Bayer Design 17058AA Combi Dolls pram Xeo, Stroller

Bayer Design 17058AA Combi Dolls pram Xeo, Stroller, Height-Adjustable Handle, Convertible, Bag, Green, Sta

Bayer Design
Our vision
Bayer Design set as aim to send children on an exciting and playful voyage of discovery. Due to our team’s motivation we are continually developing new products and ideas. Full of passion we develop playing concepts which support the different phases of playing growth of your child. Our dolls are almost the ideal companion for symbolic playing and role play, where day-to-day situations are re-enacted e.g. feeding the baby with its bottle, changing nappies, putting the baby to bed or going for a walk with the pram, alone or together. With our design and attention to detail we target the most realistic demonstration with the maximum of playing value.
Bayer Design
- Strong brand in the doll’s pram sector
- Good quality
- Safety
- Joy of playing
Dimensions: | 36.5 x 11.99 x 41 cm; 3.36 Kilograms |
Model: | 17058AA |
Material: | Metal, Fabric |
Colour: | Green, Star |
Batteries Required: | No |
Age: | 36 months – 7 years |
Assembly: | No |
Dimensions: | 36.5 x 11.99 x 41 cm; 3.36 Kilograms |
Material: | Metal, Fabric |
I bought this to go with my daughter’s reborn babydoll. The plus is that it fits my daughter’s doll perfectly and is beautiful. The plastic is very sturdy, the wheels are pretty sturdy as well! The downside is the lock buttons on the side get stuck. I thought I was going to have to return it but she loves it so much ch I didn’t want to have to return it. Between 3 adults and trying to get it to lock properly we was able to get it fixed. (For now) we haven’t tried to unlock it or fold it down since we put it together. Hopefully, it doesn’t get stuck again.
This stroller looks just like the real thing. I wish the instructions were clearer but I got the hang of it after a minute. The wheels turn and stroll well, making for a smooth ride even off paved walkways. 10/10 recommend. I only wish it came in a variety of colors.
Super recomendable muy muy hermosa es para m hija y de verdad se que le va ha encantar … Esta hermosa y lleg antes del tiempo estimado eso me fascin mucho …
My 8 year old daughter absolutely LOVES this stroller. It is tall enough that she isnt leaning over to push it. It’s very nicely made with high quality materials. It has multiple positions for baby. I would definitely buy again.
Un carrito robusto, muy bonito, parecido a los de verdad, no es econmico pero se percibe duradero. El manillar se regula, con lo cual puede acompaar desde los 2 aos hasta calculo 5-6 dependiendo de la altura del menor.
The stroller is easy to assemble once you figure out the instructions. They’re a little unclear at first. They roll so smoothly and are so lifelike, just like a full size pram. The only thing I have negative to say is that the color is very much an olive-ish/Army green rather than gray. My girls wanted something for girl and boy babies so we got this thinking it was more gray. Overall though, my girls LOVE it. If it were a light Heather gray though, that would be amazing.
Wir haben unserem Enkelkind zu Weihnachten diesen wunderschnen Puppenwgen geschenkt. Sie ist 4 Jahre alt.
Er ist sehr hochwertig und ging gut zusammenzubauen. Es war keine Matratze usw. Dabei, das habe ich extra gekauft.
Er lsst sich ehr gut schieben. Wir sind zufrieden und unsere Enkeltochter auch.
Der Puppenwagen war ein Weihnachtsgeschenk fr unsere Enkelin . Sie war sofort begeistert und fhrt fast den ganzen Tag damit herum. Auch mit ihren zwei Jahren ist er gut zu fahren und sie kann ihren Puppen mit Leichtigkeit heraus oder wieder hinein legen. Die Farbe grn ist wunderschn. Also alles richtig gemacht um eine Puppenmama glcklich zu machen.
Meine Tochter ist fast 3 Jahre alt und lieb ihren neuen Kinderwagen und habe absolut nicht dran auszusetzen.
Lediglich die Knpfe zum befestigen der Sitz Position ist sehr schwer aber weil man es ja eh kaum nutzt strt es auch nicht so.
Ein richtig toller, robuster Wagen, der seinen Preis auf jeden Fall wert ist. Zumindest jetzt vom ersten Eindruck her. Meine Tochter ist 1,5 Jahre alt und wird den Wagen locker bis 6 Jahre nutzen knnen. Ein Wagen der mitwchst sozusagen. Durch die Verstellmglichleit einfach super. Die beweglichen Rder wunderbar, der Wagen gleitet easy ber den Boden und um jede Ecke. Und endlich mal ein Wagen der nicht rosa,pink oder grau ist. Gefllt uns seh
I would recommend this brand of doll stroller. I bought this for my four year old daughter, she loves playing dolls and bringing them on walks. We have dolls of all sizes from all stores and this will fit anyone of them just fine. It’s a great size for my daughter, the height is perfect. I can see her using this doll stroller to walk her baby dolls for a long time. The diaper bag that comes with the stroller is adorable and fits all her baby doll accessories just fine. It took me a few minutes to figure out the zipper on the diaper bag, but discovered that it completely unzips so you can place the shoulder strap inside the bag if you want the diaper bag to hang on the stroller handle. I asked my daughter what she would rate this stroller, I said “would you rate it a 10 out of 10?” And she responded ” I would rate it a million!” So there you go, an honest four year olds review. I thought the quality was great, the style was adorable and it was easy to put together. The picture of the stroller along with the color looks exactly the same in person. Would be a very nice gift.