Insta360 Quick Release Mount, Compatible with Insta360

Insta360 Quick Release Mount, Compatible with Insta360 X3/ONE RS/ONE X2/ONE R/ONE X.

Dimensions: | 11.9 x 8 x 4.4 centimetres |
Brand: | Insta360 |
Part: | CINSAAVH |
Dimensions: | 11.9 x 8 x 4.4 centimetres |
Reference: | CINSAAVH |
ottimo, mi serviva per poter aggiungere il supporto per gli accessori che senza questo non pu essere utilizzato. ha la funzione di attacco classico per action cam o quello a vite per cavalletto o asta. molto resistente e ha anche il blocco per evitare che si possa staccare la cam.
Leider musste ich feststellen, dass die Kamera bzw die Einheit der Wechselplatte zu viel Spiel hatte.
Die Kamera wackelte auf dem Stick derart, dass an einem Einsatz auf dem Bike nicht zu denken war.
Schlielich sah ich mir die Silikon-Pads an.
Eine Seite besa logischerweise einen Klebestreifen. Die andere Seite enthielt an den seitlichen Bereichen kleine hervorstehende Noppen.
Ich entfernte mit einem kleinen Schraubendreher das Pad vom unteren Teil und ersetzte es durch ein beigefgtes.
Nun wackelt die Kamera nicht mehr. Warum die Wechselplatte nicht in diesem von mir genderten Zustand ausgeliefert wird, wei ich nicht.
2 von 3 Klebe-Pads verfgen ber die kleinen Erhebungen, die offenbar fr den stabilen Halt sorgen.
Ich hoffe, dass man diese Pads bei Insta360 nachkaufen kann (das habe ich nicht nachvollzogen).
Well made but would be a 5 star item if it had an Arca-Swiss connection on the base so that you don’t have to remove it to connect to a ball head.
No dislikes. I love this mount. Easy to Use and when I need to quickly detach it it comes out easy. Love the magnetic piece which holds it on for easy use or remove quickly.
Un accessorio fondamentale, da abbinare con altri supporti, per evitare di svitare e riavvitare la Insta ogni volta che la dobbiamo usare su bastone, casco ecc. rendendo l’operazione rapidissima e sicura. di fatto molto affidabile, e la levetta di blocco dello sgancio lo rende ancora pi sicuro
This does make it easy to attach and remove my device; however, it is not a rock solid connection and makes the device jiggle ever so slightly. I’m sure the connection is strong, it just makes me nervous.
I like to be able to switch between mount with a click but the problem with this is not steady. the camera shakes causing a vibration and transferring that vibration sound to the microphone.
Insta360 offre un attacco a sgancio rapido ufficiale per le sue action camera pi recenti. Questo supporto facilita il montaggio e lo smontaggio della fotocamera da vari supporti.
Vantaggi del supporto a sgancio rapido Insta360:
Facilit d’uso: Passa rapidamente tra supporti diversi premendo un pulsante sul supporto a sgancio rapido. Non dovrai pi armeggiare con viti o altri dispositivi di fissaggio.
Versatilit: Il supporto a sgancio rapido compatibile con un’ampia gamma di supporti Insta360, tra cui supporti per casco, aste selfie, supporti per zaino e altro ancora.
Design robusto: Il supporto realizzato in materiali resistenti ed progettato per sopportare l’uso quotidiano.
No consigo tirar fotografia mas estou muito contente com esta aplicao na minha insta360 Ace Pro fcil de colocar Porque tenha man uma pea feita em metal muito bom porque se cair no parte e a melhor parte disto que uma vez que Engate na mquina ativa-se o bloqueio para nunca mais sair daqui
Bewertungen schreibe ich immer so sporadisch, hier muss ich sofort reagieren. Diese Schnellspannhalterung ist echt der Hammer. Ich habe die selbst bezahlt und wurde von insta360 nicht bestochen. Das Teilchen hat eine mechanische Verrigelung, die auch gesperrt werden kann und zustzlich noch einen Magneten eingebaut der im entriegelten Zustand noch Gegenwehr leistet. Echt klasse und sicher und unter der X4 nicht auffllig oder im Bild sichtbar. Eine topp Kaufempfehlung!
Preso per utilizzarlo con la ACE PRO, lo trovo perfetto, aggancio e scancio vanno lisci come l’olio, inoltre la levetta di blocco una volta agganciato da la garanzia che non si possa sganciare la video camera per sbaglio, secondo me un compendio che serve assolutamente.
Excellent product, this makes a huge difference to the size and bulk when connecting an Ace Pro to the selfie stick or Mantis Pod, for example.
It is well made, slim and connects quickly and securely to the camera and whatever accessories you are connecting. the magnet is strong – more so than the multi mounts.
A good investment when using the Ace Pro
Intanto parto col dire che il sistema ad aggancio rapido, semplicemente geniale. Lo metti lo fissi al cavalletto o bastone da selfie, ed in maniera rapidissima gli aggangi o sganci la camera…poi non in secondo piano la robustezza la sicurezza che d quando si blocca. Consigliatissimo!
I film a lot of POV’s on Rollercoasters and on rides & Theme parks. This accessory makes the cameras footprint slightly smaller than the included QD mount. The feature of having the choice between a standard tripod 1/4 mount and the action mount is worth its weight in gold. The camera clicks in place much easier feels more secure on this mount. As a few times in the past on the included mount I find it doesn’t click home as easily. I immediately replaced the standard Silicone pad with the included Mute Pad for less camera noise and this works well, just be sure to remove the included pad (they’re not reusable once removed)
By far the best feature is the lock, it was one of the main reasons I brought this, Although unlikely I was terrified I’d knock a QD latch and watch the camera fly off. The lock feature ensure this cannot happen. My only complaint is how its so expensive for something so small.
(New Revised Review) After contacting 360 about the noise of the mount while cycling, they directed me to the supplied silicone pads and how to install the “mute” silicone pad to the mount. Turns out, you have to remove the original pad, that is actually the rubber backing of the mount, and then install the “mute” pad. It works well. Took only a couple of mintures, and the connection between the mount and the camera is very snug. Somehow I missed reading those instructions and maybe other people that cycle with this mount might be missing them too. It would have been a great mount for my Ace Pro but it is really noisy when mounted in a situation where vibration is more increased, such as a bicycle.
(Old Review) I know that the noise is coming from this mount because I also mount my GoPro to my bikes with a similar quarter/20 camera thread system, and it does not make any noise at all. The noise coming from the this specific mount makes all of the sound from my footage unusable!
Unfortunately for me, Insta 360 does not provide any additional mounting options besides the old fashioned gopro style screw system that comes with the camera. A real bummer for me. I have reached out to Insta 360 with hopes that they might have a solution. The video tells the whole story.