【2023 Latest】ZIMAIC Camping Cutlery&Climbing Button, 5

【2023 Latest】ZIMAIC Camping Cutlery&Climbing Button, 5 in 1 Cutlery Set Multitool Portable Stainless Steel Spoon, Fork, Knife & Bottle Opener Combo Set, Outdoor Detachable Utensil, Travel, Backpacking

Weight: | 121 g |
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 4.7 x 4 cm; 120.5 Grams |
Brand: | ZIMAIC |
Dimensions: | 12.8 x 4.7 x 4 cm; 120.5 Grams |
Mit Campingbesteck sit das gerne mal so eine Sache. Denn entscheidend ist oft die Art und Weise wie Messer, Gabel & Lffel miteinander verbunden bzw. wieder getrennt werden. Hier funktioniert das recht einfach aber zuverlssig indem Gabelabteil an Messer/Lffel angeklickt wird. Das Messer wird nach dem Ausklappen mit einem kleinen Metallsteg fixiert der erst wieder eingedrckt werden muss bevor die (teilweise gezahnte) Klinge zurckgeklappt werden kann. Eine sichere Sache. Ein Korkenzieher ist auch noch dran, wobei ein Dosenffner wohl passender gewesen wre, aber gut. Mir gefllt das Besteck wirklich sehr, weil es einfach und unkompliziert gestaltet und ordentlich verarbeitet ist. Nichts macht den Eindruck schnell den Geist aufzugeben. Der extra Karabinerhaken ist ziemlich gro und scheint eher Bonus zu sein denn fr das Besteck selbst hat er keine Bewandtnis.
This multifunctional cutlery set is my go-to for outdoor trips. The detachable fork is a game-changer, making it effortless to enjoy meals on the go. The stainless steel construction ensures durability, and the locking mechanism adds a layer of safety. The included travel pouch is a subtle addition, keeping it clean and ready for my next adventure. It’s a must-have for any traveler.
This is a pretty good product, it is not particularly amazing, but I have no particular criticism of it.
I am not an expert on knife manufacturing, so I do not have the ability to compare it to the leading brands in the field, but it seems to be well-made, is light enough, appears to be fit-for-purpose, and about right in terms of price compared to other things out there of comparable specification.
I would say if it has the features you are looking for (i.e. you do not need a set of dessert spoons, butter knife, and a fish descaler), but just the core essentials, this is going to be a good purchase.
What a great little camping gadget. You might think you can make do with your existing cutlery and Swiss Army knife but to have all the utensils together like this in one pleasing metal implement is quite satisfying for gadget lovers like myself. You cut your food with the knife and then safely store it away as you go ahead and eat with the spoon/fork. The carabiner is a nice touch for those who would hang it on things to show how well equipped they are to fellow campers.
ZIMAIC camping cutlery set looks and feels well made from stainless steel, strong, sturdy and durable.
It arrived with the storage pouch.
It arrived without user guide, so won’t be suitable as a present as it wasn’t straightforward to work out how to use it.
This set splits in half, button has to be pressed to release the knife.
It is easy and fast to use for me now when I know what to press and how to split/join it.
It is well made from a good quality materials, strong, sturdy and durable.
The measurements are exactly as per listing description.
Cutlery are comfortable to grip, hold and use.
They are easy and fast to wash.
Very versatile and useful cutlery set, perfect for traveling, camping etc.
Well made, versatile and useful, so I would happily recommend it.
et bien pratique pour monsieur quand il fait une journe la pche. Au moins, il a tout porter de main certes le couteau est plus du style cantine mais il a toujours son couteau de chasse sur lui
Il est bien compact et est facile ranger dans sa house qu’il attache sur son sac avec le mousqueton de fourni.
This is a great knife, fork and spoon set with the addition of a bottle opener and corkscrew. They are metal and good quality. They fold in half and clip together for compact storage and come with a carry case that would fit easily in a pocket or bag or you can attach to a bag or belt loop etc with the supplied karabiner. Perfect for camping.
Cet objet est trs pratique pour le camping mais aussi juste pour mettre dans un sac de randonne.
Il est multifonctions et contient un couteau, une fourchette, une cuillre, un tire bouchon, un ouvre boite.
La fourchette et la cuillre peuvent tre dmonts pour tre utilis sparment.
La lame du couteau a un systme de verrouillage pour viter tout accident.
La qualit est bonne, cela se range dans une petite pochette avec un mousqueton.
Das Klappbesteck von ZIMAIC macht fr mich einen sehr ordentlichen Eindruck mit ein paar Schwchen:
– kompakt (ca. 11 cm x 2,5 cm x 2,5 cm)
– stabile Ausfhrung mit Sicherungen fr Gabel und Messer. Zuerst dachte ich, dass die Gabel nicht ganz so gut halten wird, aber beim Probeessen (mit Puteschnitzel) hat alles wunderbar geklappt.
– Messer schneidet wirklich gut
– neben dem Standardbesteck ist noch ein ffner fr Kronkorken und Dosen sowie ein Kellnerkorkenzieher (zustzlicher Hebel fr leichteres ffnen) mit dabei
– extra Schraubkarabiner (zum festmachen des Bestecks oder auch etwas schwererem ok, aber sonst kein extrem hoher Qualittsstandard)
– schwarzer stabiler Beutel mit Grtelschlaufe in die das Besteck zusammen mit dem Karabiner passt (wobei der Karabiner eher die Tasche irgendwo befestigen soll)
– solide Verarbeitung
– Edelstahl sollte vor Rost schtzen, aber das kann ich noch nicht final sagen
– das Besteck war bei Lieferung sehr gut gelt. Ich persnlich wrde sagen, dass das nicht frs Essen geeignet war und eher wie in einer Werkstatt gerochen hat (deswegen habe ich es vorher auf jeden Fall gut gesplt)
– der Lffel hat etwa die Hlfte eines normalen Lffels, eher etwas weniger Volumen (man will eben ein kompaktes Tool)
– Die Gabel ist weniger breit und bietet daher auch eine geringere Auflageflche, als eine Normale (wieder aus Grnden der Kompaktheit)
– 120 g sind nicht extrem leicht. Eine Gabel und ein Messer aus einem Camping-Besteckset von WMF wiegen ca. 60 g. Da fehlt mir leider der Lffel, aber wenn wir dann bei gut 90 g landen immer noch weniger und vielleicht hat man schon ein Taschenmesser dabei und braucht eigentlich gar keinen weiteren Flaschen-/Dosenffner.
Trotz der negativen Punkte denke ich dennoch, dass es fr den aktuellen Preis ein tolles Camping-Besteckset ist und auch ein cooles Geschenk fr Kinder/Jugendliche sein knnte, welche zum Zelten gehen.
This is like a eating focussed multi-tool, everything you need to have a good meal, it has. The knife has decent serration so would be able to work its way through tough meats. The fork is good, the spoon is good, the corkscrew and bottle opener are a nice touch.
It also splits in half so you can use it like actually cutlery.
Not as light as a titanium spork, but it covers the whole cutlery draw.
En esta ocasion creo que el video y las fotos hablan por si solos, tan solo quedaba por comprobar si la calidad real era la esperada.
Pues bien, despues de las primeras impresiones puedo confirmar que est resultando incluso mejor de lo esperado, tanto por la calidad del inox de los cubiertos, como por los ajustes de montaje, no hay nada flojo, ningun accesorio que se pliegue por estar flojo, cosas asi…
-Est terminado en dos texturas diferentes, en acabado mate para las cachas (el chasis en si) y en inox. brillo para los accesorios y cubiertos, es lgico por que nos facilitar la limpieza y cuanto mas lisos sean.
-El mecanismo que separa los cubiertos es muy sencillo y la empuadura de los mismos se hace muy cmoda, incluso cuando usas el cuchillo la cuchara te queda plegada cerca de la palma de la mano dndole incluso mas comodidad para cogerlo.
-Los accesorios que tiene no hace falta detallarlos, tan solo me limito a valorar la calidad de los mismos, por ejemplo, el cuchillo se v que es tipo “cubierto” pero tiene un bloqueo bastante eficaz y tanto la parte lisa como la sierra vienen muy afilados de inicio, otra cosa es lo que dure.
-Como buen detalle, en la descripcin de venta del producto no menciona en ningun sitio que venga incluido el mosquetn y se incluye, ademas es de magnesio muy ligero (tan solo se muestra en una de las fotos pero no lo incluye en la descricin). Bien por la seriedad del vendedor.
En resumen, hasta el momento no puedo decir de estos cubiertos que los haya usado mucho, pero las primeras impresiones son mejores de lo esperado y sin ser un producto caro, esa relacin precio-calidad son los que me han decidido a darles las cinco estrellas de inicio (no suelo hacerlo). Como siempre suelo decir, esta resea queda abierta a edicin o cambios (siempre con fechas y en el principio de la resea) si veo que durante el uso hay alguna rotura o incidente imprevisto, creo que ser mucho mas util la informacin tras un tiempo de uso que tras un simple “unboxing”.
When I first tried to use this, I was quite confused. It seemed difficult to get the knife out, needlessly so. Then I figured out the fork is actually detachable, and realistically to use the knife you need to detach the fork (just slide the fork down prongs facing down and it unclips easily), then you can get to the knife to extend and fold away easily.
Instructions are not included, so what took me 5 minutes to figure out, could have been 5 seconds.
That aside, this is a really nice camping cutlery set.
Detachable folding fork, then the rest of the unit comprising of knife, spoon, bottle opener and can opener.
The fold outs are secure, so won’t slip closed, the knife has a guard specifically preventing this too so it’s good and safe to use in all respects.
Very nicely priced, good quality and easy to work out how to use, comes with pouch and big clip.
Clever piece of kit. Mulitple diffrent utensils in one item.
The knife/fork/spoon once out each has some degree of lock to it so it wont snap back in on you during use, with the the knife having the strongest safety lock, deservedly.
Theres just the smallest bit of play in the fork but considering the design of having the interlocking frames seperate out to become two seperate utensils you woudlnt want the item to be any bulkier and heavier for rigidity. Its great as it is.
This is definitely replacing my oither camping utensils. The steel on this item doesnt feel quite as weak and bendable as my previous sets.
My only personal grumble (and this is very much a me problem) for some reason I dont feel comfortable with forks that have very straight vertical tines, though it is the more practical choice for outdoor compact lightweight gear.
Le posate pieghevoli ZIMAIC sono davvero un’aggiunta eccellente per qualsiasi avventura all’aperto e meritano un’entusiastica recensione positiva. Ecco perch:
Qualit di costruzione superiore: Queste posate sono realizzate con materiali di alta qualit che le rendono resistenti e durevoli. La robustezza essenziale per sopportare l’uso durante il campeggio, il trekking, il picnic e altre attivit all’aperto.
Materiali di alta qualit: L’acciaio inox utilizzato per queste posate noto per la sua resistenza alla corrosione e alla ruggine, assicurando che rimangano in ottime condizioni anche in condizioni avverse.
Leggerezza: Il peso complessivo molto leggero di queste posate le rende ideali per chiunque voglia ridurre il peso nello zaino durante lunghe escursioni. Puoi portarle con te senza appesantire il tuo equipaggiamento.
Facili da pulire: La pulizia delle posate pieghevoli ZIMAIC un gioco da ragazzi. Puoi facilmente lavarle dopo l’uso senza complicazioni, il che particolarmente importante durante le attivit all’aperto.
In generale, queste posate pieghevoli offrono una combinazione eccezionale di qualit costruttiva, materiali affidabili, leggerezza e facilit di pulizia. Sono un ottimo investimento per chiunque ami le avventure all’aperto e desideri avere posate di alta qualit sempre a portata di mano. Consiglio vivamente le posate pieghevoli ZIMAIC a tutti gli appassionati di campeggio, trekking e picnic.
This item was supplied to me free of charge through Amazon’s Vine programme, however this in no way influences my review, which is intended to be both impartial and informative for potential purchasers.
With the (understandable) move to reduce the amount of single use plastic items previously provided by convenience food stores or supermarkets, having a little tool like this in the car is ideal as it means that you will always have access to a knife, fork and spoon when travelling – it’s also much nicer to use than the environmentally friendly wooden cutlery!
Some reviewers have commented on the tool being difficult to use, particularly the fork. Whilst it isn’t immediately obvious how to remove and use the fork, and instructions are non-existent (for which one star has been deducted), once you know how it detaches it’s actually very easy.
The nylon carrying case is a nice touch to keep it clean, and it folds up to a very compact size when not in use. Recommended as a handy tool for your glove box or handbag.
This multitool is a lifesaver for camping trips, picnics and for making sure I have cutlery in the office. It’s incredibly convenient, and the detachable fork is a fantastic feature. The stainless steel build is durable and easy to clean. Safety is a top priority with the locking system, and the included pouch keeps everything tidy. Love it!
Comes with a pouch and carabiner to connect to your bag etc. Takes a little examination to work out how to open and use the set though, not too bad overall. The fork is detachable, allowing your to open the guard that allows the knife to be opened into place, meaning you can have knife and fork to use at the same time. Knife and spoon are at opposite ends so you could also have both of them open too. Comes with the handy cork screw and bottle opener attachments as well.
This camping cutlery and climbing button are really cool. It’s an all-in-one tool with a spoon, fork, knife, and bottle opener. I can even take the fork apart and use it separately. The best part is, both the knife and fork have a locking system, so no worries about them accidentally closing while you’re using them. And when you’re done, just press a little lock to fold them up. In simple terms, it’s a convenient, safe, and multi-functional camping tool!
It’s super handy for outdoor meals—everything you need in one tool, no need for a bunch of utensils. Plus, it’s really lightweight and doesn’t take up much space in your backpack. The material is sturdy too, so you can trust it to hold up outdoors. Overall, it’s a tool that makes camping easier and more fun!
Ho un debole per questo tipo di oggetti..quindi son di parte..per lo trovo utilissimo da avere nello zaino da trekking o anche per chi fa campeggio.
In poco spazio racchiude l’essenziale per poter mangiare comodamente anche quando non si a casa.
Da chiuso occupa sostanzialmente lo spazio di un qualunque coltellino multifunzione, ma aprendo la forchetta o il cucchiaio, si sgancia e diventano 2 pezzi separati, uno con forchetta e l’altro con la classica lama da coltello.
Tutto in acciaio ti permette anche una certa comodit di lavaggio e pulizia.
Comodo anche il suo astuccio che ti permette anche di attaccarlo tramite moschettone ( presente in confezione).
Per me vale la pena acquistarlo!
A ideal device to take with you when camping or just out for the day in the woods.
An all in one solution for when it’s time to stop and tuck into a meal. Actually it’s all in two because it separates into two pieces, so you can have a knife in one hand and a fork in the other.
It’s good that it separates as it means you can hold that piece of Hog Roast steady that you’ve just speared from the spit……ah the outdoor life.
Note: The knife does have a locking blade meaning legally you cannot carry the Multool around with you, but there again who carries a knife & fork around with them all the time ?
A really useful gadget that will save you having to carry loose cutlery with you on a trip…..one to take a look at.
This is a neat little camping multitool. It provides a knife, fork, spoon and a few other handy extras: can/bottle opener & corkscrew. The case needed to keep it in and attach it to your pack is also provided togther with a lightweight karabiner to dangle it from.
The tool splits into two when needed to give you a knife and fork separately. Once mastered, separating the tool and putting it back togther is easy. The fork attaches at two detent points that I have ringed in blue in an attached photo.
This is a well made tool but surprisingly is provided with no instructions – you really do have to look at the listing page to understand how it is all meant to work. It’s not complicated but initial use could be made so much easier with a slip of paper and a few sentences of guidance.
Good value. Compact.
A fabulous little tool that actually lets you have a separate fork and knife at the same time!
This comes in a little pouch and is quite well put together. There’s nothing sharp sticking out when it’s collapsed. The fork lifts out and unfolds by itself, leaving you with a knife/spoon/toolset in the main part. These are well contained, the knife locks and is serrated.
Certainly an improvement in ones without a detachable fork. The intricacy does mean it’s a little harder to clean though.
This feels like a sturdy bit of kit. I ordered it to take on agency shifts as it cannot be guaranteed there will be cutlery in hospital settings. I needed instructions as I found it difficult to get the knife out, One needs to remove the fork portion first, I personally found this difficult.
I like the belt mountable loop and pouch supplied with the set and the carabiner would be useful in a tactical or camping setting. I would gift this good value for money item.
The tool arrived in its pouch within a small plain cardboard tube. Well packaged but with minimal waste.
First impressions are good. Other reviewers have commented on the weight and quality of the steel, but I have no complaints. I think they hit the balance between weight and steel thickness about right.
The issue with these combined devices is that often you can only use one of the knife, fork or spoon at any one time. This tool gets around that by having the fork separate from the rest of the unit. The way it is secured is neat, it uses slight springiness in the steel to attach it between 2 rivets and once it’s in place it feels secure. It takes a couple of tries to learn how to do it correctly, but it’s not the Mensa challenge some would have you believe.
The knife blade has 2 sections, a sharp honed blade close to the handle and a serrated tip. The sharp section is OK, it could probably be further sharpened, but this isn’t a utility knife, it for eating and it’s plenty sharp enough for that purpose.
The pouch it comes in is mid-quality. It will probably last OK given the use of the tool.
The other issue with multi-tools is that the blades become loose over time, so I am pleased to see that all the rivets are Torx screws, so it should be possible to keep everything nice and tight.
The only negative for me is that the one I received was missing the carabiner which is a shame, so I have marked it down a star for that reason.
Cubiertos para ir de camping, de picnic o para comer en el trabajo. Juego muy completo para que no falte de nada a la hora de comer. Cuchara, tenedor, cuchillo, sacacorchos, abridos/abrelatas. De acero como el de los cubiertos de casa.
Siempre que me he ido de camping he tenido mucho cuidado de llevar bien envueltos los cubiertos para no cortarme al meter la mano en la mochila y para que no rajaran la propia mochila accidentalmente. No me han gustado nunca ni los cubiertos plsticos para acampada, ni los haba encontrado plegables como estos.
Me gusta el material, el tamao, la consistencia que tienen. Es una ventaja que el tenedor se pueda separar del conjunto para poder pinchar y cortar a la vez.
Importante que tanto el tenedor como el cuchillo se bloqueen cuando los desplegamos, para que al hacer fuerza utilizndolos no se cierren y nos cortemos accidentalmente o el filete salga disparado a la hierba del campo. Ambos tienen una pestaa con un clic que los bloquea, como muestro en el video.
Tienen su funda para que se preserven las condiciones higinicas y un detalle es el mosquetn por si se quiere colgar de la mochila. El mosquetn es endeblito y viene con la advertencia de que no es apto para escalada. Al tacto ya se ve pero ha querido curarse en salud.
Me van a dar mucho juego estos cubiertos en mis escapadas de fin de semana a la sierra.
Ha da subito attratto la mia attenzione questo piccolo e pratico utensile, delle dimensioni di un coltellino pieghevole, che racchiude in se forchetta, cucchiaio, coltello con lama parzialmente seghettata, apribottiglie, apriscatole/lattine, cavatappi
Chiaramente Le posate hanno dimensioni ridotte rispetto a quelle standard ma fungono bene allo scopo cui sono destinate
Il set comprende inoltre una custodia di tessuto con chiusura in velcro ed un moschettone con blocco a vite
Il produttore dichiara che il prodotto realizzato in acciaio inox, tuttavia non ho trovato la relativa dicitura da nessuna parte, la struttura in metallo satinato, le posate sono cromate
Non ci sono istruzioni, all’inizio c’ da capire come disarticolare i vari strumenti senza farsi male, dopodich l’uso risulta molto semplice
L’insieme ben congegnato con sistemi di leve a scatto e blocchi di sicurezza che tengono tutto ben saldo sia in posizione aperta che chiusa
la forchetta staccabile dal resto del corpo, cos da poterla usare in combinazione col coltello, il cucchiaio si estrae semplicemente roteandolo, il coltello, che realmente tagliente, si trova in posizione pi interna, protetto da blocco di sicurezza, dopo averlo estratto, roteandolo, si blocca automaticamente tramite levetta a scatto, premendo la levetta a scatto lo si richiude
E’ lavabile in lavastoviglie
I couldn’t find a credible reason for not giving this 5 in one cutlery multitool set a 5 star rating.
It’s reasonably lightweight, very compact and although it doesn’t come with any instructions, it takes only a minute to work it out.
The fork is detachable which makes dining a civilized experience, and indeed you need to detach the fork to open the knife. To detach just slide the fork down as its only held on by the rivets top and bottom.
The serrated knife is lockable, to release you need to press on the bar below it. The spoon is a good size, but because of it’s compact design you won’t be stirring your sugar into a full mug of coffee or tea as you’ll mess up the folding mechanism…not a deal breaker.
You also have the added bonus of a cork screw and a bottle opener.
The carry pouch is a waterproof strong nylon and it can be used with a belt.
The Carabiner is a tad flimsy but okay if you want to hang it from a loop in your tent.
To sum up this is a good quality camping set with everything you need for one person.
Very happy to recommend.
This tool is all made of reasonably thick metal so I should hope it will over time.
It’s not the lightest, but I guess you get something more in terms of durability. The utensils are good and it is nice that the bottle opener also has the lever you rest on the bottle, making the opening of bottles easier. The cutlery as such seems good, the lock of the kinfe feels very safe and the spring of the spoon very strong. Less reliable feels the lock for the fork, but should be adequate.
There are a lots of hole and crannies as the structure is skeletonised (for weight reduction I would think) but this may make it cleaning it a bit more annoying
I’ve had a few eating multi-tool utensils and I have to say this is by far one of the best I’ve ever had.
Really good quality, good size cutlery, easy to open, put away and clean and is really good value as well.
The ZIMAIC Camping Utensils, 5 in 1 Cutlery Multitool Portable Stainless Steel Spoon, Fork, Knife & Bottle Opener Combo Set is a fantastic product!
The product is well made as it’s made of metal. The fork is flimsy compared to the other half of the product which i dislike.
I love the product comes in a belt storage case.
And the carabineer was super useful as well.
If you don’t disconnet the fork and leave the 2 halfs together then its much more sturdy.
Apart from that this is an amazing little tool! And ill be keeping it in my camping equipment ready to go!
This is a great product! And it will come in very useful for many years to come.
Happy with the produc
Great folding cutlery tool, once you work out how to open it. Only the fork is removable. Twist the fork open and then slide to release from the rest of tool. Everything else just unfolds from main section. The knife is closed by pushing down on the metal strip in the centre of the handle. Most annoying thing is you can’t use spoon and knife at the same time safely. A detachable sppon like the fork would be better. Comes with storage pouch and carabiner.
So firstly I will start with what’s in the little plain brown box… You get a cutlery multitool which splits to give you the two halves (either a fork and a spoon or a fork and a knife – unless you want to take your life in your hands and have both the spoon and knife open together! 🙂 ), and you also get a standard nylon pouch and a nice looking but slightly tinny gated carabiner which as it rightly states on the side – “not for climbing”! Having said all that – it is a nice quality package.
First impressions is that the tool is a little confusing to open, separate and reassemble but once you suss it, it is easy enough. I have included two photos to show how the fork locks back into place against the knife/spoon part with a simple push and click. This is easiest done with the fork open but can also be done closed.
The spoon is nice and simple, and the knife is a half way between a sharp knife and a standard cutlery knife – with a few small serrations similar to that which you would get on a normal cutlery knife. Not a replacement for your swiss army knife but definitely sharper than a typical cutlery style knife.
One slightly annoying feature for opening and closing the knife is that you have to swing out the wine bottle opening lever first. One could argue that this is a good thing as it then becomes a very deliberate act to open the knife – but the flip side is that when you close it, you invariably forget and risk cutting your fingers trying to sort it out with the knife half closed . Not a big deal but something worth noting.
The final observation on the knife is that it is a locking blade – which is nice. It uses a little liner style lock that you just press in to release the blade and close. Again – it isn’t immediately obvious but once you know it is there it is a good feature to have.
In terms of other tools, I have already mentioned the wine bottle opener – this is a bog standard corkscrew type with a bracing lever on the opposite end. There is also a can opener (that can also be used as a bottle opener) that swings out, and on the fork handle at the butt end, you can also see a more conventional blunt bottle opener.
This is a great product and I would recommend over some of the more basic camp cutlery sets out there – especially as it all locks together making it harder to lose bits, and also making it slightly more compact.
This is a well made and designed cutlery multi-tool. I like how it all folds together in one small unit and fits in the carrying case.
I usually go for a 15+ mile hike every weekend and carry a small stove and a dehydrated meal (that I make myself) and stop for lunch somewhere. This is perfect for that – I usually have a titanium spork but this will make eating much easier. Since it has a knife as well, I can leave my Swiss Army knife at home.
It’s a bit finicky to figure out how exactly to take it apart and get the knife out. You need to remove the fork portion first – by pushing down and sliding it out of the rivets that hold the fork in place. Then you can open the knife. I would much prefer a multi-tool that I can keep in one piece and not need to disassemble in order to get to another part of if it.
It’s sturdy enough – not super strong – the utensils have a bit of flex to them. But given it’s made of steel, it would be way too heavy to make everything thicker, so that’s excusable. The parts require a reassuring amount of pressure to open and lose. The locking mechanism to prevent the sharps from accidentally closing works well. The nylon black pouch it comes with is on the thin side of material but it should do the job.
At 120gr (4.2 oz, 1/4 pound) it is too heavy for me to take on week long treks / through-hiking, as with ultra-long distance hiking every gram counts. This item is heavier due to the way it is constructed and it’s made of stainless steel which is heavier than titanium – but titanium is expensive. I will not ding any stars because of this, as the product description is very accurate and I knew full well all the details before ordering.
I have absolutely no need for the can opener or corkscrew parts of this – but I understand why it’s included and for a good multi-tool it’s necessary. I’m not a fan of hanging thing with carabiner clips, if I did that with all of my hiking and camping gadgets my backpack would look like a Christmas tree. But I like that it comes with one, and was surprised at the quality of the construction of the carabiner.
This is a good mid-range quality and appropriately priced product good for a day out hiking or a picnic. If you have a camper van and weight isn’t an issue then this would be great for that.
I actually ordered this to keep in my car – because I totally hate eating with the wooden spoons, wooden forks and wooden knives that so many food outlets are using in place of the plastic cutlery that they used to use.
When I was a kid I used to love an ice lolly – but if I ever misjudged how I ate it and bit down on the wooden lolly stick then the feeling was horrible – and so I guess that I have a phobia of wooden eating utensils!
This is a useful device to carry in the glove box – theres a good solid (and sharp) stainless steel knife, fork and spoon as well as a bottle opener and a corkscrew in a single wonderfully designed package that packs into a nice little (supplied) travel bag and hangs from a carabiner. There are no instructions and so it’s pretty hard to work out how to use it – it’s like a metal folding puzzle. The trick is to actually remove the whole fork mechanism (it kind of pushes up then off) and you can then access the knife (which makes a lot of sense as you will probably need to use the knife and fork separately of course).
I’ve removed a star because of the fact that there are no instructions and it takes a bit of time and effort to understand how to dismantle it to use as a knife and fork. . The knife is very sharp and also has a serrated tip .. unless you remove the fork its really hard to fold out (I had to prise it out with a small screwdriver) but once folded it out it simply cannot fold it back into place unless the fork is removed. This is a real shame as it’s a wonderful device but without the instructions I fear a few cut fingers whilst you get used to it.
Top tip – first of all learn how to remove and replace the fork mechanism (just push it up) and then you can more easily access the re-fold the knife! The pictures on the Amazon page kind of show how to do this – but if you buy it for a present for somebody, since there are no instructions provided, then I suggest you print out these pictures and wrap them with the knife!