KanDao 3D Camera, 180 Degree Dual Lens Stereoscopic Action

KanDao 3D Camera, 180 Degree Dual Lens Stereoscopic Action Camera, 4K 60FPS Capture, 2.54″ Touch Screen, 3D Viewer Instant Display, QooCam EGO, White, Travel Kit.…
A 3D Instant Display Camera, And Beyond The Camera.
Solid & Water Resistance
A trouble-free 3D camera. Easy as pie.
Take EGO running along with water down to 10-16ft (3-5m) underwater straight out of the box.
Present & Code Sharing
The moment with 3d sterescopic deserving.
Instant code created and upload the cloud for applause and good grace.
Snap, View, Edit, Share.
Smooth than Ever Before
EGO is more than a camera, it splashes your crazy ideas and connects EGO users together for exclusive joy. Most surprisingly, all these can be done at your fingertips.
Always Ready to Immerse You in 3D
QooCam EGO has two lenses that capture the world just as you see it, enabling it to provide an ultra-realistic 3D experience that liberates all your precious moments from the flat screen.
Fluid, Crisp, Vivid.
Ture-to-life Image.
QooCam EGO combines the best features on the market to generate fluid, crisp, and vivid video.
What kind of difference on 3d sterescopic compared with the others?
Instant display and instant share with the type of 3d stereoscopic is the point of most exceptional heartbeat, VR device compatibility, 4K capture, Apps & social media support and camera features are abundant for 3d moment.
How could I upload and share on my social media?
Connected with QooCam App on same WiFi and save your 3d capturing moment on album, uploading the sharing via browser as the type of 3d side-by-side for display on Facebook, YouTube and TikTok.
What is unique design on 3d viewfinder on stereoscopic instant display?
The 3D viewfinder resolution of 37 PPD, which is TWICE as much as that of majority headsets. 1000 nits max brightness, 7H hardness high transmittance glass are stand out from the crowd.
What are the improvement to image display of QooCam EGO?
2.54 inches touch screen resolution reaches up 1600 × 1440, 847 ppi. Photo: Resolution of single-eye reaches up to 4000 x 3000; Video: Impressive resolution of 1920 x 1080, 60 FPS capture.
How could I update the latest version of camera firmware? Micro SD Card or Internet loading?
Both, SD card and load via connected with QooCam App, are the main choice to the latest version 2.7.1 to reach the new feature. Earlier than version 2.5.8 may directly load is necessary.
Warm tips for a better experience of using QooCam EGO
How to shoot better 3d photos/videos?
- a. Full charge the camera and update to the latest firmware.
- b. Download QooCam APP and connect with your QooCam EGO.
- c. Learn more from the Kandao official website FAQ & YouTube instructions.
How can the battery life last longer during use?
- a. Turn down the screen brightness.
- b. Turn on Power Save Mode.
- c. Set the auto-stop rec temp at High.
Size: | White Travel Set |
Dimensions: | 28 x 18.5 x 9.5 centimetres |
Brand: | KanDao |
Model: | QG7018wp |
Part: | QG7018WP |
Colour: | White |
Batteries Included: | 1 Lithium Ion batteries required. (included) |
Dimensions: | 28 x 18.5 x 9.5 centimetres |
Size: | White Travel Set |
Esta es la primera resea que pongo en Amazon. Lo hago por justo agradecimiento a la empresa KanDao, fabricante y vendedora de la cmara Qoocam Ego. Compr esta cmara con el kit que inclua palo selfie, cargador, segunda batera y tarjeta micro SD 64GB. Hubo una equivocacin y me lleg una cmara usada y que no funcionaba. Me puse en contacto con KanDao y la respuesta fue inmediata: me pidieron disculpas por la equivocacin, y me enviaron urgentemente un nuevo kit y, para compensar, me regalaron una segunda cmara en otro color. Este hecho es inaudito, en los tiempos que corren. KanDao demuestra que es una empresa 100% fiable.
Y no solo eso, despus de estar varios das probndola, la cmara resulta ser muy solvente. Llevaba aos que esperaba hacerme con una cmara 3D para poder grabar mis vdeos familiares y visualizarlos con mis gafas Oculus Rift. Los vdeos 3D no tienen nada que ver con los vdeos ordinarios en 2D, te introducen ms en la escena, y sientes como si estuvieras all. Me hubiera gustado tener esta cmara cuando mi hija era una beb.
La QooCam Ego es la nica cmara del segmento domstico que te permite hacer grabaciones 3D en vdeo y foto, y adems lo hace bastante bien. Es una cmara pequeita, de tan solo 160gr que cabe en cualquier bolsillo, y que monta dos objetivos separados 65mm, casi la distancia interpupilar humana promedio que es de 63mm. Este pequeo aumento de la distancia propicia ms efecto 3D en objetos distantes. Los sensores tienen un tamao de 1/2″ y muy buena luminosidad (F1.8) que generan dos imgenes de vdeo de 1920x1080px (total de casi 4K: 3840x1080px), con hasta 60fps (60fps es clave para que los vdeos 3D resulten agradables de ver, pues tenemos las lentes muy cerca de los ojos), que permiten una grabacin 3D de alta calidad. El formato de vdeo es mp4, y el de foto es JPEG o DNG (formato RAW que ha sido incorporado recientemente con el ltimo firmware 2.8), con 12Mpx (4000x3000px por sensor, total: 8000x3000px). Las fotos y vdeos pueden visualizarse al instante en el visor magntico 3D que incorpora. El vdeo tambin lo podemos descargar en las Meta Quest 2 y 3 directamente, para ello debemos cambiar el nombre del vdeo, terminando el nombre en _3D.mp4.
Incorpora una pantalla tctil pequeita (2,54″), pero de una calidad muy buena (1440x1600px con una densidad de pixel de 847ppp). Al colocarle el visor 3D que incluye podemos ver al instante el vdeo o foto grabados en 3D, sin necesidad de nada ms, de una forma muy ntida y luminosa. Incluso podemos grabar con el visor incorporado y saber exactamente cmo va a quedar la escena 3D. Algunos profesionales la utilizan junto con la cmara Canon R5 y la lente RF VR180 para hacerse una idea de cmo quedar la grabacin.
Monta una batera extrable de 1340mAh, que con la pantalla apagada permite una grabacin de 1 hora aproximadamente, por lo que es conveniente hacerse con una segunda batera. Tambin se podra utilizar un powerbank que podemos conectar a su conector USB-C.
Tiene un men bastante completo, y entre otras cosas, permite compartir directamente en redes sociales, y utilizar la cmara como una webcam.
Los ltimos firmware han dotado a la cmara de autofocus y RAW. KanDao saca FW con mucha asiduidad, lo que demuestra el inters de la empresa por optimizar al mximo la cmara.
En resumen, estoy muy contento con KanDao y su cmara 3D. La Qoocam Ego se siente robusta, graba y se ve muy bien, es divertida y me introduce en el mundo 3D domstico. Mi prximo paso ser hacerme con una cmara 3D que soporte VR180. Espero que KanDao saque en breve una cmara que soporte esa tecnologa, y no dudar en comprarla.
A very nice way of storing holiday memories and re-living the time in 3D
Handy size, easy to use, good duration of battery time, huge capacity possible for many photos and videos.
Great concept and clever execution, but short on functionality.
Overall, the experience of 3D overcomes the complaints I have.
1. You cannot find/feel the buttons to operate the camera when viewing your images. They need to be more pronounced.
2. Battery life is short and as a result, I am constantly checking for power levels.
3. Batteries are difficult to get out, they require tiny fingers to find the fabric (?) tab.
4. Connecting, whether Bluetooth or WiFi, is haphazard at best and frustrating at its worst. This limits the ability to display images on smart 3D capable TVs.
5. The shutter button takes to much pressure, using the button on the screen is a better option.
6. It does not handle contrast well. Images with sunlight and shade will wash out either the sunlight or the shade.
What I liked was:
Images using the auto-focus are sharp enough to effective in 3D.
Videos are great fun, but again, sharing the joy is not trouble free.
As earlier, the 3D experience overcomes many of the issues mentioned.
I just wish they were easier to share.
Mais si la technique manuelle l’avantage de marcher trs simplement, elle a 2 inconvnients majeurs :
– le sujet ne doit pas bouger entre les 2 photos
– ne peut pas fonctionner pour les vidos (ou alors il faut faire un traveling horizontal trs stable, et simuler une stropaire en jouant sur un lger retard oeil gauche oeil droit dans le logiciel de montage)
– Si vous n’utilisez pas une app ddie, il faut assembler/aligner vous mme les photos.
Une camra comme le Kandao Ego vient donc corriger ces problmes puisqu’il s’agit rellement d’une double capture prise un instant T. Il devient alors possible d’immortaliser une personne qui saute en l’air, une fontaine dont l’eau jaillit, ou tout autre sujet en mouvement.
Raliser des vidos devient galement un jeu d’enfant ! A une exception prs : la consommation du Kandao Ego est dsastreuse, et vous verrez la batterie filer l’oeil nu 🙂
Pour tre tout fait honnte, mon principal besoin tant la photo, je ne suis pas trop gn par la consommation qui est un peu moins pire dans ce mode.
Le viewer fourni, rouge comme les stroscopes de la grande poque, est de bonne facture. Reste que la prvisualisation est perfectible, puisque elle utilise le petit cran LCD comme source, travers un astucieux jeu de miroirs.
Les meilleurs rendus seront clairement obtenus sur un casque VR (je fait visualiser les photos du Kandao mes amis/famille avec mon Oculus Quest 2).
Pour ma part je visualise les photos avec mes yeux ^^
Et oui, la technique de vision parallle (parallel view) qu’on utilise pour regarder des Magic Eyes fonctionne galement trs bien avec les stropaires d’images, nul besoin d’un outil quelconque donc !
Reste que diverger sur des photos au format paysage est parfois compliqu voire impossible quand le support utilis est trop grand (prfrer le tlphone un PC par exemple). L’app mobile permet de retailler les photos dans un format un peu moins large (pour moins diverger ses yeux, cf mes photos d’accompagnement) ce qui est agrable.
J’aurai cependant aim pour ma part une option pour sortir les images au format invers (droite-gauche) afin de pouvoir les regarder en vision croise (cross view), technique que je maitrise galement trs bien et qui permet de regarder des images de toutes largeurs et mme sur grand cran. Pour une prochaine mise jour, esprons.
Au final, un beau gadget pour le geek amateur de strogrammes que je suis, et totalement indit une poque o les appareils photo stro sont devenus totalement dsuets et donc introuvables (il ne reste sur le march que des vieux machins obsoltes).
Reste que ses dfauts, notamment son autonomie et sa lenteur au dmarrage (j’ai lu 30 secondes, le mieux tourne plutt vers les 15 secondes avec le dernier firmware), parfois sa lenteur dans les menus (a rame un peu, surtout si la carte SD est un peu lente) ou encore l’absence d’autofocus (je suis en mise au point infinie la plupart du temps, car il est impossible d’avoir une photo nette ou presque autrement !) agaceront peut tre ceux qui pensent trouver l un objet sans dfaut. EDIT : suite une mise jour du firmware, le Kandao est dsormais capable de faire un autofocus. C’est lent, mais a marche.
There is no zoom, no autofocus, no lens cover (that’s one thing I would like for it, a lens cover) and no real manual settings.
Zoom isn’t really needed on a 3D camera, and while autofocus would be nice you do get a selection of focus options that change the focus from close to far away.
Despite some reviews on here, and from photography blogs, saying that no autofocus results in mainly blurry useless pictures I haven’t found this to be the case.
Yes you will definitely take some pictures where you get the focus setting wrong and it results in a blurry image but you learn pretty quickly how to judge which focus to use and the guide on the LCD viewfinder is very useful with this as it tells you (in centimeters and feet for those in the UK) how far away the selected focus is.
Just take a few photographs at different focus lengths when you first use the camera and you’ll quickly get used to which focus option is right for the shot you want to take. You don’t need to go into a menu to change the focus either, it’s literally a button press so it’s very easy to do and easy to get used to.
Is this as convenient as most digital cameras are, is it point and shoot? No, but it isn’t meant to be.
If you want a quality 3D camera that will produce good results this is literally the best camera out there unless you have enough money for top of the line 3D movie cameras that is.
It takes twenty seconds to start up from being switched off, and the user interface is a tiny bit slower than most modern cameras, it’s mildly irritating until you get used to it but it’s not a big issue and the camera will do exactly what you buy it for….take good 3D photographs and videos.
It’s small and portable and the snap on 3D viewer really does give you a good idea what your 3D media will look like.
Battery life is not great so maybe buy the option that comes with a second battery and external charger, if you don’t see such an option listed on Amazon just go to the camera makers Amazon page and you’ll find it as a separate listing.
It should last about about an hour, my first time using it I took 92 photos and a video over the course of about an hour and a half and had around 34% battery left but was turning it off between each set of shots to conserve battery power.
Is it perfect? No. Is it a very good 3D camera? Yes. Is it expensive? Not really when you consider that there’s really nothing else like this at the moment, and it isn’t much more expensive than many non 3D cameras.
Overall a decent camera. A very good 3D camera and worth the money if you can look past it’s lack of features and just want good 3D.
The camera is small and lightweight, the battery saving helps with life of a hour plus. You can check the camera and how to encode on 360 rumors web site.
With some tips and more reviews you can use it with the quest 2 vr headset but the quality of the video produced buy the camera is higher than the quest can
Replicate. The customer support by henry is superb
The QooCam moves the bar forward with features and functionality, such as a high frame rate of 60 fps at 1920x1080p and two high-speed sports modes for very fast second shutter speeds to capture the sharpest fast moving details, all in stereo 3D. Photo resolution is 8000×3000 pixels for a high clarity and highly detailed capture. The camera creates two photo utilizing the left and right camera lens to generate a “Side-by-Side” image that can be immediately viewed with the included viewer that attaches easily magnetically and with two small clips to secure it in place.
Enjoy the high bitrate of 60Mbps video capture to ensure that no details are lost. The small screen packs an impressive 847 PPI display quality, rivaling the display on an iPhone. The high PPI and excellent optical clarity of the viewer create an immersive, compact, and instantly accessible 3D experience, unlink no other. This “View-Master” like combination is easy to work with and the camera automatically switches over to the 3D view as soon as the viewer is attached.
Elevate your content creation by easily incorporating 3D captures of events and locations. The highly accurate photos produced are captivating to view and the videos capture the missing details that are lost when only taken with a standard 2D camera.
KanDao has been highly engaged on constantly improving and releasing new features for this incredible new 3D camera, such as the newly added “touch to shoot” on screen shutter button and enhancements to the batter performance with a new “sleep” feature.
Excellent build quality with the attention to details for the construction create a well-rounded and highly capable product that has now entered the 3D space to take the crown for being the most compact and technologically advanced 3D camera in the small form factor smaller than even an iPhone 12 mini.
Impressive specs, high-frame rate, sharp 1080P stereo video, intuitive on screen controls, constantly improving system firmware to add new features all in a package smaller than a stack of two decks of playing cards creates an experience unlike no other, and it’s time for KanDao to shine with the new product category. Can’t wait to see what new features are added to bring for capability to an already impressive product.