Trespass Clea Womens Padded Waterproof Coat with Hood
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Trespass Clea Womens Padded Waterproof Coat with Hood
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Our Story
At Trespass, we have always been passionate about creating a brand where adventure comes first. We believe no matter where you reside in the world or what age you are, you should always be able to embrace the great outdoors. Established in 1938 under the name Jacobs & Turner Ltd situated in the heart of Glasgow Scotland. In the beginning, we had just 12 machinists working profusely where we provided uniforms and other items of clothing to large organisations including the local police. As our success grew, we started creating anoraks and waterproof jackets that shaped the future of our business.
With in-house designers and product experts, our team are highly talented creative individuals who explore the possibilities and constantly push the boundaries of innovation.
Today, Trespass is one of the UK’s most successful outdoor clothing retailers providing a wide range of products from walking boots to outdoor furniture, selling internationally and exporting to over 60 countries.
Brought a gift for my mother. The quality is impressive. She’s really fussy when it comes to jackets, she doesn’t like them bulky. This jacket was perfect for her, not bulky but it will keep her dry and warm in the winter.
All in all I’m happy with this coat ………BUT as shown in photos it arrived with the stitching apart in one of the sleeves. It appeared to have been worn before, perhaps a returned item.
I would of returned for a refund but allegedly it was the last one, & I do need the coat, so I’ve sewn the seam myself.
Its warm, not overly thick, lightweight and water proof, all very positive points. I am a size 14 and it fitted me perfectly apart from the arms.
Now, I am no orangutan in arm length but the sleeves are short, short and wide.
On me, the sleeve ends just over the top wrist. There is a popper clip to make it narrower but this was still gapping wide. I found it an easy fix with a hoodie on underneath but without its a weird look.
The coat is a little smaller than I would expect from ‘Large’ and feels a little restricted in the slimcut arms when wearing a thick jumper but, otherwise, I am pleased with my purchase. It is light to wear and carry, the patch pockets are a useful size to stow hat and gloves, or hands, when not in use and it has kept the rain and wind out, which is what I bought it for. I have only had it for a couple of weeks, but it has repelled light and heavy rain in that time, leaving me dry within it.
You might want a light fleece layer underneath because it isn’t a particularly cosy coat, but it is not sold as such. It keeps the wind and rain out.