JOYRAVO 2-in-1 Travel Pillow for Kids – Soft and Adorable

JOYRAVO 2-in-1 Travel Pillow for Kids – Soft and Adorable Animals Plushie That Converts into a U-Shaped Neck Pillow for Ultimate Comfort During Airplane, Car, Train, Bus Trip – Pink Whale
2023 New cute and fun animal transformed neck pillow is coming. The unique shape is not only a cute plush toy but also a U-shaped neck pillow.

Whether at home or traveling, whether on the sofa, in bed, in the car, on the plane, or on the train, you are worth considering! WHY?
Because our neck pillow are filled with microbeads and made of high-density polyurethane fibres, providing great support and offering a mild care for your neck on the journey. Microbeads are better than memory foam! Because the density of memory foam is much higher than that of micro beads, and more efforts are needed to keep the neck at a comfortable rest angle. The microbeads will wrap around your neck, providing gentle support and allowing you to find the most comfortable position.
Instantly have a deformable cute U-shaped travel neck pillow, let it accompany you to live happily together!
Weight: | 200 g |
Dimensions: | 29.97 x 20.32 x 10.16 cm; 200 Grams |
Brand: | JOYRAVO |
Colour: | Pink |
Dimensions: | 29.97 x 20.32 x 10.16 cm; 200 Grams |
J’ai rcemment eu l’occasion de tester le Coussin de Voyage 2-en-1 en forme de petit chaton dguis en cochon rose, et mon exprience a t des plus agrables. Ce compagnon de voyage polyvalent s’est avr tre un alli confortable, que ce soit lors de longs trajets en voiture ou de vols prolongs. De plus son design de petit chaton dguis en cochon rose est tout simplement trop mignon.
La qualit du confort offert par cet oreiller est remarquable. Les matriaux doux et lastiques, combinant microbilles et fibres de polyurthane haute densit, assurent un trs bon soutien pour le cou et la tte.
En plus de son confort, sa simplicit d’utilisation est un vritable atout. Pas besoin de se battre avec des oreillers de voyage complexes : il suffit de dzipper et de donner du volume au matriau jusqu’ ce qu’il prenne la forme dsire. En outre, son nettoyage est un jeu d’enfant : un simple lavage la main avec de l’eau tide et un dtergent neutre, suivi d’un schage au soleil, et il est comme neuf.
Que vous soyez adulte ou enfant, cet oreiller de voyage saura vous sduire par sa douceur et son confort, en faisant le compagnon de voyage idal. Je suis super conquise.
Che bella idea un cuscino che si trasforma in sostegno per il collo! E che perizia nel realizzarlo, credo non sia stato semplice.
MANIFATTURA e MATERIALI sono davvero pregevoli. Te ne accorgi appena lo prendi in mano e ancora di pi quando lo rivolti. Cuciture e cerniere sono robuste e ben fatte. realizzato con un tessuto di ultima generazione, il cosiddetto VELLUTO CRYSTAL, un tipo di poliestere particolarmente spesso e super soft, che non provoca allergie e irritazioni sulla pelle. Graziosa e creativa l’idea di dargli la forma di un peluche, i bimbi ne saranno entusiasti.
L’ho preso come SOSTEGNO PER IL COLLO ed perfetto, sia come misura che come consistenza. E valuto dopo due acquisti sbagliati (uno troppo grande, l’altro troppo morbido). Questo morbidissimo all’esterno, ma l’IMBOTTITURA ha il giusto grado di densit. In effetti, riempito con microperle e non con memory foam, come pensavo. Questo spiega forse il grande comfort e il sostegno ottimale a collo e testa. Mi ci trovo proprio bene. Inoltre, quando serve, riesco a portarmelo agevolmente in viaggio perch non troppo grande e ha un PESO irrisorio (115 grammi).
VALUTAZIONE: OTTIMA. un articolo di grande qualit, realizzato in modo impeccabile e perfetto in tutte le sue funzioni. Per originalit e bellezza, adattissimo anche per un regalo.
Cuscino che si trasforma da cuscino a forma di ferro di cavallo, per un comodo sostegno al collo, a cuscino pi grosso di forma tubolare. Entrambe le forme sono molto utili per dei cuscini da viaggio, perch poter cambiare posizione dopo tante ore seduti pu far evitare un brutto torcicollo.
Entrambe le opzioni hanno delle faccine adorabili, in particolare la seconda (di un tenero animale non meglio definito) che indossa un costume da maialino rosa.
Ideale per bambini, dato che possono avere un peluche come fedele compagno di viaggio che all’occorrenza si trasforma in comodo cuscino – in realt non lo disdegnerei neanche come regalo per adulti a cui piace lo stile “kawaii”.
Al tatto estremamente morbido e piacevole da toccare.
A mi hija le ha encantado, el diseo llama la atencin, el cerdito es gracioso. Se transforma fcilmente en almohada cervical o tambin en un adorable peluche para jugar, para dormir abrazndole o para tenerlo de decoracin. Es suave, est bien hecho, buena calidad.
A great 2 in 1 pillow for travelling
You can use it as one pillow or as a neck pillow that wraps around
The material is lovely and soft and really comfortable to wear
Nice and compact and easy to pack away for storing
It states for kids but its perfect for adults too – i love i
This is a very nice 2 in 1 plushie and travel pillow. It came as a travel pillow, tightly packed in a plastic bag. It was a bit difficult to get out of the bag without ripping it, but once I managed it the pillow didn’t come with any unpleasant odours. The fabric was really nice and soft — similar to high quality soft toys. The plushie resembles an outraged cat dressed in a pig costume and feels slightly underfilled unless you squash it down slightly to make it more oval rather than round. The travel pillow, on the other hand, has the same look of outrage but looks like a pig. You can swap between them using a zip on the bottom of the plushie and at the top of the travel pillow. This step takes a bit of time and is not rapid by any means as you have to transfer the filling beads between the travel pillow “skin” and the plushie “skin”, but I think it’s well worth it to have a functional travel pillow and a cute plushie all in one! I also like the press stud at the bottom of the travel pillow as it holds it securely around your neck and prevents it falling off onto potentially dirty flooring. I do find that the plushie “skin” and ears can lead to ununiform filling distribution in the travel pillow but for the most part you can’t actually feel it under your head, and you can try and distribute it to be less bulky as well. All in all, I really like this product!
Compramos esto para nuestras prximas vacaciones para que nuestra hija lo use en el autobs. Nos sorprendi mucho la calidad y el tamao de la almohada para el cuello. Es muy suave y muy fcil de convertir en almohada de viaje. A nuestra hija le encanta su ballena y ahora la lleva consigo en cada viaje.
Espero que te haya resultado til mi resea.
This is such a good idea, arrived on time and super impressed. Its super soft and turns inside out to the pillow super easy, litrelly a child could do it, 10 out of 10.