SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V

SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V Cigarette Lighter to 3 Pin Plug Dual USB Type C Invert to Charge Laptop

SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V Cigarette Lighter to 3 Pin Plug Dual USB Type C Invert to Charge Laptop, iPad, iPhone, Tablet, Consoles & More


SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter 12V to 240V

SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240VSUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V

Provide 200W powerful charging for smartphones, laptops, tablets, GPS units, battery chargers, camping equipment, and mobile office equipment.

NOTE: Please make sure that the power of your device and its current power are less than 200W, otherwise your devices will not be supported.

  1. SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V

    2 x 12V to 3 Pin Plug

    Support within 200w electrical appliances

    Provides 200 watts of AC power and 400 watts of peak power.

  2. SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V

    2 x USB Ports & Type C

    Supports simultaneously charging of 3 devices

    2 x 5V 2.4A USB Ports

    1 x QC 3.0 Type C

  3. SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V

    DC 12V Input

    Additional cigarette Lighter hole

    Not occupying the original cigarette lighter hole.

  4. SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V

    Individual Power Switch

    Smart LCD Digital Screen

    Real-time Voltage and Current Display.

1Inverter 12V to 240V2Fast Charging3Cigarette Lighter Plug4Maximum Safety

SUPAREE 200W Car Inverter with 12V to 3 Pin Plug

SUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240VSUPAREE 200W Power Inverter Car Charger Car Inverter 12V to 240V

Compact size (3.28*1.3*6.62inch) perfect for you to use SUPAREE car 12v to 3 pin plug on the road, campsites, or anywhere that power is needed.

7 Responses

  1. Ben Luthi says:

     United Kingdom

    Got this so I can use when #Carcamping perfect for charging my laptop and able to use with my travel kettle, it’s a gadget you wouldn’t want to be withou

  2. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    My van has a very slow USB port which takes forever to charge my phone so I bought this adapter which goes in the cigarette lighter socket and I’m very impressed. It makes my “super charger” (three pin plug and cable that I use in my house) work in the van too. My phone can be 0% and up to 100% in 40 minutes (same as plugged in to wall in my house). On a long journey recently, I was charging the kids iphones, 20 mins = 23% charged. I haven’t tried plugging anything else in yet, just phones. The plain USB port on the side of the unit was standard charging time so if you want to super charge your phone, you need the three pin plug and cable combination, my Huawei plug is called “super charger 40 watt”. Good quality device, rapid delivery, great price.

  3. Jamie Copley says:


    J’ai trouv le convertisseur inverter parfait pour rpondre mes besoins en voiture, surtout lorsque mes enfants ont aussi besoin de jouer leurs petits jeux ou que mon PC portable a besoin d’une charge !

    Le Convertisseur Inverter est trs utile. Avec ses 200W de puissance, il alimente sans aucun problme mon ordinateur portable, assurant ainsi que je reste disponible mme en dplacement.

    Ce que j’adore, c’est la facilit avec laquelle je peux brancher les jeux de mes enfants grce aux prises AC universelles. Les 3 ports USB (dont un QC3.0 Type C) sont galement utiles pour charger rapidement leurs appareils lectroniques ou nos tlphones pendant les longs trajets.

    L’cran numrique LCD et l’interrupteur d’alimentation sont pratiques, surtout lorsque je veux garder un il sur la tension de la batterie pendant que mes enfants s’amusent.

    La lgret et la portabilit du convertisseur en font un choix idal pour les dplacements.

    Les nombreuses protections, notamment le fusible intgr me rassurent sur la scurit de mes appareils et de ma voiture. Le ventilateur de refroidissement est efficace pour assurer un bon fonctionnement

    En rsum, je suis satisfaite. C’est une solution fiable pour mes besoins d’alimentation en voiture.

  4. ShadULVJrpxoni says:

     United Kingdom

    This has been ideal for charging my laptop while working away on different sites for extended periods of time.

    I am not always able to charge my laptop while working at clients’ houses especially if I am walking round the site so being able to charge it while traveling between sites has really been a life saver.

    I don’t know what I would do without one of these now.

    Life saver.

    Highly recommend.

  5. Anonymous says:


    Es un aparato que cumple su cometido pero hay que tener en cuenta que los aparatos de este tipo siempre se ven limitado por la salida de energa del coche, que limita el ameraje en esos puertos por lo que si conectas cosas muy potentes no van a funcionar o lo harn mal.

    Nos viene en una caja de cartn junto con el manual, est hecho de plstico por completo pero se nota resistente y de buena calidad, adems no ocupa mucho por lo que llevarlo siempre encima en el coche puede venir bien para alguna emergencia.

    El uso es sencillo, enchufarlo al mechero y apretar al interruptor, desde ese momento se enciende una pantalla indicando la energa que se est consumiendo. Podemos enchufar dos enchufes de cualquier pais adems de 3 dispositivos para cargar, el detalle de tener un tipo c me ha gustado.

    Por el precio que tiene ahora mismo sobre los 30 euros me parece una opcin a tener en cuenta.

  6. BobMcIlrath says:

     United Kingdom

    I was a bit unsure when I first unboxed this due to the plastic design making it feel a bit cheap.
    There’s also a certain procedure to following when connecting and removing, so I’m glad I read through all the instructions first.
    There is plenty of options for connecting different regional plugs, so ideal for travelling. I also liked that fact that there is usb sockets too.
    This actually got me out of a difficult situation when I realised my laptop battery was flat on a call out from work. It got me powered back up and I was able to complete my work in the car as if I was right there in the office.
    If it works with a laptop, then I’d have no concerns plugging any smaller items in. There’s also plenty of safety features to protect against things going wrong.
    I would have preferred a metal casing rather than the plastic as I feel it would help with being knocked about in the car, although the ABS case does make it a lot lighter for travelling.
    Overall a great item for travelling or just to keep in the boot for emergencies.

  7. IssacNpmuldpa says:


    Este dispositivo es un Inversor de Corriente de 200 W, capaz de convertir la corriente continua de 12V del encendedor de cigarrillos de un coche en corriente alterna de 230 V.

    Este dispositivo es especialmente til para conectar dispositivos que normalmente se enchufan en una toma de corriente de pared, como porttiles, cargadores de telfonos, pequeos electrodomsticos, en tu coche o caravana.

    Tiene una potencia de 200 W, suficiente para la mayora de dispositivos de bajo consumo. Sin embargo, ten en cuenta que dispositivos de mayor potencia podran no funcionar correctamente, daar el inversor si excedes su capacidad o fundir el fusible correspondiente a la toma del telfono del coche. Asegrate de verificar la potencia que le vas a conectar antes de usarlo.

    Me gusta este adaptador, ya que la toma de mechero no te quita la toma del coche, ya que viene con otra incorporada y sigues tendindola disponible. Ademas el inversor cuetna con tres salidas de USB, dos USB-A y una USB-C

    Cuenta con una pantalla LCD que te indica el valor de voltaje de entrada.

    Este dispositivo es econmico por la poca potencia que es capaz de generar.

    Viene con una salida adaptada a enchufes ingleses y europeos.