation sur diffrents dispositifs. La notice, rdige en franais et trs complte, a facilit la prise en main du scanner. Pas de matrise de l’anglais ncessaire ici !
En ce qui concerne la qualit gnrale de l’ensemble, je suis trs satisfait. Le scanner me parat robuste, le logiciel est convivial, et les rsultats des scans sont au-del de mes attentes.
Enfin, parlons du prix. Je dois dire que pour la qualit globale de l’appareil et du logiciel, le prix est plus que raisonnable. C’est un investissement qui, mon avis se justifie surtout si vous avez une quantit importante de documents numriser.
En conclusion, je suis trs satisfait de mon achat, qui me permet de scanner rapidement et efficacement mes anciennes revues. Il a transform une tche potentiellement fastidieuse en une exprience agrable. La fonction de recadrage, la rectification automatique et la flexibilit du logiciel font de cet achat une solution tout-en-un pour la prservation de vos prcieux souvenirs.
PS: j’ai mis trois scans finaliss pour vous faire une ide. La couverture de Micro VO3, une page de Pub pour Amstrad et un listing.
This high-definition 8MP document camera is a powerhouse when it comes to capturing crisp, clear images of documents, photos, and even three-dimensional objects. The versatility it offers is truly impressive — whether you’re archiving old family photos, digitizing important paperwork, or creating interactive lessons for presentations, this document scanner excels in every aspect.
One of the standout features is the portability of the device. It’s compact, lightweight, and easy to carry, making it perfect for on-the-go professionals, educators, or anyone who needs a mobile scanning solution. The real-time video projection capability adds a super cool element to presentations and demonstrations, allowing users to share live document scans or 3D objects with an audience. The user-friendly interface and straightforward setup make it accessible for all skill levels, and the high-definition capture ensures that every detail is faithfully reproduced in the digital format.
Additionally, the X3 scanner incorporates smart image processing technology that automatically enhances the quality of scanned documents, reducing the need for post-processing. The real-time preview feature allows users to see the scanned image instantly, ensuring that they capture exactly what they need. The X3 Portable Document Scanner is not just a scanner; it’s a sleek and powerful tool that brings efficiency and creativity to the world of document digitization. It has undoubtedly earned its place as a super cool gadget in my workspace, and I highly recommend it to anyone seeking a top-of-the-line portable document scanning solution.
El escner de 8 megapxeles brinda una alta resolucin para capturar documentos con gran claridad, siendo esencial para escanear textos, imgenes y grficos en presentaciones o documentos educativos. Su calidad de imagen equiparable a los escneres tradicionales grandes, pero en un diseo compacto y porttil, lo hace conveniente.
Con capacidad para capturar tamao A3, facilita la digitalizacin de documentos de gran formato como libros, diagramas o mapas, beneficiando tanto a profesores como a estudiantes, sin importar el tamao del documento.
Destaca por su funcin de escaneo areo, permitiendo capturas sin contacto fsico, ideal para documentos frgiles. Adems, cuenta con reconocimiento ptico de caracteres multilinge, convirtiendo documentos en texto digital editable para facilitar traduccin, bsqueda y edicin.
Su conectividad USB y compatibilidad con diversos sistemas operativos aseguran facilidad de uso.
Un usuario entusiasta resalta la eficiencia del escner para libros, eliminando problemas de sombras y agilizando el proceso. Fcil de manejar, eficiente, compacto y porttil, lo considera una inversin valiosa que ahorra tiempo y espacio.
Ideal for quick professional scaneasy installation, started, after some tests I started scanning books very easy to useIt’s fast to set up and absolutely great quality. Saves me a lot of time and no need to carry all documents .
Came with clear instructions
Ho ottenuto questo scanner con supporto sottile extra portatile per facilitare il carico di lavoro.
E ‘venuto con un programma che funziona perfettamente con il mio laptop piattaforma Windows. Ottimo utente facile da usare, pu essere scansionato e convertito direttamente in word ed excel e renderlo documento modificabile. Funziona con il mio computer portatile piattaforma Windows tuttavia il programma non funziona sul sistema Mac di lavoro.
Pu essere trasferito alle immagini e supporta anche la registrazione video.
Nel complesso grande, ha funzioni utili menu come la correzione automatica, riempito i bordi delle immagini scansionate, ritaglio senza dita e supporto di scansione multi file.
Altro grande funzione costantemente scansionato e quando si passa alla pagina successiva rileva la rotazione della pagina e esegue automaticamente la scansione.
questo sia utile per decidere se adatto alle esigenze personali o meno.
I needed this to assist with my work, and it has done that ane more! This document scanner brings a host of powerful features to your fingertips. With SDK & Twain drivers, this scanner incorporates an 8-megapixel camera and 4 LED fill lights, offering an extensive A3 coverage. It boasts cutting-edge technologies like intelligent continuous shooting, OCR, automatic correction, and the ability to mend broken edges of scanned pages. The automatic image segmentation is another impressive feature that enhances the overall scanning experience.
What I love about this though is that it offers dual modes for video recording and image capturing, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether you’re creating colourful art books, live-streaming, teaching in a classroom, or participating in remote Zoom meetings, this scanner has you covered.
Installation and software usage are a breeze with this carefully designed desktop camera. However, it’s important to note that the software for document scanning is not compatible with Mac OS; it only supports Windows. To access the software, simply insert the provided CD or thumb drive into your Windows computer or laptop. Its small size, easy collapsibility, and lightweight nature make it a user-friendly choice. While the arm height is fixed, and the camera head is not adjustable, the stable base ensures reliable performance. Overall, it is premium quality and was an excellent purchase for me.
Cmara de documento de alta resolucin de 8 megapxeles que permite capturar documentos con una claridad muy buena, lo que es fundamental cuando se trata de escanear textos, imgenes y grficos para presentaciones o documentos educativos.
La calidad de imagen es similar a la de los escneres tradicionales de gran tamao, pero con la ventaja de que este es compacto y porttil.
El tamao de captura A3 del escner permite digitalizar documentos de gran formato, como libros, diagramas o mapas, lo que lo convierte en una herramienta valiosa tanto para profesores como para estudiantes. No importa cun grande sea el documento, puede manejarlo con facilidad.
Otra caracterstica destacada es la funcin de escaneo areo, que permite capturar documentos sin necesidad de un contacto fsico con la superficie de escaneo. Esto es especialmente til para documentos frgiles o delicados, ya que evita cualquier riesgo de dao durante el proceso de digitalizacin, ideal para documentos de biblioteca.
Adems, el escner cuenta con una funcin de reconocimiento ptico de caracteres (OCR) multilinge. Esto significa que puede convertir documentos escritos en varios idiomas en texto digital editable, lo que facilita la traduccin, la bsqueda y la edicin de contenidos.
La conectividad USB hace que este escner sea fcil de usar, ya que se puede conectar a un pc o dispositivo mvil con facilidad. Es compatible con una amplia variedad de sistemas operativos, lo que garantiza su versatilidad y accesibilidad.
Si te ha gustado la revisin, dale a me gusta y si necesitas o tienes alguna duda contacta conmigo
Si tratta di uno scanner portatile ad alta risoluzione che perfetto per una variet di scopi, tra cui l’insegnamento, l’apprendimento e l’archiviazione.
La qualit delle scansioni eccellente. La risoluzione ottica di 8 MP consente di ottenere scansioni nitide e dettagliate, anche di documenti con testo o immagini piccoli. Il software OCR integrato molto preciso e consente di convertire rapidamente e facilmente le scansioni in testo digitale.
Lo scanner molto facile da usare. Basta collegarlo al computer tramite USB e il software verr installato automaticamente. Il software intuitivo e facile da navigare.
perfetto per chiunque abbia bisogno di uno scanner portatile e facile da usare per digitalizzare documenti, foto e altro ancora.
Qualit delle scansioni eccellente
Portatile e leggero
Facile da usare
Software OCR integrato preciso
The scanner is straightforward to install, user-friendly, and highly portable. It delivers good picture quality, and the real-time preview function functions smoothly, with adjustable lighting. One potential limitation is that if your document isn’t completely flat, it can be challenging to achieve a perfect scan since there’s no downward pressure on the document like with a traditional scanner. Additionally, it’s worth noting that you’ll need ample space to accommodate it as the mat is quite large.
All the documents that I have at work that printed on paper I have to be in digital format so for that reason I started to look at a document scanner that will allow me to do this very fast so I saw this one and I wanted to give it a try and good part is that I’m happy that I did it because in terms of functionality this is what I expected.
It comes also with a pad which is black which is very practical because it makes a clear difference between the papers and the background and in order to use this product that is very simple, I just connected to the usb of my laptop, then I put the light on which can be activated by pressing at the top of the scanner(that part to activate the light it is touch and the intensity of the light can be adjusted or obviously can be also switched off) and then I simply put the paper that I want to be scanned I position it exactly the middle and I just take a picture of it. The light at the top it is very helpful because it happened for a couple of times for the papers that I had to have a lot of details and in order to get the best results I need an extra light and I can say after scanning more than 1500 pages that this product works as expected and also considering the fact that he has 8 megapixel resolution, the pictures that I get are detailed and I can even zoom in quite a lot.
So far it works just fine and I hope it is going to do the same thing in the future, from my side I have nothing to complain about the product and I’m happy to use it.