NEEWER Super Clamp with 3″ Dual Ballhead Magic Arm, Cold

NEEWER Super Clamp with 3" Dual Ballhead Magic Arm

NEEWER Super Clamp with 3″ Dual Ballhead Magic Arm, Cold Shoe, 1/4″ 3/8″ Threads, Phone/Action Camera Mount Adapter for Desk Tripod Tube Crossbar Gimbal Rods Compatible with SmallRig GoPro DJI, ST83


25 Responses

  1. Anonymous says:

     United States

    For the price, this mount is above and beyond. Easy to install on my Can Am Ryker and the adjustability is top notch. Very sturdy holding my Insta360 x3 with great performance. The build quality is that of something that would cost way more so you’re getting excellent value for your money. I highly recommend

  2. Anonymous says:


    acquistato per trovare inquadrature diverse dorante i giri in moto. Non batte ciglio: ogni tanto controllo che non si siano allentati i tiraggi, ma per scrupolo, non si mai allentato


  3. Anonymous says:


    I like how sturdy the clamp is, and offers good adjustment. However, it doesn’t offer 360″ on every connection so it is somewhat limited. It won’t grasp small tubes/cylinder objects well either.

  4. Adrian Marlow says:


    Mieux qu’une simple pince, on ne craint pas d’y fixer un appareil, mme un peu lourd. La pince permet de fixer le bras sur un surface plane (un rebord de table par exemple), mme un assez pais, ou un support arrondi avec les mchoires intrieures. Trs pratique et robuste.

  5. Alexandria Haslam says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 2 From Our UsersI needed a solution for a wine glass holder that would work in many applications so off to the drawing board I went. After a couple trials with so so results I thought I would give these clamps a try. They worked great! I made a couple of the leather covered holders and was soon asked to make more! I have found that these clamps work for most any application and will hold a full glass of wine without fear of spilling a drop! Very sturdy, unlimited positioning and easy on/off whatever it is clamped to. Very happy with the purchase!

    I needed a solution for a wine glass holder that would work in many applications so off to the drawing board I went. After a couple trials with so so results I thought I would give these clamps a try. They worked great! I made a couple of the leather covered holders and was soon asked to make more! I have found that these clamps work for most any application and will hold a full glass of wine without fear of spilling a drop! Very sturdy, unlimited positioning and easy on/off whatever it is clamped to. Very happy with the purchase!

  6. Anonymous says:


    What you need when you don’t have a tripod (or are not allowed to use one!)

    This is a very sturdy and versatile product that with a little bit of creative thinking can be used in place of a tripod especially in places where tripods are not allowed or take up too much space when travelling.

  7. Running to the Kitchen says:


    This is an absolute must have for your kit. Firstly, the build quality alone is impressive and rivals some of the most expensive equipment I’ve purchased, but I am most impressed with the versatility of this piece of gear. I am honestly going to purchase another because it’s useful in so many situations, and I have decided to keep one for a dedicated desk-mount setup I have. My only complaint, is that I wish I could figure out how to unthread the included “magic-arm” style ball-head joint, as it seems to be lock-tight fused to the main clamps’ housing or I am just being too delicate with it. Either way, 5 stars for the price. I’m buying another.

  8. Anonymous says:


    The clamp at first glance is fantastic. Grabbed a 2×4 and held by pixel 8 pro (in a case) solid.
    Real thought went into this clamp. Textured balls on pivots, solid on everything.
    Except the phone mount which is not bottom end, but not quite big enough for a flagship in a case. I would have liked to see a screw clamp system and not the tired spring loaded old style phone mount.
    Still worth the money as i have not seen a clamp this good for phones, go pros and full sized cameras ever. (I had a discount)
    I will report back if i have issues.

  9. OrlandoXZR says:


    Se siente de muy buena resistencia, pero creo que no va a durar mucho por el mtodo de fijacin retencin del brazo.

    Me parece corto para como lo haba imaginado de la publicidad

  10. Anonymous says:


    Robusto stabile e con protezione di gomma anti vibrazioni.
    Si pu fissare il cellulare nella posizione preferita senza impazzire con brugole e collarini di gomma.
    In un attimo si fissa e in un attimo si toglie.
    Non leggerissimo, confronto con altri sistemi, ma super modulabile e pratico.
    Un centinaio di grammi in pi, ben ripagati dalla soddisfazione d’uso.

    Uno tra i migliori porta cellulare da bici mai provato

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    A very nice, sturdy, well made and highly adjustable ‘camera’ clamp. Will clamp to round as well as square surfaces and will hold a DSLR camera without giving you that ‘fear of it falling off’ feeling.
    All adjustable joints can be very firmly fixed without applying to much force and loosen off just as easily.
    2 standard 1/4 ” fixings for cameras or accessories.
    Overpriced… Maybe, but you can tell this is quality equipment.


    5.0 out of 5 stars Quality clamp maybe just a tad overpriced

  12. Darlene6371 says:

     United Kingdom

    Comes in a simple cardboard box with a user manual.
    A nice and solid metal clamp with a plastic spring loaded phone holder and action cam adapter.
    very handy for all sorts of photography uses and mounting needs.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Very handy clamp to anything camera adapter.

  13. JaunitaWheat says:


    El soporte viene con un adaptador de telfono y un montaje de cmara de accin, por lo que es una herramienta verstil para mis diversos proyectos.

    – Color: Negro
    – Material: aleacin de aluminio y acero inoxidable hbrido.
    – Conectores: Adecuado para telfonos inteligentes de 55-85 mm de ancho y cmaras de accin con un peso mximo de carga de 3,5 kg
    – Monturas: roscas de 1/4″ y 3/8″, montura de zapata fra incorporada para conectar monitores, luces LED, micrfonos, etc.
    – Dimensiones del producto: 15 x 12,5 x 5 cm;
    – Peso: 334 gramos (con todas las monturas)

    – Cmodo ajuste del ngulo y fijacin rpida.
    – Ideal para una gran variedad de escenarios de uso, desde la fotografa a la videografa.
    – Su robusta construccin metlica proporciona estabilidad y minimiza las vibraciones.
    – Ligero y compacto, fcil de transportar, puedes llevar ms de uno, ms ligero que otras marcas.
    – No daa las superficies gracias a las almohadillas de goma.

    – El peso mximo de carga de 3,5 kg puede no ser adecuado para cmaras pesadas.

    Uso regularmente esta abrazadera para sujetar mi monitor a mi cmara y puedo decir que hace un gran trabajo, sin vibraciones, se sujeta muy firmemente. La abrazadera es bastante ligera comparada con otras abrazaderas, pero aun as sujeta perfectamente sin resbalar, gracias a las gomas elsticas. Parece que aqu se utiliza una aleacin ligera especial que facilita su transporte y su uso en rodajes largos, con este peso incluso me puedo permitir coger unas cuantas piezas. Al usar la pinza en materiales ms blandos o frgiles como aglomerado o madera hay que tener cuidado de no dejar abolladuras, es muy fcil pinzar demasiado fuerte. Sin embargo, en superficies metlicas se comporta bien, permitindote sujetar con seguridad tu equipo sin problemas ni restricciones, incluso he sujetado luminarias pesadas, si sujetas sin ngulo se sujeta con seguridad. La pinza viene con un soporte universal de plstico para el telfono y otro para la cmara de accin. En general la pinza es fiable, al principio es un poco incomodo ajustarla, pero luego me acostumbre.

    Peso ligero, agarre seguro, incluye soporte para teléfono y cámara de acció

  14. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    There are lots of cheaper clamps of this sort out there, but this one does feel better quality; sturdier, than many non-branded ones. I think I would trust my mirrorless camera to this, at a pinch. It probably is more intended for actioncam/phone use. But it is strongly made and the clamp can be tightened to a good degree.

  15. Anonymous says:


    Esta es una RESEA DE VALORACIN para el artculo: NEEWER Super Clamp con Brazo Mgico de 3″ Cabeza Esfrica Dual, Zapata Fra, 1/4″ 3/8″ Roscas, Abrazadera de Telfono/Cmara de Accin para Trpode, Gimbal Rods Compatible con SmallRig GoPro dji,ST83.

    En este kit de soporte, esta pinza de agarre del componente principal es muy robusta, (aluminio lacado en negro) con un buen ajuste y apriete en multitud de formas de soporte, tanto manillares y tubos hasta un tamao de unos 45mm como a estanterias mesas o tubos rectangulares o cuadrados (incluso piezas con poca linealidad en alguna de sus caras, gracias al sistema de extremo de pinza articulado) de hasta unos 55mm. Las zonas de contacto a soporte vienen en superficie engomada con texturas estriadas. El sistema de Apriete de esta pinza es con palomilla grande de plastico que gira un nico eje de apriete principal. La pega principal es que la orientacin de la horquilla extensible superior no es completa (esta limitada , y el eje de soporte inferior sale inclinado por estar sujeta a uno de los soportes de la pinza y no a una parte central alineada, esto hace que si la pinza se fija a un Objeto ancho (manillar/barra soporte /estanteria , etc… el eje de la bola soporte sale con unaq inclinacin de hasta unos 45 , si se quiere poner en la vertical respecto de la pinza entonces el soporte de mvil/cmara deportiva superior solo puede orientarse 180 a derecha e izquierda pero apenas unos 10 adelante y atrs , es un poco complejo explicar si no lo tienes en las manos, pero he intentado aclararlo lo ms posible para que se sepa que tiene sus limitaciones, no en el agarre pero si en en la orientacin de la articulacin superior de doble bola .
    La rosca de salida de la bola superior es el paso habitual de soporte inferior de cmaras fotogrficas o videocmaras 1/4″ (pero no he visto que se indique una carga de peso recomendable, yo lo veo si acaso para cmaras de formato compacto o mirrorless con Opticas cortas y ligeras, ( si el peso es alto de Cmara u objetivo depender de muchos factores su estabillidad y ser mejor comprobarla para no jugarsela); y como accesorios trae el soporte para mvil , todo en material plstico y tiene posible ajuste en modo horizontal desde 55 a 80mm , y solo por presin de sistema muelle de cierre (bastante duro) con todo el contorno protegido en los extremos de pinza en goma estriada y en la parte posterior en espuma. Y por otro lado el otro accesorio es para fijar una cmara deportiva compacta (tipo gopro).
    El embalaje original de su caja incluye una espuma interior con recortes internos para las tres piezas queden encajadas y protegidas y no choquen entre ellas.

    Mi valoracin para este artculo es de < 4 ESTRELLAS > . La estrella que le falta para las 5 basado como coment por sus limitaciones de articulacin movimiento del sistema de bolas en la horquilla y por un precio poco ajustado, por lo dems muy buena opcin de compra si se ajusta a tus necesidades.

    La pinza de agarre muy robusta permite la sujección casi todo tipo formas,tubos,mesas,listones

  16. Anonymous says:


    Ich habe mir diese Klemme bestellt, um meine Actionkamera sicher befestigen zu knnen. Je nachdem woran man sie befestigt, funktioniert das unterschiedlich gut.

    Wenn man die Klemme an einer Tischplatte befestigt, muss man sie sehr festziehen, weil die beiden Fe eine recht kleine Oberflche haben. Das bedeutet, dass man die Klemme auf einer glatten Oberflche noch leicht verschieben/verdrehen kann, wenn man sie nicht mit sehr viel Kraft anzieht. Das kann dann dazu fhren, dass man z.B. die Tischplatte beschdigt.
    An runden Objekten, wie z.B. Fahrradlenkern oder Gelndern funktioniert es besser, weil dann die Klemme das Objekt komplett umschliet und dadurch mehr Oberflche Kontakt hat. Es kommt aber auch sehr auf die genaue Form des Objekts bzw. den Durchmesser an, wie gut es dann hlt.
    Das kann sehr gut funktionieren oder nur so mig.
    Wenn man sich mit der Actionkamera dann schnell oder ruckartig bewegt, kann es je nach Anwendung nicht ausreichen.
    Wenn keine groen Krfte walten, reicht es aber immer.

    Alternativ kann man natrlich auch jede andere Kamera und sogar Handys an der Klemme befestigen. Die passenden Halterungen dafr liegen bei und sie funktionieren alle sehr gut. Man kann sie schnell auswechseln und einstellen. Insgesamt knnte die ganze Bedienung der Klemme nicht einfacher sein und auch die Verarbeitung ist sehr gut.

  17. Lorraine C. Ladish says:


    Clamp (pinza en ingls), no deja de ser un soporte de fijacin. Cuando dicen “super clamp” hacen referencia a una pinza mucho ms verstil que una estndar, con ms opciones de posicionamiento, movimiento o compatibilidad.

    Recibimos una caja rgida de cartn con el logo de la marca impreso fuera. Dentro tenemos un cacho de espuma negro grueso, con la forma exacta del contenido. Un clsico del packaging de Neewer (tengo bastantes accesorios de foto de ellos).

    Una vez abierta la caja, vemos que contiene lo que sera la pinza en s, un adaptador para telfono mvil, fijacin standard de cmara de accin y un pequeo manual de instrucciones en ingls. En realidad este ltimo no te explica nada que no puedas deducir, pero salen indicados los pasos de rosca y encajes varios que casi no te daras cuenta que estn ah. Sacarles provecho es un poco tener idea feliz, unos ejemplos ilustrados hubieran venido de fbula.

    A nivel materiales me parece que es un blocaco de puro hierro . No ahora en serio, me parece sper bueno, todas las partes son de aluminio y acero, lo nico que hay en plstico/goma son las protecciones de las terminaciones de la pinza. Y ms que nada para dar un poco ms de agarre adicional. Pesa lo suyo!

    Me ha parecido muy curioso el sistema que tiene de rtulas. Tpicamente una rtula de bola va con su propia fijacin independiente, la clsica “palomita” enroscada en el lateral. Pero en este caso las 2 rtulas que tiene van prensadas con un par de fijaciones laterales y una nica palomita. A lo mejor no se entiende as explicado, pero cuando lo tienes en las manos y utilizas, ves que es un sistema peculiar, es rpido de mover y fijar. Eso s, no tengo claro si es mejor o peor a nivel aguante de fuerzas.

    La bola del paso de rosca que queda en la parte superior, junto al tipo de fijacin, ya se ve que no es para grandes accesorios ni cosas pesadas. Un telfono mvil, una cmara de accin, una luz led, o hasta un flash de mano sin ningn modificador, seran objetos que creo que se podran poner bien y sin riesgo a que ceda. Pero no pasara ms de eso, no me fiara de meterle mucho peso o podremos sufrir alguna desgracia (por ms compatible que sea el paso de rosca, y aunque el fabricante diga que puede con cargas de 3,5Kg, no hay que tentar a la suerte).

    Por lo dems, la pinza se puede fijar muy fuerte sin esfuerzo, y es perfectamente apta para superficies planas o tubulares (aunque sean irregulares, tipo ramas de rboles o cosas por el estilo).

    En resumidas cuentas, muy buena pinza y de tamao contenido, la cual creo que nos servir especialmente bien en exteriores y entornos que no podamos prever lo que nos encontraremos hasta que lleguemos para las fotos o vdeo. Para llevar siempre encima “por si aca”.

  18. StackCommerce says:

     United Kingdom

    I have a few different clamps, I always take at least one out with me if I’m out on a shoot. For strobes they can be amazing, but I find them essential for small LED panel lights. If filming an interview in a home, there’s often a shelf or even a door I can use to clamp a light onto without the need for a lightstand which can get in the way if it’s an enclosed space.

    I still tend to have a light stand for my key light, but for a fill light, being able to place it pretty much anywhere is a bonus. This can also be used to attach additional items to my light stand or tripod, my mic is usually mounted on my camera but if for some reason I using a longer lense I can instead attach my mic to the light stand and have it closer to the talent. This clamp is ideal for that, the magic arm is amazing and can be manipulated into any position very easily.

    This comes with a phone clamp and an action camera mount, to be honest I’ve not used either, I’ve simply used the screw mount for my LED lights. The fact that this has additional mounts on the clamp itself (ARRI locating points, cold shoe mount on and various threads) gives this extra versatility as you can mount directly to the clamp also once it’s secured.

    The clamp attaches and is tightened easily, and once attached it is very secure. It’s an essential piece of kit which may not get used all the time, but *will* be important and some point and can be used for so many things, it’s a piece of equipment which adds a lot of functionality to existing kit. It’s well engineered and I have no doubt that this will last for many years.

  19. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    It’s OK, the ball pin on the back in screwed, bonded and grub-screwed in place. Whatever I tried I couldn’t get the pin out, which is a shame as it uses up one of the few 1/4 holes for accessory mounting.

  20. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    While the clamp and magic arm have the build quality you’d hope for, the real advantage lies in the flexibility it provides. With ball heads that allow for 360-degree movement, I found it incredibly useful when needing to film at odd angles or mounting various devices. The mounting options are versatile but expect a slight learning curve to understand the most stable configurations. Also, remember, you have a weight limit to respect; it holds well but doesn’t expect it to handle a full DSLR setup without some wobble.

  21. KristineMoeller says:

     United Kingdom

    This camera mounting clamp arrived in a sturdy, branded cardboard box with moulded foam inserts to protect it in transit. As well as the clamp the box contains an action camera (GoPro, DJI Osmo) mount, a sprung phone mount and instructions.

    I have several devices from Neewer and I’m always impressed with the quality they produce for a reasonable price. This clamp is no exception.

    With the swing down flat plates the jaws open to around 5.5cm. With the flat plates folded back they open to about 6.5cm. The flats and the curved areas inside the jaws are lined with rubber for better grip and to prevent scratching. There’s a cold shoe mount and several apertures to receive “/20 screws both on the clamp itself and the arm, so additional devices can be attached. The ball heads are grooved to improve grip when locked.

    I got this to use my action camera on my classic motorbike. I previously tried a cheaper, almost identical looking clamp ( and although the clamp looked and felt solid in use there were problems. My old bike vibrates a lot and even with everything fully tightened I still had movement. There are no such problems with this clamp and when fully tightened everything is rock solid.

    This is a really useful and versatile clamp and the fold out flat grips really help if you want to clamp it onto a flat surface. After my previous experience with the other clamp it’s really good to have something that I feel I can trust with my expensive camera equipment so I’m giving this 5 stars.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Versatile and Useful Clamp and Trust it on my Bike

  22. PriscilBeaumont says:

     United Kingdom

    The Neewer Superclamo is a compact (205gram) clamp built for small devices like phones, action cameras or small compact cameras. The clamp comes with a spring-loaded phone holder and an action camera mount.

    The clamp has some new features for 2023; the inner jaws are rubber coated so they won’t scratch. They will grip onto devices up to 6cm. There are then two rotating feet that allow you to attach it to flat surfaces. The clamps screw is nice and smooth; and its captive so you can’t open the jaws to ar.

    The clamp has a 20 thread on it along with a cold shoe you could use to mount a light or microphone. The main camera mount attachment is via a rigid two ball arm. This has a single screw to tighten both ends down; you can rotate each side through 360 around and 180 degrees vertically. The arm is about 5cm long and has two more 20 mount holes. The end of the arm has a 20 thread pin on it; so, you can screw directly into a device so equipped or mount another mounting device to the end.

    It’s very flexible; the rubber grips worked well on wood; tripod and light mounts as well is directly onto glass — albeit it very carefully. On my tripod leg the grip was good, and it was able to hold onto an RX100 compact camera with a microphone plugged into the port. The maximum rating is 3kg; which would take a mirrorless camera; I still need to build up some trust before giving that a go. For me it’s a convenient way of rigidly mounting an action camera to something in order to take a video or timelapses.

  23. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This clamp system comes with a solid and well made clamp with pivoted grips so you can easily attach it to almost anything, the ball head and a 1/4″ threaded end to attach the included phone mount or action camera mount. I use these all the time for holding action cameras, small lights or microphones while on a shoot in the studio or on location. Very well made and seems like it will last and its versitility means I can use it for a wide variety of purposes. Great for any photographer or videographer.

  24. DanieleKeighley says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good-quality clamp and mostly metal with adjustable and rubber-coated feet so it doesn’t damage whatever you clamp it to, I use these the most to mount my action cameras to trees for walk-by shots and also posts, it’s super strong and once all tightened up will not budge, as well as the 1/4 thread mount it also comes with an action camera mount and also a phone mount, overall, very impressed with the Neewer super clamp.

  25. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    Review of NEEWER Super Clamp

    This Neewer clamp comes in a basic cardboard box. The box contains the clamp with magic arm, phone bracket and action camera adapter.

    Build. The clamp itself is well made, most of the clamp is made from aluminium alloy. The two clamp jaws articulate and are lined with a nonslip design silicone rubber pad. The clamp and arm weighs 208 grams which is on the heavy side for a magic arm. The magic arm has two fully rotatable ball heads so can be positioned in any direction. The ” screw thread can be used to attach items like LED lights, microphone etc. A unique point it that this NEEWER kit also comes with a mobile phone clamp and action camera clamp that attach to the ” screw thread. In addition, the clamp has a range of mounting options including a cold shoe for a flash, ” threads and ARRI locating points

    In terms of openness, I was sent this super clamp under the Amazon Vine programme for an impartial review.

    4.0 out of 5 stars A bit heavy, but a well-made and useful magic arm.