Aubika Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Battery Strap for Oculus

Aubika Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Battery Strap for Oculus Quest 3, with 8000mAh Battery for Extra 4-Hour Playtime

Aubika Head Strap for Meta Quest 3, Battery Strap for Oculus Quest 3, with 8000mAh Battery for Extra 4-Hour Playtime
TLDR, it can charge itself and your headset at the same time, just slowly. So charge them separately and not connected to each other to charge at the full speed. Other than charging itself, outputs the max the quest 3 can take, does a perfect job acting as a battery
I was initially disappointed that it didn’t appear to allow charging the headset when the strap was charging from the mains though, as the Q2 strap did. When strap plugged in and charging starts, the headset shows orange charging light for approx 10 seconds then goes out. Was on the verge of returning it to Amazon, but contacted Aubika support first who provided the answer. Apparently some safety feature built into the new straps which the old had.
Explained badly (well, not really explained at all!) in the provided user guide, but the strap button requires a second well timed button press to charge headset whilst strap is charging.
– Ensure Q3 headset powered off (not just on standby)
– Plug charger into strap
– When strap starts charging, orange light on headset will show for a few seconds.
– Press the strap power button once WHILST THAT ORANGE LIGHT IS ON. This will enable passthrough charging in the strap, and orange light will now remain on until headset charged and goes green.
Tested and working, happy and glad that I didn’t have to return this as it seems few headsets have batteries with can keep up with the demands of the Q3.
After hours looking online for a good headstrap with battery comparing others that keeps the meta quest 3 charged whilst useing it, i took a chance on this one with just over half the price of a meta one it is perfect very comfy easy to attach to the quest 3, i was scepitcal that it wouldnt hold the quest 3 at full battery but it did even after a couple of hours of gaming and battery on the strap still on 2 bars/lights showing i would definately recommend this headstrap
Great product but the rear brace could use some padding — I’m also surprised they haven’t released/provided any facial interface padding also.
Otherwise a great product and still worth the money.
This is a great strap. It is quite comfortable to wear once you get the hang of how to adjust it.
The build feels solid.
The battery charges the meta quest 3 whilst it is in use and can keep it powered up for a few hours extra.
I ordered one of these when it first came on Amazon and like others I experienced the interference with the speakers. I reached out to aubika and their customer service wasn’t great, but they said the issue was only with the first batch. So when it came back in stock I sent my one back and ordered another one. I’m pleased to say this one perfect, no interference at all. Really great head strap, comfortable and a massive battery. And the same price as the meta strap without a battery!