GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Wireless Pro Controller,Hall Effect

GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Wireless Pro Controller

GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro Wireless Pro Controller,Hall Effect Controller (No Drifting) for Windows PC, Switch, Steam Deck, Android & iOS(Black)

Wireless ControllerPC ControllerGamepad per PC controller

GameSir Game Controller

gamesir t4 cyclone pro

GameSir T4 Cyclone Pro

gamesir t4 cyclone

GameSir T4 Cyclone

gamesir t4 pro

GameSir T4 Pro

gamesir t4 kaleid

GameSir T4 Kaleid

gamesir g7

GameSir G7

Wirelss or Wired Wirelss Wirelss Wirelss Wired Wired
Hall Effect Sticks
Hall Effect Triggers
Custom Button 2 Customizable Button 2 Customizable Button 4 Customizable Button 2 Customizable Button 2 Customizable Button
Working Platforms Switch/PC/Android/iOS Switch/PC/Android/iOS Switch/PC/Android/iOS Switch/PC/Android Xbox/PC

21 Responses

  1. ngankim258 says:


    I use this for PC only. Connecting with the dongle took a bit of fiddling with, because the online video didn’t show some of the steps. For casual non-competitive gaming, I noticed no latency and the sticks worked great. This is my 2nd Gamesir controller with hall effect sticks + micro switch buttons. Physical build is excellent for the price, doesn’t feel too cheap in material. The bluetooth connection was pretty bad, I could not get it to work with some games because it was only recognized as a Switch controller and not as an Xbox. Not sure if it is a limitation of the controller or couldn’t figure out the settings, either way there is no instruction on how to change the mode under bluetooth connection. Downloaded some plug ins that would remap Switch to Xbox through Windows, and then hide the “switch” controller. Eventually I got it to work on Steam games with software settings, and still wouldn’t work with some non-Steam games. Bluetooth problem is firmware or software related, the actual connection was stable and fast.

  2. Anonymous says:


    I use this for my Steam Deck, using a USB dock and plugging in the dongle. Works fantastic, feels great in the hand. The clicky buttons are a pleasure to use, as are the Hall Effect joysticks and triggers.

  3. Anonymous says:

     United States

    I’ve used Xbox 360 controllers for a very long time. I’ve been having issues with interference with aftermarket controllers, and fighting stick drift. I felt like was ready to try something new. I har learned about hall effect controllers researching stick drift on my controllers so I knew my new controller had to have them. Wireles was also a requirement, I don’t need 10ft of cable laying across the room. I also wanted to stick with the Xbox general kind of design, the PS style just feelts too small in my hands. Research and review lead me to the Gamesir T4 Cyclone Pro.

    I purchased one of these and was impressed out of the box on the build quality. I however, was a little unimpressed with the overall accuracy. Gamepad testor showed both sticks had ~1.8% error ratio. Now, that is actually pretty good.. but for a Pro top of the line controller as advertised I wanted better. I also had a bit of an issue with connectivity with that controller for some reason. I ordered a replacement, and it is improved. It has ~0.9% error ratio. That’s pretty dang good. I tested the latency with the 2.4ghz reciever and was getting ~6ms lag input on average. That’s a bit high, but I’m not a pro gamer. Unfortunately you cannot overclock this either. I don’t notice in my gameplay, but I know it’s there.

    After ~200hrs on the sticks now my k/d ratio is improved pretty much across the board. I love the feel of the textured triggers and grips. It’s light weight, and just a great controller. The 2 complaints about the actual controller I have, and honestly it’s not trivial is how bright the LED is on the remote. It’s blinding when playing in a darker room. I will probably end up taping some paper over it. The second issue is the rumble motor has a high pitched squeel when it’s on. This was noticed on both controllers I recieved. I don’t really like rumble so it wasn’t a deal breaking for me since I intended to disable it anyway, but if you do use it, that noise is distracting to me. The battery lasted ~15hrs before dying. It charges fairly quickly though.

    The other complaint not directly related to the controlelr itself is the app you’re required to download if you want to tweak anything, is terrible. It’s written by a Chinese company and requires your location and other data that I feel it really shouldn’t require to connect to a bluetooth device. There is also a lot of bloatware included in it. I downloaded it to disable the rumble, and for some reason, even though these are hall effect sticks, the deadzone was set to 5. I set it to zero since they will never have a deadzone. After that I uninstalled the app. Removing the deadzone definatly improved response on the sticks.

    So after all that, this remote is probably the best hall effect controller on the market, and at ~$50 it’s hard to go wrong. Q&A could be improved, the LED could be toned down a lot, or at least dimmable, and the app needs to be pared down and not require location data. With all that said I’d buy it again.

  4. ChristiT88 says:


    Cette manette est de bonne qualit. Je connaissais pas cette marque mais aprs recherche elle tait bien not et elle fonctionne sur PC Switch et Android (ce que je cherchais)

    Ses qualites

    -Bonne prise en mains avec son revtement qui accroche et elle est lgre.
    -les boutons et gyroscope fonctionnent trs bien
    -Sur Switch on as bien les mmes boutons + et – et home.
    – fonctionne bien sur PC et sans fil
    – fonctionne sur Android .

    – son prix mais je l’ai achet en promo.
    – l’apparairage avec la Switch tait pas trs bien expliqu mais il m’a fallu mettre le cable pour la reconnatre aprs ca marche trs bie

  5. David Watsky says:


    Ein wirklich sehr guter Controller! Liegt richtig gut in der Hand, wie ein XBox Gamepad. Was im ersten Moment abschrecken knnte ist das geringe Gewicht. Die Tasten lassen sich sehr gut und geschmeidig drcken, macht richtig Spa!

    Wre fr mich der perfekte Controller, aber leider sind die Rcktasten relativ gro und man bettigt diese beim zocken ab und an mal. Deswegen nur vier Sterne von mir.

  6. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    What I like about this:

    -Lightweight, won’t feel tired too easily
    – setup is simple and easy
    – hand grip is comfortable for my small ro medium size hand
    – joystick is perfectly centred, no drifting

    Overall gaming experience is very happy and the control is a lot better than using the phone alone

  7. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    This is a good controller feels god in the hands grips are good not much this isn’t going to connect to the only thing is that there’s no 3.5 headphone jack but not a deal breake

  8. ChandaYNHpsbbih says:


    Il prodotto arriva in una comoda scatola di plastica utile per riporre il controller quando non lo si utilizza. Insieme ad esso nella confezione si trova il ricevitore wireless, un cavo usb c per la ricarica ed un libretto di istruzioni.
    Di seguito ci che ho trovato di positivo e di negativo nell’utilizzo del controller, premetto che l’ho utilizzato solamente su pc windows; ma il prodotto anche utilizzabile su switch, android e iOS.
    -prodotto plug and play, con il semplice collegamento del ricevitore wireless e l’accensione del controller si potr utilizzare subito
    -design identico ad un controller xbox (mapping dei tasti e design), il ch per me positivo in quanto sono abituato all’utilizzo del controller di casa microsoft
    -buona la durata della batteria, lo utilizzo per diversi giorni senza problemi, il produttore dichiara circa 25 ore di durata, data pi che veritiero
    -risulta essere molto ergonomico sulle impugnature grazie ad una zigrinatura piacevole al tatto

    -non presente un alloggio per la chiavetta wireless, essendo quindi costretto a tenerla attaccata al pc o conservarla in un luogo adatto, risultando, alla lunga, un po’ fastidioso
    -sono presenti due tasti aggiuntivi nella parte posteriore, il che dovrebbe essere un punto positivo; ma questi ultimi risultano troppo sensibili, tanto da cliccarli senza volerlo solamente impugnando il controller; pertanto nel mio caso sono inutilizzabili (probabilmente solo questione di abitudine)
    -il feeling dei tasti A,B,X,Y, assomiglia a quello del mio vecchio controller rotto, risultano essere troppo bassi e non piacevoli al clic
    -per ultimo il lato a mio parere pi negativo; ho avuto il prodotto gratuitamente grazie al programma vine pertanto spesso non parlo del prezzo del prodotto in se, ma in questo caso mi sento in dovere di fare una critica, in quanto al momento dell’acquisto il controller sta a 66 euro, a mio parere troppi se confrontato ad un controller originale xbox o playstation; 30/35 euro sarebbe un prezzo pi che giusto.

    Buon controller compatibile con PC

  9. Anonymous says:


    Golden Review Award: 5 From Our UsersIch bin wirklich beeindruckt, welche Qualitt zu dem Preis mglich ist. Die Verarbeitung ist wirklich ausgezeichnet, nichts knarzt oder wackelt.
    – Die Hall-Sticks sind allererster Gte und Ultra-Przise.
    – Die Trigger sind ca. vergleichbar mit jenen des Xbox One Controllers.
    – Die Buttons sind etwas gewhnungsbedrftig. Neutral gesehen prziser und knackiger als beim MS-Controller, allerdings fhlen sie sich irgendwie gleichzeitig schwammig und knackig an. Das knnte manche Leute eventuell stren, ich hatte mich nach 5min daran gewhnt.
    – Das Gewicht ist sehr leicht. Wirkt im ersten Moment fast etwas billig, ist auf Dauer aber natrlich angenehm

    Etwas schade ist, dass der Akku fest verbaut ist – aber einen Tod muss man wohl sterben.

    Dass der Controller sowohl per Bluetooth als auch mit dem Dongle problemlos mit Linux funktioniert und keine extra-Software bentigt ist natrlich auch ein groes Plus 😉

  10. Anonymous says:


    Desde que lo abres se siente que ests delante de un mando de calidad, responde muy bien y el tacto es muy agradable.

    Mi primera sensacin y por el momento estoy contento con la compra.

    Se siente premium

  11. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I take my gamepad seriously and went through quite many iterations of original and third-party controllers.

    Originally I thought this looked like one of these third-party imitation gamepads, but I was pleasantly surprised.

    First on mechanical construction. Its extremely close clone of XBox one shape, with difference that shell is simplified and screw holes on the bottom are not covered (they often attract dirt so were hidden on Xbox one genuine controller design). Plastic is very high quality, with micro-textured grips. I personally prefer plastic grips since “high-end” rubber grips get stinky fast and more fuss to clean.

    Buttons and d-pad use “clicky” mechanical switches and not rubber domes like competitors. I can’t say if it really gives reliability advantage, in terms of feel its quite distinctly more “crisp” and audible (think like clicky mouse), but personally I can’t say it makes huge difference for me.

    Sticks use hall effect switches. Which theoretically should be more precise and wear-free unlike potentiometers. Personally I never experienced a much reported “joycon drift”, but I think its a good feature to have. However I can’t say I like distinct mechanical “direction feel” (noticeable if you try to move stick in circles), also centering spring is too strong for my liking (and center play is still here and pretty much same as in usual XBox one stick).

    One thing I personally don’t like how they repositioned menu buttons. They very uncomfortable to press for me, esp. one on the left where you have to reach with your thumb *over* the stick. I think this was entirely unnecessary (maybe it was to avoid lawsuits by not being 100% clone? not sure).

    Controller has two paddles on the back which is extremely pleasant to see in this price segment. They are easily programmable without need for any external software. My only complaint about them they are a bit too big and easy to accidently press.

    About programmability – the built-in firmware is super advanced and allows tons on programming done in controller itself, without need to use any external software. Personally I don’t use any of these advanced features except assigning buttons to paddles, but this may have appear to lot of people.

    Controller feels really light, even while plastic is very robust, most likely due to lighter insides (e.g. battery – more on that later).

    Now on connectivity. Often third-party gamepads have compatibility problems. This is absolutely not the case with this gamepad, just with some limits. As far as I understand It fully implements Xbox 360 Wired (USB) gamepad protocol. So since XInput and other drivers see it as Xbox 360 gamepad, everything works flawlessly.

    Important to note however, that even when using the wireless dongle, controller visible as Xbox 360 *wired* gamepad (since dongle also seem to implement just the wired protocol). For example you won’t get battery reports (any battery report tool sees dongle as another wired controller). Wireless is their own proprietary 2.4Ghz – only way to connect it to XBox via wireless is to connect their dongle to Xbox (so console will see it as wired controller). Note that native XBox one wireless is 5Ghz so gets less range but less susceptible to potential interference – but I haven’t seen any interference issues with this 2.4ghz dongle, it was completely flawless experience.

    Also it has profiles to connect to Switch and Android, but I didn’t test these.

    If connected to PC via bluetooth, it implements XInput-over-bluetooth so works out of the box. However it still seems to be wired protocol subset, so even on bluetooth I wasn’t able to see battery capacity reported.

    So how do you know the battery low you might ask? Actually it wasn’t even in manual for some reason and I found that when battery gets low, the “home” button starts flashing incessantly. At least it almost impossible to miss. When charging, the home button starts slowly blinking in “breathe” pattern, gradually going from red to green as charge goes up until it switches off at full battery – *but* it only the case when controller connected via standalone charger. If it connected via USB to PC as a *controller* it still will charge, but button goes solid green to indicate “PC connection” so its not possible to see if it charged or not.

    You might wonder why so much attention on charging – well its actually a big deal with this controller since you have to do it fairly often. Its using built-in non-replaceable battery and I assume its fairly small (supported by very light weight of controller). It normally lasted me 2-3 days. In comparison usual XB1 pads (with 2xAA or charge pack) go for much more on battery (even stretching into weeks of battery life).

    So in conclusion, the fairly small battery life is the main point why I would say you might still to want to use original XBox gamepad instead (for the similar price range). Besides battery life this controller is flat out the best in “mid range” segment for XBox or PC gaming. Just do not expect it to compete in high end (e.g. Elite or Scuf Instinct) as these are lot more polished (whether it worth extra 100 its up to you).

  12. MargheritaMansf says:

     United Kingdom

    I surrender. I really thought this controller was going to be a fluke, given its comical, off-brand name (“GameSir” … ) but now this is my new go-to.

    I’ve used Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS1, PS2, and off-brand controllers of all of the above, and GameSir has found its place among the elite.

    The good:
    – I’m a fan of the textured hand grips. The texture may not suit everyone, so if you’re sensitive about that, this may not be for you. It’s a gritty, sand-paper feel, and it hits me the right way.
    – The controller is very light. If you’re familiar with Xbox controllers, the weight chart is like 360 Xbox One GameSir (with the 360 being the heaviest).
    – The feedback on the buttons is hard to describe. Comfortable, maybe? They’re springier than the Xbox One buttons, and it feels like less pressure is needed to activate the button. The contact when pressed all the way is softer than the Xbox. They’re nice to press.
    – Extra buttons! If you’re into that. There are big buttons on the back of both grips, which are extremely easy to press, but thankfully I have no use for them. It’s nice to have, though.
    – The instruction manual, funny enough, can be categorized as a “good.” It’s huge and hard to handle, but the information within is plentiful and it seems like you can use this controller with anything.
    – Easily integrated with PC and Steam; with no additional setup or effort, the computer recognized it and Steam overlay could be activated via the controller.

    The bad:
    – If you have sensitive eyes, the logo may blind you in low-light settings. It’s extremely bright when it’s lit up.
    – The light weight of the controller is likely due to the battery size, because the controller needed a charge after about 20 – 25 hours of total playtime, whereas the Xbox One needs charged fairly rarely.
    – The click-clack of the plastic joystick stems against the surrounding plastic border is quite loud, but Xbox One is guilty of this too. Playstation’s controllers (and to a lesser extent, the 360) had a superior material there to soften it slightly. This has no effect on the performance of the controller, of course; it may just be too loud to use on a train without being rude.

    I’m very pleased for the opportunity to give this item a sincerely positive review. Good stuff, GameSir.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Judged it too soon. Hard not to with a name like "GameSir"

  13. AshleeQweoole says:

     United Kingdom

    Joysticks have a very nice feel, a bit stiffer than other controllers I have used in the past.
    The hall effect is supposed to have no drifting, the gamepad software I used confirm the joysticks are almost perfectly centred with no drifting when playing pc games.
    The buttons have a mouse type click feel and are very tactile.
    The wireless connection is spot on , no input delay that I can feel.
    The shape is not quite as comfortable as other PC controllers I have used but i have largish hands so everyone will be different.

  14. Anonymous says:


    Gamesir da un salto de calidad muy importante y presenta un producto que satisface a los jugadores ms experimentados. Un mando de clara orientacin a sacar todas las funcionalidades a la Nintendo Switch pero que es perfectamente compatible con Windows y otras consolas porttiles.

    Dentro de su diseo, y habiendo escuchado a su clientela, han incluido:
    * Sensores magnticos (HAL) tanto para los joysticks como para los gatillos posteriores, haciendo desaparecer los “drifts”, las zonas muertas y los pulsadores “clicky” de ciertos botones.
    * Los botones son de micro switches de gran calidad, recibiendo la confirmacin del pulsado y de disfrutar de un recorrido corto.
    * Se han incluido dos botones programables en la parte trasera, que podremos configurar con macros y mejorar nuestro rendimiento en el juego, adems de la funcin de turbo para evitar aporrear los botones en juegos de disparos.
    * Los motores de vibracin han pasado de 2 a 4 motores, dos nuevos motores realizan su funcin desde la parte superior, generando nuevas sensaciones dentro del juego.
    * Se mantienen la funcin de giroscopio interno para quienes gusten de jugar inclinando el mando en el aire y jugar de forma ms inmersiva.

    En el apartado de la conecticidad, adems de su conexin bluetooth, y para su uso en otras plataformas, se incluye un adaptador USB 2,4 Ghz de baja latencia, conectar y listo. Tambin se puede conectar por cable USB C a la plataforma, evitando la preocupacin por la batera y dejando la latencia en cero.

    Para la personalizacin de las funciones del mando, recomiendo leer el manual, hay funciones que se puede realizar a travs de software en el ordenador y otras que se realizan por combinacin de teclas en el propio mando.
    Desde el mismo mando podremos aumentar/reducir la fuerza de la vibracion, o cambiar el patrn de botones entre Nintendo Swtich/Xbox, entre otras funciones.

    En definitiva un mando de prestaciones altas o mejoradas, perfecto para mejorar la experiencia de juegos en la Nintendo Switch, pero que nos servir perfectamente para jugar en el PC y otras consola Android/Linux como la SteamDeck o consolas emuladoras.

    Mando de excelentes prestaciones y funcionalidades, válido para todas las plataformas.

  15. KaseyBellingsha says:

     United Kingdom

    Tested this yesterday and it works great with no issues, I bought some stick covers to improve the grip on the sticks which helps as the sticks are abit smooth but it wasn’t really an issue but for longer sessions they might be

    .It was easy plug and play and I have not had to do anything as you would expect. I would have preferred a white version but I didn’t check the order before purchase so was surprised when the black version arrived but it doesn’t make a difference to the quality or performance. I’m happy with the controller.

    5.0 out of 5 stars Awesome Produc

  16. Phil Kirby says:

     United States

    Golden Review Award: 11 From Our UsersNo drift worry anymore!

    I have PS4 and 5 controllers i use and i have probably went through 7 PS4 controllers in 3 years with playing so much warzone. I hardly use the PS5 controller except for single player games with Haptics.

    I play about 2 hours a day

    I’ll say this controller feels really good. The rumbles and clicky buttons are very satisfying especially the triggers. Its my first Xbox layout controller since the xbox 360 era so im still feeling it and its not bad but getting to the middle left button is hard with the kontrol freak in the way.

    The whole thing feels premium i like it even better than my PS5 controller that thing is too big and my hands are big but this feels right and comfortable like the PS4 controller.

    The software isn’t a big deal to get to just download it to my galaxy s20 to fix some things. Here’s where i had to tweak this controller.


    The controller even with a dongle has major input lag.
    Like 6ms+ input lag which i was bummed out about and you noticed it playing fps games. Idk why even sell a dongle.
    But connected it a solid 1ms input lag so ill probably hardly every use it wireless which sucks.

    The controller out the box felt off with the sticks and kontrol freaks and it had a deadzone of 5 so in the phone app i had to turn it down to 0.

    Also enable trigger stops it feels more better with fps on the triggers

    I ended up resetting my controller and when re pairing with the dongle i never realized there was a pair button on the bottom of the controller i had to press


    Good rumble and premium feel
    The hall effect sticks and triggers is #1 100%
    Good buttons front and back clickyness
    Light weight and small unlike the fat PS5 controller.
    I would love to have a different layout similar to the ps5 or ps4 controller with these features ong
    Maybe connectivity with other platforms even though im only on PC now

    A fast wireless connection too! Cmon figure it out,, so close…

    I’ll comeback with another update in a couple of weeks. Until then, i would highly recommend this controller for PC players!

    I play cod everyday on PC. This controller is really good! But....

  17. Anonymous says:

     United Kingdom

    I’m impressed with the quality of this controller, it’s a perfect alternative to the usual controllers.

    The hall effect triggers are a great addition as they don’t have physical internal contacts, so are accurate and will not wear with use.

    The underside buttons are genius and they are perfectly positioned for your fingers.

    Size is perfect too, slightly smaller than I’m used to but I prefer it.

  18. Joel Patel says:

     United Kingdom

    I like this a lot. I play a lot of retro games, and this gamepad is comfortable and responsive. It has a textured grip, so it feels secure in your hands.

    I gave it a test using a popular online gamepad tester, and the thumbsticks had a circularity error level of about 0.8%, which is better than most of my other pads.

    My only real gripe is that there’s a bright green light on the front of the pad, which is quite obnoxious. It’s very neon and does tend to draw your attention, and it’s sometimes visible in my peripheral vision. A bit of tape will fix that, though.

  19. KerstinLuttrell says:

     United Kingdom

    Works great across all devices. Theres a low latency dongle included although bluetooth etc work solid. Face buttons are tactile like you’d get in a mouse with triggers and analogue sticks using hall effect sensors, so no working parts to wear out (using magnets instead) meaning this thing should still be the same in 10 years as it is new.
    Feels really good and grippy in the hands putting alot of first party top end controllers to shame and has a plethora of options you can programme like read buttons, hair trigger mode, turbo, calibration, even an app, they went full on with the options you get. Not really a complaint but the usb cable is generic meh rubber which isnt great for using it while plugged in but with so many wireless options you’ll just be charging off it anyway.

    5.0 out of 5 stars amazing controller for the price

  20. Anonymous says:


    Attention je rdige mon avis pour le modle : T4 Cyclone Pro(Noir)

    A prs de 65 la manette, on peut dire qu’elle n’est pas premier prix.
    D’autant que je ne connais pas du tout cette marque d’quipement.

    Je l’ai test sur mon PC et sur mon smartphone.

    A l’intrieur l’on a tout ce qu’il faut pour bien dbuter.
    La manette, un manuel en plusieurs langues correctement traduit, un dongle Bluetooth et mme un cble USB.

    Premire impression au niveau de la manette :
    C’est la sobrit rincarne !
    Noire… noire… noire…
    Le seul ct color est le bouton d’allumage qui est vert lumineux.

    La finition est exemplaire.
    Les touches sont parfaites.
    Le grip est au niveau des doigts est excellent (certaines ne sont pas lisses et c’est trs bien).
    Poids contenu.

    Je trouve dommage que l’on n’est pas un emplacement pour le dongle dans la manette quand on ne l’utilise pas (il faudra prendre soin de ne pas le perdre ou de l’tiquett afin de savoir quoi il correspond, car encore une fois pas dnomination trs visible inscrite).

    Dernier reproche, c’est juste c’est aspect ultra sobre qui peut poser problme, difficile pour les nophytes de dlimiter les fonctions des touches car elle sont peine visibles.

    Le branchement par cble usb et son identification par le PC se fait sans aucune difficult.
    Ractivit sans faille (sur Forza Horizon 5 et Mortal Kombat), je n’ai mme pas eu besoin de la calibrer avant usage en jeu.
    Je l’ai trouv super agrable utiliser (bien meilleure que d’autres modles que j’ai eu).

    L’appairage en mode Bluetooth a t impossible sans le dongle alors que mon PC dispose du Bluetooth.
    La manette est bien reconnue, mais pas de finalisation d’appairage possible.

    Concernant le smartphone (sur S23) pas de difficults particulires.
    Je l’ai juste appair et fait fonctionn sur un jeu pour voir si a fonctionnait.
    Effectivement pas de soucis ce niveau.

    La o elle va faire une grosse diffrence c’est dans les options proposes…
    En effet, elle peut se paramtrer de pas de faons, dont la puissance des vibrations (et pas juste zro, peu et fort…).
    On vritablement la configurer selon ses dsirs en matire de ressenti.

    Mis part ces lgers dfauts, le reste l’emporte largement l’usage.

    Trs bonne manette qui gagne tre connue.



  21. FrankieDAM says:


    Golden Review Award: 4 From Our UsersQuesto prodotto dotato di tasti ABXY (micro-movimento) con un’esperienza innovativa e c’ una vibrazione del grilletto su Horizon5 quando connesso tramite Bluetooth. Ma perch cos costoso? Ho letto dal sito cinese che costa solo 30 euro, quindi alcuni difetti sono sopportabili (disconnessione 2.4G, D-pad troppo rigido, occasionali guasti a joystick e pulsanti, vibrazioni non coordinate), ma eccolo qui Il prezzo 66 euro, che pi costoso di Microsoft, quindi i suoi difetti sono infinitamente amplificati.
    So che i dazi antidumping dell’UE servono a proteggere alcuni marchi locali, ma quali marchi di controllori nell’UE sono locali? Sony? Microsoft? powera? pdp?
    Stai solo cercando di proteggere i marchi americani e stai violando gli acquirenti!