Ddidbi Smart Watch for Women(Answer/Make Calls), 1.85″ HD

Ddidbi Smart Watch for Women(Answer/Make Calls), 1.85″ HD Touch Screen Fitness Watch with Heart Rate Sleep Monitor, 112 Sports Modes, IP68 Waterproof fitness tracker Compatible with Android IOS, Pink

Lo compr para regalo y le gusto muchos. Tena ganas de un reloj inteligente y los que haba visto eran muy caros y encontr este muy bien de precio. Es fcil de usar y de instalar solo hay que seguir las instrucciones. Funciona muy bien.
I love love love this watch. You can play music through it, get all your notifications. Set alarms. Tracks steps and fitness. Tells you how many calories you’ve burnt. Brilliant price
Pleasantly surprised. I had a fitbit zip, but it got washed one time too many. I tried to replace it but the one I bought didn’t work with my zooty android phone. I really wanted a fitbit but I wasn’t keen on a fancy smart watch.
This really is great for the price. Counts steps all day. Downloads to slimming g world. Great piece of kit for very little money.
I bought this watch as a gift for my fianc as she wanted a smart watch but she didn’t want a really expensive one. This one looks great and works brilliantly for what she needs. Highly recommend it.
The first time I took a call via the watch I was at home upstairs, but my phone was downstairs so I wasn’t sure how clear the sound would be. It was perfect.
I’m not sure on the range between the phone and the watch but most people are never very far from their phones anyway.
It will tell you how many steps you have walked, how many calories you have burned and the distance you have walked. It will also tell you how well you have slept, your heart rate etc, all the usual stuff. A single charge lasted around a week.
Ich habe diese Uhr vor einer Woche fr meine Tochter gekauft. Sie ist mit seiner Leistung zufrieden. Es hat auch ein zustzliches Armband. Es verbraucht wenig Batterie und muss nicht stndig aufgeladen werden. Durch die Installation der Software. Es lsst sich ganz einfach mit dem Mobiltelefon verbinden.
Es resistente al agua y permite monitorizar oxgeno y sueo, adems de incorporar cuentapasos y muchos modos deportivos.
Hablar por telfono con l, es ideal.
Lo mejor: el precio. Sin duda un reloj de calidad para llevar a diario por poco dinero.
Tiene muchos modos deportivos, ms de 100! Me ayuda a mantenerme activa. Marco los pasos mnimos diarios que quiero realizar y tambin me ayuda a controlar mi ritmo cardaco y el sueo, lo cual es muy til para cuidar mi bienestar.
Y lo mejor es que es resistente al agua, as que puedo usarlo en cualquier ocasin sin preocuparme por salpicaduras o incluso si me olvido de quitrmelo antes de ducharme.
Adems, es fcil de conectar con mi mvil, sincroniza sin problemas a travs de la app. Y la batera dura mucho, lo he usado varios dias sin preocuparme por cargarlo.
Una cosa que me ha gustado mucho de este reloj es que puedes cambiarle la pantalla aadiendo una foto tuya desde la app. Eso me parece genial!
Estoy encantada con este reloj.
My smart watch
It literally does every single thing I need in a Smart watch ,from exercising ,to making and receiving calls,
I can’t believe it
This watch is amazing I can get on all my social media and receive messages too It literally is amazing. It gives me reminders and what time to start my exercise.
Yeah It’s so light , I forget that I’m wearing it,
that’s how light it is
,it’s soooo comfortable to wear
wow It looks sooo smart
I’m absolutely loving it,
and another brilliant brilliant thing about my smart watch is yay it’s waterproof, so, I don’t have to take it off when I get into my bath or do my washing ,yeah I definitely love every single thing about my smart watch
So I’m definitely giving you 10 out of 10
And I’m definitely giving you ,
five stars for my beautiful smart watch
I’m million and 1%, going to recommend my beautiful smart watch to all of my family and friends, fact I would definitely recommend it to anybody.
Yay Im loving it,
Arrivato sabato e provato subito. Configurato in un attimo tramite l’App GloryFit. Durata della batteria ottima, dura diversi giorni. Il cinturino in silicone morbido, l’orologio leggerissimo e il display molto luminoso. Rispondi direttamente dal polso e parli tranquillamente; ricevi tutte le notifiche delle varie App senza bisogno di guardare il telefono. Veramente un ottimo acquisto.
I have used the watch to make a phone call and I was impressed with the quality of the sound.
I haven’t tried the fitness side apart from the step counter which quite accurate.
The sleep is very interesting as it breaks your sleep pattern into sections which is easy to follow.
You get a lot of features with this watch and I would recommend it.
This one is brilliant. So easy to set up and link it to your phone, lovely size, stylish and super comfortable. Great performance too. Very satisfied
The app was super easy to download and use and I linked it to my phone with no problem. I’ve changed the watch strap and used it on many runs, it is lightweight and comfortable and tracks my steps with then links into my fitness app. There are so many exercises that the watch can track and you can set it to your daily step counter.
I’ve changed the picture on my front screen and found it easy to tailor this watch to meet my personal requirements.
I’m so happy with this watch and how much it can do.
I wore it night and day for 5 days before noticing the battery was getting low. It charges really quickly and lasts a long time.
I would definitely recommend this watch and I think its great value for money.
I am loving my new smart watch. It is extremely comfortable to wear and looks great. I have found it very easy to use and setting it up was really quick and simple. The clock face is perfect easy to see and changing the brightness is simple to. I have found it really great when receiving calls the sound is fantastic. Overall really happy with my purchase would highly recommend.
The app on android works really well. Easy to set up too.
The watch is really light and comfortable to wear. The battery life last 7-10 days and charges in about an hour.
It has loads of other features, not forgetting answering the phone and talking to whoever is there hands free.
Great addition to anyone’s collection and looks great too. You won’t be disappointed.