Eureka NEW500 Cordless Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner,3-in-1

Eureka NEW500 Cordless Wet and Dry Vacuum Cleaner,3-in-1 Multi-Surface Floor Cleaner ,Strong Suction With Dual Motor,Double Tank and Self-cleaning System

Multi-surface Cleaning
Professional cleaning on hard floors and area rugs, effectively picks up pet hair
Deep Clean for Wet & Dry
Smart Dirt-Detecting sensor and Fingertip Control for mode-switching. Choose Quick Pick Mode for vacuum-only without water, or Wet and Dry for debris separation
Smart Deep Clean with Easy Guide
Time saving and convenient with All-in-One cleaning to combine vacuum, wet clean, and dry mop. No more fuss with mops, buckets, and vacuum cleaners.
Weight: | 5 kg |
Dimensions: | 26 x 29 x 120 cm; 5 Kilograms |
Brand: | EUREKA |
Model: | NEW500 |
Colour: | Purple |
Dimensions: | 26 x 29 x 120 cm; 5 Kilograms |
Very skeptical at first. The machine is easy to setup, comes already charged so it can be used immediately. When I tell you how clean this left my floors. If I could use this on my walls I would.
The vacuum picks everything. I have animals and the amount of hair it picks is amazing. Easy to clean all is detachable. Customer service is amazing.
I bought a second one just in case. But really no need to cause the product itself is AMAZING!!!
This was a gift from my boyfriend because I hate mopping. I really like this. It’s fairly light weight and super easy to push. For the most part it cleans my floors really well. I have hardwood floors that are uneven in some places in my apartment so the roller doesn’t hit every inch of the floor. The battery last long. Cleaning it out is pretty fast and easy. It comes with two mop rollers. I wish one of the rollers was more like a brush. It would make scrubbing some areas easier or it to use on a small rug that way you wouldn’t need more than one vacuum cleaner. Other than it not being able to get every inch of the floor and the rollers it’s perfect for a quick cleaning.
Used for the first time today. Wish I bought it a long time ago. My floors haven’t looked this nice in years, not kidding.
+: cleans great, easy assembly and removal of parts to clean
-: it does need to charge and I wish it lasted longer. It takes 2-3 hours to a full charge. It won’t be a problem when I’m done with deep cleaning and am just using it for periodic cleanups. But for now, I clean, charge it, clean, charge it, etc.
That prompted me to want a wired one. I was able to do my kitchen and living room and bathroom. I only needed to refill thr water at the end and it only needed half.
The floors felt clean. I may used a different cleaning solution as the one they give does not give that just cleaned smell.
It is a little heavy but it glides very well.
I was able to pickup heavy messes with going over it a few times.
I like how it sucks the dirty water up. Nearly 90 percent dry. Still needs a little air dry.
I got during big prime day so for thr price beyond happy with purchase.
I do have 3 dogs so I did vacuum prior because I didn’t want it to get instant clog with dog hair. But it still got hair my broom missed.
I can honestly say this is the best cleaning product ever if you only have hard floors. Don’t waste your money on anything else. Dog hair, mud and dried on stains all disappear in minutes.
This iscan excellent floor cleaner..really easy to use and brings my lvt flooring up lovely. I thought my floor was fairly clean but was shocked to see the difference after using this. I have two dogs and with winter coming I am not bothered about muddy foot prints now..quick to run over floors with this.
Couple of minor criticisms though…takes a very long time to charge and when it’s on you cant hear what the voice says clearly despite this I still highly reccomend this floor cleaner.
Some of the reviews are complaining about water left behind… this only happens with mine when the waste container is too full… this is a brilliant design and a game changer for our house…cant recommend it highly enough
I have been looking for floor cleaning machine for long time. I have tried every different type of machine. This is the best machine with no issues at all. It is lightweight , automatic adjust the suction power, easy to use and best clean with results that make my cleaning work so enjoyable. I am so happy for the machine. Highly recommended.
First, we have a large “drool-y” dog and my dark engineered wood floors have water spots and pawprints no matter how much I try to clean him off. This machine does a very decent job of cleaning these floors but here are some things to consider:
VACUUM FIRST. Yes, this machine is called a vacuum but ALWAYS vacuum before using it. Otherwise debris and dirt will clog the filters and roller brush constantly.
DAMPEN THE ROLLER BEFORE USING or you’ll use a lot of solution to saturate it, and the roller doesn’t clean very well at the beginning of the job when it’s dry.
TAKE YOUR TIME. A slow back-and-frth motion is best for cleaning.
USE BOTH OPTION BUTTONS ON TOP OF THE HANDLE. The “hard floor” button dispenses a little water into the roller and then the vacuum sucks up the dirty water. The “area rug” button dispenses more solution and I find that I need to use this option in especially dirty areas (such as where our dog has dropped water after he has had a drink while I’m not home to wipe it up).
WORKS BEST ON SMOOTH HARD SURFACES AND AREA RUGS. We have “hand scraped” floors and the brush doesn’t hit the floor evenly, so it takes some extra time to clean these floors. The machine cleans smaller area rugs very well, too.
ALWAYS USE THE SELF-CLEAN feature after you are done with the machine. It takes about 20 minutes to do it right, and the parts (such as the roller brush) take at least a day to air dry. And rinse the brush, too. After the dirt and debris dry in the machine, it will be difficult to clean out and keep the machine working effectively.
Also– dump the dirty water outside but not down your sink (especially if you have pets)
I have posted a photo of the small tool caddy and tools that come with it, and what the tools and slots are used for.
All in all, I like this machine very much. It does a good job of cleaning and doesn’t put as much stress on my shoulders as using my previous sponge mop did. It is a little fussy, figuring out how to best use it and needing to clean it afterward, but the result is worth it.
To be honest, the novelty has worn off a bit. Proper cleaning of this machine and its parts after using is a pain. Our “hand scraped” floors just don’t clean evenly. And even though I use distilled water and the Eureka cleaner in it, I often have to go over areas again. But there’s nothing else out there that is any better (I’ve looked for over a year) so I will just deal with it.
Alors, honnetement… bah c est super j aurai presque honte d avouer que mon sol a jamais ete aussi propre.
Il peut impressionner comme ca au premier coup d oeil mais c est juste 8 pages par langue avec des dessins qui font une demi-page!
L’objet en lui meme:
il nettoie TRES bien. Vu son poid il est extremement stable (perso je prefere, contrairement aux aspirateurs qui font des random dash en avant en aspirant rien sur leur passage parce qu ils pesent 80 grammes).
Vous pouvez voir (ou pas) sur la video que tout ce clipse et se declipse tres facilement, d’autant plus quand vous avez vos deux mains libres, et ENCORE PLUS!!! si vous avez lu le mode d’emploi et que vous savez ce que vous essayez de faire.
Niveau bruit ca va, je m’ attendais a pire mais il ne fait meme pas assez de bruit pour faire peur a chienchien.
Le sol seche tres vite une fois lave, ce truc a une puissance d’aspiration assez impressionnante, et ca n’abime pas les sol, le rouleau est tres doux et l’aspiro en lui meme tres ergonomique.
Le fil est TREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES long, vous pouvez voir sur la video que je l’ai pas entierement deroule (mon appart fait 48 metres carres).
Visuellement il est joli, meme sans avoir d’endroit pour le planquer ca fait pas degueulasse.
Efficace, facile a prendre en main et a utiliser, facile a ranger et a nettoyer, honnetement le seul reproche que j ai a lui faire c’est de n’avoir pas pu arriver a la bonne date parce que le code de livraison amazon ne fonctionnait pas.
nickel, 5/5.
Premetto che ha risolto i problemi del mio pavimento, ho un gress porcellanato opaco e stavo impazzendo per pulirlo.
Con questa pulilava abbinata ad un prodotto della fila, finalmente ho il pavimento pulito, senza macchie e che dura nel tempo.
Con un serbatoio ci faccio 2 stanze (25mtq) [non risparmiate sull’ acqua, io la metto tiepida], il recipiente di scarto non riesce a tenere tutta l acqua del recipiente principale nonostante una buona parte della acqua rimane nel pavimento, il che veramente assurdo secondo il mio parere, quindi devo smontarlo, svuotarlo e pulirlo ad ogni fine stanza.
Un altra pecca sono le ruote, dovete prendere abbastanza manualit e stare attenti quando ritornare indietro, se vi spostate verso destra o sinistra queste lasceranno una riga che asciugando rimane nel pavimento, ma con un po’ di manualit avrete un pavimento perfetto.
Speravo aiutasse a sbrigarmi con le pulizia, ma se volete un pavimento pulito raddoppia il tempo speso confronto un mocio normale, ma recuperato in parte dal fatto che non dovete passare l aspirapolvere prima perch fa tutto lei e ovviamente 0 fatica confronto il mocio ( probabile xo che x chi ha un pavimento meno problematico del mio possa essere molto pi veloce).
Il peso idoneo, non pesante e il rumore come un aspirapolvere.
Non potete usarla per gli angoli e sotto i mobili o i letti, ci significa che dovete sempre avere il mocio a portata di mano per pulire ci…ma credo sia un limite di tutti i pulilava (credo).
Speravo almeno in una spazzola di ricambio, ma non c’. La pulizia automatica ok, ma preferisco lavare la spazzola a mano con un buon sapone per evitare che rimanga sporca, l automatica non fa miracoli, ma utile come prelavaggio.
La manutenzione molto semplice i pezzi si tolgono e si puliscono facilmente sotto al rubinetto.
In definitiva un buon alleato; x la spesa non troppo onerosa si pu ritenere utile
Eureka actually does suck up detritus from the floor and leaves it streak free. It even cleans the doormats as well ! The self cleaning is great,( saddo that I am, I checked the pipes etc, all clear )
Customer service at vax is non existent, my product was supposedly still under warranty,,,,anyway am pleased that I have now bought the Eureka.
Uno dei primi punti a favore la comodit d’uso, molti prodotti elettrici o manuali hanno bisogno di sostituire il panno pulente in lavatrice o con altri di ricambio, questo ha un sistema di autopulizia utilizzando la stessa tanica d’acqua che utilizza per pulire.
Contenuto della confezione:
– Manico scollegato dell’apparecchio
– Sapone senza schiuma per tanica d’acqua
– Apparecchio pulente con filo
– Pulisci filtro e portautensili
– Porta-apparecchio di plastica da posizionare a terra
Funzionamento e montaggio:
La tanica sporca gi collegata nel macchinario. Per il primo avvio soltanto necessario fare scivolare il manico dentro l’apparecchio senza collegare nulla, riempire la tanica d’acqua pulita (situata nel sopra) con acqua calda o tiepida e aggiungere un tappetto del prodotto pulente inodore che viene fornito insieme all’aspirapolvere, con un tappetto alla volta possibile utilizzare il prodotto molto di pi e si sconsigliano prodotti che fanno schiuma. Accendere con il pulsante in alto e premere il pulsante per rilasciare il liquido, se c’ la necessit premere anche la levetta per mandare ancora pi liquido. Ho provato con un pavimento macchiato e con 2-3 passate ha tolto la macchia ed ha aspirato peli e sporco. Una volta terminata la pulizia si pu posizionare nel suo porta-apparecchio e si possono svuotare entrambe le taniche. Prima di posizionarla consigliato tener premuto per un paio di secondi il tasto di autopulizia cos che la spazzola resti pulita. Allego anche una foto dopo una breve pulizia in cucina e… non sapevo neanche io quanto fosse sporca! La tanica dell’acqua sporca situata nel retro e basta premere la levetta per estrarla e si pu pulire con acqua corrente. Una volta svuotate entrambe le taniche si pu tenere nel suo porta-apparecchio e sar pronta per un prossimo uso.
Non ha nulla da invidiare ai prodotti pi costosi, mi aspettavo sinceramente un apparecchio pi rumoroso o plasticoso, ma ha materiali di ottima qualit e il manico di alluminio. meno rumorosa di quanto credessi, sembra davvero di star utilizzando un prodotto premium. Molto comoda la scatola anche per smontarla ed i due poggiafilo nel retro. Consiglio il prodotto!
La ma lleg incompleta, parece que le falta un tapn de la parte superior, pero no afecta su rendimiento as que no le rebajo muchas estrellas por eso. Es ruidosa, y no es la ms potente, pero hace su trabajo. Se puede usar tanto en piso como alfombra, y tiene una boquilla estilo cepillo que es perfecta para remover pelo de mascota del silln. Tengo un perro y un gato as que la uso bastante seguido. Slo me gustara que la manguera tuviera mayor alcance para lugares cerrados, es retrctil as que para lugares pequeos no expande mucho
When I first unboxed, I was amazed at how light weight it was! The light weight feel excited me, yet it worried me. I was glad for it to be light weight so that I could carry it room to room as well as not get exhausted from pushing and pulling a large machine- but I was worried about the quality. It was so light weight that it felt cheap. I plugged it in and gave it a go and WOW!!! I was so impressed. It is truly powerful for such a small and light weight device. My rugs fluffed up like new and I was a little grossed out yet relieved to see how full the tank was getting.
My son loves that he is strong enough to use it, AND SO AM I!
The downside: I am spoiled to have detachable cords on my other devices and was just expecting it to be the norm on all vacuums these days. I keep looking to press for it to retract and then I remember that I have to manually wrap the cord. It is a little annoying to wrap the cord, but I am currently physically able to do so myself- many others are not and even many able children and adults just donMt wrap it properly LOL it’s okay though, the price was right for me (remember, I got it on an AMAZING sale: $40). I will say, if I had paid full-price ($89.99 US I believe), I would not be so thrilled. I think the price for this should be not a penny more than $69.99. The other downside is the cord length. I was not too bothered because I just have area rugs to vacuum- but it would be a nuisance in large homes.
This vacuum, if on sale, would be great for teen dorm rooms or a home with rugs/little carpet/offices. I would not recommend if you have fully carpeted/large homes. The cord is just not long enough.
– very light
– strong suction
– easy to maneuver… even on the staircase
– dust/debris canister is easy to empty. Just a push of a button and it pops right off.
– not sure If this was a purposeful part of the design but, the hair that was picked up on our carpet conveniently gathered around a separate section of the canister. Pretty amazing to see!
– simple pedal design
-comes with 2 additional, basic tools: brush head for upholstery cleaning and a narrow tube for couch or floor corners & detail cleaning.
– you can’t detach the entire canister from the stand for easier cleanup on staircases or if you need to access hard-to-reach areas.
– suction seems to decrease when disconnecting the hose from the main stand and attaching to the end of the handle.
– wish there was a mini vacuum head attachment. The 2 current accessories are ok but NOT designed for cleaning carpet properly.
– wish the cord was a bit longer. Ok for smaller rooms only.
Overall still enjoy this product. It does its job – making it easier for me to clean up.