Leather BBQ Gloves,Heat Proof Grill Gloves,Heat Resistant

Leather BBQ Gloves,Heat Proof Grill Gloves,Heat Resistant Oven Mitts,BBQ Safety Gloves with Forearm Protector,Extreme Heat BBQ Gloves for Fireplace,Stove, Oven, Grill, BBQ, Pot Holder, Animal Handling

Weight: | 830 g |
Dimensions: | 34.29 x 24 x 6 cm; 830 Grams |
Brand: | SLARMOR |
Colour: | Grey-black |
Dimensions: | 34.29 x 24 x 6 cm; 830 Grams |
I’ve been using a charcoal chimney to start my barbecue coals off for a couple of years now, which is great. I love it! However, transferring the lit charcoal from the chimney to the BBQ is a dangerous task which could result in burns at worst and loss of arm hair at best. These gauntlets remove all risk from barbecuing – they’re simply brilliant. I don’t use them for cooking, since if you needed them for that, your grill is TOO HOT! But for getting things going and putting grills down over lit coals, they simply can’t be beaten. I’m a little bit in love with mine, to be honest. You could probably also use them for training snapping turtles, but it might invalidate your warranty!
Iv used these, for gardening and welding.
So the length gav3 me full arm protection.
They have survived both of these activities very well.
They feel thick enough to protect you, but not so thin i that they hinder your control or grip.
They feel well made.
They should last a while.
I would recommend.
These heat proof bbq gloves a great, I got these for my partner for his roofing work and he says they are brilliant. You can hold a flame to them for a long time with very little heat transfer. There comfy to wear and with the adjustable arm straps there also suitable for welding with. There made from a thick tough highly heat resistant material and really has so many uses, weather its having a bbq or garden fire or for hand protection at work would highly recommend and great value for money. Will be getting another pair for bbq use, overall great heat resistant gloves. There really good value for money I highly recommend them thankyou.
Really good heat protected gloves. I’m using it on the woven without any worries. However it is not fireproof so if you burn on the fire it will be destroyed. But it works as it says on the tin.
I am using these to put wood into my firepit. They are well made and very very effective, too be honest I think they offer more protection than I will ever need. If anyone is smelting steel or examining lava flows then these are the gloves for you!
Really really are very long gloves and quite thick as well.
When on they came past my elbows but surprisingly I could still pick up small items without too much trouble.
Great for bigger BBQ where you might need to reach over hot coals to turn what ever you’re cooking.
At under 20 they’re also good value for money.
These leather gloves are extremely well made and very robust they are very thick and very heavy when you are wearing them.
They are great quality and value for money.
Perfect for wearing when doing the BBQ or firepit oven to keep your arms protected.
Safety first always .
Overall very happy with these would recommend.
These are really good for working at my forge, I previously used welding gloves but these are so much better as they go right up your arm which allows me to work longer without having to back off due to the heat these are definitely worth the money even just for the barbecue at home, I’m definitely well impressed with them
Enhance your grilling and cooking experience with the Leather BBQ Gloves – your ultimate heat-proof grill gloves and heat-resistant oven mitts!
Crafted from premium leather, these gloves offer unbeatable protection against high temperatures, ensuring your hands stay safe while handling hot grills, pans, and utensils.
With their heat-resistant properties, these gloves are perfect for all your outdoor barbecues, indoor cooking, baking, and even handling hot logs in your fireplace.
The flexible and comfortable design allows for a secure grip and ease of movement, so you can focus on cooking with confidence.
Say goodbye to burns and accidents and embrace the reliability of these leather BBQ gloves. The durable construction guarantees long-lasting use and is easy to clean after your culinary adventures.
Upgrade your kitchen essentials with the Leather BBQ Gloves, and let nothing stand in your way of becoming a master griller and chef!
Really nice gloves. The smaller gauntlet is way big enough for most people in terms of length but bear in mind that the fingers are quite tight so if you have Ines resembling sausages these may not be for you. The orange colour looks great but obviously doesn’t stat that way for long..
I am using these sooner than I was expecting to as our summer seems to have disappeared. They fit very well and give a lot of protection of the wrist and lower arm. They are not too thick and clumsy. They are decent value for a pair compared to what the stove manufacturer wants for one that isn’t any better.
These gloves are nicely made and feel very protective. I’m just not sure how much I’ll actually use them because they are quite unweildy – I lose most of the movement in my fingers, which means a lot of jobs become almost impossible. Imagine wearing mittens rather than fingered gloves, and if you could do a job with those, then these gloves will be fine. I was hoping to use these for general grading, but that’s not going to work – will save them for just the most vicious bushes! Be aware just comes in a plain plastic bag, so as a gift they could do with some nicer packaging.
Animal handling gave me pause…
But after quibbling about the detail in that, I thought, okay, I guess these would mitigate against a dog bite and certainly an upset cat. Venomous snake? Raptor? Possibly but we’re out of my wheel house with those.
However, that isn’t my first impression of these, which was formed by the thought of big open-fire BBQ.
Having lived with Aga’s for a good portion of my life, I am also struck by the fact these long gauntlets would allow you to reach happily into a deep oven of any kind, such as a traditional Pizza oven.
These are, however, heavy and quite numb, at least from new, and I expect this will improve with use. This is true of Welding Gloves – and see in the product pictures that these gloves would serve in that role too.
In fact, if I needed to replace my existing welding gloves, I would definitely consider these.
The dexterity of the gloves is, even in the new stiffer state — better than mitts, absolutely.
The adjustable strap at the top of the gauntlet is a nice feature which allows for a neat fitting.
I am pleased with these gloves, and I think they are good value via Prime for the asking price of 18.99 at the time of review.
These leather gloves are very well made and good quality. Excellent for use with the BBQ, fire pit and pizza oven. Helps to protect from those little “love bites” haha! The gloves are thick and strong, would be ideal for use when administering worming tablets or brushing an uncooperative cat too – or when pruning roses and brambles. A really good pair of gauntlet style gloves that will be very useful.
While I probably show have reviewed the 45cm gloves these are still great. Long enough to protect my hands and arms past the elbow, and held in place with a strap fastening at open end. Can feel cumbersome to start with, but perfect for ensuring safety when placing things into my incinerator and handling the lid.
This is a good set of gloves for use when doing a BBQ or even just dealing with open fire. The long design protects your forearms getting burnt which I do frequently in my normal over. Unfortunately they are very cumberson wearing them and its difficult to do much.
These leather BBQ gloves are heavy. They are heatproof and protect forearms as they reach up to elbows. The overall length is about 60 cm. There is a strap at wrist which can be tightened or loosened. A very nice safety feature, protects your arms.
Very useful in doing BBQ or grilling or even taking items from the oven. Altough I find it to big, I hope the item will have an option for a smaller size. The strap on the arm part is also brilliant so as to secure the upper portion of the gloves. The color is nice especially on the palm part so for you not to worry about visible stains.
I chose these gloves for my partner as he was complaining that my ones were to short for him. He is very impressed with these; they are made from a really good quality leather that is strong yet flexible to allow him to still be dexterous. The fit is perfect, he normally takes a large in work gloves for reference. The length is brilliant, they protect his hands and his arms making them useful for more than just barbecuing, they are also perfect for tending the wood burning stove. There is a strap that is easy to adjust to pull them in at the top, this stops anything like burning embers etc getting into the top of the gloves. He had to assist in gathering some feral kittens earlier in the year and says he wished he’d had these gloves then. Very impressed.
Really great product, colour is great and perfect for the BBQ season.
I went for the 45cm and that’s absolutely fine for small BBQing and when using our pizza oven (think if you are using a pit style BBQ; then you might want the longer ones)
My arms have not been caught, which makes the dishing up and moving things around so much easier, as you’re not worrying about burning or steaming your hands and arms! It makes it much easier to carrying things over from grill to table, as not only do the gloves protect your arms, it’s gives you more grip of whatever it is that you are carrying.
I would definitely let them air out when you get them, as do have a strong ‘inky’ sort of smell, but apart from that, it’s such a good product.
Really quite nice. Good thickness and good coverage up the arm. This does make them feel a little heavy and a bit stiff to start with and I think they’ll need a bit of usage to get them feeling more supple. They feel safe to use and keep you protected.
Very happy with these gloves. I got them for my partner to use at work to protect himself, he’s a Butcher and uses big industrial ovens to cook pies/sausage rolls etc.
They do a great job, they’re well made and the length is perfect, they go right past his elbow, so his hands and arms are well protected. There are also clips at the top, so you can secure the gloves tight to your arms if needed.
Would be ideal for using around a BBQ/bonfire/burning bin etc. I wouldn’t use them in the home as general everyday oven gloves for getting cakes out the oven etc, as they are a little bulky in the fingers, since they are proper heavy duty quality.
Very impressed for the price, I would recommend.
Kaufpreis zum Zeitpunkt des Erwerbs
Das Produkt unter der Lupe
Die Handschuhe sind recht schwer, was auf die gute Materialstrke schlieen lsst. Hitze kommt hier auch im Test nicht sonderlich schnell durch und der Unterarmschutz ist am groen Grill wirklich ein Vorteil. Die verstellbaren Bnder erachte ich als unntig, ich finde das Gebaumel eher strend. Geworben wird mit der besonderen Flexibilitt, da der Handschuh 5 Finger hat und man diese entsprechend bercksichtigt hat. Grundstzlich ist dies auch richtig, allerdings ist der Griff etwas schwerer, da auch hier die Materialstrke quasi mit gegriffen werden mssen und das Material ein wenig steif ist.
Insgesamt aber gute, schtzende Handschuhe zu einem angemessenen Preis
Vor- und Nachteile
sehr gute Materialstrke und Qualitt
guter Schutz
Material an den Fingern etwas steif
Schnallen und Bnder fr mich unntig
Fazit / Bewertung
Guter Schutz und sehr gutes Material
Zur Bewertung
Auch wenn es sich bei dem bewerteten Produkt um ein, fr mich kostenfreies, Produkt aus dem Amazon Vine Programm handelt, so hat dieser Fakt keinerlei Einfluss auf meine Bewertung oder Sternevergabe. Die Bewertung erfolgt so, als htte ich den Normalpreis fr diesen Artikel bezahlt.
Wir haben die Handschuhe im Zuge des Vine Programmes kostenlos von Amazon zum Testen zur Verfgung gestellt bekommen, dies beeinflusst unsere Bewertung jedoch keinesfalls. Wer unsere Rezensionen liest wird feststellen, dass wir auch durchaus kritisch unsere Erfahrungen mit den getesteten Produkten mitteilen.
Die feuerfesten Handschuhe der Marke Slarmor verstrmen einen sehr eigentmlichen Geruch, wir empfanden ihn als unangenehm. Dies ist vermutlich den speziellen Materialien geschuldet, die ja andere Kriterien erfllen mssen als normale Handschuhe aus Leder.
Die Verarbeitung ist gut und die Farbgestaltung ist gelungen. Wir haben das Modell in grau mit orangefarbenen Ziernhten. Die Handschuhe gibt es in 2 Lngen, nmlich 45 und 60 cm. Wir haben 45 cm, und das ist fr unsere Zwecke absolut ausreichend und schtzt unsere Unterarme. Je nach Armlnge reichen sie bei uns bis zur Armbeuge oder zumindest kurz davor, perfekt. Es gibt auch noch einen Riemen, mit dem die Weite am rmel individuell eingestellt werden kann.
Was nicht so gut passt, ist die Gre, bzw. die Lnge fr die Finger. Fr Leute, die normale Handschuhe in M oder auch L tragen, sind die Handschuhe ausreichend. Fr Menschen mit lngeren Fingern in Gre XL wird es am Ende knapp, sie werden mit den Fingerkuppen gegen das Material stoen. Die Handbreite indes fanden wir okay.
Ebenfalls den besonderen Eigenschaften geschuldet ist die Dicke des Materials. Es sind mehrere unterschiedliche Schichten, und sie sind robust. Das fhrt leider dazu, dass man kaum Gefhl in den Fingern hat, feinmotorische Handgriffe sind deutlich erschwert. Wir werden die Handschuhe im Umgang mit unserem Holzofen nutzen, zum Grillen oder Backen wrden wir sie so nicht empfehlen, wenn Feinheit gefordert ist. Es kann aber auch sein, dass das Leder erst mit hufiger Nutzung geschmeidiger, weicher und damit flexibler wird, aber darber fehlen uns noch die Langzeiterfahrungen.
Wir kennen hnliche Handschuhe (anderen Fabrikats) von der Feuerwehr, diese bleiben leider trotz regelmiger Nutzung starr. Das ist schade, aber Sicherheit steht hier an oberster Stelle und da ist eine eingeschrnkte Bewegungsfreiheit das bedeutend kleinere bel.
Gut verarbeitete und robuste Schutzbekleidung mit stilvollem Design. Wir hoffen, dass die Handschuhe mit der Zeit flexibler werden, aber Sicherheit geht vor. Das Preis-Leistungs-Verhltnis von rund 20,00 finden wir fair, zumal zum Zeitpunkt der Bestellung auch noch eine Rabattaktion angeboten wurde. Von uns gibt es eine Kaufempfehlung.