Raspberry Pi 4 Aluminum Case with 3510 PWM Fan Passive

Raspberry Pi 4 Aluminum Case with 3510 PWM Fan Passive Heatsink Aluminum Alloy Case Suitable for DAC/DAC PRO/AMP/AMP PRO/RS485&CAN Hat and Most of Raspberry Pi Add-On Ha

Put the item into aluminum alloy shell and install bottom with conical screws.
Install acrylic top cover with hexagon socket screws.
Install buffer strips to the bottom.
I was able to set my Raspberry Pi 4b into this housing, however, I had to place some shims along the side to make the ports accessible. And with a little j”ury rigging” I was able to attach a tiny fan on the top tp keep th Raspberry Pi cool during use.. OVER I REALLY LIKE THIS PRODUCT AND GIVT A 5 STAR RATING!!!
Bon boitier en aluminium qui permet de mettre un Raspberry Pi 4 ainsi que le Hat POE.
L’aluminium permet une dissipation de la chaleur, en plus du ventilateur du Hat POE.
Facile a mont, tout est fourni. Bon produit.
Sto usando questo prodotto da pochi giorni, quindi magari presto per dare giudizi.
Per il momento posso dire che si sta rivelando un ottimo acquisto.
Ho scritto al supporto per alcune questioni tecniche relative alla configurazione e ho trovato una disponibilit incredibile: tempi di risposta (nel weekwend) nell’ordine di minuti e risposte puntuali.
Bisher hatte ich vorwiegend passive Gehuse bei meinem Raspberrys verwendet. Bei den 4GB Modellen ging das noch, auch wenn diese fr mein Gefhl schon sehr hei werden. Bei meinem neuesten Bastelprojekt kommt ein Raspi4 8GB zum Einsatz, den ich nicht mehr passiv khlen wollte und daher in daher in das hier angebotene Gehuse gebaut habe. Die Lautstrke ist OK und der Raspi4 bleibt trotz mehr Hauptspeicher im grnen Temperatur Bereich. Im Vergleich zum Original Gehuse sieht es auch besser aus.
Lediglich der Preis ist etwas hoch und kostet mit knapp 25 Euro fast so viel wie die Raspberrys frher.
A bit confused why the product listing title says “Pi 5 4”- this version is only compatible with the 4. However, I did run into problems with some micro-HDMI and USB-C cables that would not seat fully due to the jacks on the side of the RPi4 being slightly recessed inside the case. So, 1 Star off.
Otherwise, nice kit. It comes with all the hardware you’ll need plus a fairly decent heatsink with fan. The top is plexiglass, so that wifi signals can pass. It’s a bit tall in order to accommodate HATs, so if you’re not going to use HATs, then maybe look at other low-profile options. I can see that there could be compatibility issues with some HATs too.
Ottimo case per la combo Raspberry PI4 e DAC Innomaker. Non volevo i soliti case in acrilico con DAC esterno o che lasciassero il dac mezzo scoperto e ho trovato questo fatto proprio da Innomaker per i loro DAC. Semplicemente perfetto: istruzioni non all’interno della confezione ma subito trovate nella loro Github, montaggio veloce e senza problemi
okay, 25 Euro fr das Gehuse sind schon sehr teuer!
ABER: die Qualitt ist fantastisch. Bei Github ist eine Anleitung, die wirklich gut ist.
Das Gehuse ist aber von bester Qualitt und sieht einfach fantastisch aus. Der Acryldeckel zieht natrlich die fettigen Fingerabdrcke an wie nichts…muss man halt am Aluminiumgehuse anfassen.
Wer also Wert auf ein stylisches Gehuse legt, ist hier richtig!
Very nice, robust, perfect fitting case. Everything necessary comes with the case. It comes with too many screws in case you lose one.
The sound quality improves due to grounding with the case, so I am really really happy with this case!
Great case, fan as been solder directly behind the pi plus innomaker DAC and added a waveshare 3.5 inches touch screen on top. Us it with Volumio. Just a mini 3d cover print to finish the set-up. Happy with it!
Love the little box. Not sure if it was the HAT I was using (the wisd Pi Hifi DAC) or what, but I had to modify things quite a bit to make it work:
1) The HAT sockets did not connect with the PI Pins because the standoffs were too tall initially. I ground down the standoffs by 2 or 3 mm.
2) Grinding down the standoffs resulted in some of the solders on the bottom of my HAT to contact the heat sink and fan, so I had to file those down too to make enough clearance.
3) Because of the reduction in height overall, I needed to cut the audio out window out a bit more to make room for the jacks, which couldn’t get a good connection after lowering the standoffs.
4) Without lowering the standoffs, I have no idea how the fan connectors would get enough clearance with the lid. In my situation, there’s enough, but it’s tight.
All said, it still looks nice, but I’m sad I had to grind things down so much, marring the appearance a little bit.
I have a raspberry pi 4 with an audio hat and was looking for something sturdy to house it all in. This case is perfect. It fits well and feels strong. As it’s metal, it is heavier than most other cases but this makes it feel even more solid overall. Really pleased with it.